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Games ~ What are you giving? Any new discoveries? What are you hoping to receive?


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I was hoping to give Code Names as an early birthday gift to play on Thanksgiving, but it just arrived today.

In that same order, I got the Santa Catan addition for a stocking stuffer and a gift for a Catan player at dh’s work.

I noticed the Battle Sheep game on sale at Amazon that a poster mentioned in the past, so I ordered  it yesterday.

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We like Battle Sheep well enough, but we had to make a house rule. Two, really, that complement each other. The first is that you cannot place an initial stack of sheep on the edge of a peninsula in hopes of blocking off that entire territory for yourself, unimpeded. The second is that the initial placement of your sheep stack is done by the player on your left, to make sure you don't do that. If we're playing with small children, we call it the "Fairness Rule". If we're playing with teens, we call it the "F*** You, $NAME" rule, because we're a little lax about profanity in good fun and we made this rule up after a particular person decided to do that three times in a row. I'm all for winning, but really, that makes it three people playing a game while one person plays solitaire on the same board.

Edited by Tanaqui
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1 hour ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

Is that a new Dominion expansion?

Yes - Dominion: Renaissance. I believe it was just released in the last few weeks. For some reason the reviews on Amazon seem to be referring to something different, like a re-release of the initial game maybe? Those reviews are also far older than this new game, so I'm not sure what's going on with that.

Edited by purpleowl
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When my kids were younger, we used to play the original version of the Game of LIFE that my in-laws had from the 1960s. We played it enough that the cardboard broke, the peg people were lost, etc. I replaced the game with a new version a few years ago, but we all hated it. So many things had changed! My kids were home for Thanksgiving (one working, one college), and my husband pulled out the new game to play with them. He hated it.

Yesterday at Barnes & Noble while shopping with my kids, we stumbled on a "throwback" 1960s edition of the game. We snapped up the very last copy, and we are SO excited to give it to dh for Christmas! We can go back to playing with $10,000 salaries and all, lol, and LIFE will be perfect again!


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Giving this as a family game for Christmas Eve or New Years Eve:  https://playerten.com/products/pick-your-poison

Got this one on clearance over the summer for dd:  https://coolmaterial.com/home/stranger-things-eggo-card-game/

Pondering one of these two for ds1:  https://www.usaopoly.com/games/clue-game-thrones or https://www.usaopoly.com/games/monopoly-game-of-thrones-collectors-edition

Going to get dh this:  https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/231696/bob-ross-art-chill-game

Not sure about ds2...he's a gamer, will only play Risk with ds1 occasionally

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I got one of the on sale Board Game Bento boxes - four steampunk themed games. So that's what we're giving/getting. Also, I have Subatomic, which just arrived from their Kickstarter, so I'll toss that in.

For Thanksgiving, I got us the Choose Your Own Adventure game House of Danger. If you like Choose Your Own Adventure books, it's like the most Choose Your Own Adventure book ever in cooperative game form. We've almost played it through (and you can't replay it) but it was hilarious. So funny. At one point, we had to have a piano battle OF THE MIND against an evil doll queen while we were shrunk down to doll size. At another point, we accidentally went to the future and were killed by an alien tractor beam. Again, the most Choose Your Own Adventure story ever.

Edited by Farrar
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7 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I got one of the on sale Board Game Bento boxes - four steampunk themed games. So that's what we're giving/getting. Also, I have Subatomic, which just arrived from their Kickstarter, so I'll toss that in.

For Thanksgiving, I got us the Choose Your Own Adventure game House of Danger. If you like Choose Your Own Adventure books, it's like the most Choose Your Own Adventure book ever in cooperate give form. We've almost played it through (and you can't replay it) but it was hilarious. So funny. At one point, we had to have a piano battle OF THE MIND against an evil door queen while we were shrunk down to doll size. At another point, we accidentally went to the future and were killed by an alien tractor beam. Again, the most Choose Your Own Adventure story ever.

Thanks for the Choose Your Own Adventure Game idea.  I just ordered one for us and for my DBIL’s family. 

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For a family gift this year, we're doing a "12 Games of Christmas" box.  There will be each person's "top choice" game, then we'll fill the rest with great deals and expansions.  Open one a day for the 12 days of Christmas.

So far I've bought Connect 4 Shots, Zombie Dice, Dragonwood, Ticket to Ride New York, and a Lego Bionicles board game that's probably long out of print but was brand new at the resale shop for about $3.00.  DH's top choice this year was Wrath of Ashardalon.  I'm still deciding between Above and Below and Tsuro for me.  DS10's pick was the Ticket to Ride one, DS9 wants a magnetic dart board and one of those poop-themed games (sigh...), and DS5 couldn't come up with top choice, but he's up for whatever.

