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I used to do lots of fun things....


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I was that Mom.  The Pinterest Mom.


I actually made matching dress up costumes for every time period while oldest DD and DS studied history.  I kid you not.  We had feasts.  


I miss her.  I miss that mom.  I mean, I like me, I do.  I still TRY (most days) to make school pleasant and lovely.  But this mom, the old one, she lacks the pure energy to sew up new costumes... times seven.  And she knows, (the young one didn't) that those costumes aren't going to last a lifetime like she thought they would.  Old mom *really* wants to do all these things young mom somehow managed to find the time for - - but old mom can't figure out where the heck that time came from.  Well, or where it went.


Today is picture day.  It's not our first day of school.  It's not our unschool day. It's simply picture day - the day in which the kids wear one new outfit, get their pictures taken showing they've advanced to the "new" grade.  You see, we can't do picture day on our first day of school.


It. Takes. All. Day.  


I kid you not. I wish I wasn't kidding.

We woke up at 6AM this morning.

We did breakfast.

Then began showers and baths for those who needed it and so I'd have wet hair to work with (preferable over dry AND less tangles.  Keeping in mind I do hair for seven girls.)

Quickly, no brushes or combs could be found.  I have no idea why this is.  None.  We own more than one.  My house is remarkably clean for a Thursday morning.  Who wants to bet  me they brushed the dog outside or something worse?  Like a chicken?


So I went to the Dollar Store.  I bought two brushes and three combs.  (We've misplaced one in the ensuing crazy of doing hair.)

I also bought donuts.  Because sugar.




We were dressed and ready for individual pictures by 10:30.


Then props.  Because ---- my one last remnant of  young fun mom.


This year we decided to do chalk grades.

Great idea.... Kind of.


I took all the pictures.

Came inside.

The kids are all squinting.

Why? Well, because we didn't get down to TAKING pictures until about 11:30 in the direct sun.


I keep telling myself that little, silly, pointless, fun things ARE worth all the effort.  They are.  Some day my kids will look back at pictures and think, "Aw, that crazy woman tried."


At least I sure hope so.

But part of me wonders if the crazy is worth it.  What if we just didn't........... 


Because it seems like the one last "cute" remnant of that mom who used to try so hard to make things adorable for her kids.  And, I admit, I'm afraid that if I let go of this thing that starting school will become that, "gotta make the donuts" type thing instead of an "exciting, new, adventurous school year!" ;)




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'Kay - so remember you asked for this.


We have: 


"Mama, my eyes hurt." #1






"Mama, my eyes huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt." #2




"Couldn't we just do this later?  It's hot.  My eyes hurt."



THEN we have a decent shot, but HEY MOM cut off her head.



And, finally the preschooler - but she was in the shade. ;)


The 6th and 7th graders did good shots, but they figured they were too old for the cutesty stuff, so just pictures on the swing.  AND DD(14) will do pictures but not until  her haircut and her ACTUAL first day. ;)



And now you know why I laugh so hard when strangers try to convey sainthood because we have a large family.  I have no idea what sweet picture they have in their heads, but I bet it doesn't involve five hours of just trying to take a picture on picture day. :P :D


The children are now back in AC, in front of a show, and we have an "off" day from school.  I think we all need frozen coffee and ice cream.

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I only have 2 kids but I still can't get organized enough to do any of those big fun exciting things I dream of doing. Or we just can't afford to do them. Blah.



So "new" means from Goodwill / consignment, the "pictures" are snapped digitals, and the "props" are chalk.  :D  Creativity, Pinterest, and I - - - we three are an awful trio.

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I love those pics!  LOL.  


But I think you need to get some kind of buddy system going for hair.  LOL.  Seven heads of hair is crazy to deal with... and you didn't even count your own head.  


I have two girls, and I can't even get their hair brushed every day.  And washing hair.  Oh, the washing.  And both girls want "Rapunzel hair"...  


I sometimes look at our "large" (4 kids) family and wonder if the energy wouldn't have been better spent concentrated on two, as had been our original plan.  But then I think of the LOVE that the little two add to our family... and it's not even a contest.  Yes, I could have been doing more and better and piterest-y with two, but what about our baby clown???  No amount of Roman togas or medieval tests could replace the princess and the clown in our family life.  

