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I HATE flying, and I will have to next month. Talk me off my ledge please!


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So my dd is moving to Seattle and we are road tripping up there so she can bring her car. I'm going to have to fly home. I hate flying and I'm gonna have anxiety over this now up until the time I go.


Please let's talk about how flying is super safe and the best way to travel. Otherwise, I'm renting a car and spending 4 days on the road alone.

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It is super safe & super fun.


Plus, the Seattle airport has lots of good local food restaurants once you're through security, so you can feast (or get good food to take on the plane).


I love flying & always wanted to be a pilot. (And, I just went on a trip last month that had me flying Atlanta-Seattle & then back again.) Easy peasy.


If you are that anxious, can your doctor give you some valium or some other anti-anxiety medicine you could take before boarding?


ETA: Agreeing with beautiful views from the windows on the flight. So many cool & lovely things to see.

Edited by Stacia
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oregon drivers are nuts . . . . we just came back from yosemite - and we dealt with many crazies.  you don't want to be on the road with them.


flying out of seattle has beautiful views.  especially right now as the weather is so good.   it's a busy airport, but it's been years since I've heard of any issues of a flight originating at sea-tac- so, yes, it's safe.


it was cool when I was flying to san diego to see the half-dome from the air.  (dd and dsil climbed it last week)


see if you can get a window seat ahead of the wings.


you could also try some ashwaghanda or pharmagaba (or regular gaba) before you board to help with anxiety.

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Flying is super safe! I am flying next week and that's what I keep telling myself:) I get anxious as well, mostly because it's so out of my routine. I only fly about once a year now, but DS loves it and I don't want my irrational anxiety to rub off on him or ruin his excitement. So I fly.

We drive everywhere, but cross country calls for flying.

I'm going to load several fun movies on my tablet, have a glass of wine, and fly.

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I've flown 16 times in the last year and we're flying again next week.

It's not my favorite thing just because of the hassle of the airport, mostly just getting to the airport (LAX).


Find a great show on Netflix that you can download to your phone or iPad. That's a great way to spend a flight and the time in the airport.

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Some people take the train instead of flying or renting a car to drive one-way.  You'd really have to be invested in land travel for either train or driving alone for 4 days, especially after just doing the trip delivering your dd's car. So you'd really rather drive 8 days to avoid a few hours on a plane, that's statistically much safer than driving? That's serious investment in a plane avoidance, I think.

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It's safer, far safer, than a car. I think the thing that's hard is the lack of control compared to what we tell ourselves we have in car driving.


I dislike it too, but my last plane trip was in and out of SeaTac, and it was beautiful. I was still anxious, but less than I expected and remembered in the past. 

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I get super anxious flying too. I had to fly a couple weeks ago. What helps me the most is just refusing to think about it. I pretend it's no big deal and that I'm not scared. I bring something mindless but addicting (cheesy novel, funny movie or tv show - something I know and love) to do on the plane. I only eat bland food and I drink lots of ginger ale. I get up to stretch and use the bathroom a lot. If there is turbulence I watch the flight attendants carrying on normally and that helps me calm down.


You can do it!!

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I have flown many times and only twice has the view ever really wowed me - once was flying by Victoria Falls. The other is flying out of Seattle, which is spectacular being able to see the Cascades and the volcanos from above. There is no other way to get a true perspective on just how majestic the total landscape is.


So... I hope the Mountain is out that day for you.


I also get nervous about flying. I know I just participated, but honestly, the way I deal with it is by refusing to think about it until I'm literally on the plane. And then it's like, oh, I am about to fly. Well, too late now. Then I tell myself how safe it is. Thinking about it ahead of time... no good can come of that. At least for me.

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I know I just participated, but honestly, the way I deal with it is by refusing to think about it until I'm literally on the plane. And then it's like, oh, I am about to fly. Well, too late now. Then I tell myself how safe it is. Thinking about it ahead of time... no good can come of that. At least for me.

This exactly!! I thought I was the only one who did this, lol.

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I hate flying with a fiery hot passion. IMO there is absolutely nothing good about crowded airports and being cooped up in a glorified tin can with dozens/hundreds of other people and having to be on someone else's schedule.


Except . . .it really is safer than driving. And a lot faster.


You can do it.  :grouphug:

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Some airlines have (probably occasionally) programs for people who are nervous when it comes to flying. If you were to rent a car and drive home, that would be FAR more dangerous than a flight in a Civil Turbojet Aircraft.  

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So you would need to drive 4 days for 10 hours a day to get to Louisiana. I'm assuming the LA you are referring to is the state not Los Angeles.