Questions:  Does anyone have a review of Above and Below?  Best Carcassone expansion?  Do we really want Marvel 5-Minute Dungeon if we all love Marvel but already have the regular 5-Minute Dungeon?

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We already have waaaaaaay too many games to begin with (at least 90% of that top 50 list), but I can't stop!!

On my wishlist at present:



Gaia Project

Heaven and Ale

Spirit Island

Camel Up

The Mind




Roll for the Galaxy

Legends of Andor




Stone Age




Thankfully, our charter school helps to pay for [enable] my addiction.

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We have so many games and several we haven’t even had time to play yet. I feel guilty that I am even considering buying more but this is my one addiction. For us we get out a new game and it takes us a bit to get a feel for it. If we love it, we play it over and over without trying a new one especially if the directions are complicated. One of our recent loves is Midnight Werewolves. We have played it at least 20 or so times in the past couple weeks. Everyone loves it from age 7-46. Some of us love games and two of us only tolerate it, dh and son age 19. Really one of our favorites ever!!!! We got an expansion packet for Dixit as we were tired of using the original cards and never picked it anymore. Back to loving an old favorite of ours. Another favorite is wits and wagers but the younger kids are not able to play as well. 


On on my list of wants is Photosynthesis. 

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20 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:



I haven't tried to put that one through [yet], which is why it is still on my wishlist. 😉 But, yes, there are some charter schools in this state that are that loosey goosey with what is considered "educational."

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I got the electronic, handheld version of Catchphrase to take to our extended family thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun!

Before dinner, we played women v. men with the rules as written. Then after dinner,  we had one person be the clue giver with everyone else who wanted to be the guessers. We tried to keep.personal scores but then got tired of worrying about.


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20 hours ago, Tanaqui said:

We like Battle Sheep well enough, but we had to make a house rule ...

Thanks for sharing your rules, Tanaqui.

11 hours ago, Fifiruth said:


What an attractive game, Fifiruth.

6 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

I threw Sumoku in the cart as a last minute gift addition. 

My husband and I have played this.  (He tutors math, so I gave it to him thinking he might use it with his one on one students.)  Ahem ... I won. 

7 hours ago, hjffkj said:

If you haven't played Potato Pirates it is a great family game.

Thanks for the recommendation, hjffkj.

3 hours ago, ThisIsTheDay said:

Yesterday at Barnes & Noble while shopping with my kids, we stumbled on a "throwback" 1960s edition of the game. We snapped up the very last copy, and we are SO excited to give it to dh for Christmas! We can go back to playing with $10,000 salaries and all, lol, and LIFE will be perfect again!

I'm definitely ready for LIFE to be perfect again.  I may need to get a copy myself.  I hope your husband enjoys his new old game.


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2 hours ago, readinmom said:

I vote for the Clue game as I love Clue but played WAY TOO MANY GAMES OF Monopoly growing up.

2 hours ago, Farrar said:

For Thanksgiving, I got us the Choose Your Own Adventure game House of Danger.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun, Farrar.  Thanks for sharing.

2 hours ago, BarbecueMom said:

For a family gift this year, we're doing a "12 Games of Christmas" box.  There will be each person's "top choice" game, then we'll fill the rest with great deals and expansions.  Open one a day for the 12 days of Christmas.

What a great plan, BarbecueMom; I hope that you all have fun.  (Want to adopt me?)

2 hours ago, SeaConquest said:

We already have waaaaaaay too many games to begin with (at least 90% of that top 50 list), but I can't stop!!

Ahem, ... I may be able to identify. 

1 hour ago, LongRamblings said:

We have so many games and several we haven’t even had time to play yet. I feel guilty that I am even considering buying more but this is my one addiction

Know that you are in good company, LongRamblings.

28 minutes ago, unsinkable said:

I got the electronic, handheld version of Catchphrase to take to our extended family thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun!

That does sound like fun. 

Okay, BarbecueMom can adopt me, but I want to go to Thanksgiving dinner with you next year.


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3 hours ago, Farrar said:

I got one of the on sale Board Game Bento boxes - four steampunk themed games. So that's what we're giving/getting. Also, I have Subatomic, which just arrived from their Kickstarter, so I'll toss that in.

For Thanksgiving, I got us the Choose Your Own Adventure game House of Danger. If you like Choose Your Own Adventure books, it's like the most Choose Your Own Adventure book ever in cooperative game form. We've almost played it through (and you can't replay it) but it was hilarious. So funny. At one point, we had to have a piano battle OF THE MIND against an evil doll queen while we were shrunk down to doll size. At another point, we accidentally went to the future and were killed by an alien tractor beam. Again, the most Choose Your Own Adventure story ever.


I got House of Danger for older dd for Christmas. I grew up reading CYOA books and I was so excited to see it in Target. Glad to hear it's a winner. 

