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Okay, my fellow crazy Amazon peeps....


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If you are a big Amazon buyer (which I know many of you are!) how do you pay for your purchases? I only use one bank card, but it is almost  ;)  to the point where I don't love to buy from Amazon because of how they end up charging you separately for each shipment. I get that they charge when they ship it, but sometimes on my big orders (ok, almost every time!) I have so many little charges going on in my bank that it drives me batty. I am a big bank checker/balancer online, so that's why *I* have a problem with it. I'm wondering if I should just buy store credit in one chunk and then use that vs. my card.


I'm hoping some of my fellow Amazon addicts will understand and sympathize here....

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Every time dh looked at our budget spreadsheet, he would ask why I didn’t combine my multiple small purchases from Amazon into a single order.  He couldn’t understand why I had multiple purchases from the same store on the same day.  Then he started shopping on Amazon.


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I use a credit card that earns points.  I use the points on Amazon. 


I have an Amazon store card as well.  I only use that for the free financing, but that might work for you because you could just pay it off each month.  So that would be one payment instead of all the little payments.



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Am Ex. We pay it off monthly, and get enough points to do a lot of Xmas shopping each year. Plus, you can use your points to pay on Amazon.


I don't link my bank account, or use my check card online. We've been hacked before, and I like the protection Am Ex offers.


If I want to use something other than Am Ex, I buy an Amazon gift card.

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I pay with a credit card, but I check my cards online every few days so I would know if something was wrong.  I don't find it burdensome but I can understand why others might.  I think I would find buying and using Amazon gift cards would make purchases harder to track and give me more of a feeling of "free stuff" than having it hit my credit card.  


I'd try the suggestion to select as few shipments as possible and see if that helps.


ETA: Oh yeah, and I use a credit card that gives me points so every now and then I do get a $100 Amazon gift card.   Got one yesterday in fact, the same day my coffeemaker died.  New one on the way today, sort of free.  :-)

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I have an amazon visa. But the little charges drive me nuts too!!! I also pay as we go during the month, and I have a couple accounts I pay from depending on what it is (school book vs household supplies vs gift) and it drives me batty! I thought I was the only one  :D who paid attention to this. I wish I could tag each charge as it comes in..... 

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If you are a big Amazon buyer (which I know many of you are!) how do you pay for your purchases? I only use one bank card, but it is almost  ;)  to the point where I don't love to buy from Amazon because of how they end up charging you separately for each shipment. I get that they charge when they ship it, but sometimes on my big orders (ok, almost every time!) I have so many little charges going on in my bank that it drives me batty. I am a big bank checker/balancer online, so that's why *I* have a problem with it. I'm wondering if I should just buy store credit in one chunk and then use that vs. my card.


I'm hoping some of my fellow Amazon addicts will understand and sympathize here....


I only get my payments broken up like that when what I am buying comes from several different sellers. (So today our cpap order was 5 items from 4 different sellers = 4 different payments).  I figure it is better than having to go to 4 different websites to track the different orders/check prices/etc.


However, I use a credit card, not my debit card. I am not comfortable using a debit card (Even with a MC/VISA logo) online.  Get off. Send a payment from our checking account to the credit card in the amount of the order.


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Mine does the same thing, and I have two cards I use for Amazon. Subscribe-and-Save stuff very often looks like that, several small charges on the cards, even though they generally ship in the same box. The only time it bugs me is around Christmas when I order a lot of stuff at once, and it comes in random assortments and charges, like three things from the same order in one box and with one charge, and four other things from the same order in a different box and with a different charge.

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Do the credit cards not break out each individual charge? I would think they still would. Bank or credit card - I still am very vigilant about watching. I am just thinking with a gift card that I would not be as much...although I probably would, so maybe I'm just looking to complain, lol.

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An Amazon gift card is a good idea if you want to try and eliminate all the little charges!  Otherwise, I just accept that it is what it is.  I use a credit card that collects air points and we make good use of them.

