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The Force Awakens! (No Spoilers Please!)


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2:30 tomorrow. Ds's 5th birthday.

I am dating myself, but I saw the original one in 1977 when I was 5 for a friend's birthday party. Darth Vader terrified me and I had to go sit on his mom's lap. Of course, I was pretty naive and sheltered at the time, as Scooby Doo on Saturday mornings was often too scary as well!

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I've mostly avoided the hoopla.  I've caught a few things, and have some of my own speculations. what does it say about me that I think it is very encouraging that george lucas didn't like it? (I hate the changes he made to the original three when he released them on dvd.  and the prequels. . . smh. . . . we don't watch them.)  the critics are mostly loving it.


I was at costco yesterday, and they had a trailer playing on a loop.  there was a guy there hawking discount regal theater tickets (not for sw itself.)


we have tickets for 7pm.  (1ds bought them as soon as they went on sale.)  dss 1 & 2 are currently at the theater holding seats. (apparenlty the theater has learned. don't make people stand in line.  they have someone at the door of the theater itself checking tickets.)  I'll bring dudeling later.


what time do you plan on getting in line?  the lines can be a party.  I did "the line" for the empire strikes back.  (and when GL so kindly did two *free* sets of back to back showings of SW & temsb for bumbershoot in 81.)

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what time do you plan on getting in line? the lines can be a party. I did "the line" for the empire strikes back. (and when GL so kindly did two *free* sets of back to back showings of SW & temsb for bumbershoot in 81.)

We're really fortunate here that most theaters have reserved seats, so we already know where we're sitting. We will still get there about an hour early to get a parking spot and just have enjoy the vibe of excitement that I'm sure will be at the theater!

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We're really fortunate here that most theaters have reserved seats, so we already know where we're sitting. We will still get there about an hour early to get a parking spot and just have enjoy the vibe of excitement that I'm sure will be at the theater!


wow.  here, only playhouse/ballet/opera have that perk.

we're only guaranteed to get in - not which seat we have.

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Ds15 finally talked dd13 into watching Star Wars.  So, that's what we'll be doing this evening.  :)


He's been trying to get her to watch it for a few years now.  She finally relented, because she knows that with Episode VII coming out, spoilers of the original movies will be virtually unavoidable.

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Saw it tonight!  It was awesome!  There was quite a significant "bruise factor".  This is how my husband and I used to rate movies.  When a movie is very intense I tend to get very animated and "in" to the movie.  This usually results in my poor DH getting a big arm pounding.  ;)  DH doesn't bruise easily, thankfully for him, but if I've done my job well, he just may have some marks tomorrow.  ;)

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We just got back. it was really good! We had a fun/loud audience, which I normally wouldn't like but we were all excited and it was opening night so it was all good. The local school's band even showed up to play music from Star Wars while we waited, and there was Star Wars trivia with candy prizes. Got some pics of the kids in front of a giant inflatable Darth Vader.


We arrived at 4:15 to get in line for a 7:00 showing. There were about 200 people in line in front of us, including people with folding chairs and blankets, but as we finally filed into the theatre some people fell out of line because they were actually there for a later showing.


Alison, there was no profanity or sexual content. It wasn't gory. The only blood I remember seeing was a smear on a helmet. There was a lot of "pew pew" still fighting and shooting between people and spaceships. Also, of course, light saber fights galore.

Edited by idnib
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I wish I'd seen this thread when I first got home from the theater. I went to a 7:30 showing. I've had to stay up until 1:30 just to settle down.


I LOVED IT! Oh My Goodness.


I loved it, loved it, loved it!


I adored the main character's character. (I don't want to give spoilers.) Just loved that character.


And the thing that happened...ugh. That thing that happened! UGH!! I can't tell anyone about it because of spoilers, but UGH! For those who saw it...UGH!!!!


I liked the bad guy character. My DH said, "yeah, but he seemed....(SPOILER)," and I said, "Yes, but if they wanted him to be played that way, they hit it perfectly."


This doesn't make any sense, but I can't give spoilers and I have no one else to talk with about it and I'm about to pop! And I was just going to bed because I'd finally settled down and now I'm all hyped up again.


Maybe we should start a new thread with SPOILERS in the title. Hmmm...mabye I'll do that!

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wow.  here, only playhouse/ballet/opera have that perk.

we're only guaranteed to get in - not which seat we have.


That was the same for us.  We got to the theater about 40 minutes early, and really didn't have much of a choice of seats.  We had to sit up front, but it really wasn't that bad, and certainly better than paying for tickets in advance and then having to wait a bunch, anyway.  


I had so much fun! I don't think ever in my life I've been to a movie on opening night.  We even splurged with popcorn and a drink, something we pretty much never do.   


