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Things you enjoyed in the good ol' days but think twice about now


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Bruce Springsteen. Is it possible to outgrow him? I think I did.


Overalls. Threw away my last pair seven years ago. Miss them. Would never wear them



Fairs, amusement parks, theme parks. Took my last ride when I was 28. Visited my last fair when the girls were 3 and 4. Rides are horror stories waiting to happen. (This from a woman who spent her free time at the Jersey Shore boardwalks and Great Adventure.)

Heels. I cannot remember the last time I wore a pair of heels. And now? I know I will never wear a pair again.

"Fun" cars. The cayman green Thunderbird I traded for a minivan was the last great car I will ever own. The rest are just vehicles.

"Bad" books. There's just not enough time.

Bad "friends." See above.

I didn't think it was possible to get over Bruce Springsteen.


I so miss my overalls. My dh hated my overalls. My last pair was when I was pregnant with dd. I probably got rid of them when she was around 2. That was back in 2002. When I am angry at dh I threaten to buy a new pair.


Fairs are death traps waiting to happen.


I ditched the heels a decade ago. Highest I go is 1" maybe an 1 1/2 for a special occasion. Mostly I wear flats.


I miss my convertible. I am hopeful that one day I can get a fun car again.


Bad books and friends, so true. I always tell my kids that life is too short for high maintenance friends.

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Riding any sort of amusement park ride.  (The last one I rode left me in pain for days)

Splitting an entire bottle of Bacardi 151 with my BIL.  I actually witnessed a person turning gray/green that night. (Thank goodness there were two bathrooms!!)


Eating anything after 9PM.  (Sheesh, I sound like I'm a Gremlin)


Swimming in murky water.


Playing basketball (this makes me sad, but I can no longer shoot a basket because of my stupid old, messed up shoulder)


Playing in decrepit abandoned buildings.

Having tEa under the billboard by the interstate  :lol:  :lol:



Edited by The Girls' Mom
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Eating McDonalds Big Macs about 7 times a week in my early 20s.  (In my defense, I lived alone in a new city, couldn't cook, and grew up in a small town where the nearest McDonalds was 40 a minute drive.)  I'm pretty sure some parts of my innards died during those years.





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Hmm, I'm not sure one can outgrow the Bruce Springsteen of his 80s heyday. That man could put on a show, 4+ nonstop hours of entertainment. When the rest of the band took a break midway through, he sat alone on the stage with his acoustic guitar and brought out the ballads. But I honestly don't care for his later stuff.


I was a bit of a wild child, so there's a lot of stuff I wouldn't do now even if I felt the urge! But I can think of one thing I do miss: free reign travel. In my young adult days, premarriage and pre-kids, on any given weekend I could just take off somewhere. I had disposable income, a passport, a flexible job and no responsibilities to anyone else. But that kind of travel is something I can't do anymore. An adjunct of that is having full autonomy over my free time. Those were golden days! The way I spend my time these days is infinitely more soul satisfying, but gosh, that liberty was fun.


And, eat. Can't eat like I used to, I gain weight and feel awful if I try. So I try not to.

Edited by Seasider
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Hawaiian Punch. DH and I used to buy the big jug when we were first married, but I haven't had it in years. I still love the taste but the thought of drinking all of that red dye, chemical flavoring, and corn syrup--eww!


Horror movies. I've never been a huge fan of the gory ones but did like psychological thrillers. After having our first child, I watched The Ring and haven't been able to watch that type of movie since.

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KFC.  I still love the smell, and I know how good it tastes but now it makes me so sick.


Using barbeque ashes for 'play' gunpowder.  In the wind.  


Assuming that since wood will float, it will always float even if you are on it.  Codicil:  Not thinking through whether and how you will steer it or get to shore on it.  Or how you will stay on it if it starts rocking.


Being pulled by a car or bus on a skateboard.  I never did this, but I always thought it looked like fun.


Hang gliding--ditto.



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When I was 10-11, I lived in So Cal right next to a wash (think humongous concrete irrigation canal). It was almost always dry except when it happened to rain. Well, during the flash flood warnings, it would become like a class 3 rapids with all the debris in it. So of course my friends and I would jump down into it and "float" for miles and then have to walk back home completely bloodied and bruised and waterlogged.


Good times.

Every mother's nightmare!!!!

How old were you before you told her you did this? Have you ever told her?


About in his forties, dh and his brothers started telling their mom stories of stuff like this they did. She would have died had she known back then.

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No sunblock. I know too much about skin cancer not to wear it, but I hate it.


No bike helmets.


Eating peanut M&Ms for breakfast at work, because the nuts are good for you.

Eating Junior Mints and Saltimes for a snack at work because the sweet minty followed by the salty cracker was just heaven.


Computer games that require fast reflexes. I can't keep up anymore and just get frustrated. If I play a game now, it's a puzzle type game.

