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What small things make you SMILE?


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I first thought this earlier in the fall when I walked outside one morning to do chores and say the mum plant my friend bought me sitting out on our patio table.  The beauty of the flowers along with the thoughtfulness of my friend just made me smile.


This week little things that have made me smile include:


A red embossed leather look journal I bought for my read through the Bible program.


The set of 18 plastic cups I found at Target.  They were only 79 cents each but are a heavier duty plastic that just feel good in your hand.....and stack well in the cupboard.


My 6 year old niece who reassured me, "It is OK if the water is wet" when she was talking me into going down the water slide at the aquatic center.

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-Watching my 11 month old get the biggest smile when her oldest brother enters the room.

- seeing my children do thoughtful thing for one another and others without being reminded

- waking up to the smell of fresh coffee that I know dh made after doing the dishes

- the first snow of the year

- my dogs sensing I'm sad and coming over to be affectionate

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Reading my friend's post on facebook today saying that both of her children had slept in until 8am and she woke up refreshed and hopeful for the new year. 2015 was such a hard year for her on so many levels. Simple things like finally getting a good sleep mean so much.


I hopped out of the shower today to discover a quiet house. I found that my husband had taken the six children with him to run errands around town. And he didn't hurry back home. That's my personal blessing for today.

Edited by Teannika
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Oh and yesterday while crossing a bridge to get to the national aquarium my dd exclaimed, " last time we crossed this bridge there was a duck! I loved watching that duck." A few seconds later I noticed a man in front of us point out a duck in the water to her. She was so happy and so was the man.

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My daughters many stories and art work.


My ds' sitting around the dinner table together laughing and telling stories.


My husbands gifts, he puts a lot of thought into gifts.


Memory of my grandmas that come to mind unexpectedly.

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Pumpkin coffee creamer. Pumpkin flavored coffee on clearance. My 15 month old saying mama. My hubby noticing I am wearing lip gloss. Friends visiting from out of town. Christmas music and/or movies. My kids playing with the toys they got for Christmas. Dinner and a glass of wine with good friends. Thank God I have many reasons to smile :)

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My kids make me smile. I swear they are the most beautiful little angels I've ever seen (most of the time). My ds2 has big blue eyes and bleach blonde hair and everything he does is adorable bc he's 2. Dd4 has brown ringlets (I may never cut her hair) and still talks with a small little girl voice, but is the toughest/bravest kid in the house. Ds6 gives random and frequent hugs and kisses to me, to the point of embarrassment sometimes. He is very serious and very concerned about how his hair looks. Dd7 is a deep thinker, artist, and has the cutest dimples when she smiles. Dd10 has a mother heart and a great deal of empathy. She is ds2's second mother. Dd11 is full of bubbly fun and talented at everything she tries. I adore them!

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Our squirrells (the ones that live in our trees and the immediate vicinity). I can't help but smile when I see a chubby squirrel standing outside the kitchen window chewing on an acorn or pinecone. Our neighbors have a highly energetic squirrel that we call jumpy. He actually does flips. 


My cats make me smile when they are having crazy time. Our rats make me smile when they are curled up in their basket together.


We got dd a stuffed Shaun the sheep for Christmas. That sheep makes me smile for some strange reason  :lol: .

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My dog.  He's unbelievably cute and he loves me above all things.  He makes me smile all the time.


Our cats.  We joke that they live such stressed lives (not).


Jumping in the shower and getting the water just right.




Clean sheets.  Especially getting to crawl in between them early with a good book.


Being able to pull off a meal that everyone eats and seems to enjoy.  Extra smiles if it's a relatively simple meal.

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Cats - no reason necessary.  Those of us with cats just know.


Young ponies.  Similar reason.


One unusual smiling event happened yesterday.  A mom and two young kids came to our farm to visit/see the ponies.  They've never been here before.  We keep our three babies in the same (large) stall when visitors come or many times when I'm working with them, so that's the way they were yesterday.  One of the babies pooped... right on top of another baby (ponies really don't care where they go).  The kids thought that was hilarious!  Now there are two young children who will have probable lifelong memories of the time they visited a farm and saw one young pony poop on another. Stories are likely to be told to everyone they know.  :lol:   I'm not sure that's what the mom had in mind when she wanted to visit.  One can't help but smile.

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Kid mispronunciations.  I'm going to miss them when they're all gone.

My 8yo is down to "brethast" as his morning meal. I don't think he has any others left.

My favorite from my 5yo is "defilently" for definitely.  He also insists on calling yesterday, today, and tomorrow "last day", "this day", and "next day".

They make me smile big.

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My cat

This gorgeous new day planner that I really enjoy using

My house, we just bought our first, and I've spent the last 4 weeks painting and making it mine and it just makes me so happy

My toddler and his love of dragons

My big kids unpacked and organized the toddlers room for no reason on a day when I was bone tired


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Cats - no reason necessary. Those of us with cats just know.


Young ponies. Similar reason.


