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For the love of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar,coconut oil and all that's healthy


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I've been sick on and off for a year now with respiratory problems. The last month has been bad. Trouble breathing and no energy. The advice I've gotten this last month I could write my own healing book with. Not only am I getting unsolicited advice but people following up to see if I've tried it and how I'm feeling. It's driving me crazy. Its got to stop before I lose my mind. Vent over.

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Its got to stop before I lose my mind. 


Well... the advice I now give myself is to quit sharing (even with doctors) and remember that 100 years ago anyone with my issues couldn't do anything about it anyway, so deal with it.


The advice I'd prefer is to test out chemical options via a nightly Mojito or Mai Tai (or two if necessary), radiation options via the sun, and natural options via salt water, all in the stress free environment of Bora Bora and give it about a month or so (maybe a year) to see what happens.


The problem I come up with is that we can't afford it out of pocket and Health Share won't pay for it (sigh).  I'm not quite sure why... it'd cost less than what they have paid for already.   :glare:


Otherwise, best wishes to you.  I hope you get answers with "fixes" soon.   :grouphug:

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Have you been drinking a daily green smoothie with pomegranate, blueberries, acai, goji, ginger, turmeric, coconut milk, and maca powder?


Have you tried going dairy free?


Thieves oil. You just need some thieves.


A tea made from organic dirt?


I hope you feel better soon.

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A few years ago my son went through a long period of constant nausea, dry-heaving, and other gastrointestinal distress.  A friend was asking me about it and I told her some of the tests he'd undergone:  upper endoscopy with biopsy, stomach emptying, multiple types of blood and stool test, some other things.   She listened intently and then said


"has he tried eating yogurt?"


:banghead: :banghead:



I'm sorry, OP.  :grouphug:

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A few years ago my son went through a long period of constant nausea, dry-heaving, and other gastrointestinal distress.  A friend was asking me about it and I told her some of the tests he'd undergone:  upper endoscopy with biopsy, stomach emptying, multiple types of blood and stool test, some other things.   She listened intently and then said


"has he tried eating yogurt?"


:banghead: :banghead:



I'm sorry, OP.  :grouphug:


I shouldn't laugh, but wow! It reminds me of the old Tylenol commercials, where the woman would be just arriving home from seeing her doctor. She'd gone in because of a headache, and the doctor told her to try Tylenol. And all I could think was, "who on earth goes rushing in to the doctor for a headache, without trying an over the counter painkiller first???"


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Pro Tip: You absolutely cannot talk to people about the ailment. I'm not suggesting you lie, but be very mum on the topic. "How you doin'?" "Good, good, <cough, cough>, feeling great!"


Hold the line. Don't give them an opening or information to use against you. There's an oil for all of it! Sounds like the people really do/might care for you, but it is crazymaking.

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Momacacia is quite right. When you discuss your illness, you're telling people the subject is up for discussion. Save yourself the angst and don't even open that door. (Especially not if the person you're discussing it with is a vampire. Whew, I think I have vampires on the brain.)

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I know what momacaia and Tanaqui are saying is true, but for me it was hard to not be able to discuss it with friends when I had some health issues.  Especially if you're occasionally hospitalized or miss a lot of work or something, people know. You can't not talk about it at some level.....And they just want to help- it is usually coming from a place of love, but you want to scream, "for the love of all that is holy please just listen and quit offering advice!"


I'm sorry you're in that position. At least you have a sense of humor about it! Keep a hold of that- it's helpful. I hope you find some relief from both your condition and your well meaning lay-medical staff. :) 

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Oh, boy do I understand!  I keep politely declining but it makes me want to scream.  I know exactly what is causing my respiratory problems and how to fix them.  I don't need a full arsenal of $30 EACH bottles of oils or grandma's home remedy.  I'm a pretty well educated person.  Informing people of that fact is the only way I've gotten them off my back.  "I've researched the benefits of XYZ and how it works.  It would not be a good fit in my situation."  Grr...

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Haha, nope, Kefir is full of histamine too.

What if it is water kefir? Or made from coconut milk or goats milk or camel milk? And if you add some kind of essential oil that is safe to ingest, such as young living, doesn't that cancel the histamine effect?

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What if it is water kefir? Or made from coconut milk or goats milk or camel milk? And if you add some kind of essential oil that is safe to ingest, such as young living, doesn't that cancel the histamine effect?


Yeah! There can't be any histamines in water kefir made with crystal water that has brewed beneath the gentle rays of the full moon!

