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Neighbor complaints


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UPDATE:  Post 41


I live in a city in a single family brick home with a cement basement. My next door neighbor is about 6-8 feet away.  She also lives in a single family brick home.  The only thing connecting the houses is a wooden gate (our gates touch each other).


She believes that my children are running and jumping around in our house and causing bangs in her house.  She even said that sometimes pictures fall off the walls.  


Ironically, I discovered this after we had many loud bangs on the side of our house.  She would bang on our side door when she was angry and take off.  The banging was a mystery for the longest time and I thought that maybe there was an issue with the plumbing in the walls.  


So, my question is...is it possible for sound to travel through our house (no open windows or doors) and into her house and cause an issue?  My kids aren't THAT loud, but they do run around sometimes, but nothing as loud as the bangs she has been making, lol.  


Anyway, I wonder what else this could be?  She said it is "constant" and it has been going on since we moved in years ago.  I know her bangs have happened at times when everyone was sitting still.  Today, for instance, she banged on our side door 3 times and it is possible that my 40 lb kid was running around singing and dancing in our cement basement.  Other than that, I don't know what noise she could be hearing.  She said the noise is so loud it is hard to hear her TV.


I suggested that we try something out...I would have my kids run around and make lots of noise for a few minutes to see if she could hear something, but she would have none of it.  I just don't see how it is scientifically possible for a noise to travel to her house and be louder than it is here.  


Any ideas?

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These are unattached, single family homes and she can feel activity in her house that is coming from YOUR HOUSE??


I don't think so.


I can hear/feel a car door slam next door, but that is outside the houses....I've never felt any sort of vibrations from my neighbor's house and they have 3 very rambunctious boys!

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I live next door to a car repair shop. 

They don't have a basement. But if they use certain tools and I am in my basement is sounds just like someone is loudly knocking on my front door. This is a loud thing they use only occasionally. 

Happily they don't use it often. 


I can't imagine that anything your kids can do can compete with what they do. 

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I have a house that sits at an angle to the neighbors house.  We have the same house, but flipped, so our living rooms/ dining rooms (one open room) are about 20 feet apart.  We live on a curved road, so their house faces 12:00 and ours faces 2:00.  The sides that face each other area 40 ft long, 2 stories tall and have no windows, so they are just massive empty walls with only a wooden fence separating us. Our house sits about 15 feet forward from theirs, so due to position on our lots, their living room, lines up with the center of of our  wall. 


Their living room music, hits our house like a drum.  It is so loud in our house when they play their music very loud.  It isn't just the sound, it is the pounding on the ear drums that gets exhausting.  There have been many nights where it woke up every person in our house from being sound asleep.  Even people on the opposite side of the house.  We live 600 feet from a freeway, so we aren't in a quiet area!  It is just something about the way the sound waves hit our house, that amplifies the feel and sound of the  music. 



It sounds like it is a nutty neighbor, but I promise you, that no one realizes how loud it is in my house, until they hear it first hand.


Total side note: For you (and possibly her too) If it is just a loud bang and then the sound goes away for you......you might want to think about if it happens when someone is turning on a faucet or the water starts running in an appliance (washer, dishwasher etc).  It could be a missing water hammer in the water lines. 



I would push for her to let you hear the sound when it happens.  That is the only way we were able to prove to the nieghbors that their music was truly, very, very loud in our house. 


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I have a house that sits at an angle to the neighbors house.  We have the same house, but flipped, so our living rooms/ dining rooms (one open room) are about 20 feet apart.  We live on a curved road, so their house faces 12:00 and ours faces 2:00.  The sides that face each other area 40 ft long, 2 stories tall and have no windows, so they are just massive empty walls with only a wooden fence separating us. Our house sits about 15 feet forward from theirs, so due to position on our lots, their living room, lines up with the center of of our  wall. 


