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Folding underwear, etc.


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11 minutes ago, vonfirmath said:


The reason to fold laundry is so it fits in the drawer better. OTOH. I have bras, underwear, socks, bra bags, and a couple of pair of tights all crammed into that one drawer.



I'm convinced the problem is the drawer size. Properly sized drawers wouldn't need this level of attention. 😂

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I fold most of the laundry, except when I try and get DD to do it or when someone does a load mid-week and actually folds it all instead of just leaving most of it in the dryer.

I put each person's stack on their desk/eating tray in the dining room/office. The kids' hang-up stuff I drape over the backs of their chairs. If it's in the way of a meal they usually notice it and eventually put it away.

DH and GF's hang-up clothes I'll often go ahead and take upstairs along with my own, but that's because I've given up on them checking for it consistently and they'll just leave it hanging in the laundry room until they need it again otherwise, which I find annoying and no one else seems to. I've thought about draping it over the backs of their chairs, but it's less work to just hang it on the doorknob or lay it on the bed in the master bedroom. Once I get it that far, they put it away.

When someone else happens to fold something of mine, it stays in the laundry room until I put it away. I usually have to re-fold it, too. If DH or GF re-fold their clothes, they're too polite to say so.

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2 hours ago, SusanC said:

I don't mind folding everyone's laundry because that is my reading time. I wedge my book under the basket and then read and fold. I make piles on the bedroom floor around me. I have to stop in order to sort socks, though. DH likes his underwear folded; I prefer mine not folded. I accommodate reasonable requests. He usually makes breakfast, so it all works out.

I am in awe. I have read and ridden my bike before (as a child/teen), and I read while brushing my teeth sometimes, but read and fold laundry? I don't think I can. But gosh darn it, I'm going to try! Currently I listen to podcast while folding, but if I could read while folding, that would be amazing!!!! (we'd probably have a LOT more folded laundry)

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35 minutes ago, vonfirmath said:


The reason to fold laundry is so it fits in the drawer better. OTOH. I have bras, underwear, socks, bra bags, and a couple of pair of tights all crammed into that one drawer.


they don't lose mass or volume or whatever if you fold them. just squish them in, and they fit 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

I am in awe. I have read and ridden my bike before (as a child/teen), and I read while brushing my teeth sometimes, but read and fold laundry? I don't think I can. But gosh darn it, I'm going to try! Currently I listen to podcast while folding, but if I could read while folding, that would be amazing!!!! (we'd probably have a LOT more folded laundry)

Reading while folding sounds way less risky than reading while riding! 😂 You may find you have to lower your "appearance of final product" standards. 😁 A side benefit is that no one bothers you, lest they be enlisted to help! 

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Currently I do all the laundry at the laundromat, as we moved last summer and gave away our washer/dryer.  I do not fold anything, and neither does anyone else.  The kids put it away.

When we lived in a house with a washer/dryer, I did probably 1/4 of the laundry and DD13 and DD7 split the rest of it.  (DD7 put away, DD13 washed and dried). No one folded anything then, either.  95% of our clothing is jeans and cotton knits, so folding is largely unnecessary.

DH produces very little laundry compared to the kids, or even me.  He doesn't wipe spaghetti sauce or peanut butter off onto his shirt, he doesn't drop beans on his pants, he doesn't run out into the mud and do a cartwheel in his clean socks, etc.  Kids make a ton of laundry.

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Folding laundry is now my sole duty w/out children (at home) to delegate it to.  I did not experience the beauty of a neat stack of folded towels/underwear/dishclothes until I was on my own.  Or, probably not until in my 30's.  Because I am not a BO nor was I born into an organized household, I relish order (although my nature does its darnedest to fight me=)

Now, I am never going back - folding laundry is one of the few tasks I do that requires no brainpower and is very soothing.  Underwear - yes, I fold it b/c delegating that to DH would be an unfinished job, like @Pawz4me said.  To my way of doing things, not putting his underwear away would be like leaving his particular dishes in the sink if I have to load later (we usually load our own as we go) or like him leaving my car in the drive at night when we put the cars in, etc.  But, there isn't one 'right way'.  It would just be weird according to how we do it.  And, I enjoy to an odd degree the organized look of his neat basket of underwear, socks, and handkerchiefs.  

