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S/o Apiphobic...Confession is good for the soul

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Apiphobic was brave enough to admit she is an atheist. Good for her! So in the spirit of confession being good for the soul, here goes:


- I don't do read-alouds very often. We all just seem to read silently but in the same room with our own books.


- I don't cook from scratch. My favorite thing to make is reservations.


- I work full time...and I like it.


- I didn't breastfeed.


- My kids are vaccinated and circumcised.


- I don't always separate my laundry properly before washing.


- I don't do the submissive wife thing.


- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.


- I think it is OK for women to be pastors


- I don't really like kids other than my own.


- I want McCain to win but I think Obama will win... and I will live.


- I can't stand denim jumpers.


There. Now she won't be standing out there all alone! :D I would be willing to bet that we are all so different that the "homeschool stereotype" would fall apart if we all knew the truth about one another.

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Hey, sounds like me in a lot of those!


- I don't do read-alouds very often. We all just seem to read silently but in the same room with our own books. 2967960345_09b2706a40.jpg?v=0


- I don't cook from scratch. My favorite thing to make is reservations. 2967960345_09b2706a40.jpg?v=0


- I work full time...and I like it.

I'm currently a SAHM, but I don't look down on you for working full-time.

- I didn't breastfeed.

I only breastfed for 3 months with my first one, but I attribute it to being a new mom far away from a support network and not having a clue what I was doing.

- My kids are vaccinated and circumcised. 2967960345_09b2706a40.jpg?v=0


- I don't always separate my laundry properly before washing.

I have to admit I'm persnickety about my laundry. :blush: But nowhere near as picky as my mom.

- I don't do the submissive wife thing. 2967960345_09b2706a40.jpg?v=0


- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.

Honestly don't know what these are. Wrestling?

- I think it is OK for women to be pastors. 2967960345_09b2706a40.jpg?v=0


- I don't really like kids other than my own.

Well, I'm pretty impressed with my own. Is that close enough?

- I want McCain to win but I think Obama will win... and I will live.

Switch McCain and Obama, and that's my take on it.

- I can't stand denim jumpers.

I've never owned one and I probably wouldn't wear one because I'm so dang short, but they look so comfortable.



And may I please just say since my thread was locked and I have this OCD-type need to respond to each and every post, I appreciate all of the wonderful comments and support I received in the thread and in pm's. I was literally shaking before posting because I was so nervous about it. I was so glad to read all of the good wishes and thoughts. Sincerely, thank you!

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Apiphobic was brave enough to admit she is an atheist. Good for her! So in the spirit of confession being good for the soul, here goes:


- I don't do read-alouds very often. We all just seem to read silently but in the same room with our own books.


- I don't cook from scratch. My favorite thing to make is reservations.


- I work full time...and I like it.


- I didn't breastfeed.


- My kids are vaccinated and circumcised.


- I don't always separate my laundry properly before washing.


- I don't do the submissive wife thing.


- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.


- I think it is OK for women to be pastors


- I don't really like kids other than my own.


- I want McCain to win but I think Obama will win... and I will live.


- I can't stand denim jumpers.


There. Now she won't be standing out there all alone! :D I would be willing to bet that we are all so different that the "homeschool stereotype" would fall apart if we all knew the truth about one another.


- I don't do read-alouds very often. We do a lot of audiobooks in the car and silent reading at home.


- I don't cook from scratch. My favorite thing to make is reservations. I do try, but the truth is I'm not very good at it.


- I work part-time but have always wanted to be a SAHM when I grew up.


- I breastfed for two years.


- My DS is vaccinated and circumcised.


- My DH does the majority of the laundry.


- I try to be submissive but I'm too darn opinionated.


- I am against violence and won't even let my DS sin up for karate class.


- I won't attend a church where there are women pastors, musical instruments, or dancing. Please don't bash me I'm just trying to be open.


- I like other peoples children just not in my house.


- I honestly just wish the election would be over so we could all move on..


- I tend to buy way too much clothes, but secretly I wish I didn't have to leave my house so I could live in my pajamas.

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*Whew* I'm betting you feel better getting that out! :001_smile:


I have one confession that's been rolling around in my heart/understanding lately, and here goes. Ahem.


I'm a pro-choice *and* pro-life Christian. To me, the terms are not mutually exclusive.


There I said it.


Oh! I just thought of another one. This, too, is big.


I go commando 90% of the time. I hate underwear.


The truth is so liberating!



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Hey, I'm pro-life and pro-choice, too!




I've been doing the "submissive" wife thingy lately because I got sick of making so many decisions. Let dh make a few. (Plus it turns him on when I bat my eyelashes at him helplessly...."I just don't know what to do....what do you think, honey????".)


I tried to fail my accounting midterm on purpose so I wouldn't have to do it anymore, but I think I got an "A".


I love cooking. Today the kids all found me in the kitchen after school and my three boys talked to me for about an hour, tripping over their words to tell me everything like they were little again. I love how I'm the center of the universe here in our house.


I have made "field-trip" plans for every Friday since school started. We've only actually gone on one.


I'm not voting this year. (Phew...that's a big secret). I had to get something notarized and it was going to cost me $25.00 and I decided that I wasn't going to pay $25.00 to vote for any of the jerks running for president this year. To heck with all of them.

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I'm not voting this year. (Phew...that's a big secret). I had to get something notarized and it was going to cost me $25.00 and I decided that I wasn't going to pay $25.00 to vote for any of the jerks running for president this year. To heck with all of them.