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Every mother's nightmare!!!!

How old were you before you told her you did this? Have you ever told her?


She knew I played in the wash. I think her exact words were "I would prefer that you didn't". My parents were very hands off :)

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When I was 10-11, I lived in So Cal right next to a wash (think humongous concrete irrigation canal). It was almost always dry except when it happened to rain. Well, during the flash flood warnings, it would become like a class 3 rapids with all the debris in it. So of course my friends and I would jump down into it and "float" for miles and then have to walk back home completely bloodied and bruised and waterlogged.


Good times.

We used to do this in high school. Not California, but we had the large irrigation ditches, and every summer we would have torrential rain that turned these ditches into rivers. I was an excellent swimmer, but dang that was stupid.

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Walking anywhere alone/at night etc. Riding public transport all alone in rough areas. I grew up in an urban area and as an elementary age student (probably age 10) I would take city busses/subway to get around and walked all over. Shortcuts through woods after dark in college even.


20 years later I get very twitchy alone in the Walmart parking lot after dark. I have lost that sense of invincibility.

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I didn't think it was possible to get over Bruce Springsteen.


I so miss my overalls. My dh hated my overalls. My last pair was when I was pregnant with dd. I probably got rid of them when she was around 2. That was back in 2002. When I am angry at dh I threaten to buy a new pair.


Fairs are death traps waiting to happen.


I ditched the heels a decade ago. Highest I go is 1" maybe an 1 1/2 for a special occasion. Mostly I wear flats.


I miss my convertible. I am hopeful that one day I can get a fun car again.


Bad books and friends, so true. I always tell my kids that life is too short for high maintenance friends.

True story...

A few weeks ago we drove past a fair. My son asked, "What's that?"

I answered, "A death trap."

He said, "Ooh, can we go to the death trap?"

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Candy cigarettes

Seriously. "hey kids! Wanna lretend like you're on the way to lung cancer, too? Here! Pretend this chalky candy is a cig just like mom and dad! You can even get a little puff of sugar-smoke if you do it right!"

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Too many to mention them all. A few?


Smoking. A lot. Sometimes half package or more a day...eeew.


Miniskirts, bikinis, short shorts. High heels.




Rollercoasters, falling from high heights type of rides


Diving from tall divingboards, or rocks if in the ocean


Drinking, a lot. Many silly decisions made surrounding that environment

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Wow. I'm not sure if I was too tame when I was younger or not tame enough now.


I've cut drastically back on the sugar and caffeine and all nighters. I still eat Skittles, drink coffee, and stay up all night on rare occasion, but I no longer eat a pound bag of Skittles and drink a pot of coffee while staying up all night.


I still drink, but no more shots for me. Well, maybe one tequila shot, but then I'm switching to beer.


I still love roller coasters and go on them just about every chance I get. Somehow, my lifelong fear of heights does not apply to roller coasters.


I drive a convertible. With the booster seat strapped into the back seat.


Sadly, I don't think I can do cartwheels any more. That was rather jarring to my joints when I tried a few years back. But I did just start an aerials class, so there's that :)

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Attending college frat parties...and drinking.  Just not a good idea...


Eating too much candy and sugar.  I really wish I was more supervised when it came to sugar.  My teeth are awful and I have a mouth full of amalgams.  I worry about the long term health effects of the metal.


(Sorry, but I loved the candy cigarettes!!  I could blow sugar smoke...so cool!  But I do believe they were totally wrong and should not have been marketed to children!!)


Spending my time mastering video games and not reading books in high school.  Sigh...



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Passing notes to friends...now I put NOTHING in writing that could possibly come back to bite me.


Miniskirts...I had (still do, for the most part) good legs. But when you're in your mid-40's with a bunch of teenagers, it just looks sort of desperate and ridiculous to wear a mini. The last time I wore one, I had this weird out of body experience, looked at myself, and felt embarrassed.

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(Sorry, but I loved the candy cigarettes!!  I could blow sugar smoke...so cool!  But I do believe they were totally wrong and should not have been marketed to children!!)





Recently we visited an old fashioned soda fountain in Wisconsin and they had a display of retro candy for sale. They had both candy cigarettes and the gum cigarettes (I preferred the gum ones because they were wrapped in paper and the powder was between the gun and paper so when you blew in a bit you saw 'smoke'.)   


Guys, someone is still making these things!  I had no idea they were still a thing!

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I loved candy cigarettes as a kid.  We all ate them.  I don't remember thinking of them as a gateway drug to real cigs.  In high school, I bought one pack of Virginia Slims out of a machine (50 cents!) to share with a friend when we were out driving around one night.  We each smoked one, or maybe just part of one, threw out the rest of the pack, and that was that, forever.  


I do see why they are not marketed anymore.  I get that it's kind of weird.  

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