And, our grown children have sworn-off folding underwear.  They do not appreciate what they were given free=)

Edited by Familia
grammar - which still may need assistance!
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I fold and put away all dh’s clothes and yes, I fold underwear. There is a logic to how this came about.  I care about clothes folded and put away; dh does not. Before we were married, he operated out of two piles on his bedroom floor: dirty pile, clean pile. When we were first married, I would wash his clothes, fold them and set them next to his bed. He would never, ever, ever, ever put those clothes away. He would just tunnel through them until it was time to do laundry again. It drove me freakin nuts. Asking him to please, please put away his clean clothes was a waste of breath and meanwhile, I didn’t want my bedroom messy withh piles of clothes. So I just eliminated this as a dying hill. I wash, fold and put away the clothes. There’s no bitterness, it gets done, and I can go on peacefully with my life. 

In the end, there are things he does all of the time which, if he waited for me to get it done, he would wait forever. If it were my job to clear away snow, we would be stuck inside all winter. 

PS. I used to do all the laundry in the house but the kids took over their own portion as they became teens. 

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1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:



Except mine is a better one.
I don't know why it's called a pinch bar either. It doesn't pinch things. 


IME, it must be called a “pinch bar” because a theif can use one in a pinch to break a car window and steal the purse one left very unwisely on the seat. 

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I never really thought about it before.
I don't often fold laundry.  Dh does.  He folds everything very neatly and puts it away in my drawers.  Our kids often do their own laundry, but on occasions we do the youngest's, fold it, and give it back to him to put it away.  When I fold, I fold everything in the basket.  Dh and I have a difference of opinion over how the napkins should be folded and heaven help us if they end up in ds 8's load, because then we have three different methods in one stack and it drives me nuts.  I've been known to quietly redo them all while nobody's watching.  😄


And I'm slightly perplexed as to why a crowbar is in an underwear drawer.  Car, yes, but underwear drawer?  Dare I ask what one is trying to pry? 😄

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Okay, everyone: I just must say this about socks. Buy Sock Locks. Use them. Never match socks again as long as you live. 

Even though dh is not very neat and never cared one jot about clothing maintenance, I somehow managed to “train him” to always use the sock locks when he removes his socks from his feet. Believe me, I am amazed he adopted this habit, but he did. I never, ever, ever pair socks. They are always clipped when he removes them; I wash them clipped, and they go back in his drawer clipped. 

Sock locks are the best simple invention of the century. 

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33 minutes ago, Quill said:

Okay, everyone: I just must say this about socks. Buy Sock Locks. Use them. Never match socks again as long as you live. 

Even though dh is not very neat and never cared one jot about clothing maintenance, I somehow managed to “train him” to always use the sock locks when he removes his socks from his feet. Believe me, I am amazed he adopted this habit, but he did. I never, ever, ever pair socks. They are always clipped when he removes them; I wash them clipped, and they go back in his drawer clipped. 

Sock locks are the best simple invention of the century. 


That would require too much effort on the part of the sock wearer. 😁  I am happy when the socks (and other articles of clothing) make it into the laundry basket without reminders that I do not pick up dirty clothing.  If it isn't in a laundry basket, it won't get washed.  By in I mean fully contained within the basket, not tossed in the general direction of the basket.  Clothing abandoned on the bathroom floor or in the middle of the living room will not magically walk itself to the proper location. Nor will socks tossed under a bed or behind a door.   

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2 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Here in the states we call it a pry bar or a crowbar. And that is an unusual thing to have in your underwear drawer.


Crow bars are different here, though for use. And yeah, pry bar would be a better name. I don't know why we don't call it a pry bar.

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9 hours ago, MercyA said:

It was actually my mom who did the ironing of the priest's boxers--it would have been in the 1960's. I'm sure it did make the boxers more comfortable!

I'm in my mid-40's, so I was a teen in the 80's and early 90's. My mom still ironed my jeans at that time "to make them softer." She spoiled me, I think. 🙂

I ironed my jeans in the 1980s, too. It seems strange to me now because I no longer even own an iron. But then my mom would talk about how they used to iron sheets and towels, so jeans didn’t seem so strange.

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It's sure interesting to read how everyone handles the laundry situation in their family. I won't go back and quote everyone but a few things on my end:

I don't find folding/touching other people's underwear icky or weird, I just wished my mom had not made me sort/fold/deliver my sibling's socks, underwear, etc. It wasn't like the socks or underwear were unwearable if left in a basket and it seemed faster to let everyone grab their own. So that drives me to have each kid take their own. Plus the number of socks in our family when I run a load (or two...)...oy, that's a lot of socks for one person to sort/fold. We work together to sort into piles for boys and girls but after that everyone takes their own. Anything that is left goes into my "household business" bin (.25/item).

