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Well Trained Bodies - Weekly Fitness Thread (inaugural thread 1/28-2/4) Please read post #1.


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Edited: Name is flexible. If you have a better idea, I am willing and open to changing the title.


I had an idea to begin a weight loss thread as I do much better when I have group accountability. Since I am working on a debt reduction goal, I do not want to join a group where I have to pay to participate (i.e. Weight Watchers) so I thought I would turn to the Hive and see if we could form a core group and support each other. However, my weight loss goals are intrinsically tied to my fitness goals. I want to strengthen my core and increase upper body strength (my legs are power houses due to tennis, hiking, and backpacking) but I need to lose some weight as I am in the overweight range and am a little floopy (even with all of the tennis, hiking, and backpacking).


I am excited to see so many people willing to come together and focus on fitness. Whether your fitness goal is to increase reps, distance, number of workouts, or to decrease running time or pounds, you are welcome here.


As we begin, I plan on opening a weekly thread, much like the book a week thread, and allowing free discussion about workout plans, techniques, successes, struggles, failures,etc. Discussions about diet are welcome as well since diet and fitness tend to be something many of us are interested in.


If, at some point in the future, we feel a social group is warranted, I am not opposed to beginning one. I would like to begin here in the Chat forum for awhile and see how things progress since, as a pp has already pointed out, weight loss threads tend to peter out after a bit and I have a sincere desire to see this group succeed.


So please feel free to begin by stating your current fitness goals, action plans, or questions on how to become more fit. I am excited to take this journey with you all and I cannot wait to celebrate our successes.


Edited by Scoutermom
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I kinda think it would be cool to have a general fitness support thread. There have been attempts to start weekly weight loss threads before and they fizzled out -- maybe making it so that people could chime in with non-weight-related goals as well would encourage broader participation. 

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An overall fitness thread would be wonderful. Great idea.


One of my fitness goals is to be able to do a real situp. I either use my neck or my hip flexors, never my abs. It's so frustrating.

I also can't do correct pushups. Or pullups (of any kind). Hey, don't judge me.


My mini fitness goals are to be able to do 25 situps (using abs), as many pushups as I can muster, and at least 1 pullup.


I am always amazed that I can carry 35# of gear/food/water for 20+ miles a day but cannot do one stinking pushup. Okay, not really that amazed but it does make me say "huh!?"

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An overall fitness thread would be wonderful. Great idea.


One of my fitness goals is to be able to do a real situp. I either use my neck or my hip flexors, never my abs. It's so frustrating.

I also can't do correct pushups. Or pullups (of any kind). Hey, don't judge me.


My mini fitness goals are to be able to do 25 situps (using abs), as many pushups as I can muster, and at least 1 pullup.


I am always amazed that I can carry 35# of gear/food/water for 20+ miles a day but cannot do one stinking pushup. Okay, not really that amazed but it does make me say "huh!?"

I had the same goals as you a couple of years ago. Not that you asked, but here is what I did:


For sit-ups, I started off by holding a dumbbell between my hands and above my head. As I sat up, the weight helped me to sit up. The heavier the weight, the easier it is to sit up. As I got stronger, I would lower the size of weight until I could do them unassisted. And after I could do fifty at a time, I tried holding a weight behind my head as I sat up. It's an added challenge and works the same - the heavier the weight, the more challenging it is to sit up. I can only do about 8-10 of those at a time.


For push-ups, I started doing push-ups against the wall. Then I progressed to incline push-ups at a table. Gradually I lowered the incline like to a chair or bench. Then moved to the floor and tried to do full push-ups. At first I had to modify some or all of them by doing the push-ups with my knees down, but eventually I could do at least twenty at a time going very low to the ground and back up. Now I can do at least thirty at a time and my new goal is to move my hands closer to my body, which is harder.


