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Have you seen Hamilton?


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Nope.  Although dh considered getting season tickets to the theatre here because Hamilton is coming, and it's included as one of the 5 shows in the package.  The overall cost would have been much lower plus we would have gotten nice seats from the areas we could pick.


I just couldn't fathom having other tickets I knew we wouldn't use, though.  I have no desire to see the sequel to Phantom.  :lol:  The original was enough!  And I'd be uneasy about taking the 7yo to that many shows late at night.

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Yes, and we all loved it (but we love Broadway, in general)!


We had excellent seats in Chicago and paid $300/seat. A few days after I bought our seats, they opened a new block for a few months later and our identical seats would have been $100 less per seat. Ugh. We bought our tickets four months ahead of time, so had plenty of time to anticipate the show.

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I watched a bootleg copy of it online before it was removed.  So, technically I have seen it, but not in person.


It was good, but not worth $300 per person to attend.  I would pay around $50 or so per person max, and that would be for Hamilton only, I won't pay that much for other shows.


Years ago (pre-marriage), The Ahmandson Theater in LA offered teachers in the district discounted theater tickets.  They were $10 per show, balcony seats, Sunday matinee performance, for all shows.  And we could get up to 4 tickets each time.  It was AWESOME!  We got $100 tickets for $10.  I went to them all.  There was a great group of us who would go together.  


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Nope. I’m kind of turned off by all the evangelism.

I’m not really into broadway shows anyway. Though I’m going to one bc my friend is dragging me and our respective boys


If you don't like stories about the "Founding Fathers" usually, you might like this one. It's really humanizing in many ways.


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I can’t even make it through YouTube recordings of it. I love musicals and history but simply don’t get the appeal. And Miranda is kind of a tool.


/ducks tomatoes

Yah, he's pretty much been a tool for good - don't suppose you actually follow his work? Are you aware of what he's done for Puerto Rico? Any idea of his awards in the arts? Multiple awards with names like Grammy, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer Prize?


A lot of people think he's a national treasure. He's also never hurt anybody and has no criminal past.


Do you not like his politics or something?

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We have tickets for when they come to Seattle next month. I am so excited! And grateful! It was really tough getting tickets. We’re taking our older two boys for about $600 total ($150 each but including taxes and fees). From the little I know about Miranda, I think he is brilliant!!

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Yah, he's pretty much been a tool for good - don't suppose you actually follow his work? Are you aware of what he's done for Puerto Rico? Any idea of his awards in the arts? Multiple awards with names like Grammy, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer Prize?


A lot of people think he's a national treasure. He's also never hurt anybody and has no criminal past.


Do you not like his politics or something?


I am thinking maybe AM is on the "other side" of Miranda's politics???  Just a guess.

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Yikes.  For fun, I thought I would check and see what prices were in Charlotte for the October shows.  They start at over $700.  I am sure the less expensive seats are sold out.


We just couldn't book.  We don't even know if we will live in NC by next Fall AND, even if we are here, my son who is really into theater may be off at college.  We haven't made a decision on that yet.

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A lot of people think Trump is a national treasure and Kanye is visionary. Doesn’t make it so. I’m very familiar with his work, and politics. Hence the tool comment. He’s sanctimonious and obnoxious. Having no criminal last should be a given, but I get how rare that is in the arts and entertainment these days :lol:

There are posters on this board who are sanctimonious and obnoxious without contributing a darn thing to the welfare of people in need. (Some even begrudge aid to those in need.) Humanitarians and others who are proven not to be foolish are not usually called "tools" even if we don't like their personality or politics. It's more a reflection on you, to call someone names.

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Yah, he's pretty much been a tool for good - don't suppose you actually follow his work? Are you aware of what he's done for Puerto Rico? Any idea of his awards in the arts? Multiple awards with names like Grammy, Emmy, Tony, Pulitzer Prize?


A lot of people think he's a national treasure. He's also never hurt anybody and has no criminal past.




No kidding! I was trying to figure out what the other poster could possibly have against him. I think he's absolutely brilliant. I am so glad I got to see Hamilton while he was acting in it. He's amazing.

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Yikes.  For fun, I thought I would check and see what prices were in Charlotte for the October shows.  They start at over $700.  I am sure the less expensive seats are sold out.


We just couldn't book.  We don't even know if we will live in NC by next Fall AND, even if we are here, my son who is really into theater may be off at college.  We haven't made a decision on that yet.


I think those are likely scalper prices or folks who purchased season tickets to get those and are trying to recoup their entire cost for the season on one show. AFAIK, they haven't released any seats for the individual show yet if they are even going to do so, it's all through season tickets at this point. The Blumenthal ticket page doesn't give an option to purchase for the show. The Broadway Lights season tickets are already sold out.


I'd love to see it, but there's no way we could afford it, or afford to buy season tickets, much less the strategy people were doing of buying season tickets for last season to guarantee an option at buying season tickets for this season and thereby get Hamilton tickets.

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If you don't like stories about the "Founding Fathers" usually, you might like this one. It's really humanizing in many ways.


I just don’t do well with mass appeal shows. If everyone loved it, i’ll probably hate it. And so I’m saving my money. I can go to the Met opera approx 10 times for the price of a Hamilton ticket. And i hate that less😂
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I think those are likely scalper prices or folks who purchased season tickets to get those and are trying to recoup their entire cost for the season on one show. AFAIK, they haven't released any seats for the individual show yet if they are even going to do so, it's all through season tickets at this point. The Blumenthal ticket page doesn't give an option to purchase for the show. The Broadway Lights season tickets are already sold out.


I'd love to see it, but there's no way we could afford it, or afford to buy season tickets, much less the strategy people were doing of buying season tickets for last season to guarantee an option at buying season tickets for this season and thereby get Hamilton tickets.