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1 minute ago, Mergath said:


I got House of Danger for older dd for Christmas. I grew up reading CYOA books and I was so excited to see it in Target. Glad to hear it's a winner. 

It's hilarious. It's not a serious game for serious tabletop gamers, but considering that it's pretty cheap as games go, it was definitely worth the price. Keep the cards in order and you can pass it along as a gift to someone else (we already picked out who's getting it from us).

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2 minutes ago, Farrar said:

It's hilarious. It's not a serious game for serious tabletop gamers, but considering that it's pretty cheap as games go, it was definitely worth the price. Keep the cards in order and you can pass it along as a gift to someone else (we already picked out who's getting it from us).


Good to know, thanks!

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We gave a LOT of games last Christmas, and also stocked up on our annual trip back to the US, so we aren’t buying many this year. On our Christmas list are Azul (purchased), Photosynthesis, & Sagrada.

On my Amazon list for next school year are Xtronaut, Tiny Epic Galaxies, either Dragon Times or Mythematical Battles, and either Tri-Fact-A or 24. I’d love more suggestions for Medieval history! 

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We have way too many games so aren’t getting many this year. We need to play some that we have still in the packaging. My mom did get us Forbidden Sky and Century Spice Road. I am getting Dh the expansion to 7 Wonders duel. The kids are getting Harry Potter Codenames, Hero Realms, and Unstable Unicorns.

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1 hour ago, Mergath said:


Did you see they also came out with a NSFW Exploding Kittens? I'm a little afraid to find out what exactly is NSFW about it.

The expansion is fun, too. It comes with a cone of shame.


Wow! I'll have to check those out!  Thanks for letting me know. The cone of shame would be a hit!

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Under the tree this year will be: 

Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set, along with manuals and dice

Century Eastern Wonders (We have and enjoy Century Spice Road)

Five Tribes

Letters to Santa (Love Letter with a Christmas theme)


Edited by wathe
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Some games that we played over Thanksgiving:

Azul -- we all liked it

Exploding Kittens - fun and easy to learn

Sherlock Holmes - this one lasted at least four hours and then they gave up. I think they enjoyed it, but you need to set aside a good chunk of time or otherwise play it in spurts over several days.

Cascassone -- we all liked that as well

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17 hours ago, ThisIsTheDay said:

When my kids were younger, we used to play the original version of the Game of LIFE that my in-laws had from the 1960s. We played it enough that the cardboard broke, the peg people were lost, etc. I replaced the game with a new version a few years ago, but we all hated it. So many things had changed! My kids were home for Thanksgiving (one working, one college), and my husband pulled out the new game to play with them. He hated it.

Yesterday at Barnes & Noble while shopping with my kids, we stumbled on a "throwback" 1960s edition of the game. We snapped up the very last copy, and we are SO excited to give it to dh for Christmas! We can go back to playing with $10,000 salaries and all, lol, and LIFE will be perfect again!



We got a Legacy version of Life. We had the same experience. We like the old version, not the new one.  (it's slightly different from the version I grew up with. But similar enough to be fun)


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Evolution and the Avian expansion from NorthStar Games. We have the Evolution: Climate standalone game and have been greatly enjoying it, but want some of the cards that are in the base game, and want to try the avian expansion. It's the only game lately I've been able to get DS to play with me lately that isn't on a screen, so I'm running with it!

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I got Forbidden Desert last year because we loved Forbidden Island. FD wasn't as big of a hit because it's a lot harder. They tend to gravitate toward other games first. But I might take a chance on Forbidden Sky. 

This is a great thread! I love all the suggestions. 


Codenames has been a huge hit, and Codenames Pictures has as well, especially since nonreaders can play it also. 


The kids really liked Timeline last year, so I think another version of that one will go on our list. I think there is a version with music, so that would probably be a big hit with them. 


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18 hours ago, BarbecueMom said:

Questions:  Does anyone have a review of Above and Below?  Best Carcassone expansion?  Do we really want Marvel 5-Minute Dungeon if we all love Marvel but already have the regular 5-Minute Dungeon?


I like Above and Below, possibly for the art more than anything else (Ryan Laukat, sigh). It's a fairly straightforward game where you're exploring, building, recruiting. It has a simple story-telling aspect (when you're exploring a variety of things can happen...you pick out a story in a book and choose how you react). It isn't my first choice for play, but it nice when we play it and it can be played casually (not super competitively). 

Carc expansion: Traders & Builders


Games here: I got dh Seikatsu for his birthday. It's a tile-laying game where you're building up sets of birds (which score immediately) while keeping an eye open to create sets of flowers (which are scored at the end). Very puzzley and the tiles have a nice solidity.

I'd like to get Welcome to Your Perfect Home which is an architectural roll and write, but I think I may have missed the window on that one. 

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