For pop-ups, I did a couple of different things. I'm not sure what helped the most. I did curls and triceps extensions with dumbbells to strengthen my arms. I did rows with dumbells to help strengthen my back and arms. I hung on the bar for as long as I could. Once I could hold on for a bit, I started trying to pull myself up until I'd fall. I'd also hold the bar, jump up and try to hold that position as long as possible until I'd fall. If I was at the playground, I'd find a lower bar and do pull ups with legs on the ground but extended. Eventually after about six months of doing all of the above, I could finally do a full pull-up.

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I want to feel healthy again.  I want to have energy, muscle strength, good balance...and yeah, drop some of the pounds that have accumulated over the past few years.


So how do we structure this?  Someone (OP?) posts every morning on the same thread to get people started for the day?  Review posts at the end of the evening (obviously we are dealing with different time zones, though)?  Starts a new thread with a similar title at the beginning of each week or each day (like Jean does)?

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Three goals:


No snacks, no seconds, every day.


13,000 steps five days a week.


Yoga and/strength five days a week.

Sounds like great goals.


O.k. I try for my own:


  • Only minor snacks twice a day to help keep sugar stable (hypoglycemic) but healthy ones.  No seconds.  No eating after 8pm.
  • 10,000 steps 5 days a week (unless my knee swells again).
  • Yoga and strength training 5 days a week.
  • Balance exercises 3 days a week.
  • Wii tennis/baseball/boxing/bowling with DS/DD 3-4 times a week (keeps me motivated and the kids enjoy it)
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I want to feel healthy again.  I want to have energy, muscle strength, good balance...and yeah, drop some of the pounds that have accumulated over the past few years.


So how do we structure this?  Someone (OP?) posts every morning on the same thread to get people started for the day?  Review posts at the end of the evening (obviously we are dealing with different time zones, though)?  Starts a new thread with a similar title at the beginning of each week or each day (like Jean does)?

I'm on my way to the Y for a workout but...


re: structure


I was thinking about a weekly thread for the time being. I'll start it every week on Sunday (like the Book thread) except this week which started today. We'll see how participation goes. If changes are needed, we can make those as necessary or deemed appropriate by the participants.


I'll use a similar title every week.

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What a great idea! I have a hard time sustaining the crazy vigilance I need to have over my diet/exercise routine over the long haul. 


My goals:


Lose another 20 lbs in the next 6 months


Get in a workout every single day (even during Aunt Flo week which is a struggle for me)


No eating after dinner


Remembering to drink more than a few glasses of water a day (really bad about this!)

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Between Christmas, renovations, and moving, I was up 15 pounds from my pre-Christmas weight. So far, I've lost 3 of those pounds. I know what went wrong - I missed some work-outs, I didn't run very much, and I ate way too many carbs.


So, I'm back at it. I ran for 45 minutes today and plan to go for a big walk tomorrow. My goals right now are to continue IF - last couple of days I've done a 20:4 ratio. I do a lot better with a smaller eating window. I'm also back to keeping my carbs very low. 


I need to do meal planning and meal prep this weekend so that next week goes more smoothly. Everything is easier if I have the right food in the house.


Basic fitness goals are to do my strength training class at the gym three times and week and to run three times a week. 

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I joined WeightWatchers at the beginning of this year, and already lost 19 pounds.  :laugh:  It will take probably the whole year for me to reach my goal weight, becasue I was shedding pounds quickly at the beginning, compared to now.


My goal is to exercise everyday on my home trainer, and HIIT videos from YouTube. So far I've been able to keep up with it, but I skipped a few days, when we went hiking. I didn't feel I need more exercise on those days. 


A major change for me is that a couple of days ago I decided to go Vegan, which will increase my intake of fruits and veg, and decrease my fat intake. I feel so much better already!

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My basic fitness goals are to drag my sad, winter-blues booty into dance class and go full-out while I'm there. I do not exercise consistently without witnesses. I have 6 classes scattered throughout my week. The most physically demanding one is Friday and it's sooooo hard to drag into that class at the end of a long, dark week. If I can overcome inertia and get there, I'm always glad, but some weeks it takes all my willpower.


