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What are you proud of accomplishing last year?


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Took care of MIL through some pretty awful dementia and lung cancer until she passed away in August.  In addition to making ten trips (2200+ miles round trip) without compromising our budget, I did things that I never thought I could do.   I know MIL and FIL appreciated it but dh REALLY appreciated it.   It's such a good feeling to walk away from that awful year with no regrets.  I truly did my best even when it was hard and SIL was a jerk.   

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I graduated magna cum laude with my 2nd bachelor's despite the fact that my special needs child had major surgery in my 3rd semester that required a year of rehab afterwards (she got a cochlear implant to treat her hearing loss). It took me 2 years to complete the coursework since I did it half-time but I finished with a 3.95 :D

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I completed my first year of homeschool with my first kid! I taught him to read! I wish I would have done it without stressing so much, but we survived!


Teaching a kid to read just feels so magical, doesn't it?  (Well, except that one kid of mine who took like three years and three reading programs)

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My dad passed away (Mom has been gone several years) and I cleaned out their very full house, had an estate sale during a community garage sale weekend, listed and sold the house, and took care of other estate business. I did have help but I was the one organizing it all. It was physically and emotionally exhausting and I'm so glad it's done.


Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk

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I taught my daughter AP US History and she took the exam and scored a 5! I think the reason she scored a 5 was more to do with her than my teaching but I'm just really pleased to have survived the year and finished. I have never taken an AP class or exam myself as I went to high school in England, so it was a real learning experience for both of us.

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Brought my sense of sexy back. For a plus-sized 50 year old woman, it was a challenge to look in the mirror and see me, the me who shimmies and shakes as she cleans house when the right song comes on. The happy, beautiful woman who calls up her husband to meet her for lunch and walks in dressed to kill, head high, with a smile for everyone. Anyway, I learned sexy was a state of mind (mine) and not what an advertising ad or commercial said it was. 

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I finished my homeschooling career and, by all evidence, did a decent job. Youngest is 1/2 way through his undergrad degree after just one semester. All the sacrifices - and a couple of gambles - paid off big. 


I also started taking care of myself (I had ignored a medical condition for years!) and found a great doctor who is helping me w/ that condition along w/ another one. What's more? He has restored my faith in doctors. I trust him and know he's a good guy. Really, life changing for me!

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I am most proud of having earned a small gold leaf engraved with my son’s name on the bereavement donation tree at The Milk Bank.


I also accomplished having more days when I didn’t sob than days when I did.


Teaching a well-received co-op class would be a highlight for me in any other year.

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I joined a couple of friends to create the local, secular, inclusive co-op we've been needing!  We have a lot of homeschoolers in our region, but we were lacking a cohesive community, especially on the teen side.  It's been more work than I ever wanted to do, but we launched a really great thing!



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Goodness, now I'm so proud of everybody too! Great thread


Mine would probably be homeschooling. I've been at it for two and a half years now, and when I stop to reflect on how we've done, I feel proud and grateful for being able to put in the consistent effort and the weight of what we have accomplished. (Ha - and I'm definitely very early in the hs journey!)

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I had a pretty good year, in terms of personal accomplishment.

  • I worked my way into the full-time position I've been aiming at since I got hired as a part-timer at the library almost two years ago.
  • I earned a certification from a professional organization for trainers.
  • I published a short article about a program I wrote that helps teens get a handle on applying for college.
  • I proposed and co-coordinated a big collaborative fiber arts project that will now become an annual event at the library.
  • I finally lost some of the weight I've been lugging around since my thyroid ran off the rails a few years ago.

Probably my proudest "accomplishment," though, was holding off on strangling my son long enough for him to finally earn an associate's degree. 


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I guess I'm proud that I survived it and can still be considered sane by most standards lol. I had so many stressful things going on this past year. One really rough part was that as my disabled teen is getting older he's becoming more of a constant challenge to take care of than ever. I literally can't remember a day where I felt any sort of relief or break from the stress in the past year at all. I'm proud though that we made big progress educationally and that school is at least going better than ever for him.

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It is really inspiring reading what everyone else wrote!  I suppose the main thing for me is that I've continued to move out of my comfort zone (a lot) in order to assist my dh in accomplishing things that help give him hope again.  And I suppose continuing to do things that are adventurous and not letting our circumstances stop us.

