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On average, how much tv do you watch?

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We have an account with a DVD rental company. We choose - and they post to us - two DVDs a week. That's usually one set of cartoons for the children, and one film/TV series for the adults. We might watch a couple of episodes of a TV series, or one film, on a Saturday night. That's it.



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Maybe 2-3 movies per year, and maybe a handful of educational documentaries/DVD's. That is it.


I will watch sermon videos though, or theological DVD's. Not lots of them, but occasionally. And if a big, super-scary storm comes through, I may turn on the news to check it.


I'm just not a TV watcher.

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personally, i watch ER, Boston Legal, & Raising the Bar. my son and i watch The Unit and, when they return, LOST and Battlestar Galactica. all of it is Tivo'ed and we are often a week or more behind; we consider watching live TV an incredible waste of time.


we'll rent a movie about 3 times a month. we both spend far too much time playing with other electronic toys that involve screens...

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because I have been working on some "mindless knitting" projects. I sit down at 10:00 with my knitting, watch Anderson Cooper, and then watch the Daily Show.


Unless I am knitting, I watch nothing except the Daily Show sometimes and The Office. I don't care for any of the entertainment oriented shows.

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Maybe 2-3 movies per year, and maybe a handful of educational documentaries/DVD's. That is it.


I'm just not a TV watcher.


About the same, although yesterday I did put on an old tape of BritComs while I was home alone (boys at Day of the Dead hoopla) and cleaning the kitchen/dining/school/playroom (all one room). I kept thinking of my mother, and how she was cheered by Hyacinth Bucket in her dwindling years.


There is a quote I think from the book of poems called Red Dog, Black Dog about how TV is "the closest living approximation to death known to man".


Anyone old enough to remember when TV changed? I gave it up about 1969, and when I happened to see it about 10 years later, I couldn't believe the potty mouth! Not that I'm so het up about potty mouth, but it was used as a substitute for even mediocre dialogue. IMHO.

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I have several shows I watch on a regular basis, and we rent movies about twice a month. I used to love HGTV and would leave it on, but anymore House Hunters is about the only show on there I watch.


On Sundays we leave the NASCAR race on, but I don't watch all of it.


My average is probably two hours a day.


My regular shows are:



Chuck (usually watch online)



Burn Notice

Lost (how much longer must we wait?)

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I guess it depends in part on what you mean by "watching." My husband is big on TV and almost always has it on when he's in the living room. Therefore, I absorb a certain amount by osmosis, even if it is not stuff I would bother to turn on. I'm probably in the room under those circumstances for as much as three or more hours per night, although I'm frequently reading or wandering in an out of the room doing laundry.


However, in terms of what I actually "watch," it's probably an average of an hour and a half per day. That might include one or two half-hour shows (Good Eats, Ace of Cakes, or something similar) with all three of us and another hour-long something after our son goes to bed. We watch almost nothing live anymore, but record everything on the DVR and zip through commercials.


On weekends, we often replace those DVR-d shows with a movie.


Left to my own devices, I'd watch less. But in the name of having something in common with my mate, I make an effort to follow a few shows. We regularly watch Numb3rs and Chuck, Lost when it's on and Reaper (if it ever comes back). We were watching Heroes, but recently gave up on that one. And I really wanted to like Fringe, but just couldn't get into it. So, if you add that up, you can see that I actually like shows that add up to maybe four hours a week.

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I watch football on Saturday and Sunday. How many hours depends on what games. I watch Fox News Sunday. I watch Dancing with the Stars and Supernanny if I remember. So let's say about 12-13 hours a week. Of course, during the football games I am usually doing something too: making dinner, taking care of the dc, cleaning, etc.

Edited by cathmom
because I left off the "s" in News
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I occasionally watch a show with my husband...maybe an hour or two a week.

But I watch online Netflix movies two or three times a week...so maybe 8 hours a week?

My kids actually watch more than this, though, as does dh.


ETA: That's my actual viewing time. The tv is on almost constantly in the morning right now, but I'm not usually in the room with it, so I'm not counting that time.

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We watch a netflix video on the weekend, Sunday night Master Piece Theatre, the 10 o'clock news and dh loves his sports. My kids needed a good tv role model (dh would have the news or sports on constantly.) so I learned to not turn it on. Now, I don't like to watch it much anymore. Winters here can be long and it gets turned on more than the rest of the year.

Edited by Tammyla
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Well, it has changed as the dc have grown up. When they were all at home, we watched a family movie once or twice a week on video. No TV programs at all. Dh watched the news in the morning before he left for work, but dc and I were still in bed....


As they got older, we decided they needed to be a part of the culture they were growing up in and so let them watch reruns of shows like Full House and I Love Lucy several days a week. Maybe one hour per day.


Now, two of my dc are out of the house (job/apt and college) and I only have a 16yo left at home. We watch a LOT of TV. We enjoy spending that time together. Let's see... daily we watch:


Rachael Ray




Oprah (not all the time, we just check to see if she has anything interesting, but lately that has been "no")


House - we watch this on cable and sometimes they run two or three shows back to back - and we watch all of them. LOVE House


Weekly or so:


We usually watch a movie DVD once a week. We watched the old MacBeth yesterday with Orson Wells! Dd watches a lot of anime online.


So, you can see as the kiddos have aged, our TV viewing has increased proportionately.