That, and only eat when I'm hungry, which is much less often since my metabolism is beginning to slow.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I really could use some accountability.  I do well for 2 or 3 weeks but can never seem to stick with anything for long.  Life always derails my plan/schedule.


My goals:


Daily exercise of some sort - usually the treadmill or a workout dvd


Lose 10 lbs

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Sure, I'm game...


forgot to post goals...


My basic goal is to stay motivated to exercise regularly.  That's about it at the moment.  I've been going strong over 8 months now so I'm pretty happy with my progress.


At this point I'm considering changing something up because I'm starting to feel bored and in a rut. 

Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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Great thread!


10K steps/day, 6x/week

5-6 days/week of some kind of weight workout


My overall goal is to stay as healthy and strong as possible as I head into my 60's in a couple of years!


This year, I would like to be able to do a push-up and a pull-up. I have never done either and THIS is the year to change that!

I really appreciate extendedforecast's tips for getting to push-ups and pull-ups.



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I'm going to join in.


My goals are to keep on drinking a lot of water daily - this was my challenge for January and so far I'm doing well.  


I've also been doing a 30 day fitness challenge with friends that focuses on strength training and we are on day 20 so I want to finish that.


Aside from that, I want to keep up with the elliptical 3-4 days a week and eventually, when there is no more snow on the ground (so, April sometime), start running outside again.  


And finally I need to start eating better.  I think I'm going to aim for a few small changes - no eating after dinner, trying to limit carbs to 1-2 meals/day and small amounts (more veggies/protein on plate) and treating myself to a treat 2-3 days/week, ie. actually making it a treat rather than something I expect every day.

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I'm in. I do really well for a few weeks, sometimes even a couple of months, and then I fizzle out. I usually manage to lose 10-15 and the beginning of every year and then regain at all at the end. I'd love to break that cycle.


My goals are to lose 30lbs but, more than that, to improve my overall fitness level. I want to be able to run 3+ miles, hold a plank longer than a minute, do 20 full push-ups, and get my kicks to the level of my head. I want to progress in my karate class and clearly my current fitness level is holding me back.


I know how to eat, I just have a hard time sticking with it because I love sugar too much. I need to drink a lot more water. I can easily go a full day or longer without drinking anything. I need to move my body more. I tend to be very sedentary. I'd like to get to the point where I do a workout video in the morning, go for a walk with the kids in the afternoon, and practice karate and work on my flexibility in the evening, in addition to just generally moving around more. But that might be more than my schedule can handle.

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I think I'm doing pretty well on the fitness end of the equation, which is a huge improvement over a year and a half ago when I started getting it back together.


Last summer I rowed 2x/week on the water for 2+ hrs at a time.  Got more fit, and lost about 8 lbs (I had gained about 20 over the previous 3 years when I'd been a taxi driver to teens and basically a potato).


This winter, I've been trying not backslide - I'd rowed the summer previous then last winter did nothing and gained back any weight I'd lost.  So, this winter I'm doing an indoor rowing program 2x/week for an hour, plus Pilates 2x/week, and I'm walking with friends for 1-2 hours 1-2x a week (while kid is at CC classes).  I still managed to gain weight over the holidays (about half of what I'd lost in the summer), but a bunch of the classes were cancelled for holiday stuff, I missed some others because of holiday scheduling on my end, and walking was suspended for CC intersession.  And holiday treats.  As of last week, I think I'm back in the swing.


As soon as on-water rowing starts up, I'm planning to be back to that.  I'm hoping to maybe keep up Pilates 1x/week.  As someone else said upthread, I do not manage to exercise without witnesses.  I admire those of you that can do it at home.  I have no willpower and all the excuses.


