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Shouldn't you have twice that to wash?


Assuming each cup is 8 oz and each person is using 4 cups a day, then members of your family are only getting 32 oz of liquid a day. isn't the recommended amount 64 oz. 


Now this is assuming averages. Some may only be getting 8 oz and others 64 oz. 


You do know you must wash every single cup after every single use. 


ETA if no one is dehydrated you do know there are cups scattered throughout your house --in bedrooms, in the basement by the game console, on the deck outside...

Edited by Diana P.
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They multiply. Maybe this question should be directed to biologists. :)


I am guilty of taking the cruddy looking glasses from the table (or the special counter places people put them) and sticking them in the dishwasher. This x2 whwn someone has a cold. It probably doesn't help, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something.

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I have the reverse problem. We have more disposable cups than actual cups in the house. We have a cup each and I have 3 guest cups. My FIL drinks mostly Guinness Stout out of the bottle/can and my MIL would use one of the guest cups.


We own plenty of socks though because my hubby buys by the dozen during sales.

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Color coded cups, y'all. Changed my life.


Me: Why are you drinking from that cup? Where's your blue cup?


Child: Uh. In the. Uh. Dishwasher.


Me: I just washed a fresh load of dishes last night. Your cup wasn't in the kitchen to wash. Find it, wash it, and drink out of it.


Child: Okay...


I have four children. Each child has a cup color and deviating from that color is strictly enforced (up and down the age range). The one cup-one child rule has cut down on dirty cups in my house.  

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I bought a large plastic bin and each day I put an item from our usual dish rotation in there. I could have done multiples at once, but I sort of like these kinds of experiments. Anyway, I kept putting an item in there each day until the dishes were manageable. I only take out the bin when we're having guests.


So I guess my answer would be to not have 24 cups available in the first place, but I don't have a dishwasher so I'm a bit of a meanie about it I guess.


Btw the answer ended up being about 6 each of each type of silverware, glass, mug, and china for a family of 4. Sometimes you need an extra fork to grab some meat out of the pan, or an extra bowl for chicken bones or whatever.

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Have you checked the bedroom windowsills lately? 😜 That's where ours collect. Last year, we bought a water cooler with the jug on the bottom. On the top I taped a label for each kid so they could keep their cup in one place all day. It helps some, but cups still collect on the counter.

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Ikea has plastic dishware that we bought for the kids.  The company was so thoughtful in developing its product -- they made 6 colors, one for each of my kids.   :party: Everybody keeps a cup (for water) on the counter for use throughout the day.

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Years ago, when my mother was a teenager, they had four identical coffee cups, one for each member of the family. And of course, they all drank an awful lot of coffee so they'd just fill up the cups and refill them through the day. Her mother would wash them at night, but throughout the day her dad (who was really autistic, though undiagnosed) would putter through the house and count them off. "One... two... three... and four is on the table."


And one day cup four went missing and they couldn't find it, and they couldn't replace it either. So her mother used a different cup.


Several months later, my mother happened to enter a Woolworth's and find those same cups! So she bought... two. She put the first one out without telling anybody, and the expected happened. "One... two... third one is by the couch... FOUR! Hey, we must have found that fourth cup!"


And a week later she put out cup number five :)


For some reason my cups congregate on the front porch, which makes sense in summer but it's cold, rainy, and windy now - plus, the (feral) porch cat looks sad every time she's evicted. (Well, she could stay, but... feral.) I just don't know why they bring their cups out there! (Also, somebody doesn't wash the outside of the cups when they do the dishes and so I keep finding cups in the cabinet that are all greasy on the outside. Ew.)

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Color coded cups, y'all. Changed my life.


Me: Why are you drinking from that cup? Where's your blue cup?


Child: Uh. In the. Uh. Dishwasher.


Me: I just washed a fresh load of dishes last night. Your cup wasn't in the kitchen to wash. Find it, wash it, and drink out of it.


Child: Okay...


I have four children. Each child has a cup color and deviating from that color is strictly enforced (up and down the age range). The one cup-one child rule has cut down on dirty cups in my house.

That is what we do.


This drives my husband crazy... But I also taught my kids to drink from the bathroom sink (no cup... To me it is like drinking from a water fountain...)


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Please help figure out why I just loaded 24 cups in the dishwasher when only 6 people live here!


(This is just a fun post, please no judgement on how I'm a bad mom for not training my kids and dh better about only using one cup a day! I have tried and I'm done on that battle.)





Well........  The first person used 1 cup, the second used 2, the third used 3, and so on. :P


Seriously - we wash cups that only held water each and every day - and why, if a child took a sip of water out of a cup at 11:05AM, does that same child use a different glass at 11:53?  This confuses me.  


It's just one of the wonders of the universe.

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Well........ The first person used 1 cup, the second used 2, the third used 3, and so on. :P


Seriously - we wash cups that only held water each and every day - and why, if a child took a sip of water out of a cup at 11:05AM, does that same child use a different glass at 11:53? This confuses me.


It's just one of the wonders of the universe.

Like a factorial problem, cool.




I haven't had a need for that notation in a while.

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Please help figure out why I just loaded 24 cups in the dishwasher when only 6 people live here!


(This is just a fun post, please no judgement on how I'm a bad mom for not training my kids and dh better about only using one cup a day! I have tried and I'm done on that battle.)


Because you own too many cups?


This is based on my aspirations toward minimalism. The same thing happens at our house. At work, where I have exactly one mug and so does my coworker, there are never large numbers of cups piled up by the break room sink.

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Because you own too many cups?


This is based on my aspirations toward minimalism. The same thing happens at our house. At work, where I have exactly one mug and so does my coworker, there are never large numbers of cups piled up by the break room sink.


I have those aspirations, too. We all received mugs for Christmas LOL


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We have this problem also. I think trolls use our glasses at night. All the dishes can be washed when I go to bed, and there will be dirty glasses in the morning.


Did anyone else pass by this thread several times before opening? I already know math isn't my strong point ;) I guess I shouldn't judge a thread by its title.



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We have this problem also. I think trolls use our glasses at night. All the dishes can be washed when I go to bed, and there will be dirty glasses in the morning.


Did anyone else pass by this thread several times before opening? I already know math isn't my strong point ;) I guess I shouldn't judge a thread by its title.




Yes! I said, "I'm decent at math. I don't think this thread is going to be for me."


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