Their living room music, hits our house like a drum.  It is so loud in our house when they play their music very loud.  It isn't just the sound, it is the pounding on the ear drums that gets exhausting.  There have been many nights where it woke up every person in our house from being sound asleep.  Even people on the opposite side of the house.  We live 600 feet from a freeway, so we aren't in a quiet area!  It is just something about the way the sound waves hit our house, that amplifies the feel and sound of the  music. 



It sounds like it is a nutty neighbor, but I promise you, that no one realizes how loud it is in my house, until they hear it first hand.


Total side note: For you (and possibly her too) If it is just a loud bang and then the sound goes away for you......you might want to think about if it happens when someone is turning on a faucet or the water starts running in an appliance (washer, dishwasher etc).  It could be a missing water hammer in the water lines. 



I would push for her to let you hear the sound when it happens.  That is the only way we were able to prove to the nieghbors that their music was truly, very, very loud in our house. 

:iagree:  Maybe you could ask your neighbor if you come over to her house so that you can hear the noises for yourself.  Then you might be able to get a clue as to what noises she is complaining about.

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Thanks all.  There are many other issues that reveal neighbor craziness.  I would be hesitant to enter her home due to that.  But the water line possibility is interesting.  The neighbor told me that there has been a problem since we moved in, but she started the banging about a year ago I guess.  That was about the time that they did some work on the water main on our street.  I am often doing the dishes when she bangs, but sometimes she bangs when no one uses the water.  I'll pay more attention to that and mention that possibility to her.  



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Thanks all. There are many other issues that reveal neighbor craziness. I would be hesitant to enter her home due to that. But the water line possibility is interesting. The neighbor told me that there has been a problem since we moved in, but she started the banging about a year ago I guess. That was about the time that they did some work on the water main on our street. I am often doing the dishes when she bangs, but sometimes she bangs when no one uses the water. I'll pay more attention to that and mention that possibility to her.

Do you have an automatic ice maker? The line to ours has those bangs. It's on The List to get repaired. Sigh.


She sounds bananas though,

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1. Your neighbor is crazy. Seriously. Put a lock on your gate so she can't get in your yard and bang on your side door like that. Everybody here who is suggesting using reasoning and logic with her is assuming she'll respond to those things, but honestly? I wouldn't bet on it. (If you can lock the front gate, I'd do that as well. This may require moving your mailbox.)


2. Even if her complaints were valid - guess what? You're allowed to make a reasonable amount of noise in your own home during daylight hours. Your children are allowed to run and play in their own house. You know she doesn't have a valid complaint, because if she did, she'd file a noise report with the city, and she hasn't done that. (LOL, or she has and they laughed in her face.)


3. If locking the gate doesn't work, start keeping your own log so you can file a restraining order against her trespassing and possibly harassment.


I just don't see how it is scientifically possible for a noise to travel to her house and be louder than it is here.


It isn't. But this reminded me of one of my favorite links, so I thought I'd add a tiny bit of levity to the comments. Enjoy!


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Where we used to live, on one side of us was a house that was probably the same distance as what you describe, and there was a piece of fence between that kept their dogs in the yard. Never once in 6 yrs did either of us have that complaint. Especially with a brick house. Agreeing with those saying that she most likely has some issues.

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As far as scientifically possible, a noise is a wave. My neighbors like to point their speakers at my house when they party. The noise travels from front of the speaker and I get the reflection off my garage before it travels back to them, who are behind the speaker or in the house.same thing when their car alarm goes off next to my window and they are behind it with the car absorbing some of it. I would be more concerned about her pictures rattling than the noise, which is probably her icemaker ( how is her memory?). I get that kind of shaking from school busses and semis.


Yeah, I get that. Avalanches and all that. But I can't really see that the noise could be noticeably louder in the neighbor's house than in the OP's. By that time, it's traveled through two sets of exterior walls, a fence, and the aforementioned six feet of air - not to mention any interior walls that might be in the way. I'm having trouble believing it would even be at the same decibel level, but a higher one?


I mean, I assume the OP would have told us if they had some sort of resonance chamber* or something to amplify the sound in their house.


* Or other sciency words.