I'd love to lose another 20 lbs, which would bring me down to the weight I was through much of my 40's, after I finally lost all the baby weight after kids.  To do this I really need to diet as well as exercise, I know.  This is the missing piece (and how I lost all that weight last time).  Low carb is my friend (South Beach works well for me).  I just ate two chocolate waffles, so I'm not quite there. :tongue_smilie:  Maybe if I read along here I can get a good kick in the pants to get that part started.


I feel soooo much better since I started exercising again.  I feel strong have way more energy.  But I'm still a tub and my nice clothes don't fit, so gotta fix that...

Edited by Matryoshka
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I'm game.  I have fitness goals and weight loss goals.


Fitness: 4 workouts a week/minimum

Weight loss:  doing No-S Diet (no snacks, sweets, seconds) with a goal of losing 10-15 pounds before May (Disney trip) and a total weight loss of around 50.


This week I was on point with working out: 4 days

I'll start the diet focus on Monday.

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Three goals:


No snacks, no seconds, every day.


13,000 steps five days a week.


Yoga and/strength five days a week.

I'm sure you meant these were your goals for you, yes?

Truly hope these work for you!


Personally, I'm more of a grazer than a full meal person.

I would hurt someone, probably, if I couldn't have snacks!  :tongue_smilie:


I've started taking tae kwon do once a week with the kids.

And will be adding ballet once a week next month.

Little by little, I shall get there!


Also, I like the progression to full push-ups a previous poster talked about!

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I'm going to join in.


My goals are to keep on drinking a lot of water daily - this was my challenge for January and so far I'm doing well.


I've also been doing a 30 day fitness challenge with friends that focuses on strength training and we are on day 20 so I want to finish that.


Aside from that, I want to keep up with the elliptical 3-4 days a week and eventually, when there is no more snow on the ground (so, April sometime), start running outside again.


And finally I need to start eating better. I think I'm going to aim for a few small changes - no eating after dinner, trying to limit carbs to 1-2 meals/day and small amounts (more veggies/protein on plate) and treating myself to a treat 2-3 days/week, ie. actually making it a treat rather than something I expect every day.

I am the WORST with water consumption. I never notice I'm dehydrated until too late. Dd uses the plant nanny app, but I'm not messing with that.

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I'd love a fitness thread!


My goals are to walk a mile 3-5x week, eventually lengthening the distance another mile. If the weather is cold or icky, then ride my exercise bike 30 minutes. The walk is preferred because I need outdoor time (sun, fresh air, birds, critters, and neighbors) as well as movement and deep breathing.


A 30 minute or more yoga session 3-4x week.

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My goals for the year:


Lose 10-15 pounds *or* fit into my size 6 jeans (purely for vanity reasons) *or* be able to wear my sports bra without a ton of back fat squishing out.


Work out 5-6 days a week for 45+ minutes, taking needed breaks for illness and exhaustion. I find taking a couple of weeks off every four to six months helps my body recover from the intense workouts I do daily. I still am active during this time, walking daily, or working out at 50% 3 times a week max.


Eat whatever I want in moderation. Be cognizant of when I'm full and stop eating. No added sugar except for dessert every now and then. No processed foods except for occasional favorites. Drink water and unsweetened drinks. Eat more green vegetables, fewer carb loaded veggies. Make healthy choices when eating out.


Run more often and for longer distances. Ideally I'd like to run for 30-45 minutes two times a week, plus a day of sprints.


Edited to add new goals and rephrase some of the others.

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I'll join.


I have another week before I'll be cleared for exercise/full activity, and then I will still probably be on BP meds.  I'd like to lose some weight left from previous babies and get in better shape.  (And do whatever I can to get my stomach back in shape; it's sad after several pregnancies and a c-section, although I know there are some things I can't likely fix.)  My main motivation is getting to a good health point where if DH and I try again for another baby, and pre-eclampsia happens again, my body has some reserves to pull from in terms of BP and such.  I feel like I eat pretty decently and am generally happy with my lower-carb diet plan (even if it gets boring), but I need to watch added sugar, and I really, really need to keep up a big water intake; I feel better and lose weight when I drink a lot of water (which keeps me from feeling tired, so I am not as likely to resort to sugar).  I also need more exercise.  Homeschooling is a lot of sitting and moving from one sitting spot to another.  I was starting to get into jogging last summer before I got pregnant and it got crazy hot, so I'm hoping to get back to that.  I need to go find my little step tracker thingy because that was helpful.