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When I was younger I had so many plans to be the fun, crafty mom.  I never succeeded.  I wasted so much money on fun stuff for plans that were never actualized.  I bought tons of craft supplies that were used to make messes more than for crafting time.  I mean glitter! Seriously?  I bought fun toys with lots of little pieces that were scattered to the winds after being played with a few times.  I imagined homeschooling to be constant projects and science experiments and carefully planned unit studies.  My oldest is 6 and I have already had to face that I am not that kind of mom, and I don't have those kinds of kids.  


I sent my oldest to a wonderful preschool, which my 3 year old is now attending.  They do art projects every day.  They have all the fun toys with tiny pieces and the space and time to play with them.  The teachers appear to have boundless energy and creativity.  They even have weekly themes.  Preschool was awesome, I wish they had something like it that my six year old could attend.  


At home we play with manageable toys.  We color with washable markers or maybe get to use the scissors & the glue stick.  We play outside and read.  We go to the park, the zoo, the children's museum, the trampoline place.  My children don't have a super fun exciting childhood.  But they do have a happy childhood.  It doesn't look anything like I planned, but it is nice.  And when we do the fun things they really enjoy them, appreciate them and remember them.   Baking is a major life event when you only do it a few time each year.   

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It's okay to change traditions around to match your changing lives or changing views on what's important.  Finding short-cuts or new ways of doing things or doing new things altogether can be great!  Just find new and different fun things to do that don't feel like a burden.  It's definitely time for change!  I think that also teaches our children that it's okay to change things up.





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I absolutely relate. My ASD little guy was the one who finally did in my Pinterest ways. In some ways, when I'm not mourning the mom I was, it's a liberation. In others...well, mourning the mom I was. 


I have to put all of my trust in the hope that the kids remember the FAMILY ATTITUDE AND WARMTH rather than the activities and crafts. 


And,I've found that doing one or two little things throughout the month makes their day in the same way that trying to do all of Pinterest had. 

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First off, your kids are adorable, and those pics are super cute!


Second, I can so relate. I have soon-to-be six children, and a 15 year age gap between DD and the expected youngest. I once made very authentic colonial costumes for DD and DS1, including drop front breeches for DS1 and multiple gowns for DD. They were adorable! I used to be that young mom. Now I am an old mom (literally, I'm now advanced maternal age, medically speaking). I used to have time to read picture books for hours and hours and hours to DD and to line up all the Little People like she liked to do. Now I squish in a little bit of everything amongst everything else. And I have half the children you do. I think you're doing pretty good, better than that, even!

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I love those pics!  LOL.  


But I think you need to get some kind of buddy system going for hair.  LOL.  Seven heads of hair is crazy to deal with... and you didn't even count your own head.  


I have two girls, and I can't even get their hair brushed every day.  And washing hair.  Oh, the washing.  And both girls want "Rapunzel hair"...  


I sometimes look at our "large" (4 kids) family and wonder if the energy wouldn't have been better spent concentrated on two, as had been our original plan.  But then I think of the LOVE that the little two add to our family... and it's not even a contest.  Yes, I could have been doing more and better and piterest-y with two, but what about our baby clown???  No amount of Roman togas or medieval tests could replace the princess and the clown in our family life.  





I  think I might have forgotten to brush my hair today.... And I went in public, lol.......



You know, sometimes I wonder.... But then again, oh my gosh, I never would have wanted to miss out on #4, #5, #6.... Well, you know.  Each one has added a whole other dimension.

It really IS a crazy amount of work - I denied it for a long time because I didn't want to discourage anyone, but is a LOT of work - but I vow it's worth it. ;)

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When I was younger I had so many plans to be the fun, crafty mom.  I never succeeded.  I wasted so much money on fun stuff for plans that were never actualized.  I bought tons of craft supplies that were used to make messes more than for crafting time.  I mean glitter! Seriously?  I bought fun toys with lots of little pieces that were scattered to the winds after being played with a few times.  I imagined homeschooling to be constant projects and science experiments and carefully planned unit studies.  My oldest is 6 and I have already had to face that I am not that kind of mom, and I don't have those kinds of kids.  


I sent my oldest to a wonderful preschool, which my 3 year old is now attending.  They do art projects every day.  They have all the fun toys with tiny pieces and the space and time to play with them.  The teachers appear to have boundless energy and creativity.  They even have weekly themes.  Preschool was awesome, I wish they had something like it that my six year old could attend.  


