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Wet Hair


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I also don't blow dry my hair. It makes it super frizzy. Also it's not important to me so I don't want to spend the time. 


I will say when I lived in Birmingham, Alabama I got the occasional comment about how relaxing it must be to just not worry about things like that, or how I was so natural - which was Southern for "I wonder why you don't do your hair".


In Florida no one cares. Of course I see people with damp hair from swimming all the time here, so it doesn't stand out at all.

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My mom's generation would insist we blow dry our hair if visiting someone at home or attending something formal. Else they let us go around town with wet hair.


Here no one cares even if you have flyaway hair :)


Same here and I had a blow dryer growing up, but my hair really is so thick that a blow dryer took a long time.  I just can't be bothered!


My mother also had a hair salon type dryer.  You know the ones where you sit down and they lower that thing over your head? 

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I would assume your hair is wet.


I go out with wet hair all the time. One benefit to crazy curls! 


:iagree:  My hair is short, but I went out with it wet when it was long. We used to own a blow dryer, but the only use it got in the last 20 years was for drying paint. 

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I normally don't ever do this EVER, because my hair air dries into the most gigantic fuzzy puff-ball of frizz you can imagine. So I don't. But I did it a week or two ago because I HAD to shower and did not have time to dry it. But I brought a pony-tail eleastic along.

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It's fun to go out with wet hair in winter around here. The hair freezes solid. It's crunchy... :laugh:

Then, the old ladies will say, "You'll catch your death of pneumonia!" No, little old lady, wet hair in the cold does not cause that...

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one who goes out with wet (ridiculously long, thick) hair!  It doesn't generally bother me at all.  It's usually partly dry by the time I get anywhere, or at least to the point where it's not wetting my shirt.  The only time I try to avoid it is when we go to church or somewhere where people might hug me, because they might not appreciate wet hair, so I end up putting it up in a bun if it's wet.  (And then it will be wet hours later.  Same if I wash it and braid it at night; it stays wet.)  

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This thread made me feel better. I often feel self conscious about going out with wet hair but sometimes it is unavoidable. My migraines come with a feeling that as best I can describe is like a badly sunburned scalp and this feeling can last for days. Needless to say blowdrying my hair doesn't happen then. Maybe now I'll start to notice more people out and about with wet hair.

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My wonderful son pasted this to me when I asked him the correct pronunciation of the file extension ".gif." I told him I didn't want to sound like an idiot. What he said, apply to the wet hair in public scenario.


"Imagine someone complaining about the way you pronounce a file extension. Then imagine having any respect for that person." -PattyJoannaDS

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My mother also had a hair salon type dryer. You know the ones where you sit down and they lower that thing over your head?

A former neighbor does hairdressing out of her living room when I was a kid. She had a few of those. It was good income for that neighbor and her kids didn't mind not having a living room.

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Then, the old ladies will say, "You'll catch your death of pneumonia!" No, little old lady, wet hair in the cold does not cause that...


That's my favorite.


Like tonight the store clerk moaning about not getting antibiotics for her cold (doctor is a big fat meany) and it's no wonder she is sick because the weather is crazy. 


I'm amazed that so many people still seem to believe this.

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I go out with wet hair all the time. I am au naturelle - no make-up, no styling products, only use a blow dryer or straightener for super special occasions and generally shower right before I have to go somewhere vs. on a set schedule.


I'll often throw it up in a messy clip or messy pony, but if I do, my hair will take 2 days to dry, so if I want it to dry-dry, I will leave it down and just brush it with a wet brush.


It wouldn't occur to me to judge someone for wet hair, never mind judging that person's child!

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That's my favorite.


Like tonight the store clerk moaning about not getting antibiotics for her cold (doctor is a big fat meany) and it's no wonder she is sick because the weather is crazy.


I'm amazed that so many people still seem to believe this.

DH says this all the time, though I keep correcting this misconception.

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Low barometric pressure can swell the sinuses, and many chronic illnesses are exacerbated by changes in pressure and humidity. Cold air may also irritate preexisting conditions. It was reported late last year that studies showed the cold virus prefers cold noses. So, there may be some truth to weather increasing the chance of catching a virus or causing other discomfort perceived as illness. But wet hair has nothing to do with it.


