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Does anyone else here like music other homeschoolers don't like

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I will raise my hand up. We hardly censor music here and yes, we are conservative Christian homeschoolers. But we still love to listen to music. So unlike many others. I listen to the music mostly and don't pay attention to lyrics mostly. So that means I like music with catchy tunes, interesting music, good beat, etc. etc. It also means I like music that so many censor. Okay so let's fess up-- What do you listen to that others might fight unusual or condemnatory for homeschoolers or Christians/ I will start- I like funk and old school type music. That means I like You Dropped A Bomb on Me, Fight the Power, and War. It doesn't mean I agree with the sentiments- I don't if I listen to the words. But I do like the music.

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Jimmy buffet! Talking Heads, Journey, REO Speedwagon, Dan Fogelberg, etc.


You know Christina, I used to love the music and not pay attention to the words. However, when I heard my nephew singing a Melissa Etheridge song at 3 years old, I found those lyrics very disturbing coming from his little mouth. That is when I decided to be more concious of the words in the music. When I had the kids in the car, I became uncomfortable with what I heard and realized that I didnt' want that to be the soundtrack of my children's life. We tried to listen to classical in the car (after I had to destroy a Raffi tape due to a kiddy-song induced rage) but I couldh't very well drive if I was nodding off:) Talk radio was out, so I happened upon a Christian station and kept it there. Dh has no such compulsions - he is even clueless to the ED commercials during the football games :)

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We love Great Big Sea here. They are a folk band from Newfoundland, sort of a Celtic rock feel and many traditional songs too. It's a little weird to have my 2yo walking around singing "the old black rum's got a hold on me" but their music is so much fun. A lot of their songs have to do with drinking but many others don't. We laugh and dance all around the house. I think most others in our Christian homeschool group would have a fit about many of their songs.

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OH..that would be us...we listen to everything from Stravinsky to Frank Zappa. Our new favorites are the "jam bands" moe. and the Disco Bisquits. We love the Ramones, the Clash and have been known to listen to the S*x Pistols (but only with very older teens.) My sons are big into ELO, Blue Oyster Cult, Phish, Aerosmith and Joe Jackson. They listen to old Jazz and some newer soft jazz. They also love older Genesis, the Jefferson Airplane. Hot Tuna, the Grateful Dead, etc.


We listen to lots of music and my kids are really snobby about what is good music and what is not and will argue with eachother over who stole whose guitar riff.....


We love music.



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You know, I've mentioned here before that I'm a headbanger at heart. I love hard rock - classic rock, 80's rock mostly. Good hard bass lines, electric guitar riffs, the works.


When I was around 12, my parents took a good long look at my record collection - KISS, Scorpions, Motley Crue and the like. They read the lyrics and were horrified. They informed me that they would be getting rid of all of it, and proceeded to smash and burn the lot in front of me. It was quite traumatic actually; music has always been really important to me and I was crushed. I don't know that they could have done anything to hurt me more at that point in my life.


After that, I became excruciatingly aware of song lyrics, because anything I brought home was subject to scrutiny. Through the years, God has really worked on my heart and shown me what a profound affect that kind of music had on my soul. I used to think it didn't matter. But it does. What you put in is what comes out - that is very, very true. When kids hear stuff they don't understand, they absorb it, and it can come out later in interesting, not very nice ways. I've been told that teens can "handle" the cr@p in secular music. You know what? They think they can, but they really have no idea what they're letting into their minds and spirits.


Even now, sometimes I will hear lyrics over my iPod that I'd not understood before, and have been appalled. When my church asked for copies of Rock Band to put into our new youth center, I started looking at what the content was, and was horrified they would even consider letting the kids have it at CHURCH. I did write a letter, and come to find out they'd reviewed the game, decided the content was inappropriate and scrapped plans to use it. (They didn't read my letter before making this decision - God reminded me that HE is in control even when it seems like there are stupid people in charge. Heh.)