I also love doing laundry. It is my thing and I only include the kids because I feel it is good for them to be aware of how much laundry we all create (5-6 loads per day easily). We do family laundry (save for me - I keep mine separate). Laundry bins are all in the laundry room so no gathering dirty laundry from bedrooms. Each middle/older kid takes a laundry time slot and has to pull the clothes from the last load run, start a new load, and hang the load pulled (we don't use our dryer save for socks). Younger kids help hang small items. Dry laundry is pulled throughout the day and kept in baskets or laid out on my bed (to prevent wrinkling) until after dinner at which point everyone is responsible for getting their own. I get .25 for anything left on the couch at bedtime (I call it my home business, lol). I put away my 1yo and 4yo's clothes. I don't care how everyone folds/puts away their clothes as long as drawers can close and nothing is spilling out. Usually my kids figure out right quick that folding makes more sense. I do enjoy folding laundry - it calming to me. But the younger kid's laundry gives me all the calming I have time for.

As for my dh...he is not allowed to do laundry. It was a big issue as he was ruining clothes or over-loading the machine big time. It became one of the few major disagreements we've ever had. Thankfully, he leaves the laundry room alone now and contents himself with putting his own clothes away. I once and only once organized/hung his shirts and apparently disrupted some system he had.

Folding underwear...my mom was a freak about everything house/cleaning/laundry related. I was brought home from school once because I put my top sheet on upside-down. We had to refold her towels (she collected towels...ridiculous amount) because we didn't line the corners up perfectly. She would yank our clothes out of closets/drawers if everything was not 100% uniform/perfect. To this day I sling my underwear into the bin with a sense of great satisfaction.

I don't put away/fold my dh's clothes because not only does he have some sort of system but it just didn't occur to me to do so - hence my original post. I might take his clothes to the bedroom and leave them on the bed for him to put away. But when my friend mentioned that she folds her dh's underwear I wondered if that was some sort of sweet marriage thing I have been missing out on all these years?? Because I'm clueless like that.

And the pinch bar made me laugh.

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11 hours ago, CAJinBE said:

I fold and put away his underwear and t-shirts. I think it's part of doing the laundry. He does other chores.

This.  I do too.  I can NOT imagine NOT folding.  It fits nicely in his drawer.  Sometimes I put away and other times he does - all 30 seconds of that! 🙂

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3 hours ago, Sherry in OH said:


That would require too much effort on the part of the sock wearer. 😁  I am happy when the socks (and other articles of clothing) make it into the laundry basket without reminders that I do not pick up dirty clothing.  If it isn't in a laundry basket, it won't get washed.  By in I mean fully contained within the basket, not tossed in the general direction of the basket.  Clothing abandoned on the bathroom floor or in the middle of the living room will not magically walk itself to the proper location. Nor will socks tossed under a bed or behind a door.   

I really don’t know what Pavlovian switch I inadvertantly activated when, many years ago, I simply explained to dh the rationale behind the sock locks, put a pile beside his clothes basket and never missed a beat afterwards, but by some alignment of the stars and Mars in the house of Aquarious (or something), he has obediently clipped the socks on every ocassion for twenty-some years. 

Generally speaking, he is obstinate, ADHD and not given to organized methodology. But I somehow gained compliance in this singular instance. 

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7 hours ago, arctic_bunny said:

I am the least particular and finicky person you will meet, but.... people don’t fold underwear? My mind is blown. I feel like I should embrace anything that makes folding laundry take less time, but I don’t think I can do it.

I know....I am surprised people don’t fold laundry.  Kinda how I felt when I learned some people don’t use top sheets.

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3 hours ago, BakersDozen said:

...To this day I sling my underwear into the bin with a sense of great satisfaction.


Now, that made me laugh, because we are exact opposites on why we do & enjoy what we do=)  What you do in your family sounds like a nicely working system!

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

I know....I am surprised people don’t fold laundry.  Kinda how I felt when I learned some people don’t use top sheets.


must be connected somehow, because we don't use top sheets either! 🙂


Seriously though, I have 7 kids, 4 of whom are 5 and under.  I also co-run (with DH) a small business from home that is our sole income, and I have poor executive function.  Something has to give.