Totally justified in my opinion.

Plus, you made me laugh.


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Well let's see...


I do not cook from scratch


I am a list maker but seldom finish anything on my lists (maybe they are just too long?)


We never accomplish much each day and I feel daily guilt over this


I question my choices in life daily, and figure my kids will be in therapy for years


I was a pagan until 2 years ago, have a tattoo to prove it, then converted


I have become more conservative over the last 2 years as I see how screwed up I haave made my kids


My house is messy more often than it is clean, and it embarasses me, though today was a clean day so the kids had friends over, on the main floor at least. I can't help it, I hate cleaning so much I would rather have a root canal than clean.


I am still married to my estranged husband


We have been separated for 7.5 years


My older 2 kids were born out of wed lock, husband is their father, next 2 kids were born while I was legally married, they are not my husband's as we were already separated. NO matter how you look at it I am a big fat adulterer, and really don't care, I wouldn't trade my kids for the world.


I may have been convinced to trade them for a a day at the spa earlier this week, It has been a bad week, I need a break, and a massage.


I went to log on earlier and I think I had a mini stroke when I got the message the boards were down, this site has been my little piece of sanity this week


I think I have revealed too much and must now run away and hide

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My house is messy more often than it is clean, and it embarasses me, though today was a clean day so the kids had friends over, on the main floor at least. I can't help it, I hate cleaning so much I would rather have a root canal than clean.



This is me! No one knows this one about me because I'm obsessive about it being perfect when company comes over.


I am obsessive about my kitchen being clean though because I do cook from scratch.


It would probably be good if I got angry more often. I clean like a mad woman when I'm pissy! In fact, when my sis started on the campaign trail in November last year, my house was clean ALL.THE.TIME!:lol:

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I have not even cracked the plastic on the Draw Today that I bought over 10 years ago! My dc call it "Draw Next Year".


When I start reading a really good novel I declare myself sick and do not get out of bed until I am done.


I do not fold my kitchen washclothes and towels - I just throw them in a drawer. Ditto socks!


I think both natural childbirth and breastfeeding are over rated.


I like weeding.


I hate visiting historic battlefields.


I am a Christian AND I teach my dc about evolution.


I don't like reading aloud to my dc once they are old enough to read to themselves, so I encourage my dh to do it.


I like moving. If we live in a house too long, I will completely rearrange it.


I discuss my dc's reading assignments with them, but I don't make them do narration.


I think that cookies make my dc sweeter.


I believe that Christians hsers should put as much emphasis on raising their boys to be worthy of a Proverbs 31 wife as they do on raising their dds to be Proverbs 31 women.


I have never made my dc write a book report. EVER!


I have used the t.v. as a babysitter so that I could have a little quality time with my dh.


Although I married a fighter pilot, I have pacifistic tendencies.


I have thought about photoshopping pictures to cover the fact that I don't have a single picture of Tigger's 5th or Kangatwo's 18th birthday.

Edited by Kanga
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Kanga, I have to say I love your location and names. Kind of like Pooh Bear visits Middle Earth?


My true confessions...


- I despise cooking. If I never had to cook another meal in my life that would be grand.


- I don't want the suburban lifestyle. I want to travel and be adventurous and show my son this country before he goes off to college. The dive in the housing market has put in big crimp in our plans to do that.


- I prayed for my son not to have curly hair. I think all these sons with curly hair are adorable, but I'm glad my ds did not inherit that characteristic from me.


- I have insomnia. I am truly hoping it will last through November so I can finish my nanowrimo during the quietest part of the day.


- I don't like yard work at all, period.


- My family and I bond over watching "Terminator" on Monday nights.


- I have not unpacked everything I boxed up during our hurricane evacuations.


- I'm a christian and we do not attend church.


There are more, but I'm not awake yet to think of them.

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Okay, here's my confessions:


I am very opinionated. (Of course, many of you knew this about me already. :D) I can be very stubborn, but feel this trait has served me well because I don't give up easily.


I love to cook from scratch. I love to grind wheat and the smell of fresh bread baking. I love to cook cajun.


I am a conservative Christian, pro-life person (although not as conservative as some) married for almost 19 years to an atheist. He and I are madly in love and this has never been an issue. He brings home books for me to read, which I do, and I provide him with reading materials as well to support each of our choices. However, in our entire marriage he and I have never resorted to yelling or screaming or calling each other names about any topic. We're always able to sit down and debate religion like two reasonable people. In our almost 19 years of marriage, we've only had 5 disagreements, which I think is pretty good.


I love my dc dearly; not so much other children, but I do strive to help those less privileged than us. I started and now run a non-profit to help underprivileged children with life skills and choices through sports. Sports gets them there, but it's a chance to talk to them about the choices they are making in school and what they want to do about their lives (and, no, it's not religious).


I did my doctoral studies in psychology and have been published in professional journals, books, and have spoken at professional conventions, but I absolutely hate getting up in front of an audience to speak.


I love to play tennis. I am very competitive. I have numerous trophies that I've won in the past several years for tennis. My kids love it, too, and play often. If I weren't hs'ing, I'd be playing lots of tennis.