In the meantime, I can't really jog or even walk much when it's cold because that's rough on my asthma, so I need to find some good options for indoors.  Maybe some accountability will help me.  Thanks for starting this thread!

Edited by happypamama
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I'm on a winter activity spree right now. The snow conditions and temperatures are amazing, so I've been cross-country skiing almost daily. I've been adding in skating and snowshoeing as well. 


My actual passion is tennis, though. Since I have to do this indoors in the winter, with pretty high court fees, that is limited to 1 - 2 times a week. 


Other than that, I walk the dog daily.


Food-wise I'm trying to keep sugar consumption low, and generally eat healthy. 

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Our HOA (or some of our neighbors) started Zumba classes. We found out about that 7 days ago. My wife and DD went last night, for the first time. In the office of our HOA, Tuesday nights and Friday nights, for 45 minutes each time. They had a very good time and they will go back. Zumba is a lot of fun. Here's a link to the Zumba web site:  https://www.zumba.com/en-US

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I swim 3x a week and average 2500-3000 yds for each swim (60 min). I try to walk 3-5 miles on my non swim days. I am working on stretching more.I should add weights, but I am lazy.  I would love to lose 5-10 lbs., but that would mean not eating. At middle age, not eating with lots of walking is the only way I can lose weight. Not that I am overweight, but that 5-10 lbs. weight loss would make my heart happier. 


Foodwise, i eat one or two meals a day, limit my sugar intake, drink water, blk. tea, and coffee.

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Even though it's 23 degrees with windchill and I wanted to stay at home and read my book, I went to the Y for a workout.


I did 55 minutes on the treadmill; incline varied from 5-8 and speed between 3.5-4.2. I have never really had a plan when I work out and felt that I was just spinning my wheels and not seeing much of a change. I googled some body building sites and found a program that includes cardio(treadmill workouts) along with the strength training. This particular program suggests doing the cardio in the AM before eating anything. As a result, I have been getting up earlier than usual this week and getting in the treadmill workouts. I added in some of the strength training today and am working on a plan to incorporate strength training 3 days a week beginning next week.


I play tennis 3 times a week as well.


My goal for achieving an unassisted pull up includes using the assisted pull up machine. It's a machine I discovered a couple of weeks ago. If you don't know what an assisted machine is (and I didn't) it uses counter weights to help you pull yourself up from a kneeling position. You decrease the counterweight as you become stronger until no counterweights are needed.


I was able to decrease the counterweight today and did 8 assisted pull ups on the lower weight. I'll keep working on this while learning which free weights to use to increase upper body strength. I won't always have a workout partner and am a little timid on taking on free weights by myself. TBH, I've always been intimidated to enter the free weight area of the Y because everybody seems to know what they're doing and they all appear to be hardbodies. I need to do strength training though if I want to increase my upper body strength.

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 TBH, I've always been intimidated to enter the free weight area of the Y because everybody seems to know what they're doing and they all appear to be hardbodies. I need to do strength training though if I want to increase my upper body strength.


The Y may have an option to get one or two sessions with a trainer (Rather than many) where you can ask them to show you what to do. Also, at most places most of the people in the free weight section are really nice. 

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My goals:


Keep training for and complete my first half marathon (mid March)

Weights 2-3 times a week.

Zumba once a week with my friend.

Continue working on my push-up form. Build up to 20 push-ups before fatigue.

Double my plank time (45 seconds to 90 seconds)

Fit into my size tens again.

Edited by BooksandBoys
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hello all :)


So exciting to see so many people with such wonderful goals.