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Well, as someone who has had noisy neighbors form time to time, she is hearing something.  Whether it is you or not, who knows.  

I had a downstairs neighbor that all hours of the night you could hear this boom boom noise and feel it's vibrations.  I finally went down to complain and after long conversations I concluded it wasn't them.  I heard noise below, but they often weren't home when it happened.  


We had neighbors who turned up the tv....WHOA, it was so loud it knocked pictures off the wall!  But they swore it wasn't loud to them.  


I would guess pipes or another neighbor?  I currently hear a noise when my washer is running.  It sounds like the boom boom of a speaker outside the house.  Finally figured out it's my own washer in the other room ;-) 


I agree your neighbor is wrong in banging on the door and not willing to 'test' the kid running around to see what she hears.  She wants to blame someone for her noise.  I would keep a record of when she complains and what your kids are doing.  And call the police if she won't leave you alone.  Suggest she get pipes looked at.  Or another neighbor's life....


hope you can get her to leave you alone.  

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and you might want to consider a camera with a view of that door in case she escalates

Yes, I think you need a motion activated camera by that door, because I think that it is one thing to say she is crazy, but she sounds really mentally disturbed. She may be schizophrenic. She may be developing some form of dementia. But you can bet that she is never going to own her banging to the police or other people, and she may escalate.

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This does remind me of a funny story. My MIL was a single lady living in the city by herself. She had two neighbors who wanted her to switch apartments so that they could have a friend move into hers and she refused. MIL went on a business trip for a week and gave the keys to her apartment to a friend of dh's to water her plants and get her mail. The friend was a very noisy teA maker and invited her boyfriend to MIL's apartment to make teA! A LOT. The neighbors complained to the apartment manager about the noise and gross nature of having to listen to that. MIL did not know this had happened, she thought they were making it up because she wouldn't give them her apartment. She proved to the manager that she had been out of town and the manager let the neighbors have it for making a false report. Years later dh's friend told MIL what she had done and MIL still thinks this is a riot.

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1.  Acoustics can be quite deceptive.  When we first moved in to our current house, we had a bedroom window open, and we swore the neighbors were inside our closet!  Of course, they weren't; they were in their own yard; but all the various floating and bouncing made it sound that way.  It's quite possible that both houses have something else going on ... and I'd investigate further the timing of the water main repair & such to see if events really do match up on the timeline.


2.  If you are aware of any relative/friend/caretaker this woman has, I'd suggest trying a furtive mention (preferably a phone call, if you have that information) of the need for an exam by a physician.  If you don't know of anyone in this position, I might try calling the county mental health dept or police dept for advice.


Good luck ... it's a tough spot to be in!


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I came here to say what Tanaqui said. Even if its your kids, it's not illegal for kids to make noise in their own home. So one way or another she needs to get a grip.

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Even if the noise is coming from your home (which I seriously doubt) what does she expect you to do? Make your kids sit quietly in a corner all day? Tiptoe around and whisper? 


We live in a duplex, and I hardly ever hear a thing from the other unit. I think our neighbors could run headfirst into their walls without it knocking our pictures down. Unless you're setting off a cannon in your living room, it's just not physically possible that a noise from one house could travel to the next and actually knock down pictures.


I vote that she has a ghost.



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We live in a place with recently started earthquakes, some of them are typical shaking and vibrating, many others basically sound like a single sonic boom and one quick knock to the house.

We often play the Thunder? Earthquake? Trash Truck? Game.


Other things that make similar noises have included fire departments (miles away) doing explosives training and testing, work on the neighbors main water line, an off balance washing machine on the spin cycle, and air in the pipe draining from the bathroom at thevery top of the house.



My parents house is over 100 years old and had original bricks and windows, the sound of trucks and busses used to shake the house and sound EXACTLY like our small earthquakes. So much so that it often put me on edge.


Since replacing the Windows, adding modern insulation and new brick the sounds and rattles have totally stopped.