Flying is definitely safer than being on the ride 4 long days. Additionally, I think it would take a few days to recover from that kind of drive.

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The way I get through, which I realize isn't much of a "way", is I don't overthink it.  I don't like flying.  In terms of the overall hassle vs a four day drive, hands down it's going to be less of a hassle to fly.  You only have to sit there, and you can distract yourself with stuff.  Read a good book...bring a tablet....whatever. 

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Your not alone, I despise flying.


I have talked to pilots in the airport and quizzed them about turbulence and stuff. They probably thought I was nuts but it made me feel better.


A good book/audiobook, tv show and some unhealthy snacks and the time will fly by.

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I also find it somewhat soothing to see everyone at the airport and the boards with all the flights listed. I realize this is a normal part of lots of people's lives and routines. Just not mine. It's not as bad as I had anticipated once I get there.

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If it really is anxiety/phobia, talk to your doctor!  With meds, I can fly and read a book like normal people, instead of being in a nervous, anxious ball.  I never imagined that would be possible.  The only concern would be driving home from the airport if you don't have a ride.


No amount of knowing flying is safe helped me.  I have both acrophobia and claustrophobia.  I am an intelligent person, but somehow that hindbrain kicks in, and my body reacts without consulting the rest of the brain.

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Flying is safer than driving but IMO much more hassle. I used to like it years and years ago and now would rather drive. I would drive from Seattle to LA, but that is just me.

My biggest issue would be the drive home alone. It's almost 40 hours and I don't think I'd enjoy that many days alone in the car. We will be driving there and I'm really looking forward to that!

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Some people take the train instead of flying or renting a car to drive one-way. You'd really have to be invested in land travel for either train or driving alone for 4 days, especially after just doing the trip delivering your dd's car. So you'd really rather drive 8 days to avoid a few hours on a plane, that's statistically much safer than driving? That's serious investment in a plane avoidance, I think.

Well, driving on the way there is not optional. My dd has to bring her vehicle. I wouldn't drive home from there alone. I've done it from VA many times, but I don't think I could do 40 hours in a car alone over 4 days. In addition, for just me it would be cost prohibitive. I'm definitely flying homel; just already stressing over it.


Also, I AM going to be in Seattle for about 10 days. In addition to helping my daughter get settled, I'll be visiting a friend for several days. I'm very excited about that.


I've actually flown into and out of the Seattle airport a couple of times traveling to and from Hawaii when my middle dd lived there. I was just so happy to get all my kids and grandkids back together in one state, and now this. Ugh. :(

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DH is a pilot for a large carrier. If you have a couple of questions I can pass those along and give you his professional pilot answers! Knowledge often dispels fear.

Thanks for that! I guess my biggest thing is I feel like lately every time someone is flying, there are mechanical issues, cancelled flights due to weather, and other issues. I just can't help but think about what happens when those mechanical things come up when you're 20,000 feet in the air.


Of course I'm usually fine once I'm on the plane; it's the anticipation that stresses me out.

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So my dd is moving to Seattle and we are road tripping up there so she can bring her car. I'm going to have to fly home. I hate flying and I'm gonna have anxiety over this now up until the time I go.


Please let's talk about how flying is super safe and the best way to travel. Otherwise, I'm renting a car and spending 4 days on the road alone.



Flying is very safe, but if you are that anxious about it have you considered travel by rail?  You could get a sleeping berth and keep going while sleeping.  How long it will take for the journey depends upon train connections needed, but it could be worth considering.

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Thanks for that! I guess my biggest thing is I feel like lately every time someone is flying, there are mechanical issues, cancelled flights due to weather, and other issues. I just can't help but think about what happens when those mechanical things come up when you're 20,000 feet in the air.


Of course I'm usually fine once I'm on the plane; it's the anticipation that stresses me out.



Speaking as the daughter of an airline pilot and as someone who grew up on an airline -- all of those issues and weather problem cancellations are done because of all of the various checks that are performed before take-off, to avoid having such encounters at 30,000 feet.  When it comes to flight safety the airlines are super-cautious.  The planes get checked thoroughly before every flight, even if the plane just landed from somewhere and is due to take off again within minutes.

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Thanks for that! I guess my biggest thing is I feel like lately every time someone is flying, there are mechanical issues, cancelled flights due to weather, and other issues. I just can't help but think about what happens when those mechanical things come up when you're 20,000 feet in the air.


There hasn't been a single airplane crash fatality since 2009 in the US, which is really remarkable if you stop to think about how many flights there are every single day.  For all we like to complain about the inconveniences of modern flying,  the airlines, airplane builders and FAA are really on the ball when it comes to safety.

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