The crowd was really excited (a nice crowd), and I enjoyed that as well -- lots of cheering and excitement.

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I'm thinking we are pretty lucky at our theater.  I bought tickets about 2 weeks ago, and while we didn't have the greatest seats, we weren't in line waiting or anything, either.  I was so surprised when I got tickets for the first showing at a time I considered was late in the game.  I overheard one guy saying he had a 45 minute drive home, so I'm wondering if the theater I went to was an anomaly, and had seats available later than most.


One other interesting consideration that my boys brought up was that the movie was originally supposed to open on the 18th, and people bought tickets for that day, rather than the 17th -- that happened to their martial arts teacher.  Although if you buy on a site like Fandango you can cancel and change.

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My family and I do an annual Christmas Card and guess what it is this year?  Yep, We are all wearing Star Wars gear!  It was fun.


We have tickets for Saturday at 350pm.  We are going with another family and can't wait!  From what i'm hearing it's going to be good.  


Can't wait!!

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We went last night and had tickets over a month ago thanks to a big brother...reserved seats which is nice. It's actually my first Star Wars movie (although I know a lot from my kids telling me nonstop about Star Wars) and I enjoyed it. I'd consider letting dos 8 and 6 see it. Action packed, no gore, sexuality or language.

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Alison, there was no profanity or sexual content. It wasn't gory. The only blood I remember seeing was a smear on a helmet. There was a lot of "pew pew" still fighting and shooting between people and spaceships. Also, of course, light saber fights galore.


Awesome! Thank you!



I'd consider letting dos 8 and 6 see it. Action packed, no gore, sexuality or language.

Thanks for your thoughts. Everyone here wants to see it, except for the 7 yr old, who is ambivalent. It's nice to know she might be okay sitting through it if we end up taking her with us.
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I agree that the content is appropriate for kids who would not be upset with nongory death in war portrayed. There are a couple of lightsaber wounds. There was one scene where an unknown stormtrooper died and there was a handprint of his blood on someone's helmet. That's the goriest thing. There were no adult themes, no profanity. 


LOVED the movie! 

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My 9 yr old desperately wants to see it. After you guys watch it, I'd love feedback re: age appropriateness (most concerned with profanity, sexual content, gore -- she can handle "pew-pew" fighting but not gore). She has seen the 3 original movies, Clone Wars (movie and season 1), and Star Wars Rebels.



She will be fine if she has seen the others!  Nothing radically different in the amount of gore, sexual content, profanity as the others.  My kids are older so I'm not s sensitive to all that, but I don't remember really any of any of that.  There was a "long hug" - comment from someone on screen "hug later, escape now" kind of thing.  That was the only sexual thing.  Oh, a married person hug.  No profanity (ds 15 agrees).  A little bit of blood on a storm troopers helmet early and it was there for a few scenes but then I don't even remember any blood later on.  Bodies flying up when bombs exploded, but similar to what you see in movies 1-6.

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Awesome! Thank you!


  Thanks for your thoughts. Everyone here wants to see it, except for the 7 yr old, who is ambivalent. It's nice to know she might be okay sitting through it if we end up taking her with us.


I took my 7 yo and she was fine. Normally I wouldn't consider taking her to a PG-13 (or honestly even most PG movies) at all, but for once I thought it would be okay. It's the same level as the other SW films. And there's a cute droid for the younger set while we parents get to enjoy our older heroes.


I did remember one other scene with blood. At one point someone is injured but it's not clear until the camera shows a small pool of blood on the ground. 


Someone pointed out to me there was one "damn it" and one "hell no" in the movie.

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Are we the only ones who don't want to see it? DH saw the original when it came out but doesn't care about this one. I remember when it came out but I've never seen any of them and don't want to. DS has seen the original and thought it was boring. He is less than interested in this one. Are we the only ones?!? Lol

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1dd was surprised when I told her it was really good.  (1ds lives with her, so I would have thought she'd have spoken with him.)  she's currently working nights, so couldn't go last night - but does have tickets for tomorrow morning.

so, she's more excited.



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We had a wonderful time. The kids took their pictures with storm troopers. A local music school had a cello quintet performing music from the movie. We did have to sit up front, despite waiting an hour and half in line, but the toddler did manage to sit through the entire thing (with three bathroom breaks). 

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We're going to see it tomorrow afternoon, I can't wait! We couldn't decide who was going first (1 adult, 2 kids) while the others stayed home so we didn't have to take the 1 & 3 year olds to the theatre. We'll be seeing it at the drive-in, so it won't be quite as exciting as in the theatre but at least we can see it at the same time!

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