I am very aware of everything my kids hear. As horrified as I was when my parents burned my records, a lot of good has come out of it because I pay close attention to what's on when they're around. I don't let them listen to much of the secular stuff I love. *I* don't listen to much of it anymore. They do get to hear some Bon Jovi, at whom they roll their eyes, Eagles, and Journey. Mostly, though, we listen to contemporary Christian music because we all like it and I don't have to worry about what they hear. "Mom, what does it mean when they sing about 'Lay Your Hands On Me?'" Eep. And that's not the worst of what's out there, as I'm sure you know.


All this to say, the content of your music is worth some consideration when it comes to what your kids hear. I know it doesn't affect everyone like it does me, but it is important to be aware. Take a look at some of your lyrics, and stop and think how you'd feel about people discussing the topics in front of your kids. And, if you've already thought about all of this, please forgive my soap box. :D

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Guest janainaz

I don't make too big a deal out of it. If the lyrics are just totally dark and it has an overall bad message - I don't want it on. But, I listen to a lot of regular music.

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We listen to a wide variety. My ds listens to Toby Mac and big band music. My dh is a child of the 70's and just drooled over the new Robert Plant CD I gave him. I'm from the 80's, punk, new wave. We still listen to a lot of that music.


Our family song is "Bang on the Drum". Ironically, the song does make me dance and my husband is his own boss, I don't think he's a jerk.

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My Ipod contains all different types of music. I have certain playlists that are for my ears only.:D Classical, Barry Manilow, Casting Crowns, Mercy Me, AC/DC, Journey, Violent Femmes and anything 80's.


My dd(10) has her own mp3 player which has mostly christian music with some Hannah Montana thrown in.


When we are in the car, I usually listen to talk radio because the christian radio station does not come in very well. My dc do like to listen to the soundtrack to Wicked in the car. Even my ds whose 8 will say turn it up.

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Gosh, we listen to so many different types of music here...My dh has a distinclty different taste in music than I do. In our music library you'd find reggae, Bollywood, Rock -old and new, R& B, hip hop, gangster rap, and stuff like Edith Piaf and bagpipes.


We've always sensored our music with the kids. Especially with the gangster rap and hip hop. Just because we like to listen to it, doesn't mean it's okay for the little ones to listen to. On the other hand, as dd has gotten older, it's been a great opportunity to discuss things like the degradation of women, racism and double standards.


We're wierd, I know.

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Hah! I had Eminem on my MP3 player before it all got corrupted and I had to wipe it clean. So you're not alone! :D


I like a huge variety of music and listen to just about everything on my own. I always pay very close attention to what I play around the girls, though, because they do listen to the lyrics and like to sing along. I hate kids' music though, so they hear a lot of light AC and classics - like Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Fiona Apple, Clay Aiken, Motown, Barry Manilow, etc.


Now me myself and I, I like old school rap, like from the 80s and 90s. I'll listen to rock, funk, R&B, whatever. I was a huge Tori Amos fan back in the 90s. She lost me around Scarlet's Walk though.

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"...so I had to shoot him dead..."


LOL, I couldn't get this song out of my head the other day, and I found myself thinking, "Hmm...not such great lyrics, are they?"


And no, Karen...you're not alone in listening to Mr. Marshall Mathers. :D I don't own any of his music, but some of it is quite catchy, and I've been known to listen on the radio (Turning it down at inappropriate language, which is...often). I've had at least one interesting discussion with a fellow homeschooler about him (and the song Lose Yourself, which is unique as a hip hop song that isn't self-congratulatory).


I like almost every kind of music. Rap, a little jazz, classical, rock and roll, easy listening, country...I'm serious. We're Christians, and like (some) contemporary Christian music, as well as old-fashioned hymns...but I listen to a lot of other stuff as well.


My iPod is all over the place; The Hotstepper (Mamagistra will know that one, lol), Jim Croce, Run DMC, Fergie, Sarah MacLaughlin...all kinds of stuff.