At home we play with manageable toys.  We color with washable markers or maybe get to use the scissors & the glue stick.  We play outside and read.  We go to the park, the zoo, the children's museum, the trampoline place.  My children don't have a super fun exciting childhood.  But they do have a happy childhood.  It doesn't look anything like I planned, but it is nice.  And when we do the fun things they really enjoy them, appreciate them and remember them.   Baking is a major life event when you only do it a few time each year.   



You guys make wonderful encouragers.....  Thank you.



I lved being that mom that I was so this transition is really hard for me.


I'm still outdoor mom.

I'm still sing out loud mom (which they probably wish I wasn't....)


But I do miss being crafty mom - of course, though, I don't miss being cranky mom when it doesn't turn out. ;)

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Tip for the combs and hairbrushes. This will seem weird bit it works.....buy hairbrushes and combs with a hole in the handle. Buy lightweight chain. Attach chain to the brush or comb and then attach the other end of the chain to the inside of a bathroom or kitchen drawer.


Make sure the chain is plenty long enough to use the brush or comb.


We have not lost our comb in 5 years. It is chained inside our bathroom drawer. Chain is long enough to easily reach to use comb on any children and to the sink to wash it but it stays put.

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I was having this meltdown last night. Just feeling like I am never going to be that pintrest mom. I don't know how they are doing it all.


Your story is what I am living everyday. I love it.


Reminds me I need to do pictures. Maybe next month.

I've never done costumes or school pictures. I'm a bad mom. And I hate Pinterest.

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Aww, I totally know that Young Mom. I was the same way. And now I'm much more often extremely NOT.


That chalk picture idea is totally adorable, though. Even if the execution didn't quite pan out.

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I love those pics! LOL.


But I think you need to get some kind of buddy system going for hair. LOL. Seven heads of hair is crazy to deal with... and you didn't even count your own head.


I have two girls, and I can't even get their hair brushed every day. And washing hair. Oh, the washing. And both girls want "Rapunzel hair"...


I sometimes look at our "large" (4 kids) family and wonder if the energy wouldn't have been better spent concentrated on two, as had been our original plan. But then I think of the LOVE that the little two add to our family... and it's not even a contest. Yes, I could have been doing more and better and piterest-y with two, but what about our baby clown??? No amount of Roman togas or medieval tests could replace the princess and the clown in our family life.

A friend of mine, who came from a family with 11 kids, told me once that when she was little, her parents had a system for dealing with hair and showers. Dad would get in the shower with his bathing suit on and any child young enough to need this sort of help was passed into the shower with dad. The kids came out and mom plaited the girls' hair as they finished showering. She said this was always on Saturday nights, so they were all (kinda) orderly for church the next day.


I do remember something similar when I was a kid because it was four girls and we all had long hair. My dad did not help, but I know we showered on Saturday night and my mom would sit and put our hair in those $@!#% curlers. Remember thos pink sponge curlers? *shudder* Like sleeping with your head in a bucket of marbles.

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It seems from your post, that "young mom" did costumes for only two children - not seven.  I've given over 75% of my Pinterest duties to dd14.  I think some heavy duty delegating is in order.  It will be good for them and will teach them planning skills etc. 


Quick. Someone tell me what Pinterest duties are? I have NEVER been on Pinterest. I am not a troll. I do really exist. Maybe there are more like me. I really don't know.


:lol: :lol: :lol:


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 Remember thos pink sponge curlers? *shudder* Like sleeping with your head in a bucket of marbles.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


MIL had/has those. She once drove some 3 hours with her head in curlers to meet someone for lunch. She ripped them out in the parking lot and wiggled her fingers through her hair. Wow, Mama.


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Quick. Someone tell me what Pinterest duties are? I have NEVER been on Pinterest. I am not a troll. I do really exist. Maybe there are more like me. I really don't know.


:lol: :lol: :lol:



We use Pinterest a lot for recipes.  I have a spot for recipes I want to try.  Then once I"ve made them (and only if we like them), I move them over to my spot for recipes I've tried and liked.  This is helpful to me.


I've been posting ideas for summer camp, all year.  Right now dd and I are preparing camp crafts and activities using some of those very ideas.  I would teach at camp and be responsible for activities whether I pinned them on Pinterest or not.  Pinterest is again, a helpful tool for me.