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Since you are sort of on speaking terms, I would want to go over there and (hear) what she is complaining about.  My vote is something else in her home needs attention and might be an easy remedy and relief for both of you.    


It sounds a bit nutty for regular kid/people sound to jump from one single-family home to the next one.  You might suggest she invest in sound proofing as your family is simply living in your home.  


Btw...her pounding on the door would drive me batty.

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1. Your neighbor is crazy. Seriously. Put a lock on your gate so she can't get in your yard and bang on your side door like that. Everybody here who is suggesting using reasoning and logic with her is assuming she'll respond to those things, but honestly? I wouldn't bet on it. (If you can lock the front gate, I'd do that as well. This may require moving your mailbox.)


2. Even if her complaints were valid - guess what? You're allowed to make a reasonable amount of noise in your own home during daylight hours. Your children are allowed to run and play in their own house. You know she doesn't have a valid complaint, because if she did, she'd file a noise report with the city, and she hasn't done that. (LOL, or she has and they laughed in her face.)


3. If locking the gate doesn't work, start keeping your own log so you can file a restraining order against her trespassing and possibly harassment.



It isn't. But this reminded me of one of my favorite links, so I thought I'd add a tiny bit of levity to the comments. Enjoy!


Her front door is near my side door.  We are on a circle and her house starts further back from ours.  The gate is for the backyard only.  We never use the side door, I just locked the screen door part so she can't open that part now.

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Her front door is near my side door. We are on a circle and her house starts further back from ours. The gate is for the backyard only. We never use the side door, I just locked the screen door part so she can't open that part now.

She might dent your screen door now.

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1.  Acoustics can be quite deceptive.  When we first moved in to our current house, we had a bedroom window open, and we swore the neighbors were inside our closet!  Of course, they weren't; they were in their own yard; but all the various floating and bouncing made it sound that way.  It's quite possible that both houses have something else going on ... and I'd investigate further the timing of the water main repair & such to see if events really do match up on the timeline.


2.  If you are aware of any relative/friend/caretaker this woman has, I'd suggest trying a furtive mention (preferably a phone call, if you have that information) of the need for an exam by a physician.  If you don't know of anyone in this position, I might try calling the county mental health dept or police dept for advice.


Good luck ... it's a tough spot to be in!


Lol, she is my age with a kid the same age as my older kids. She lives with her husband/son.

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  • 3 months later...

Update:  I started a log of her banging and our activities and after Christmas I posted a sign stating that I was recording the bangs on the door and any further bangs would be reported to the local authorities.  She continued for a few days and then started coming to my front door and demanding my landlord's name and phone number.  I contacted the police in January and they stopped by and told me that her complaint was ridiculous and told her to stay off our property.  She then made a noise complaint with the city, but did so in a way that made it seem like someone in a basement apartment was making noise.


The city send me a letter and my landlord a letter.  I got in touch with the city about the noise complaint and sent my 8 page log and report of the issue, lol.  They filed it with the complaint and today I had a city official come by my place because they needed to check that there wasn't a basement apartment in our house.  The city official thinks the lady may have mental issues because she could find no reason for her to hear any banging.  My landlord talked to the city as well.  Although he didn't know this neighbor he knows my other neighbors who told him how the lady stares at them when they are in their backyard.  My landlord is considering putting a camera out at the side of the house....the broken window and broken gate are suspicious and I know we didn't do it, but I can't prove that she did.


My city has a mediation service that I am attempting to use as well.  They contacted my neighbor to see if she wanted to use a mediation service to work things out.  They haven't heard back from her.  Oh well...I tried.  At least her banging has stopped now....but now I don't like being in our yard anymore :(

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Some people just like having something to complain about.  The fact that she won't let you try your "experiment" makes me think this may be the case.  A long time ago we had a neighbor that would complain that our leaves were blowing into her driveway from 3 doors down and across the street!  

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When we lived in an apartment, we had a neighbor who constantly complained about our noise. He even complained about the noise when everyone was asleep z thereby waking us all up so we would - gasp - start walking around in our apartment, which was of course unbearably noisy. We moved. No regrets.