ETA: I can't help but grin whenever I see Eminem...because he looks almost exactly like my 'little' brother. (Or...my little brother looks like him...whatever). My brother probably has more tattoos, though. ;-)


ETA, something else...when I posted, and looked at my title...I got the song lyric wrong, LOL! It's "Six foot tall, came without a warning...", just for anyone who really, really cares. ;-) (And no, I'm not drinking at...(checks clock)...two in the afternoon. Just rewriting Maroon 5's songs for them, I guess.)

Edited by Jill, OK
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I listen to Amy Winehouse and Allison Morsette on earphones ony.


...a great Amy Winehouse impression. :D


Although...when I did it for dh in Target that time...he didn't seem impressed, lol. (I don't think he has a clue who Amy Winehouse is...think that might have something to do with it?)

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We listen to a wide range of music, from bubblegum pop to classical. I love 80's music, especially the hair bands. I like classic rock, alternative rock, pop rock, blues, and old country (George Jones, Freddy Fender, Willie Nelson..). I also like Eminem. And the Beastie Boys. :D


I recently tuned the van's radio to a country station because I really did not want to have to explain why someone liked his girlfriend down on her knees to my 8 year old. The country station is squeaky clean compared to the songs on the rock station.

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We love Great Big Sea here. They are a folk band from Newfoundland, sort of a Celtic rock feel and many traditional songs too. It's a little weird to have my 2yo walking around singing "the old black rum's got a hold on me" but their music is so much fun. A lot of their songs have to do with drinking but many others don't. We laugh and dance all around the house. I think most others in our Christian homeschool group would have a fit about many of their songs.


Love this band.


Love many, many Canadian bands...except Rush.


Hate Rush.

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I recently tuned the van's radio to a country station because I really did not want to have to explain why someone liked his girlfriend down on her knees to my 8 year old. The country station is squeaky clean compared to the songs on the rock station.


Yep. We don't have a Cd/tape player in our van, so we listen to country.

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I listen to a lot of stuff, about 5 decades worth of rock genres anyway.


My favorite, and what always surprises people, is hardcore metal. Metalcore. Industrial. Nu metal.


Like Pantera, Mushroomhead, Mudvayne, Otep, Motograter, Slipknot, Nine Inch Nails, Rammstein, System of a Down, Fear Factory, Superjoint Ritual, Dope, Static X, White Zombie, Biohazard, Sepultura, DevilDriver, Coal Chamber, Five Finger Death Punch, Danzig, all I can think of right now. Also like Marilyn Manson, which bothers some people.


And anyone who knows me knows I love TOOL.


Can't stand 80s hair bands though, that hardly strikes me as metal. Can't stand Metallica either.

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The Four B!tchin' Babes are my favorite group. Sigh. I have the most difficult time explaining to my conservative friends that the word is THEIR NAME. Grin! I also love show tunes, so I'm always belting out lyrics from Rent, Chicago, The Producers and Wicked.

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I dunno...how do you feel about Bad Company's "10 from 6" album? Cuz I think it's possibly one of the greatest "Greatest Hits" compilations EVER, and I just listened to it today. I think that makes me an outlyer. :D


Having said that, my kids are very young. They listen to James Taylor--but not "Steamroller." They listen to the Doobies--but not "South City Midnight Lady." Not that they'd even understand the "grown up" words and concepts, but I don't want to hear my 4yo singing about how the whiskey that he drank was cheap.


Having said THAT, his current favorite songs are "Man of Constant Sorrow," which BTW is HILARIOUS when sung by a 4yo, and "Ramblin' Rover," which has some questionable lyrics of its own. :001_huh: :lol:

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Oh yes. I'm a deeply sentimental Ramones fan.

