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Urgent prayer request, please read

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One of my friends from our church (and fellow homeschooling mom) is currently in the hospital fighting for her life. She is having a miscarraige and they have been unable to stop the bleeding. Her blood pressure keeps plummeting and they can't do surgery until it stabilizes a bit more.


I am so scared for her and her family. She has a 10 yo dd and a 1 1/2 yo ds. Please pray, send positive thoughts, whatever you have.

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Sending prayers.:grouphug:


I just heard again. Surgery went fine. She just needed the D&C. They are keeping her until tomorrow. She needed 3 pints of blood.


Thank you so much for your prayers.


The scary thing is she went in to the ER yesterday afternoon because of heavy bleeding. She was sent home!!! She was 11 weeks pregnant!!!!

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