We live on 76 acres with a 6 acre lake that we dug ourselves. It has a water trampoline in it. Knocking on wood, but no injuries thus far. The trampoline has an inflated donut ring around it, and of course the water if they fall off. We have four dirt bikes (one of which is mine), two ATV's, and several farming implements and I actually like driving our tractor. We just built our own tennis court in the back pasture (yes, we did the whole thing ourselves). My husband and I are very much do it yourselves kind of people. I can lay tile, lay roofing, use a blow torch and know the basics about fixing plumbing, especially if I get to use the blowtorch for that.:D


My house is never company ready and I abhor cleaning. I can't stand clutter, but always seem to have it around. I love my kitchen counters when there's nothing on them. My home style is french country, but I don't like knick-knacks and prefer things nice and neat (and it makes dusting easier). The only things I have for decoration are those things that have meaning to us (sentimental value). I even went so far as not having a dining room when we built our house and instead had the builder make that area a nice big pantry. After all, I used the formal dining room like twice a year, but had to clean it all year long. Did I mention I hate cleaning?


I don't have one curriculum. I prefer to pick and choose each subject individually, based on each of my dc's learning styles (which are quite different). I've already started this process for next year.


I can't stand it when people don't use blinkers when driving.


I love humor and we laugh a lot around here. My dc have inherited the "goofy" gene from my husband and myself and we have a lot of fun.


Oh, here's one thing none of you know about me. I used to be a professional skydiver! Back in my 20's, it was one of my jobs, but I loved it. I loved jumping into events and signing autographs. It was a hoot. Won't do it now, it's too risky and I won't risk my dc not having a mother.


I can't wait for the elections to be over and this board to get back to its normalcy. We all got along pretty well before that (with a few exceptions) and I think we will again. I do appreciate healthy debates, but detest them when name calling ensues. I think of this board like a family. Squabbling among sisters and brothers can be expected, but we always sit down at the table again when we're done.


Here's to outing ourselves.

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- I don't do read alouds. Quiver at the thought actually. That's what audiobooks are for surely?


- I'm not sure God exists.


- I spend too much time on the computer.


- I'm a total greenie who drives a gas guzzler *blush*


- I do as much as possible from scratch because packaging is pure evil. One serve anything is evil. Companies who wrap their products in 3 layers of plastic are evil and Nestle is evil.


- I think people who don't use cloth diapers are lazy (yes I do. Rude eh)


- I think that babies are severely disadvantaged long term by not being breastfed. But I realise that sometimes that's not possible.


- I think houses are over cleaned and too sterile and we are too precious about cotton wooling our children.


- I think that if the president of the US is the "leader of the free world" then the free world should all get to vote.


- I'm a thread killer. Quite adept actually. Watch this one die now.

Edited by keptwoman
keep thinking of more oops
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Guest Virginia Dawn

Confessions are risky aren't they?


Things I've wanted to say:


I only taught one child latin and that was because he was a voracious learner. I have no plans to ever attempt it with the last three.


I've never done narration or dictation.


I only assign books for my children to read that I have been willing to read myself. (My apologies to all those ancient dead dudes who have been ignored.)


I inwardly groan when it is time to do Geometry with my 15yo. This is my fourth time through it and I hated it the first time.


I let my kids watch more tv than I should. But hey, it's PBS. ;-)


I am a Christian and I teach my kids that only God could possibly know the exact processes by which he created matter and life. So, they should read, listen, and learn from both sides and refrain from arguing with either side of the creation issue because it is not productive.


I believe that Jesus taught there is a God, so we should stop worrying and enjoy life. ;-)


I'm not so sure I want to live forever. I think I could be happy just making it through this life and finding rest in peaceful nonexistance.


I don't like proselytizing or evangelizing or high pressure salesmanship or forwards. They make me very uncomfortable.


I like good old fashioned home style cooking but I absolutely hate house cleaning.


Beeep. time's up. gotta go.

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- I love to read aloud to my kids, and usually don't give them enough turns reading out loud themselves. I like to do different "voices" and accents.


- I haven't put pictures in an album for nearly 14 years. I have about that many U-Haul boxes filled with pictures and mementos just waiting to be placed in a photo album, and thousands and thousands more in digital format on my computer that haven't been printed out yet.


- My almost-11 year old DS thinks he's adopted because there are no photo albums with his photo in them. :blush:


- I paid $2000 this summer to have Ontrack Data Recovery restore my hard drive that crashed, the one with all those digital photos I hadn't yet printed. I now have them backed up on two separate hard drives, and online.


- I am a conservative Christ-follower, but I do not homeschool for religious reasons. (I just didn't like the school in our new location.)


- I am pro-life, and I am against the death penalty in most cases (heinous crimes against children are another matter).


- I am an old-earth creationist. (Ducking and running.)


- I am a military wife who has been fortunate enough to live in some fabulous places over the past 20 years, including S. Korea, Germany, and my favorite place, Turkey.


- We don't do copywork.


- I've only been homeschooling since March of last year, but have already turned into a curriculum junkie.


- I love to do gourmet cooking, but rarely do anymore. However, I have never made a lasagna (except a frozen one from Stouffer's) and have never baked a loaf of bread except in a bread machine, which I sold at a garage sale 10 years ago and really wish I hadn't. (The machine, not the baked bread.)


