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Everything posted by muttmomma

  1. Looking for recommendations for guided mindfulness/meditation for beginners. The stress is strong with us!
  2. When my kids were going my son always hated eating it. Come to find out later he thought we were feeding him TOAD FOOD!!!!
  3. have them run a FULL iron panel. My boy was diagnosed celiac from iron deficiency at age 13. His ferritin was extremely low.
  4. My migraine story.. stick with me here. i started having migraines approx 15 years ago. They progressed in both frequency and severity. I could never pinpoint exact triggers. Sometimes my migraine would comeback again and again for up to ten days. I seemed to always get one close to or during my cycle, but never on a predictable day, food didn't matter etc. Ive always gotten chiropractic care and have meds from drs. I've tried several prevenative meds with no luck either. Moved to a new state and had to find a new chiro. This guys tells me that they are positive they can help. I said , yeah yeah. Didn't believe him for a second. They do orthogonal atlas adjustment. I think I spelled that right. It is a machine that creates a vibration. Mind you, I had atlas adjustments before that didnt help. I went every week for a little over a month....and low and behold....no more migraine. AT ALL. http://www.atlasorthogonality.com/PatientSite/faq.html
  5. I loved everything about this except for all of the f bombs. It seemed...forced, and not period. Other than that. .perfection! Casting was on point.
  6. Just this past month our family has had two bad colds, THE flu, and wicked 3 day stomach bug. Fortunately I avoided everything until I came down with this terrible virus Xmas eve. I've been in bed since then. Also threw out a SI joint from coughing. Hand sanitizer people!!!! Use it everyone you think of it! !
  7. Ugh. I'm so frustrated that so many people have to struggle with this. We get 5k reimbursement for premiums from dh employer. I was hoping that we could find something with a lower deductible. ..but the 50% coinsurance for hospital is really scary! My daughter will get kicked off medicaid in February. Not sure how she will cope. Such a mess.
  8. Can we talk about this? Our 2017 plan increased 4x in monthly payment, all of the alternative plans for our states marketplace have deductibles of 1500 per person or more! Hospital coinsurance is 50%!!!!! What? Our 2017 deductible was 250 per person. I'm not sure how we will be able to afford anything on top of the monthly payments. This is lunacy. That is all. So what does 2018 health coverage look like for.you?
  9. You might ask your doctor for a few weeks of gabapentin. It was the knot thing that helped my hubby, and we tried everything you could possibly imagine.
  10. Look out for a yeast infection down there following the antibiotics. ..
  11. It may be prudent to wait until it's cold and then clean up the yard and a good perimeter. Butcher the bushes etc. Don't let them find cover when it warms back up. Also make a plan to help eliminate small animal (aka snake food). Eben if you two and relocate small mammals. .. It will knock down the population eventually.
  12. My child took clonodine for years for sleep. . Very very helpful. He had severe anxiety, some tics with it and terrible sleep issues. Meds and a great cbt therapist helped him. Ultimately prozac kicked up anxiety for him, whereas zoloft helped.
  13. My teen needed 100 mg of zoloft. We tapered up until he got relief. Prozac helped depression but increased anxiety. I highly recommend taking to then about increasing zoloft before switching.
  14. My teenage son also had very low ferritin. But did show high numbers with the celiac panel. His numbers rose quickly with Oak iron and vitamin c. The is a really good info graphic video or thete that shows how the non celiac gluten intolerance is just a stepping stone to celiac. Maybe Google the "gluten free warrior"
  15. We have used any one of these the things since my son was about 8: melatonin, clonodine (prescription) or benadryl. What helped him the most wad getting on zoloft at age 14. Game changer. He hardly ever needs anything to help him now. Some kids are just born anxious. Sleep was al ways an issue for him. .. Even as a baby.
  16. Standard poodles are awesome. We have three. I also love doodles. Just make sure that you get an f2. It is a doodle bred back to a poodle. Also make sure that both parents are registered and have health testing of at least hips and elbows.
  17. I could have written your post myself. My daughter had the same things. All. Of. Them. First: you will need to continue miralax at least six months because chronic constipation dialates the bowel and it takes a long time to shrink to normal. Second: constipation causes heartburn. Third: we found out much later that she can't have dairy and had celiac. Just cut out all forms of dairy and hluten... continue miralax. Taper off slowly adter six months
  18. Had anyone used this? Salt there is no free trial but I wonder if it might be right for my son. He is very bright but such a perfectionist that he thinks he isn't smart. He is struggling in teaching textbooks. I'm thinking there isn't enough practice.
  19. I actually took her in to a mental hospital one night, but they did not think she was a danger to herself. She isn't cutting right now, but is struggling greatly, which can turn into cutting quickly. Night time is worse for her, but she strongly resists melatonin or any other sleep aid.
  20. I also noticed that she started getting acne . Not huge cystic type, but small and all over her face. Not unusual for some teens, but unusual for her, historically. This seemed to pop up about two months ago. .. right around the time that everything came to a head.
  21. I don't understand the reluctance for then to do an mri... It seems odd to me. Our family dr ordered one for my husband who wad having constant headaches.
  22. Physical anxiety symptoms can hit you at a very relaxing time actually. I get tightness in my chest, shortness of breath and tingling in my arms with it. But. .. Get a stress test done just in case.
  23. Wow. It just helps to have said it out loud, so to speak. We don't have friends where we just moved yet, and back home. ..people were unsupportive in the worst ways. It's hard to deal with this on your own. She was told to eliminate gluten, as celiac runs in the family and her antibody numbers for that were pretty high. We are just staying to do that in our new home. It was impossible living with family. She has had leaky gut in the past. Her thyroid numbers were normal in May. Depression runs on my side of the family, but I feel like hers was triggered by situational garbage. She just isn't seeing clearly. She is also restless about becoming an adult. She knows that we don't consider 18 to be some magical number. .But people always ask, "do where are you going to vollege?", or "have you decided what your doing after high school? ". She had no clue what she wants, and we are okay with that, but it bothers her, i know
  24. My daughter is severely depressed. Looking back, I can see it happening but was too wrapped up in other things to notice the extent of it until I saw that she had started cutting. Background: the past two years have been so hard. We've moved four times and ended up living with family for a year, which was so very stressful for us. In addition to the family stress, her peer group got weird--cliquey and distant. A boy messed with her head in a major way, and we'll. .. She is 17. So over the last year, and particularly the last six months, she stayed in her room alot. I let her because the living situation was stressful but I think the isolation made it was worse. So now we have been trying to get help for about the last 4 1/2 months. Prozac made her terribly terribly sick. Her first two therapists were a bust. She is now in week six of zoloft..Just going up to 100 mg from 50 starting today. So far no effect. She liked her 3rd therapist n but we just moved to different state so I'm trying to find a new one. She hates the idea of therapy. Hates the idea of opening up, being vulnerable. Before this depression, she told me everything. We could talk for hours, she valued my opinions etc. Now she doesn't like me, blames me for her "shelteredness", mistakes my quirky goofiness for stupidity etc. She literally is acting like the epitome of an angry spoiled teen. Very self centered. Soooo not her. A huge party of what, imo, has made things worse over the last six months wad social media and music. She really got obsessed with twenty one pilots. While some of their music is about trying to overcome the depressing thoughts. .. She seems to have taken on the persona of what a lot of their followers are--depressed angry etc. I just need help and hugs. She is to a point of not wanting to get better. She admits to just wanting to wallow in "her crazy mind". I am sick over this. She is (h as always been) sweet, loving, selfless, practical and optimistic. She is now the polar opposite of all of those.
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