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You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. You've also given me some ideas to add to my healing book.  Give me your bank account info and your full names, addresses, and ss numbers and I will be sure to remember you when the royalties from my book start coming in:)

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I've started to, as politely as possible, tell people the advice is unhelpful. Anything that might contribute to them thinking twice before getting in someone else's face. With two special needs sons, we get it a lot. I'm not opposed to complementary medicine but I'll see my professional HCPs about it, not some annoying as heck mom I barely know TYVM.


I used to just smile, nod, ignore but that behavior just emboldens them. To approach others. To reapproach me. No. That shit has gotta end somewhere.

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You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. You've also given me some ideas to add to my healing book.  Give me your bank account info and your full names, addresses, and ss numbers and I will be sure to remember you when the royalties from my book start coming in:)


I'll settle for the airline tickets and resort reservations in Bora Bora.  Thanks!  ;)


ps  If you make enough, it'd be fun to have a Hive get together there and we can compare data on how well some of my ideas work...  With some tweaking, that could give you a follow up book.

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You guys are hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. You've also given me some ideas to add to my healing book. Give me your bank account info and your full names, addresses, and ss numbers and I will be sure to remember you when the royalties from my book start coming in:)

I would but it won't be be necessary as I have already given my info to a Nigerian prince who is sending me a few million.


You should add salt lamps to your regimen. Sit in front of it while eating raw honey and cinnamon. (I do use honey for medicinal reasons but I don't think it will cure a chronic illness)

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Breastmilk.  It cures everything.  Just find a willing donor!


Seriously, though, I'm sorry you're dealing with that.  It drives me crazy when people suggest things that are either so incredibly obvious or just plain nuts.  I've been told if I just take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day my Celiac Disease will go away.  After my dad had the whipple procedure to get rid of his pancreatic cancer (that's removal of part of the pancreas, several inches of intestine, gallbladder, and various bile ducts - so seriously major surgery), he was advised to just take a certain combo of essential oils (called a morphine bomb) and he's not need any pain medication at all.  Ai yi yi.

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Just juice your way to health! I have an expensive juicer sitting in the very back of a bottom kitchen cabinet that was supposed to help my son's asthma. I'd be glad to sell it to you at a good price. 😉


Have you switched to organic fabrics and flooring products in your home? Have you sent in a hair sample for analysis to see what toxins are detected? It must be the metal fillings in your teeth are soaking into your respiratory system. I hear raw cow's milk is a miracle cure for everything. I'm surprised you haven't tried that.


Seriously, I hope you feel better soon and get sympathy instead of "if only you would...." from your loved ones.

Edited by TX native
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At least no one has suggested to you that you should buy radio active rocks and use them for treatment. I actually had a friend in Portland who buys them for a mysterious source in Colorado and exposes himself to them regularly. He tried to tell me how good this would be for me...


So many questions arise, but I think the one at the forefront of my mind is: does your friend test these rocks first with a Geiger counter or... well, anything else that actually tests for radiation? (I'm not sure if it's better or worse if he's being scammed into buying non-radioactive rocks, tbh.)


Also: The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off

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Has anyone suggested that you drink your own urine?  I kid you not, this advice was not given to me but to a friend of mine, and in all seriousness, from a crystal-gazing, chakra-aligning massage therapist.  Lord have mercy.


I was complaining to my husband recently about all the ridiculous snake-oil miracle cures that people have recommended for me for my chronic migraines, and he said he had a workmate once who swore by the miracle healing powers of actual, literal snake oil.  And this man was a scientist working in a national lab in 21st century America.  

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At least no one has suggested to you that you should buy radio active rocks and use them for treatment. I actually had a friend in Portland who buys them for a mysterious source in Colorado and exposes himself to them regularly. He tried to tell me how good this would be for me...



So many questions arise, but I think the one at the forefront of my mind is: does your friend test these rocks first with a Geiger counter or... well, anything else that actually tests for radiation? (I'm not sure if it's better or worse if he's being scammed into buying non-radioactive rocks, tbh.)


Also: The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off




I generally find this stuff very irritating, but that is just terribly, horrifically, sad.   :crying:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The battle continues. I did some work for a lady that was supossed to pay me a hundred dollars. She decided I needed to get healthy more. So instead of paying me she gave me a hundred dollars worth of her health products she sells. Grr add insult to injury one of the products was so old when I opened it it was rancid. I will talk to her about it. I was just too shocked to in the moment.

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The battle continues. I did some work for a lady that was supossed to pay me a hundred dollars. She decided I needed to get healthy more. So instead of paying me she gave me a hundred dollars worth of her health products she sells. Grr add insult to injury one of the products was so old when I opened it it was rancid. I will talk to her about it. I was just too shocked to in the moment.




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