- I am a messy married to a neat freak. He's rubbed off on me over the years, and I've found that clutter now drives me crazy, but I'm still not as organized as I want to be, so when it overwhelms me, I just throw it in a drawer or closet. The living space is neat, but don't open the cabinets or closet doors, if you visit me! :blush:


- I love to move. We've been here for 2.5 years, and I have seriously itchy feet, and am ready to move on. Sadly, I think we're stuck for another couple years until DD graduates high school... so I will probably go through a major redecorating project this coming summer to make the house feel new and different.


- I love adventure.

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- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.[/i]

Honestly don't know what these are. Wrestling?



MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts and it is kind of like boxing, martial arts and wrestling (the real kind) all in one. It is awesome! UFC stands for Ultimate Fighting Championship and it is the main league for the sport.


I got up this morning and read through all the responses so far and you ladies are CRACKING ME UP!

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If anything, this board has shown me that there is no "typical homeschooler". YAY!




I love to cook from scratch and feel guilty if I don't

My children all attend church 3x a week and I don't go and never will

I am "spiritual but not religious" and I don't like organized religion

I have more shoes than I could wear and some I've never worn

I can't teach higher math and depend on computer programs to help us

I never sort my laundry before washing

I am a die-hard Red Sox fan and the love of my life is a ...Yankees fan!

I think the movie "Team America" is hilarious

My "dh" and I are not "legally" married but this time around I am loved and in love

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The baby is 8 weeks old today, so for 8 weeks our schooling has been SLACK. (And I already consider myself an unschooler).


Both of my kids were born out of wedlock.


I don't like the male god that everyone else prays to and I believe he didn't like me first.


I love Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson.


I love a clove cigarette with coke and whiskey (actually that would be Jack Daniels and Pepsi). And I prefer to have them while sitting on a porch with good country music in the background.


If given the opportunity - I wouldn't think twice about smoking weed with Willie Nelson.


I have my horse's skull in the dining room. We are staying at my mom's until we get a place but I wouldn't let my boyfriend put her in storage.


If given the opportunity to be a *well* paid whore or a kept woman - I would.

(Prefer the latter).


I hate wearing clothes all the time.


I am known for going topless at the beach when I can get away with it.


I use the RN card frequently.

(Like when my boyfriend and I got busted skinny dipping - they had binoculars or never would have seen us - and I let the guy know I'm an RN and I was at the hospital all night and I needed a good swim this morning.... they let it slide).


I am definitely a black sheep but can dress up, look propper, be well mannered, and all the old folks love me.

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Wow, can I just cut and paste from everyone else? Y'all have confessed most of the things I would.


- I haven't put pictures in an album for nearly 14 years. I have about that many U-Haul boxes filled with pictures and mementos just waiting to be placed in a photo album, and thousands and thousands more in digital format on my computer that haven't been printed out yet.



This is sooo me, it's scary. Plus I've invested in photo albums and various scrapbooking stuff, hoping to inspire myself. Didn't work.


I don't like proselytizing or evangelizing or high pressure salesmanship or forwards. They make me very uncomfortable.



Totally with you on this.



- I spend too much time on the computer.




- I think people who don't use cloth diapers are lazy (yes I do. Rude eh)


- I think that babies are severely disadvantaged long term by not being breastfed. But I realise that sometimes that's not possible.



We are twin souls.


I can't stand it when people don't use blinkers when driving.



If I flip out and go into a road rage rampage it will be over this.


I hate visiting historic battlefields.



Oh yeah' date=' I feel your pain.



My house is messy more often than it is clean, and it embarasses me, though today was a clean day so the kids had friends over, on the main floor at least. I can't help it, I hate cleaning so much I would rather have a root canal than clean.



This sounds so much like something I would say it's eery.


- I don't really like kids other than my own.



Some kids I like. They tend to be few and far between. And remind me of my kids.


I'd add: I think Praise Music is insipid. I dislike Contemporary Worship Services; I think they're dippy.

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-I abhor house cleaning. No matter how hard I try, or how many books/websites I read, nothing will make me enjoy cleaning.


-I love cooking and am very frustrated that I really have no one to cook for. Dd couldn't care less about food quality and ds is rarely home.


-I really want to go to culinary school and do catering.


-I think this is the scariest election in my memory.


-I don't want to get to know my neighbors.


-I love my church and love the teaching, but there are many people there I just. don't. like. But, if any of them ever needed anything, I'd be there.


-I'm a very conservative Christian, but I love Jack-o-Lanterns at Halloween and seeing little ones dressed in cute costumes.


-I'm petrified of being alone the rest of my life.


-I watch Desperate Housewives. And House, CSI, Eleventh Hour and I'm ticked Bones is on Wednesday nights when I'm not home.

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I'm pretty much right there with Heather and Apiphobic!


-Other People's Kids (OPK) kind of freak me out. As a babysitter pre-motherhood, I was great. I was given instructions, and I followed them. Now that I have my own kids and my own expectations... I just never know how I should interact with OPK. Is it okay for me to correct them? Is it okay for me to offer them cookies? Can I tell them to leave me the heck alone? And how in the world do most of them seem like such brats to me, a mom who thinks her own kids are quite bratty, themselves?!


-I often sleep with the television on. We had a no-bedroom-tv rule years ago, and that was good. But this is okay, too. Except when I start dreaming about infomercials.


-My kids really do make me nuts. They can be okay in public, but they are very, very far from angels. As crazy as it makes me, I'm okay with it. I see value in each of their annoying behaviors.


-I am shocked by how anti-regular-school I have become. I don't want to see them eliminated or anything, because they *are needed. I have just come to really, really dislike them.