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A little off topic, but I now have Amazon Prime Now!  Delivery in an hour and it includes groceries!!!  I can officially become a recluse and never leave the house :drool:    If tween DD could just drive herself to swimming   :driving:

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I don't have an OFFICIALLY dedicated Amazon bank account, but it's pretty darn close, lol.  One of my bank accounts is for regular monthly expenses, and my other bank account is more for non-set expenses, any checks I may have to write, and big Amazon orders.


It absolutely drives me nuts to wait for things to clear, so I instant-transfer funds over as needed and otherwise ignore that account.

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Do the credit cards not break out each individual charge? I would think they still would. Bank or credit card - I still am very vigilant about watching. I am just thinking with a gift card that I would not be as much...although I probably would, so maybe I'm just looking to complain, lol.



Yes, credit card statements list each charge.  


Free shipping is always as few shipments as possible, so clicking that box has no effect.  The multiple charges are because items are shipped from different warehouses.  Shipping from multiple warehouses to a central location and then combining items into a single shipment to the consumer would increase costs and shipping times.   

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I use my Amazon card. 5% back, which, if your buying habits are anything like mine, really adds up.


I just applied and got one of these. I don't think it's a bad idea for us. I like the 5% back deal!

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I use a credit card that earns points.  I use the points on Amazon. 


I have an Amazon store card as well.  I only use that for the free financing, but that might work for you because you could just pay it off each month.  So that would be one payment instead of all the little payments.


That reminds me...I need to go cash out my points and get my Amazon GC!

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I am an Amazon junkie and so the Amazon card has been great for us. We get a shameful amount of points each month to help defray the fact that Amazon is often the biggest ticket item on the monthly statement. I have to wonder what the USPS and UPS people think of me......and my neighbors when they see the massive carboard pile out on recycling day. I blame the Hive and their never ended recommendations of bright shiny books and things. :D

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Hey I just thought of an idea.  What if you buy yourself Amazon gift cards and load that on there? 


We've done this for quite a while. We've been trying to limit the use of credit cards and I won't use my debit card online for security reasons. I buy the gift cards at a local store that gives gas rewards for x amount spent when I can, so that helps there as well. We aren't huge Amazon buyers but it works well for us.

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I have the Amazon card and use it. It's helped a lot. I do like the idea of gift cards to make purchases though. That is something I had forgotten about as an alternative to cash envelopes. Might need some gift cards for my budget next month .... 

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Even if they ship all together sometimes Amazon still charges individually.  Who knows why.  I don't try to understand anything Amazon does.


I have an Amazon Visa.  It's used only for Amazon purchases.  It earns points good toward things at Amazon (but, sadly, not ebooks, only physical things) so that's a bonus.

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So today I was going over some transactions in Mint and assigning them to the right budgets... and came across an Amazon transaction that I just could NOT find in my amazon accounts... anywhere. It is so burdensome to keep opening multi-item orders and sorting through to find the right totals.


And finally thought to ask my oldest son... he has our card that he uses for books occasionally -- yup. He charged that.

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I broke down and got their credit card.  I pay off the balance each month, sometimes bi-weekly if I've been order happy.  I get reward points, I don't worry about weird charges to my bank, and it was super easy to do.  I just have to be extra careful that I pay it off BEFORE interest is charged.

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Mine works the same way yours does.  It doesn't bother me.  Initially I would check very carefully, but they were always accurate, so I stopped scrutinizing each line item.


Ditto. I meticulously checked every single line item on every account for a couple of decades. In all that time, I found one, lonely error for 10 cents, when some poor bank clerk apparently couldn't read my bad handwriting on a check. I finally decided it really wasn't worth my time to compare receipts to credit card statements because it's all computerized and has always matched in my experience. I do scan my Amazon orders page regularly to check that no one has gained access to it and ordered things that I don't recognize.

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