I posted lots of ideas for ds' robotics class a couple of years ago.  Again - helpful for me.  And again - something I would be doing anyway because ds wanted to take a robotics class.


In very bad pain times I look for and pin a lot of chronic pain memes and jokes.  The benefit isn't as easy to see, but mentally and emotionally there is one.  One of the chronic pain ladies on this board told me about doing this, by the way, and I'm very grateful to her because it is a distraction and encouragement to me. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I think the pics are adorable. I only have 3. Recently, I got out some clothes for the youngest that I had saved from the oldest. There were button down shirts (size 3T) and I thought to myself, "man, I had a lot of time back then, to think that button up shirts on a 2/3 year old was worth it." No way would I buy that now! And that's just with 3! Anyone who has more than 3 and survives is awesome!

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We use Pinterest a lot for recipes.  I have a spot for recipes I want to try.  Then once I"ve made them (and only if we like them), I move them over to my spot for recipes I've tried and liked.  This is helpful to me.


I've been posting ideas for summer camp, all year.  Right now dd and I are preparing camp crafts and activities using some of those very ideas.  I would teach at camp and be responsible for activities whether I pinned them on Pinterest or not.  Pinterest is again, a helpful tool for me.


I posted lots of ideas for ds' robotics class a couple of years ago.  Again - helpful for me.  And again - something I would be doing anyway because ds wanted to take a robotics class.


In very bad pain times I look for and pin a lot of chronic pain memes and jokes.  The benefit isn't as easy to see, but mentally and emotionally there is one.  One of the chronic pain ladies on this board told me about doing this, by the way, and I'm very grateful to her because it is a distraction and encouragement to me. 


Wow. You can do all this on Pinterest?  I feel like I need to go look now. I wish you had not mentioned recipes. I am such a sucker for recipes. Jean, if this turns into another time sucker one week before my fall semester starts, I am holding you personally responsible. :laugh:


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Wow. You can do all this on Pinterest?  I feel like I need to go look now. I wish you had not mentioned recipes. I am such a sucker for recipes. Jean, if this turns into another time sucker one week before my fall semester starts, I am holding you personally responsible. :laugh:



You're responsible for your own self control.  ;)   I just use it as needed.  Ie.  I need to find a recipe because I have no idea what to make, so I look at that moment.  Then if I find one or two that I like, I pin them.  Then I try them.  I don't spend hours on it or anything.  YMMV.  :) 


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Wow. You can do all this on Pinterest? I feel like I need to go look now. I wish you had not mentioned recipes. I am such a sucker for recipes. Jean, if this turns into another time sucker one week before my fall semester starts, I am holding you personally responsible. :laugh:


Oh! it's a time suck when you first discover it. One of my first pins was an image of a woman on the phone saying "Honey, could you pick up dinner? I've been too busy pinning nutritious recipes to cook." You'll calm down, but if this is a busy week I'd walk away.

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I've never done costumes or school pictures. I'm a bad mom. And I hate Pinterest.


I think you're missing the point. Doing school pictures hasn't even ever crossed my mind, and I don't get the point of Pinterest (for one, they want you to get an account or you can't really look at much of it, so I may just not have seen enough of it to "get" it, but I strongly suspect it's not for me). But, if that is your thing, then not having the energy to do it would be frustrating. Not in a "omg, I'm a bad mom because I'm not doing these things anymore" kind of way, but just in a missing doing things you thought were fun kind of way.


But, like others have said, I'm counting 10 kids in Kelly's signature (not including the one graduate), which just is not the same as 1-2 kids. Kelly, I would suggest trying to figure out which things you miss the most, and trying to find a way to work those things in, but there are just 24 hours in a day and some of those are for sleep etc.


P.S. The pictures are cute, though I could see the frustration with the squinting. Just in case you're not aware though, the 1st grader is sitting in a 'W', which my son's OT and PT say is bad for leg muscles. Not a big deal if it's only occasionally, but if she does this often you should probably encourage her to sit differently.


ETA: see a few posts down for discussion on w sitting - apparently there are conflicting opinions on the issue and it may or may not be an issue after all, especially for kids under 8.

Edited by luuknam
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Sorry for getting off topic but . . . 


Just in case you're not aware though, the 1st grader is sitting in a 'W', which my son's OT and PT say is bad for leg muscles. Not a big deal if it's only occasionally, but if she does this often you should probably encourage her to sit differently.