-I smoke, and I hate it. Well, I hate the results of smoking. I love actually smoking. Ergo, I hate myself, but I'm happy.:001_huh:


-I hate my doctor right now. He has been willing to write me scripts for a controlled substance (Adderall) without blinking. He has refused to call in a script for antibiotics for the UTI I have (sorry, lol), even with my offer to take a home test to confirm what I already know, thanks to previous experiences.

My doc is an hour away, and I just haven't been able to get an appointment that fits into the busy week we've had.

So, street-valued drugs are cool. Antibiotics to take the sting out of urinating are to be taken much more seriously. :confused:


-I met my dh online, and married him 8 months after meeting him off-line.


-Dh has always wanted me to sah. For a couple of years, we fought about that b/c I hated not having a job. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way.


-I know I'm technically agnostic, but that's such a vague term. I prefer to call myself an atheist.


-I have gone from being anti-hunting to "Will someone please get over here and shoot the disgusting rats-with-hooves all over my property?"


-But I'll never eat venison.


-I think my mother-in-law is evil.


-I can't find child number 3's baby pictures.


-I am fascinated by neurological disorders. They exist, and many are serious, but I believe that every human being posesses some traits of neurological disorders. They're simply milder/fewer and more manageable than those in diagnosed people.


-I love, love, love "TEA". Really love "TEA". But I usually prefer to sleep.


-I should be getting the kids ready for our homeschool group meeting. Instead, I'll goof off on the internet and rush everyone in 20 minutes.

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Well, I was going to introduce myself on a new thread, but this seemed more appropriate to me.


-I am a Christian (not a very good one), but I'm homeschooling because I think the ps in town is full of simple-minded fools


-Though I am a Jesus person, I would push the previous poster out of the way to hang out with Willie Nelson and engage in illegal activities. (God created cannabis, so it must be ok, right?)


- Just because I'm voting for Obama doesn't mean I'm a terrorist, baby killer (actually I'm kinda pro-life), tree-hugging hippie liberal.


-I don't think liberal is a bad word


-(This is the hardest one to confess so far) I voted for Bush. Twice.:banghead:


-I'd probably be considered an old-earth creationist as well, though I'll teach my kids creationism and let them decide for themselves


-My head would explode if I lived in a suburb


-I often think I'm smarter than the people around me


-I think Sarah Palin is evil


-I'd rather hang out with kids than adults sometimes


-My oldest was born six months after dh and I married, and she wasn't 3 months early


-Complain and sarcasm are my middle names


-Despite the above confession, I love my life, my family, and my God

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I think I've actually already confessed most of my quirks here. I do cook from scratch. My kids are not vaccinated or circumcised. We did homebirth, and extended breastfeeding. I do bake bread. If we were only Christian, we'd be pretty close to the stereotype ;-)


I've already admitted to being a "relaxed" parent and housekeeper. I do readalouds - I don't like to do them, but I do them. K-4 only takes 30 min - an hour to do at my house. I even confessed to my past as an astrologer.


Okay, I'll give you the only deep, dark secret I can think of right now: I can't stand listening to my older son talk. Is that horrible, or what? He's a very smart kid. He has interesting things to say. But he has a habit of speech that makes him irritating to listen to - very nasal, and he tends to not pronounce consonants. Plus, he has as yet no sense of when to stop, or when to not give every detail, or how not to go off on some rabbit trail of details. He will talk. for. hours.


He comes by it honestly - his father can talk. for. hours. And I once feigned sleep to get my FIL to shut up.


I love the kid. I hope I can teach him to communicate better.

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- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.



Maybe someday in the future you can watch my ds in a UFC fight. :D

Seriously, he is currently taking jiu-jitsu and when he is 18 he can start the MMA class. The place he trains at is one of the best (if not the best) in the state. He loves the class and it will be interesting to see how far he goes with it.



As far as confessions go:


~ I am a terrible housekeeper.


~ I won't spend a couple dollars for a nice pair of undies, but think nothing of spending $8-$9/yd for quality, quilting fabric. Priorities, you know. ;)


~ If it wasn't for my dh, we would eat cereal or popcorn pretty much every night for dinner.


~ I procrastinate to the extreme!


~ I like to fill shopping carts at on-line retailers with stuff I would like to buy just to see how much it would be, then empty it. Yes, I am easily amused. :D


I can't think of anything else right now, but I am sure there is more.

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I am loving these! I thought of a few more after I hit post last time.


I have had 3 preemies, my water breaks at 35 weeks and I am HAPPY they were born a month early because the 1 time I went to 40 weeks(actually I went over) it felt like agony being pregnant for a whole extra month. (of course for their health I would have liked for them to hang out in there for an extra week or two, just not till 40)


I do not circumsize, used to vaccinate(until baby dd had a bad reaction), breastfed for long with each child (1 week, 3 months, 4.5 months and 13 months still ongoing in that order), I am just fine with my decision to bottle feed the first 3 when I did.


I used Nestle formula, I buy Nestle products now, I don't bother with boycotting when the company carries products I like


I don't read aloud as often as I feel I should. We use audiobooks and when I am in a good mood I read aloud (as in when the kids have not pushed my buttons big time all day)


I am happy as a single parent but I am starting to worry what will happen when the kids are grown, with no spouse, no job and my everything being put into them (as I feel it should be)


I was an alcoholic at 19/20, the last time I was drunk was the night I met my husband, I went home with him from the bar, lived with him for a week, then he went back east for 3 weeks, the night he got back I got pg with #1 so I moved in with him for good. We went basically from introductions to parenthood with nothing in between. When ds was 5 weeks old I got pg with #2, we married a year later.