One unusual smiling event happened yesterday. A mom and two young kids came to our farm to visit/see the ponies. They've never been here before. We keep our three babies in the same (large) stall when visitors come or many times when I'm working with them, so that's the way they were yesterday. One of the babies pooped... right on top of another baby (ponies really don't care where they go). The kids thought that was hilarious! Now there are two young children who will have probable lifelong memories of the time they visited a farm and saw one young pony poop on another. Stories are likely to be told to everyone they know. :lol: I'm not sure that's what the mom had in mind when she wanted to visit. One can't help but smile.

This post made me smile. It brought back 2 memories for me. One of my first Christmas with dh where my dog peed on his dog. And a trip to the zoo where we watched a tiger pee in its water and then drink it. Edited by hjffkj
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I'm smiling right now because my BFF had a tire blow out on her way here this morning (she lives 5 hours away) and she's ok. The car is damaged, but it didn't flip over and she's ok.


My fiesta ware makes me smile. I love The colors.


My new planner. It's more scrapbook than planner, but I love it.


A clean kitchen.


New lights on my kitchen that are BRIGHT and I can SEE!!!

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Watching DS concentrate when he's reading. He furrows his brow just like DH.


Dd's big blue eyes and beautiful eyelashes.


Baby boy smiling at me in the middle of nursing for the first time


DH bringing me coffee in bed almost every day of our marriage


The way the dog looks back at me when we are out for a walk with this expression that says "Isn't life great!?"

The cat sitting under the Christmas tree


Looking at my race medals. I was never a runner and I managed to complete three half marathons

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My children. Especially when they love on each other. When my teenager or tween picks up a toddler who just bumped his head, or when the seven-year-old spontaneously hugs his big sister, or the toddler kisses on the four-year-old. Then I think, "I'm doing something right."


Okay, pretty much anything my two-year-old does or says because he's cute and funny a lot. He puts on footie pajamas, wraps himself in a fleece blanket, and snuggles up with his stuffed Pooh and stuffed Batman, while giving everyone and everything baby kisses. Who wouldn't smile at that?


The sight of DH's car pulling in. Hearing his ring tone on my phone or the ding that means he sent a text message.


Sunset. The mountains that are the backdrop no matter which way I turn.


Writing my address. Nine years, and it still thrills me to have a PA zip code.


A fridge and pantry full of food.

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My cats because, duh, cats.


Going over to my new house that is being built each day to see the progress. I guess that isn't a very small thing, it's big!


My kids, even when they drive me crazy most of the day, they still make me smile and my heart melt. ðŸ˜

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Related to the OP...


We have a loose brick on our front walkway.  My husband has tried time and time again to fix it (using instructions and materials from reliable DIY sites and advisers, not just winging it on his own) to no avail.  It bugs me but at this point we can't do anything till summer when it's dry, at which point we'll call in a mason, I guess.


So I put a planter on top of it and keep something seasonal in it.  Mums for fall; when they froze, I put in a stack of pumpkins.  For Christmas/winter, I planted 3 small evergreens.  For some reason they just delight me every time I go outside and see them, much more than the other things. 


When spring comes, we'll plant the trees in the yard and put flowers in the pot. 


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Fresh, clean sheets.

When we're taking Rebecca to the gym and she starts to gather her things and move forward in her seat before we've even turned into the parking lot - and we're always early.

Sylvia making custom ponies.

Getting something from the library.

When my Days of Praise devotional shows up in the mail.

Edited by Mommy22alyns
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My dd holding her favorite chicken as she takes it for ride on her scooter or on her lap for a swing and my other dd playing either the piano or violin.  My husband making breakfast while he demonstrates all his (awkward) "cooking techniques."  A full tank of gas in a car loaded with library books and the thoughts of all the potential places I could go when in an airport.


Edited by jewel
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Watching my children hanging out of trees in our front yard.


Watching them laughing about whatever. Sometimes my husband and I enjoy end up watching our son laughing about a funny movie more than we watch the movie.


Sunshine coming in the window.


Bright new snow or a good snow pack


Watching my husband do something he loves. 


A good cup of coffee and a really good book


When I think of the beauty of mankind working together whether that be building something, curing something, or a really fantastic choir. Of course, the parts where they don't work together so well are also the most heart breaking. 

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Watching my girls learn new things :)

Watching Curious George with dd2

Napping with dd2

Reading with dd1

Doing crafty things with dd1

Talking with dh

All my new nursy stuff (for school, can't wait for school to start though I will miss my girls, especially dd2 since she's been with me the majority of the day, everyday since birth)

My owl stuff

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The birds that come to my feeder outside the living room window.

A new candle I bought.

I got new conditioner that smells good enough to eat.

My 8yo dancing around last night so pleased she was allowed to stay up.



Yes!  We have a bird feeder on the porch that's just outside my window.  I usually hate any kind of noise when I'm trying to sleep, but I always smile when I hear the birds tweeting away.

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