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Paging Dr. Hive... (posting this from the children's hospital)


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Sounds like you're on the right track. Even for major hospitals it can be difficult to achieve things on the weekends so I'd push for the MRI before then unless they can do things on weekends. She'll probably feel better on fluids. I hope you get some answers.

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Dd is settled into her room. It's a teaching children's hospital, so I've given her history many times today. Everyone is stumped so far. Most likely she'll be getting an MRI under sedation in the morning (neurology will weigh in on that). She'll probably also get a consultation with GI.


She's allowed to eat whatever she wants tonight. She ordered a bunch of baked goods because they sounded good to her very empty stomach. At the moment she's watching Harry Potter and she's feeling okay-ish even though she'd much rather be home.


I'll be sleeping here tonight. They have a couch/bed in her room, but I wore jeans today. :-/ I'm going to ask my mom or my husband to bring me some comfy yoga pants tomorrow. And I really don't care if anyone objects to "athletic wear" being worn while not exercising. :p


Thanks for supporting me through this. :)

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My earlier post didn't make a lot of sense. Ha. Everyone who comes into her room is hearing about my frustration. I know we're going to get a massive bill from neurology. I want them to do a thorough work-up instead of trying to push this onto migraine. My gut says this is not migraine. I'm willing to accept that I could be wrong, but just do the @&$!-ing MRI already.

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My earlier post didn't make a lot of sense. Ha. Everyone who comes into her room is hearing about my frustration. I know we're going to get a massive bill from neurology. I want them to do a thorough work-up instead of trying to push this onto migraine. My gut says this is not migraine. I'm willing to accept that I could be wrong, but just do the @&$!-ing MRI already.

Stay strong, keep insisting! I wouldn't be above laying down threats. Bring patient relations into it. Just try, I know it's hard, to keep your emotions even. Hysterical mothers get written off, eerily calm but threatening mothers get what they want. The trick is to look like you'd be a good witness at trial.

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It may help to say, "I agree it could be migraine. Even that it is i probably an atypical migraine attack. But given the rare but serious possibility of something else, I really need the MRI so we know for sure. If it is a brain tumor, leaving it could make it worse, and I need to know that isn't the case. I'm not doubting that you are probably right, I just need to KNOW that you are right."

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We have a boardie with a daughter with Chiari malformation,with some similar symptoms. Not sure if CAT rules that out or MRI is needed. (also not sure it's even on the table, I don't know enough about it)



That's interesting. Dd was diagnosed with mild scoliosis at her well checkup last month. It's one of the conditions associated with Chiari.

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I attended births as a doula for several years, so I have experience balancing firm and nice. My friend (also a doula) gave me a mantra to repeat today about recognizing the medical staff's humanity while insisting on appropriate care for my child.


It's really sobering being here, though. Another child in dd's unit coded this morning.

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That's interesting. Dd was diagnosed with mild scoliosis at her well checkup last month. It's one of the conditions associated with Chiari.


Definitely worth bringing up then. And it seems the MRI is the gold standard for that diagnosis. Possibly while in various positions I want to say, but could be wrong. 

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My son has a diagnosed neurological condition which tends to co-exist with Chiari malformations,  I was told by the neurologist that an MRI would be needed in a few years to check for chiari malformations and my ds does not even have any symptoms of it.  I would think your dd's symptoms would indicate an MRI is a reasonable request.  Definitely, a challenge to be calm & positive while trying to convince the medical team that an MRI needs to happen, NOW!

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It's really sobering being here, though. Another child in dd's unit coded this morning.


One of the hardest parts about being in the hospital ended up being the other children on the floor. My son was in isolation, so he wasn't going out of his room until the last 5 days....and as a 17yo boy he wasn't interested in seeing the other kids anyway LOL. But, there were so many really sick kids and my kid was in the hospital for unknown origin vomiting and images on a CT of his brain. 


Hospitals suck. 



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Still waiting for neurology. Saw the pediatric team. They summarized all the normal test and lab results and said they're out of their league for what to recommend until we get visits from psych and neurology.


The psych visit is to investigate the possible connection between her symptoms and her anxiety/depression. I don't think that's our answer, but I agreed to investigate it.

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She's eating a ton: two breakfasts, a snack, and two lunches so far. "Apart from all the needles and feeling sick, the hospital is pretty nice."


We just got a visit from psych to discuss Somatic Symptom Disorder (physical symptoms caused by mental health). I'm not enthusiastic about that. We also discussed ways of managing her anxiety and depression. I just don't want all of this to be dismissed as psychological.

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I definitely wouldn't want the whole problem to be basically written off as psychological. And gosh, the stuff we usually call psychological is plenty physical itself. People who want to dismiss any of it as "all in your head" are never helpful.


It sounds like you are being a great advocate for your daughter. Keep it up mama!

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My daughter couldn't be diagnosed with migraines until she had a normal MRI, just saying. It's a rule out diagnosis, and without an MRI you can't rule out everything brain related.

Right? When my 14yo first started getting migraines, we did an MRI and then treated migraines after that came back normal.

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