I cosleep, wear my babies, etc


I hate summer and fall and prefer to stay in my house away from the elements if at all possible.

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Coming clean:


Other than in the area of athletics, I think that the College of William and Mary, my alma mater and SWB's place of employment, is better in every way than the University of Virginia. I just do. Don't give me your "Mr. Jefferson"; we educated your Mr. Jefferson, sonny. Sorry 'bout dat.


I'm a naturally great speller who, until I met my DH, who misspells "fish," assumed that bad spellers were less intelligent. I get it now.


I think everyone should drive like I do. Because I ROCK at driving.


I can't cook or clean, but I make phenomenal salads. Clearly my DH must really love me.


I am an ardent supporter of hospice.


I love my own kids, but in general, I'm not a kid person.


I want to WANT to have a social life, but I'm really very anti-social. Yes, yes--I seem like the life of the party. I seem so HAPPY to meet you. What can I say? I'm a great actress.


I was raised by a devout atheist who remains one of the most intelligent men I've ever known. And he was definitely a great father.


I'm a conservative (in the traditional sense of the word). I'm a rock-solid, devout, Bible-believing and church-going reformed Christian. But I'm not sure that I'm a "conservative Christian." Does that make sense?


My DH and I left a church because they believed that alcohol was all bad, all the time. What can I say? My family's French and Scottish; we drink. At lunch and at dinner. And other times, too, when we feel like it. Get over it.


In general, no one agrees with me. What's wrong with everyone?! It's all so simple:


* I supported the 1991 Gulf War; I opposed and still oppose this war. I STILL support the troops, the war in Afghanistan (even though it hasn't been executed well), and the global war on terrorism. I am a patriot; I love my country. I don't love everything my country does.


* I do "believe" in global warming.


* I do believe that God created us; I don't think that He HAD to have done it in 6 24-hour days.


* I am against abortion, but I'm conflicted on the death penalty. If even ONE innocent person is executed.... And we know that MANY innocents have been. I shudder to think of it.


* I don't mind folks owning guns. But I favor waiting periods, background checks, and an assault weapons ban. So shoot me. (Um, let me rephrase that one....)


* I am post-partisan. Come join me!


* I cannot STAND incivility. I find it abhorrent. Why is it impossible to converse with those you disagree with without resorting to name-calling? Gee--I outgrew that in grade school.


* I think that the industrialized food we eat in this country is making us fat and stupid. Or at least fat; I'm still working on proof of the stupid.


* I have a teaching certificate and a masters degree in education and think that the notion that parents should be certified to teach is ludicrous. I took those classes, folks. You can't pull the wool over THESE eyes. The emperor has no clothes.


* I distrust all politicians. I know, it isn't fair. I get it. But I can't help it. I'm a Generation Xer: I may have known you and even liked you before you ran for office. Once you run, however, I view you with suspicion. There it is.


Do you still love me? :blush:

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I like you. :-)


And what's more, I can relate to most of your "confessions."


I meant to add: My ds is attending your alma mater and we couldn't be more pleased with the quality of the school.

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I am going to play because I simply love the idea of breaking down any and all stereotypes.......


*I love Jesus so much....so, so, so much, yet I have a really, really hard (even cringe) at the idea of telling people I am a Christian....similarly, I feel more comfortable with "non christians" that those professed.


* I was a Meth Addict and have been sober for 10 years now. It took my hubby a bit longer though...and I still love the drug enough to forever stay away from it.


*I hate being pregnant, really I do, so much so that I always pray that I don't damage the psychi of the unborn child....I am 36 weeks right now....and I tell myself over and over, at least you can be pregnant when so many can't, but it doesn't matter....I just DONT LIKE IT!!!


*I loveTEA ( I think that is what you all call it here) and sometimes even feel like I am more like the stereotypical man in that area than a nice reserved housewife.


*Two unwed babies..yikes (maybe related to the above...just trying to be funny here) but all 4 same poppa......


*I love Mcdonalds hamburgers....can't really indulge in them (maybe once a year and then I get sick), but I LOVE them.


*My kids had instant maple oatmeal for dinner last night.


*I love fishnet stockings and leopard print ANYTHING.


*We caretake for my schizophrenic brother-in-law and I have given my kids timeout for not "testing" his food for him.......when I didn't want to.


*more will come I am sure.



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- I don't do read-alouds very often. We all just seem to read silently but in the same room with our own books.Same here. I just can't find the time. We read silently in the same room a lot too.


- I'm addicted to the Food Network shows. I would faint dead away if I ever met Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, Bobby Flay, or Tyler Florence. Truly.


- I don't work outside the home but I have and I liked it.


- I didn't breastfeed.The longest I breastfed was 5 months.


- My kids are vaccinated and circumcised.Amen sister.


- I don't always separate my laundry properly before washing.Same here. We don't have hot water in our house so it seems a waste of time!


- I don't do the submissive wife thing.I try, but, I too am very opinionated and can't keep my mouth shut very long!


- I am obsessed with MMA fighting and watch UFC religiously.I love football!


- I think it is OK for women to be pastorsI agree.