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It depends on our schedule that week. Some weeks, I'm lucky to catch the Colbert Report -- a half hour a day. When my partner's out of town, when I've finished my library books and it's not library trip day yet, or when I'm feeling anxious and having trouble sleeping, I'll watch (DVR'd) Star Trek from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.

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It depends on our schedule that week. Some weeks, I'm lucky to catch the Colbert Report -- a half hour a day.
Oooh... I forgot about that. I change my answer to 80 minutes for the past few months, 'cause I watch the Daily Show online.
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I probably average 2 hours a day with some days being nothing and other days being more. I have about 5-6 primetime shows that I enjoy. We dvr them and watch when the kids go to bed. I also will tape Oprah and Rachel Ray. Then I can decide if I want to watch it or not later. Most of the time, I either don't care about the topic or I skip to RR cooking time. I watch a Jon and Kate Plus 8 and Little People Big World with my kids. Yes, I probably watch too much tv as far as some you here. I just am not a big reader and by the time my day is over - I like to curl up on my couch and veg out. I figure I could have worse habits.

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Just found out our new neighbors have been unplugged for the last few years also.






We have an account with a DVD rental company. We choose - and they post to us - two DVDs a week. That's usually one set of cartoons for the children, and one film/TV series for the adults. We might watch a couple of episodes of a TV series, or one film, on a Saturday night. That's it.



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Not much during the day, and none at all when the dc were home. We are mostly evening watchers, when we're all finished with anything that might be really important :-) Even when the dc were home, they had early bedtimes, so our watching TV in the evening didn't take away from our time with them.


We like to watch Sarah Connor Chronicles, all the CSIs, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Chuck, Lost, the Mentalist, and the Unit, and 24. I also like Fringe, 11th Hour, House and Bones. I guess it might be a couple of hours each evening, although all of them are DVRed, so we might not catch them until the weekend. And nowadays, our weekends are often slow, so it's no big deal :-)

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Kids, one movie or documentary every 1-2 weeks is their average.


Oops, were we supposed to include kids? That also varies. Not counting specials -- movies, documentaries, etc -- that are part of lesson plans, I'd say they watch about four to eight hours a week. The oldest watches Star Trek with me about once a week. The 5yo likes to watch Magic School Bus and Cyberchase. The 3yo likes a show on Discovery Kids in the afternoon about dinosaurs. I know what time it's on but not the name of it. Oh, and sometimes they all watch Junkyard Wars or How It's Made.


I used to be strongly against TV for kids at all. I'm still not sure it's a positive thing. I dislike sitting at the computer any more than I have to do so, and decided to get cable again so that I didn't have to watch the news on the computer. Not that I ever watch the news, only when it's breaking and urgent. Maybe after the election we'll cancel it again. Parental controls are a joke with Time Warner, and I don't have a locking cabinet.

Edited by dragons in the flower bed
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Oops, were we supposed to include kids?
Hmmm... mine usually watch 2 hours or less per week, all DVD. Sometimes it's closer to 4 hours if we do a movie.
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Oops, were we supposed to include kids? That also varies. Not counting specials -- movies, documentaries, etc -- that are part of lesson plans, I'd say they watch about four to eight hours a week. .


I didn't include my kids. I would say mine are about like yours. I actually watch more tv than they do. Mainly because they are off playing in the afternoon. They may watch a little in the morning and a little in the evening. My dd really likes all the discovery channel shows like MythBusters, How its Made, etc. My little one watches Noggin. I gotta say he has learned so much from Noggin! And I love the songs! LOL!

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Our family only watches movies. I'd say the kids average 1 movie per week (usually on an afternoon when I just need a sanity break). DH tends to put in a movie at bedtime a couple of nights per week while he corrects papers (school teacher) but that is in our bedroom and after the kiddos are asleep. I'm not a tv watcher. I can't sit still that long without falling asleep.

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My dh watches TV from the time he comes home until the time he goes to sleep. On Sundays, he watches from the time he gets up until the time he goes to sleep.


I sometimes watch with him or I might just be in the same room (but doing something else!) So, in my home the TV is on anywhere from 3-12 hours per day.


I would LOVE to get rid of it!

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About the time it is over LOST will start. Tudors starts about the same time so I will get two hours a week then. That's it and some weeks I miss even them and have to cacth-up on-line. I have only missed LOST once though and I wasn't happy about that. I suffered through an hour of kidney stones before leaving for the hospital so that I could catch LOST. I am a serious LOST fan. Oh, have I mentioned that I like LOST. Can't wait for next season.

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It depends on the day because I have certain favorite shows.


Here's my weekly tv schedule:


Sundays: The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Masterpiece Theater


Mondays: The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes


Tuesdays: Fringe


Wednesday: Pushing Daisies


Thursdays: Ugly Betty, The Office, Thirty Rock, The Eleventh Hour


Fridays: The Ghost Whisperer, Robinson Crusoe


I don't usually watch any type of tv on Saturday. I usually spend the evening reading.





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Well, if you looked at our Tivo list you'd assume a lot...unfortunately we just don't have time...my kids may watch 2 hours a week...my husband and I will try and watch episodes of our favorite shows but I'd say 3-4 nights we just don't get time to turn on the TV...we watch less than 2 hours a week as well...I do like the noise at bedtime though, if my husband is up working late, I'll climb into bed with my crocheting and have a show on (last night it was Wedding Cakes)...I just like to hear people talking when I'm winding down for the day...and it's cool to see those cakes at the end! :) But, we seem to watch less than 10% of what we actually tape...oh well, saving up for retirement maybe! :)


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