Our family faves include:

Rage Against the Machine

The Dead Kennedys

Oi Polloi

Bad Religion


Suicide Machines


Bright Eyes

Bobby Conn

Arcade Fire

Omega Tribe


Against Me

Michael Franti

and of course The Weakerthans


We also listen to old-school punk. My ds does a spot on Sid Vicious "God Save the Queen" impression. On top of that, we listen to a heck of a lot of classical music. Shamefully enough, dh and I have way too many albums from the 80's. WAY too many. :D


Our family favourite YouTube right now is this: (warning: bound to offend any political conservatives. Contains adult language.)

and since our election just passed here, the joke line at our house is "Baby, I'm an anarchist. You're a spineless liberal.":lol: Edited by Audrey
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Inuit throat singing:





Oh, and Liz Phair. I know it is rock, but it reads like poetry:


I was flying into Chicago at night

Watching the lake turn the sky into blue-green smoke

The sun was setting to the left of the plane

And the cabin was filled with an unearthly glow

In 27-D I was behind the wing

Watching landscape roll out

Like credits on a screen

The earth looked like it was lit from within

Like a poorly assembled electrical ball as we moved

Out of the farmlands into the grid

The plan of the city was all that you saw

And all of these people sitting totally still

As the ground raced beneath them thirty thousand feet down

Edited by kalanamak
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I listen to whatever I like, and I like just about everything but rap. Just don't like rap.


You really do have to catch yourself with the lyrics sometimes, though... there's a song by Nickleback, I think (I like rock)... something about a photograph... and one of the lines says, "What the hell is that on Joey's head?" My dd and I laugh at that line all the time, but you know, you have to be careful who you're with...


Sometimes the lyrics ruins the song for me. More so in Country Western songs than in pop/rock. I usually don't like songs about edgy behavior, like getting drunk songs, or Carrie Underwood's "Next time he won't cheat on me" or the "I kissed a girl and I liked it" song.


But I really do like all kinds of music. Depending on the mood, we switch from Christian radio to country to oldies to pop/rock to classical. They're all programmed on my car radio.



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  • 2 years later...

I don't know - how many people have the Ramones, the Clash, Billy Idol, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Pink, Eminem, Toby Keith, and Peter Fox mixing it up with Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, the Rat Pack, Bob Marley and ELO?


It gets kind of weird around here sometimes...

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OK, maybe I should have read the entire thread first...


OH..that would be us...we listen to everything from Stravinsky to Frank Zappa. Our new favorites are the "jam bands" moe. and the Disco Bisquits. We love the Ramones, the Clash and have been known to listen to the S*x Pistols (but only with very older teens.) My sons are big into ELO, Blue Oyster Cult, Phish, Aerosmith and Joe Jackson. They listen to old Jazz and some newer soft jazz. They also love older Genesis, the Jefferson Airplane. Hot Tuna, the Grateful Dead, etc.


We listen to lots of music and my kids are really snobby about what is good music and what is not and will argue with eachother over who stole whose guitar riff.....


We love music.




It's funny because I was thinking I like the Sex Pistols and the Grateful Dead...but I bet I'm not alone. :D




I completely forgot the Dead. Which is rather embarrassing, actually...



Oh yes. I'm a deeply sentimental Ramones fan.

Our family faves include:

Rage Against the Machine

The Dead Kennedys

Oi Polloi


We also listen to old-school punk. My ds does a spot on Sid Vicious "God Save the Queen" impression. On top of that, we listen to a heck of a lot of classical music. Shamefully enough, dh and I have way too many albums from the 80's. WAY too many. :D



I was a Suicidal Tendencies gal. I have a vague (very vague) memory of them and a mosh pit...


And I think I saw the Dead Kennedys. There are a few blurry years there. (eek)


Anyone remember the Cramps?

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We have a pretty serious punk record collection.

I'll add a couple to the WTM punk list :) Rudimentary Peni and Fear


Kraft Werk

Frank Zappa

Lots of dub

The Specials, older ska in general

Mississippi John Hurt

Brazilian Girls

Nick Drake


We listen to a lot of music, but I usually focus on a few records at a time. Right now I'm all about Augustus Pablo and The Specials.



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