- I don't really like kids other than my own.The older I get the truer this is!!!


- I want McCain to win but I think Obama will win... and I will live.Again, Amen sister!


- I can't stand denim jumpers.Same here.


A few more from me:


-I laugh hysterically at the shows Will and Grace and Friends. (Not very Christian of me, I know, but, they are stinkin' funny.)


-I'm obsessed with old movies especially ones with Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, and Elizabeth Taylor.


-Most women freak me out. I have a hard time trusting them--a throwback to high school and the catty girls that I was surrounded by.


-I really want to be a writer but I'm too afraid to try.

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I'm not registered to vote, despite being eligible to (and it being my civil duty to, according to many). I have definite opinions on issues, but make no complaints when things go awry and hold no celebrations when things go favorably. Things are what they are; I'm a fatalist.


I have 11 years seniority at my job, but between pregnancies and Family Leave I have only actually worked less than 3 of those 11 years (but am credited for all 11 in terms of pay and benefits). It's a good life!


I love that I'm an ethnic blend, and am fascinated by the unique external beauty of other bi-/multi-racials.


I homeschool because I thoroughly enjoy my kids. I have excellent public schools in my area, can afford private schools, and support parochials, and I know they each would fare well in any educational environment ... but I simply don't want to cut the cord and limit the time I have with them when they still think I hang the moon. I homeschool for my sake, not for theirs!


I actually really enjoy OPK :) I came from a very large family, and a very tight-knit ethnic community, so maybe I'm just used to being around a bunch of different kid personalities LOL. I genuinely love the kids of my friends and relatives as though they were my own, and treat them accordingly.


And sometimes if I pass wind in public, I blame it on my son. The sweetheart lets me get away with it, too. Am I the only one whose gassy incontinence gets worse with each pregnancy?? By the time I'm done having kids, I'll be powering our side of the Mississippi, sheesh.

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I did extended bfing, selectively vaccinated, homebirthed, and cloth diapered. But I don't cook everything from scratch (I aim for dinner being from scratch and consider that accomplishment enough!), I don't wear denim jumpers, and I'm not into the submissive wife thing either- dh laughs about that, he wouldn't want that himself.


Also, I'm Christian and I believe in evolution and have no problem seeing how the two can go together. And I'm for gay marriage and don't believe that homosexuality is a sin, I have been smacked down on Christian homeschooling boards for that. But I'm not okay with abortion. Bundle of contradictions, right?


I also wear makeup and saw someone say they have insomnia- me too.


Dh and I never fit in to a group or category- where can you find a pro-life and okay with gay marriage church? And the closest political party I can identify with is libertarian, but that's not a perfect match either.

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I cook from scratch and feel bad if I use my electric mixer. "Food is Love" is my mantra. The more work it takes the more I love my family.


I really don't like TEA but I'm sure my dh would feel more loved by more TEA than by more work in the kitchen.


I believe in a young earth. I believe that dinos and people walked together. I'm sure Matt Damon would find me very scary :eek:


I teach my children the ideas mentioned above but also teach them about evolution. I want them to know what other people believe.


My children are vaccinated but my ds is not circumsized.


I also don't like other people's children very much but I do love my own. Although there are days I just tolerate them.


My house is usually very messy. I am not a great house cleaner.


I have a mean streak in me and can get very angry. People just laugh and say "that can't be true, you're so mellow". That remark makes me angry :cursing:


I usually vote Republican but will vote for a 3rd party this time around. I don't care for McCain or Obama. I do believe Obama will win.


I only bf'd my first child for 2 months which I still feel guilty for 7 years later. I bf'd my other two for a year and half to 2 years to make the guilt go away (it only made it worse)



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Now I feel like I need to add stuff! :001_smile:


I cook as little as possible.


We selectively vax now, but my older two were fully-vaxed for a while.

One of my son's is circ'ed. The other is not.

I have exclusively formula fed, exclusively breastfed, and everything in between.

#4 is my first cloth diapered baby, and now I wish I had done it with all of them. I never knew it was so easy.


I wanted a homebirth with #4. Dh was against it. Because our nearest hospital is so far away, I gave in. There were complications, but no hospital-exclusive interventions were needed. Dh and I do not discuss birth anymore because of this.


I like to drink, but I rarely do. I am most likely to drink with my parents, who I see once or twice a year. And it's not because the visits are stressful, lol.

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I only have one confession to make because I am afraid to tell anybody in my real life that I really feel this way.


I just found out that state funding to 4H on the east side of the Sierras in California might be cut off and the program may cease to exist. I absolutely love the program. It's great for the kids and they get the chance to learn things that I don't get around to teaching or that I am not capable to teach. I can find no fault with it.


My confession? I secretly hope it fails because I hate making the kids do the writing. They have to write about every thing. We didn't get the books done last year and I feel guilty as h*ll for not getting on the ball because they get rewarded for it, it is a great keepsake, and it is valuable for college admissions.


I hate writing.

I hate making my kids write.

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A partial list of confessions ;)


-- I am a Christian, and I love Harry Potter.

-- I am a Christian, and I am also pro-choice.

-- I am a Christian, and I don't like John McCain or Sarah Palin.

-- I am a Christian, and I don't have a problem with social drinking.


Oh yeah, and I don't do ironing. Not ever.