No way!  The things you learn on WTM.  I have sat in a W all my life.  I think my ds 6 & ds 3 do as well (I'll have to check tomorrow).   How is it bad?  I would never have thought I have been sitting wrong my whole life.  

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No way!  The things you learn on WTM.  I have sat in a W all my life.  I think my ds 6 & ds 3 do as well (I'll have to check tomorrow).   How is it bad?  I would never have thought I have been sitting wrong my whole life.  


My son's OT said it twists his muscles and ligaments more, or something along those lines. I Googled it (just now, because you asked), and it seems opinions are divided on this issue - if you search for w sitting, one of the first things that'll pop up is an article from today.com where they interviewed 2 doctors who said it's no big deal, and that it's common for kids ages 4-6 to sit like that, and that kids over 8 typically don't sit like that anymore (guess what... my kid was 8 and was still doing it when his OT first mentioned it). Now, 2 doctors saying it's no big deal is a very limited sample, and if you search for w sitting, you'll also find a ton of articles from OTs and PTs saying it's bad to sit like that, and anyway... I haven't tried to dig up actual research on PubMed or anything. So, I don't know.

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You're responsible for your own self control.  ;)   I just use it as needed.  Ie.  I need to find a recipe because I have no idea what to make, so I look at that moment.  Then if I find one or two that I like, I pin them.  Then I try them.  I don't spend hours on it or anything.  YMMV.  :) 



Come now! It's so much more fun blaming others... :lol:


After reading Zoobie's comment, I think I will wait until the next semester break. :laugh:

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They are super cute pics and I love the idea!


According to photo records, ds2 disappeared after he turned 1 and ds3 doesn't exist... I'm a baaaaad photo mum. In my defense, ds2 started running at 10 months and I've been haggard ever since!


Oh wait! We did some a couple of Christmases ago!

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You're still a cool mom, just a different one. You used to be the fun Pinterest mom. Okay. Well, now you can join the club i'm in, where we gripe about the Pinterest moms :)


Mostly joking :)


But seriously, I had a wonderful childhood, and no cool crafty stuff. It will be okay :)

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Tip for the combs and hairbrushes. This will seem weird bit it works.....buy hairbrushes and combs with a hole in the handle. Buy lightweight chain. Attach chain to the brush or comb and then attach the other end of the chain to the inside of a bathroom or kitchen drawer.


Make sure the chain is plenty long enough to use the brush or comb.


We have not lost our comb in 5 years. It is chained inside our bathroom drawer. Chain is long enough to easily reach to use comb on any children and to the sink to wash it but it stays put.



This is pure genius.  This could actually work.

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What beautiful girls.



Can I just say that when looking at your girls I cried. I so badly wanted lots of girls. Instead I have boys, boys and more boys and offers to take another boy.


Aww! Boys are awesome (I have a onesie for William that says it!) And the girls come - in the form of daughters in love and grand-daughters!!!!  But, I will admit I am a girl mom (never knew that about myself for a long, long while) and I do love it.

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A friend of mine, who came from a family with 11 kids, told me once that when she was little, her parents had a system for dealing with hair and showers. Dad would get in the shower with his bathing suit on and any child young enough to need this sort of help was passed into the shower with dad. The kids came out and mom plaited the girls' hair as they finished showering. She said this was always on Saturday nights, so they were all (kinda) orderly for church the next day.


I do remember something similar when I was a kid because it was four girls and we all had long hair. My dad did not help, but I know we showered on Saturday night and my mom would sit and put our hair in those $@!#% curlers. Remember thos pink sponge curlers? *shudder* Like sleeping with your head in a bucket of marbles.



I can do baths for five children (four of them girls with hair) in less than ten minutes in a pinch.  It's my super power.  I actually *like* braiding, I admit it.  I also admit that I genuinely find myself smiling more at the children more when they look like I made an effort... I'm pretty sure that is wrong of me.  I have no idea why that is - I like a messy bedhead as much as anyone, but come later in the morning, or at least by the afternoon, I like to look at the children and say, "Yup, managed to get them dressed and looking like humans. Good job Mom."


 I'm sure this stems way back to my childhood and some kind of deep seated thoughts about my value and worth measured by my accomplishments and I wish that I gave a rat's patootie about WHY I do it, but some days I'm too tired to analyze my thought process and frankly don't give a rip.........

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