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8 hours ago, arctic_bunny said:

I am the least particular and finicky person you will meet, but.... people don’t fold underwear? My mind is blown. I feel like I should embrace anything that makes folding laundry take less time, but I don’t think I can do it.

I could see folding men’s underwear because it can be larger, depending on the type. But women’s? There’s just not much there to fold, and I don’t even wear the skimpy type. I actually enjoy laundry and find the look of a freshly folded basket of laundry satisfying. But no, I don’t fold my underwear, just toss it in a drawer with socks.

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

I know....I am surprised people don’t fold laundry.  Kinda how I felt when I learned some people don’t use top sheets.

My son has always hated top sheets. But I think he probably washes his comforter more often then some people wash their sheets.

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Some of you must own way more variety of socks than we do for matching them to be such a chore. I wear the same exact type and color of socks almost everyday that I wear socks. Other than that I have some some bed socks and socks for exercising, but I also only buy one type for each of those. So I really only have three different socks when it comes to matching and they look nothing alike.

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I do all the sorting, washing, drying, hanging, folding (including underpants), and putting away for everyone who lives here. Currently that is only Spouse and myself, but has been a mix of parents, children, and grandchildren over the years. I don’t mind at all. I was raised with two  military parents and laundry is my superpower. I like having complete laundry control. It’s my Sunday chore. I do it while catching up on trashy reality TV from the DVR.  I kinda love it! 

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Trigger warning- actual photos of unfolded/jumbled laundry ahead! 

My underwear and socks are all in one drawer. Chaos, but hey, that's me 🙂


DH's underwear drawer. 


Dh's white socks. (I do think in THEORY socks should be matched when washed, but I'm barely getting laundry done as it is and something had to give.)


DH's "not white" socks. Again, eh'd love me to match them and sometimes I do. Or DD8 does. But otherwise he is on his own and can be grateful they are clean. If he wants to spend an evening matching them he can do that. 


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My actual sock drawer right this moment.



My actual underwear drawer right this moment.


Dh’s sock drawer right at this moment.


Dh’s underwear drawer right at this moment.


Sorry for the lack of light; our bedroom light is dim. Then again, how well does the world wide web really need to see this? 





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13 minutes ago, Ktgrok said:

See, those look nice but I just think "that's hours of my time I could spend elsewhere"..like here, lol. 

In my defense, my dishcloth/dishtowel drawer is always organized and everything neatly folded. Does that help?

That’s so funny...to me, it doesn’t take any time; it’s just part of the job of doing laundry. Kind of like, part of washing dishes is putting them back in the cabinets where they go. 

I would feel so aggitated if my underwear and socks were mixed together randomly. I think I would feel angry every time I wanted my fuzzy penguine socks and either couldn’t find one or couldn’t find the pair! 

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14 minutes ago, Quill said:

That’s so funny...to me, it doesn’t take any time; it’s just part of the job of doing laundry. Kind of like, part of washing dishes is putting them back in the cabinets where they go. 


I don't think of it as taking too much time. I think of it as taking too much care. Like people with fibro or chronic fatigue talk about whether or not they have enough spoons (why spoons? spoons are for stirring, they aren't tokens to spend) energy-wise. I think I have some sort of Aspie thing about morale-spoons or something. I have enough morale spoons to coax people through all sorts of deep and meaningful stuff. I have no morale spoons for folding underwear smaller than boxer shorts. Tidy underwear drawers make me sad. Maybe I need to go cuddle my pinch bar or something. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

(Socks must be paired before they go in drawers though.)
((I saw someone online who'd made a quilt out of odd socks. I am so going to do that when we move house. It'll be like a final sock audit.))

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19 hours ago, Laurie4b said:


53 minutes ago, Quill said:

That’s so funny...to me, it doesn’t take any time; it’s just part of the job of doing laundry. Kind of like, part of washing dishes is putting them back in the cabinets where they go. 

I would feel so aggitated if my underwear and socks were mixed together randomly. I think I would feel angry every time I wanted my fuzzy penguine socks and either couldn’t find one or couldn’t find the pair! 

But it still takes time, probably several minutes. And i'd be bored stiff doing it. (I also get bored pumping gas and almost never get a full tank because I'm so bored.) But grabbing socks in the morning only takes a few seconds, not long enough to get bored. Plus, in fairness, I live in Florida and go barefoot or wear flip flops 90% of the time so it isn't a daily hassle or anything. DH does wear socks every day, but meh...that's his problem. If he wants them sorted he can do it. 