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Normal children noise in the daytime is OK. It doesn't even matter if your neighbour can hear. Children are part of the community and they are allowed to move, dance, sing, play.



A million times yes!!


We had side-by-side ones once that complained to our landlord that my kids walked around in our home. She specifically said that they did not stomp (they were 2 and 3 years old, so I don't think they even COULD stomp actually) but she can hear them walking on them in the day time. Uhhhhh yeah. They went to bed at 6:30 pm every day at that time. We were not a bother! The crazy part though is that the ridiculous landlord relayed this complaint to us and asked me to carry the kids in the house.

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Update:  I started a log of her banging and our activities and after Christmas I posted a sign stating that I was recording the bangs on the door and any further bangs would be reported to the local authorities.  She continued for a few days and then started coming to my front door and demanding my landlord's name and phone number.  I contacted the police in January and they stopped by and told me that her complaint was ridiculous and told her to stay off our property.  She then made a noise complaint with the city, but did so in a way that made it seem like someone in a basement apartment was making noise.


The city send me a letter and my landlord a letter.  I got in touch with the city about the noise complaint and sent my 8 page log and report of the issue, lol.  They filed it with the complaint and today I had a city official come by my place because they needed to check that there wasn't a basement apartment in our house.  The city official thinks the lady may have mental issues because she could find no reason for her to hear any banging.  My landlord talked to the city as well.  Although he didn't know this neighbor he knows my other neighbors who told him how the lady stares at them when they are in their backyard.  My landlord is considering putting a camera out at the side of the house....the broken window and broken gate are suspicious and I know we didn't do it, but I can't prove that she did.


My city has a mediation service that I am attempting to use as well.  They contacted my neighbor to see if she wanted to use a mediation service to work things out.  They haven't heard back from her.  Oh well...I tried.  At least her banging has stopped now....but now I don't like being in our yard anymore :(

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Really impressed with how proactive and thorough you are being.  Good luck.

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That is one of the crazier things I've ever heard.


This woman was a few beans short of a casserole. HAHAHAHAHAHA oh man I am so glad I remembered this..... in one of the units, she had--and refused to let tenants cover or alter-- a mural painted on the livingroom wall of a van with a wolf mural airbrushed on it. So, to be clear, there was a wall completely covered in a picture painted directly on the wall of a van with a wolf mural on it. She told those tenants it's so beautiful that she couldn't bear to paint over it.

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We are hoping to move in the next year.  It got to the point where I realized that my kids were watching how I handled a bully so I decided that I needed to do something.  Funny thing is that she would never bang on the door when my husband was home because he stood up to her.  So now my kids have seen how official channels are available to deal with adult bullies in a calm and logical manner.  I don't know if this is the end of the story, but the police officer told me that if she continues they can arrest her for criminal tresspassing or issue her a costly ticket.


I didn't even mention what she told me about how I parented in the OP.  She mentioned repeatedly that I should let my kids live a normal life when she was telling me about the bangs in her house (i.e. not homeschooling and plenty of organized sports).  I refused to engage in the topic with her because my life is none of her business.  The city official wondered if she might have a problem with homeschooling.  



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We are hoping to move in the next year.  It got to the point where I realized that my kids were watching how I handled a bully so I decided that I needed to do something.  Funny thing is that she would never bang on the door when my husband was home because he stood up to her.  So now my kids have seen how official channels are available to deal with adult bullies in a calm and logical manner.  I don't know if this is the end of the story, but the police officer told me that if she continues they can arrest her for criminal tresspassing or issue her a costly ticket.


I didn't even mention what she told me about how I parented in the OP.  She mentioned repeatedly that I should let my kids live a normal life when she was telling me about the bangs in her house (i.e. not homeschooling and plenty of organized sports).  I refused to engage in the topic with her because my life is none of her business.  The city official wondered if she might have a problem with homeschooling.  


That is a really great way to look at it!

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