Now I'd better run and hide :auto:


Shari, let's do drinks to discuss our only point of disagreement: abortion. I'll bet that even after a couple of stiff ones, we could amicably agree to disagree. :001_smile:


I have a mean streak in me and can get very angry. People just laugh and say "that can't be true, you're so mellow". That remark makes me angry :cursing:



Not a redhead, by any chance, are you? I've got a VERY quick temper, and I blame it on the hair. ;)

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A partial list of confessions ;)


-- I am a Christian, and I love Harry Potter.

-- I am a Christian, and I am also pro-choice.

-- I am a Christian, and I don't like John McCain or Sarah Palin.

-- I am a Christian, and I don't have a problem with social drinking.


Oh yeah, and I don't do ironing. Not ever.


Now I'd better run and hide :auto:





Never heard of it.

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I will be keeping my secrets to myself thanks anyway. ;)


Oh, all right, just a few...I had a 16 inch waist until the pesky childbirth thing.


I have a lovely dress made out of green velvet...where oh where did my drapes go?


I LOVE raw carrots fresh out of the garden! Yum!


Sometimes I put my hat on backwards to make myself appear helpless to my man.

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I will be keeping my secrets to myself thanks anyway. ;)


Oh, all right, just a few...I had a 16 inch waist until the pesky childbirth thing.


I have a lovely dress made out of green velvet...where oh where did my drapes go?


I LOVE raw carrots fresh out of the garden! Yum!


Sometimes I put my hat on backwards to make myself appear helpless to my man.


LOL! :lol:


Do you say, "Fiddle dee dee" a lot, too?

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This is me! No one knows this one about me because I'm obsessive about it being perfect when company comes over.


I am obsessive about my kitchen being clean though because I do cook from scratch.


It would probably be good if I got angry more often. I clean like a mad woman when I'm pissy! In fact, when my sis started on the campaign trail in November last year, my house was clean ALL.THE.TIME!:lol:


What is your sister running for?

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I'm pretty much right there with Heather and Apiphobic!


-Other People's Kids (OPK) kind of freak me out. As a babysitter pre-motherhood, I was great. I was given instructions, and I followed them. Now that I have my own kids and my own expectations... I just never know how I should interact with OPK. Is it okay for me to correct them? Is it okay for me to offer them cookies? Can I tell them to leave me the heck alone? And how in the world do most of them seem like such brats to me, a mom who thinks her own kids are quite bratty, themselves?!




-I am shocked by how anti-regular-school I have become. I don't want to see them eliminated or anything, because they *are needed. I have just come to really, really dislike them.



It's so refreshing to hear that so many others don't like other peoples children. I thought I was some kind of freak! I've never liked children. Never planned to have any until I had an "oopsie." I feel very blessed with my oopsie, look what I would have missed out on. But OPC BLEH.


I also am quite anti school. My DH is currently working on contract at the Dept of Education. I don't think he is amused when I ask how the enemy were today :rofl:


Okay, I'll give you the only deep, dark secret I can think of right now: I can't stand listening to my older son talk. Is that horrible, or what? He's a very smart kid. He has interesting things to say. But he has a habit of speech that makes him irritating to listen to - very nasal, and he tends to not pronounce consonants. Plus, he has as yet no sense of when to stop, or when to not give every detail, or how not to go off on some rabbit trail of details. He will talk. for. hours.


He comes by it honestly - his father can talk. for. hours. And I once feigned sleep to get my FIL to shut up.


I love the kid. I hope I can teach him to communicate better.

OH my I have one just the same. Not the nasal bit but the just going on and on and on. And like yours, he gets it from his father who also does not know how to condense. I tell him to cut it short on a regular basis. AND like yours I have a FIL who doesn't know when to shut up, particularly when I am getting visibly irate with what he is saying ARGGGHHHHH



Oh yeah, and I don't do ironing. Not ever.




What is this ironing of which you speak.


One of my son's is circ'ed. The other is not.


I had never heard of children being circed until I joined a due date board with some US girls in 2003. I lived in NZ and it's just not done. Ever. It died out years ago, even in my generation it was less than 50/50. When my boys heard about it their eyes watered.

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Confession is good for the soul! I'll play. :)


I'm a Christian who believes the Earth is billions of years old.


I believe in evolution and while I don't believe man evolved from primates, my world and faith won't come crashing down if a missing link is one day discovered.


I believe that it is entirely possible there is life on other planets. I think it's rather arrogant to assume we are the only intelligent life in the vast expanse of the universe.


I have read the Harry Potter series 4 times!


You might find me enjoying a beer, glass of wine, margarita or ameretto on ice in the evenings.


I love country music.


I like some of Kid Rock's songs...All Summer Long and Roll On.


I love to cook. If I had more time, everything would be from scratch.


I own almost all of Nora Roberts' books...and have read them many times.


I hate to iron. All of DH's shirts and pants go to the cleaners....I don't even wash them.


I have a rule that no one, NO ONE can talk to me unless I've had at least one cup of coffee. This is very hard for my DS....he talks non-stop. He wakes up talking. Drives me crazy.


Those little irritating noises that kids make to each other...makes me feel like there is a little person in each ear scratching my eardrums.


I yell at my kids, but only when it's the 3rd or 4th time I've told/asked them to do something.


As a family we watch Ghost Whisperer, Stargate Atlantis, and Sanctuary every Friday night...or Saturday in this case as DH is driving in from being out of town all week.


We own all 10 seasons of Stargate SG-1 on DVD.

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