39 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:


I don't think of it as taking too much time. I think of it as taking too much care. Like people with fibro or chronic fatigue talk about whether or not they have enough spoons (why spoons? spoons are for stirring, they aren't tokens to spend) energy-wise. I think I have some sort of Aspie thing about morale-spoons or something. I have enough morale spoons to coax people through all sorts of deep and meaningful stuff. I have no morale spoons for folding underwear smaller than boxer shorts. Tidy underwear drawers make me sad. Maybe I need to go cuddle my pinch bar or something. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

(Socks must be paired before they go in drawers though.)
((I saw someone online who'd made a quilt out of odd socks. I am so going to do that when we move house. It'll be like a final sock audit.))

I agree (well except for the sock pairing)

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2 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

See, those look nice but I just think "that's hours of my time I could spend elsewhere"..like here, lol. 

In my defense, my dishcloth/dishtowel drawer is always organized and everything neatly folded. Does that help?

My drawers look a lot like yours, but you have cuter socks.

I don't see folding underwear as taking too much time, but it's just unimportant to me.  No one sees my drawers but me. I can find what I need when I need it. So, to me, what's the point?

I do fold all the cloth napkins  nicely because they are kept in a semi-public place (on the "shelf" of a kitchen cart). I fold the dishtowels and dishcloths nicely and put them neatly in their drawer, because people other than me (and sometimes people outside my family) go looking for them. 

But my own personal stuff?  <shrug>

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I also get bored pumping gas.  I never ever just pump gas.  I clean out the car, clean the windowshields even if they don't need it, etc.  

Putting away dishes is the thing you do right before you do a new load of dishes.  Otherwise you just get the clean dishes from the dishwasher.

Although for the record I do put away laundry, so I know where to find it again 🙂  I just don't fold it.  I think it might help that I don't have nearly as many bras/socks as you do, and I don't ever care which pair of underwear I grab as they are all just underwear.  I also don't care which socks I grab - they're all the same kind, my favorite kind.  For bras, I have 3, a favorite one, a less favorite one, and a stays-at-the-back-of-the-closet-for-when-I've-neglected-the-laundry-for-2-weeks one.  The favorite and less favorite one I hang up on a hook next to my purse by my bedroom door, so I can put them on when I go out and put them up when I come back.  I loathe bras and only wear them when I go out.

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32 minutes ago, marbel said:

My drawers look a lot like yours, but you have cuter socks.

I don't see folding underwear as taking too much time, but it's just unimportant to me.  No one sees my drawers but me. I can find what I need when I need it. So, to me, what's the point?


DH tried to explain the point, but I don't think my reaction of, "so, it's decorative?" was the right one 🙂

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4 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

(why spoons? spoons are for stirring, they aren't tokens to spend) 


Ahhhh!  I have been puzzled about the spoons thing for years.  I understand the point that "spoonies" (that name makes me cringe) are trying to make, as I am technically a "spoonie" (urgh) myself, but...spoons are not a form of emotional currency!  Just whyyyyy....

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I think if you google "spoon theory" you'll find the original story.

Eta:  https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/

A woman was out to eat with a friend who asked about living with (can't remember her condition).  She grabbed all the spoons and used them as units of energy that could be expended.  Take a shower would cost a spoon etc.  It showed how she had to make choices differently so she didn't run out of spoons and could make it to the end of the day.

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6 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:


((I saw someone online who'd made a quilt out of odd socks. I am so going to do that when we move house. It'll be like a final sock audit.))

My niece went through a phase where unmatched socks were the thing to wear to school.  She actually bought packs of unmatched socks.  Well since she is the oldest (and only) girl cousin, my girls adore and emulate her and are thrilled with each and every hand me down we get.  The unmatched socks have become their favorite.  Since none of them had mates even if I wanted them to, I learned to embrace unmatched socks.  And now we have no odd socks, we never have to worry about if one gets a hole that we throw out both at the same time and frankly I've decided it a genius approach to socks because now they never have to find a mate.  Just grab the first 2 socks you see.

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my kids also wear a lot of unmatched socks.  They all have a set of whites and a set of colorful ones, and they dress themselves and so are welcome to be picky about their socks and match them up all the time and everything.  So far only DD13 cares, and only since she started middle school, and  even then only barely.  I do draw the line at wearing two of the same pair of shoes when going out somewhere.

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