I've usually got some kind of plan but as of late I've been kind of winging it I'm currently training as a yoga teacher, so I regularly do yoga of course :) the plan there is to keep on, keeping on. My main focus is on the process and not where I end up, that being said I've been working on a few things- mainly my handstand (and other arm balances) and splits. In addition to my yoga training i'm also working on a program for Floor gymnastic skills but as of late I've had a hard time getting around to it from being so busy w/ yoga and WAY too many life stressors, i'd really like to kick it back in gear and get it done BUT my training is going to pretty intense the next couple of months as i finish up so it may not be that feasible, so we'll see! I want to get this one done to another program.


I'd also like to get 3 full dead hang pull-ups, I can do some from my doorway bar but not when I do a full hang. I've got some issues in one of my shoulders, I had to do PT last summer and still tend towards a weakness on one side I'm just a little off, anyway, I've backed it way off and have been working on rebuilding my foundation, hoping I can finally get straightened out but it is slow going as it is entirely too easy to over do it.


I'd also like to lose a few lbs but I'm not holding my breath, my thyroid went wonky this fall and i put some weight on, UGH, at least i've stopped gaining so that is positive. Ideally, I'd like to lose 10 lbs by my bday at the end of June but more to the point it is about my size, fitness, strength etc. I eat pretty well, well as long as everything is doing ok, and I'm not as hungry as a horse :) 


Today was Yoga teacher training 3+ hrs of practice + the rest of the day was lecture and discussion


Nearly all focused on the shoulder, which was good and bad. It was a PT led workout, one of those you don't move much but it is still really hard, I'm already sore. Plus handstand and forearm stand work, I'm toast!


Tomorrow I know we will have at least another 3 hrs of practice, 1 hr I'm teaching, I believe it will be a pretty low key day, I'm doing a basic beginner class, 1 lady is doing stretching, the last lady we'll see, she likes to work us!

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Our HOA (or some of our neighbors) started Zumba classes. We found out about that 7 days ago. My wife and DD went last night, for the first time. In the office of our HOA, Tuesday nights and Friday nights, for 45 minutes each time. They had a very good time and they will go back. Zumba is a lot of fun. Here's a link to the Zumba web site: https://www.zumba.com/en-US

I attend a boot camp style class in my neighborhood. I like that it is nearby and outdoors. Over the past almost two years I've made good friends who I look forward to seeing. Zumba is fun. I hope your wife and daughter enjoy the classes.

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I used to keep a fitness thread but I couldn't keep enough participants. Its name was Fitness Thread date-date.


I used to be obease, lost over a hundred pounds, worked out until I found Insanity to be easy, but am now recovering from pregnancy with postpartum depression and it's been hard. I have gained quite a bit of weight and I'm too tired to workout.



Lose (an undecided amount of) weight.

Eat Whole 30.

Become strong.

Become flexible.

Become fast.


I joke that my fitness goal is wanting to become Batman, but really it's not really that much of a joke. He's agile, he's fast, he's strong, and he's hot for an older guy. I want that.

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For all the yoga peeps, I've been working on this sequence to teach today, I'm only teaching the very first one, Golden Seed. It is a bit different than a lot of traditional yoga sequences but IMO just lovely, so if you are looking for something different give it a try--(there are 3 sequences- the second 2 are hard to follow from this flow-t-  I can't find a good instructional for the 2nd one-- fyi the lady doing the demos is very flexible, I'd not attempt to go that far into the twists unless you already practice to that depth) 




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I too need accountability. My goal is just to keep incorporating more healthy activity into my life. But not this week! Gastro hit our house this week, and so I'm just lounging around for another few days to get my strength up. Next week.

Ugh, me too. I've lost four pounds in three days, and not in a good way. My immediate goal is to get back on my feet, then restart fitness activities: running, weights, and my feeble Pilates. Ultimate goal: the City 10K. Dh has already signed me up. Just a few months to go. Must do it.

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