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I backpacked for the very first time and completed a 323 mile trail! Despite plantar fasciitis, being heavier than I’ve ever been, Lyme, poison ivy, and not knowing a sole when I started.


I also hiked 54 different hikes over the course of the year, only hiking the same trail once. I haven’t added my miles up yet but I’m excited to see how many I walked.

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Probably my proudest "accomplishment," though, was holding off on strangling my son long enough for him to finally earn an associate's degree. 


He finished? :party: You must feel so relieved given all the drama your family faced over that issue a few months ago :thumbup:

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I am proud that dd11 continues to do better day by day with her behaviors and communication.  She is autistic and has DMDD 2 years ago, we were considering having her placed in a home because she was getting so aggressive and violent that she was getting dangerous.  We were waiting for an opening in the home, so I made some hard changes to our way of parenting her, and are on the other side now.  She is doing the best she has ever done at home. (she never went to the home, they didn't have an opening soon enough and by the time they did, she was just starting to stabilize)


I am proud that while dd19 isn't living at home, that she and I still have  a decent relationship.  It has been a hard year emotionally with her (and her boyfriend) but I see she is still willing to be part of the family. 





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Of course, I would like to know what the book is about. Link? Please?

I just finished editing on Dec. 28, and still have finishing touches and formatting to do, so I don’t have it “out in the world†yet. I’m shooting for a mid-February release.


It’s about reducing stress, written for moms.

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I just finished editing on Dec. 28, and still have finishing touches and formatting to do, so I don’t have it “out in the world†yet. I’m shooting for a mid-February release.


It’s about reducing stress, written for moms.



Will you put it in your signature once it's ready for the world? Please? And congrats! 

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Getting licensed for fostering. Took 8 months, a complete reworking of my house and lots of prayers. 


Taking my 2 boys driving down to Florida and back without DH. 


Finding out on December 28 that DH and I needed CPR certification and getting it before the end of the year (30th). 

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I published an academic article in April and wrote a chapter for an edited volume that will come out some time next year (probably).  


I drove a LOT on L.A. freeways for four months and I don't think I will ever be anxious again about driving anywhere in the U.S.  

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I'm proud of myself for quitting a career I started to loathe, getting accepted into college (again, after 25 years) to major in a new career I think I'll love, getting a good job in that field so my foot is already in that door, and getting a 4.0 my first semester back in school.


I'm also proud of my kids and especially my son, who I think actually really figured out what he wants his future career to be.  This includes his going to college.  I hope I inspired him with all the excitement I had in going back, lol.  

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My dad passed away (Mom has been gone several years) and I cleaned out their very full house, had an estate sale during a community garage sale weekend, listed and sold the house, and took care of other estate business. I did have help but I was the one organizing it all. It was physically and emotionally exhausting and I'm so glad it's done.


Sent from my XT1635-01 using Tapatalk


This.  My In-laws needed to move to a retirement village near BIL's family.  So dh & I were responsible for this part. 

I never really listened to other friends who had done this . . . until it was our turn.

Sold the house on Nov. 22, which was an even greater relief than I had been anticipating.


I believe I'm most thankful that all of our relationships are still in-tact.  :)

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I'm proud of tackling many items on my to-do list.

I'm proud of becoming more organized and figuring out new ways of managing my time.

I'm proud of buying a sewing machine and using it a few times.

i'm proud of exposing my children to new things.

I'm proud of trying a few new recipes and meals and repeating them.

I'm mostly proud that I took every moment my children would let me to teach them.




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Huge congratulations to you all!!!  :hurray:   Very inspiring!


I don't have much to report about. I'm proud that I've been chugging along with my beloved tennis playing, discovered some amazing skiing trails just across the river, and staying relatively positive through some personal medical issues. I hit the big 50 this spring, 21 years of marriage, and year 16 of homeschooling. 


ETA: Oops! My math was off a little with the number of years homeschooling. It's only been 13. Maybe it just seems like longer with 3 active, noisy boys in the mix. ;)

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So many of you are going through some tough times. Hats off to you and may 2018 bring more blessings than pain.

I just keep working on getting more expertise in my field but this is nothing compared with all the heartbreak many of you have encountered this year.


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