Sources: CDC, WebMD, BBC

Edited by Amy in NH
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This is a timely post. I went out with wet hair yesterday and was self conscious about it. I've never gone out with wet hair in my life. I don't remember if I've ever seen someone with wet hair, so either it's not happened, or it was so inconsequential that I don't remember. I just felt weird about myself, that's all.

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LOL...it never occurred to me that going out with wet hair was a problem to anyone. My curly/wavy hair generally looks horrible when blow dried (from my salon experiences), so I always let it it air dry. If I run late in showering, it means I go wherever with wet hair. The only time I avoid it is when it is super frigid...like below zero...outside. Then my hair freezes which is no fun...so those days I do try to shower early enough for it to at least mostly dry before I have to leave the house.


We do own a blow dryer...that my husband keeps with his tools because he uses it once a year when putting plastic up to cover our ancient windows in the winter.

Edited by kirstenhill
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I don't usually go out with wet, freshly washed hair because in our humidity my hair will dry frizzy. I either have to blow dry it, or stay indoors if I'm going to let it dry naturally. So, if you see me out and about with wet hair it means I just came from a pool or the beach.


That said, I don't think anything of others who go out with wet hair. I don't really even notice.


My mother's generation thought it was terribly uncouth to go out with wet hair. On that, I disagree with her.

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I feel a bit awkward sometimes going out with wet hair, but I still do it. I don't know what I hate more... leaving the house with wet hair or showering at night and having to decide if I blow dry it or just towel dry and sleep with a towel on my pillow because I'm too tired to get out the blow dryer or afraid to wake the baby. Yesterday I ended up finding out late in the game about a service at my church but I wanted to wash my hair before I went so I ended up going with wet hair. I felt kind of odd going out at night with wet hair, but oh well, at least I was clean?


Lol @ Ali's post. Yes!! That is how I feel. I am in the South and I always feel "not put together" when I leave with wet hair, but sometimes I have the choice between that or greasy hair so...

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If I noticed, I would assume she was either running late or had to leave in a hurry. I would not think poorly of her, though. Who cares if her hair was wet? I personally don't leave with wet hair. I have to blow dry it (and use other styling tools) or POOF. Think Monica from Friends when she's in Barbados (totally not kidding).

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I just used the air vents in my van majority of the time - that would get it dry enough. Though if I won't have time for that, I would usually pull it back in a bun.


But I just cut it all off and I am not even sure it's still wet by the time I walk downstairs!!! Love not having this issue anymore.

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At this point in my life I wouldn't think anything of it.  


When I first started teaching in a public school, I had a hair issue that kept me from blow drying it for several months.  I remember I did go to the principal and explain that I was showing up to work with my hair wet, but that it was because I had a medical issue and couldn't blow dry it, and didn't really want to wake up hours early so it would dry (my hair is very thin and if it's not washed freshly each morning it is greasy and looks gross and dirty - NOT appropriate for work).  


It's funny now to me that I felt I needed to explain my wet hair to her, but I just really didn't want her to think I was being disrespectful of my job or lazy.  

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I have thick, curly hair, and it can take 8 hours to dry fully.  Sometimes I wind it into a loose bun if it is very wet and I need to go somewhere.  Mostly, I plan my hairwashing around the rest of my schedule.  I have sometimes put it back in a clip with the back hanging down.  I don't think it is as noticeable. 


But I don't NOT go somewhere just because my hair is in varying stages of drying.

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I do it all the time. I almost never blow dry. Even in the winter I try to air dry at night. My curls are less frizzy this way. I've never thought about parole not caring for the wet look.

If you are going to see your parole officer, wet hair is the least of your worries.   ;)

Edited by texasmama
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If you are going to see your parole officer, wet hair is the least of your worries. ;)

Ha! Not changing it. Read my signature. Coincidentally, my hair is wet right now. There's no way I'll still be awake when it dries. I'm going to look extra special tomorrow morning.

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