After I posted I did see it is on a 3rd party site.

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A lot of people think Trump is a national treasure and Kanye is visionary. Doesn’t make it so. I’m very familiar with his work, and politics. Hence the tool comment. He’s sanctimonious and obnoxious. Having no criminal last should be a given, but I get how rare that is in the arts and entertainment these days :lol:


Kayne?  LMM spends his time raising money for Puerto Rico (1.5 million STILL without power, can you imagine? Why isn't this a national priority?). 


Also, he is a grammar nerd  worked for fun worked on children's television after winning his Best Musical Tony


Obnoxious is in the eye of the beholder, sure, but .... yeah, no.  I can't see the Kanye comparison. And I am  a big fan of Kanye. 

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I also saw a bootleg copy online but no, not in person. I would absolutely love to see it. It's coming to Orlando in the 2018-19 season and I'm hoping against hope that we can both afford the ticket prices (not yet listed) and will be lucky enough to be able to get them. Ds and I often listen to the soundtrack. Dh isn't big on musicals.


I also read the Ron Chernow book that inspired Miranda, plus Alexander Hamilton was one of the founders of my hometown in NJ. I grew up with an severe dislike of Aaron Burr because he killed our founder (yes I know it's complicated but I was young when I learned about the duel).

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A lot of people think Trump is a national treasure and Kanye is visionary. Doesn’t make it so. I’m very familiar with his work, and politics. Hence the tool comment. He’s sanctimonious and obnoxious. Having no criminal last should be a given, but I get how rare that is in the arts and entertainment these days :lol:


damn I almost spit out my coffee.... :lol:

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DD15 and DH are seeing it on her birthday in May.  She has begged for tickets since it was first in Chicago.  We can not afford for us all to go.  Sure she won't miss us! LOL I bought the tickets the day the block was released in December. $350 total for both tickets for pretty good seats.  We let her open the gift on Christmas.  It was part of Christmas and all of her birthday gift.  Happy Sweet 16:)

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We saw it last year and it was fantastic.  Friends bought season tix just for Hamilton & offered us their option to buy 2 in the cheap seats ($150 each for the very last row in the house) The staging is incredible and the lighting is practically a character itself.  Before we went I thought the having the only white actor in the show play King George was weird, but it made no difference once the show started.  I found having the same actor play dual characters more distracting.  Both Dh & I cried during the performance, but in very different parts.  I cried when Washington gave his farewell, in fact, I got goosebumps almost every time Washington stepped on the stage.


I read the biography that inspired Miranda to write the musical and on that I am willing to call him a genius because the book was incredibly B-O-R-I-N-G.


I appreciate the fact that the Hamilton phenomenon has piqued an interest in US history in people who would not normally care about US history but are willing to listen because it is cool/ popular.


I also think that celebrities who use their popularity & their $$ in real ways, to help those less fortunate or disaster victims are admirable regardless of their politics.

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Middle son is on the list to be notified when tickets go on sale in Rochester.  Our current plan is to see it there with him.  I've been wanting to see it for a long time now...


I'm usually fond of music theater, but don't often get to go to professional shows anymore.  I went to a ton in my youth and enjoyed most.  Now I usually watch the high school variety - at my school.  ;)

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No. Don't even know what it's about. I keep seeing things referencing it in pinterest and wondered when I got old and have no idea what's going on anymore.


Do you ever watch the YouTube series "Elders React To..." where they get a bunch of senior citizens and ask them to comment on pop culture / memes?  They tried Hamilton on that crowd and they were totally aware of it...."Oh isn't this marvelous, I know all about it, it was on 60 Minutes!"


It cracked me up because my mom never misses 60 Minutes.  It's a thing with all her friends. 

Just saying, if you were 65-70ish, you would know about it.

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Do you ever watch the YouTube series "Elders React To..." where they get a bunch of senior citizens and ask them to comment on pop culture / memes? They tried Hamilton on that crowd and they were totally aware of it...."Oh isn't this marvelous, I know all about it, it was on 60 Minutes!"


It cracked me up because my mom never misses 60 Minutes. It's a thing with all her friends.

Just saying, if you were 65-70ish, you would know about it.

Oh :lol: the only tv I ever see is sesame street and pokemon. :lol:

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Do you ever watch the YouTube series "Elders React To..." where they get a bunch of senior citizens and ask them to comment on pop culture / memes?  They tried Hamilton on that crowd and they were totally aware of it...."Oh isn't this marvelous, I know all about it, it was on 60 Minutes!"


It cracked me up because my mom never misses 60 Minutes.  It's a thing with all her friends. 

Just saying, if you were 65-70ish, you would know about it.


I don't think I've met anyone IRL who doesn't know what it is - any age from high school on up.  I tend to not pay attention to Hollywood or People Magazine or similar and Hamilton still got through (as do other top theater productions).  Top movies do too, regardless of whether I care to watch them or not.  Some things just seem to seep in I suppose.  ;)


I still can't name all that many professional sports teams though - or fashion items.


Such is life.  No regrets.

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I did say they could ;). And she didn’t sermonize me over why I should worship at the flawless social justice alter of Miranda, and how calling him a tool is blasphemy, etc and amen.


"He's not a social idiot  and narcissist like Kanye" does not = shame on you for not worshiping his flawless social justice.    I get you're not a fan.  That's OK.  No one has to like everything.  I think those Outlander books are awful, which I know is blasphemy to many readers!    But if you're gonna compare someone to Kanye and Trump and [insert widely disliked public figure],  there should be a reason. 


I was honestly hoping you'd parry back with a "but these are the bad things about him!"  because I was curious if there are any.   

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