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What are some things that annoy most people but don't annoy you?


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I am always fascinated by what people are annoyed or irritated by.  Chewing, nail biting, blowing noses, ticks, etc.......


My dad is bothered by very little.  I mean nothing really shakes that man.  I am his daughter but I have never understood it.  I am annoyed by a lot.  I wish I weren't, but I am.


However, I grew up in a medical family, so I am not squeamish when people tell me stories of breaks, tears, or open wounds on their bodies.  



Is there anything that many others find annoying but don't bother you?

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I think I have a higher tolerance for people in general. I'm surrounded by IRL and online friends who are constantly derailed and agitated by normal social interactions. I'm comfortable in most social situations, but I seem to have surrounded myself with close family and friends who have a very limited ability to enjoy interacting with the general public.

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I don't get irritated by what everyone else deems "mommy wars". If someone thinks I'm evil because I didn't do x or did do y, it does not bother me. I know some people are really sensitive about their parenting and it baffles me. Not to say that I don't feel like I'm failing my kids sometimes, but not because of other people's opinions on discipline or feeding.

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Grammar stuff.  I am so not the grammar police.  As long as I can understand what the person is trying to communicate, I'm okay with it.  I'm not referring to professional communication, but to most informal in person or online communication.


And you know how many people seem to try to find offense in what others say?  Like if you've lost weight and someone tells you how fabulous you look now, and instead of being happy with that some people get huffy because they assume the flip side of that must be that they looked horrible before?  I don't tend to do that.  Unless I have reason to believe that someone is intentionally trying to be catty or hurtful, I don't look for veiled meaning in what they say.  I assume they're trying to be nice or just trying to make conversation.

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There's very, very little in conversational topics that bother me - only a couple of swear words used often and that doesn't happen in my circles, so I'm fine.


I don't get bothered by spiders or other bugs/insects either.


I'm ok eating whatever someone else serves.


I'm ok getting gifts others want to give me - even food gifts.


Yesterday after school I even had a Creation/Evolution discussion with another science teacher and it was FUN as neither of us were in the "it must be" one way or the other camp, but could just have a pure "what if," "what supports/doesn't" conversation that led to all sorts of rabbit trails all (or mostly) science based.  What's even more incredulous is she's a Bio teacher - has a same gender partner - and is a Christian.  One would think from the majority of conversations that this particular conversation we had could never happen, but we both enjoyed it.  It certainly can't happen with many people though - too offensive.


I can talk about politics without "heat" too - and it happens reasonably often as long as the other side can do it as I don't bother ever doing debates.


There's oodles of things people on here or IRL get offended about that puzzle me as I see no reason to be bothered by them.  Nothing is off the table for conversations IMO.


I will have to admit being bothered by snakes, but that's it for critters.

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It doesn't bother me when people mispronounce my name.  Nor do I mind people who drive slowly or make very slow manoeuvres in cars: I'd rather they went at a pace that is comfortable to them.  I don't mind bugs.  I can cope with dirty places that look germy:  I grew up with a mother who didn't care about cleaning, and I lived in developing countries for many years.

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It doesn't bother me when people mispronounce my name.  Nor do I mind people who drive slowly or make very slow manoeuvres in cars: I'd rather they went at a pace that is comfortable to them.  I don't mind bugs.  I can cope with dirty places that look germy:  I grew up with a mother who didn't care about cleaning, and I lived in developing countries for many years.


Yes, germs don't bother me.  Germs can be excellent for your immune system.   I have never ever used hand sanitizer.  


I also can eat or drink off of a friend's plate/cup without thinking it is gross.  Now, people I don't know, not really, but friends, I don't care.  


I can even eat something that has fallen on the floor, provided there is no dog hair on it!  :lol:   Our dogs shed like crazy.

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I can talk about politics without "heat" too - and it happens reasonably often as long as the other side can do it as I don't bother ever doing debates.


There's oodles of things people on here or IRL get offended about that puzzle me as I see no reason to be bothered by them.  Nothing is off the table for conversations IMO.


I will have to admit being bothered by snakes, but that's it for critters.



I can talk politics too as long as the other person is not hot and bothered by the "other side" enough to call them idiots, morons, etc.....then I stop listening.   I can even often see both sides of politics and other situations (religion, controversy, etc....).   It can be a blessing, and a curse!

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Grammar and spelling errors in informal, unedited settings - like social media.  You have to consistently be terrible to drive me a little nuts here. 


I don't get keeping up with the Joneses and competitive parenting.  I don't engage in that kind of thing at all and avoid people who do.

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I don't care if the toilet paper or paper towels are on over or under. I don't care if men leave up the toilet seat. (I do care if people pee on the floor. Or in my shoes. A boy once missed the toilet and my shoes were sitting too close to the toilet. I was not happy about that at all.)


I don't mind getting invitations by email or fb. I don't mind if it says no gifts or if it has information about where to get gifts or if they say, "Please send money. How about 10s and 20s," on it.


I don't care if we're all expected to bring food to a party. I don't care about anything at all at weddings. Whatever happens at the wedding is fine with me. I would prefer to throw away all etiquette rules about weddings and parties.


I absolutely don't care if your house is messy when I visit and I'm getting a lot better about not caring if my house is messy when you visit. (I'm working on that one.)


I don't care if you take a bad pictures of me and post it online. Just don't care anymore. Doesn't bother me.

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Most of the things that annoy me are noises (especially chewing noises or repetitive noises) and consistent grammar or spelling  mistakes.


Many of the things that annoy other people don't bother me. Most haave already been mentioned:



-the words moist and panties

-no ice in an already cold drink

-toilet paper over or under and toilet seat up or down

-how an invitation is sent and what it says to do/not do/bring/not bring


I haven't seen this one mentioned yet:

-people swearing - as long as they're using the swear words appropriately (as adjectives for example), not saying them angrily at someone


None of those things bother me, as long as you aren't cracking your gum, crunching your potato chips or slurping your soup. ;)

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I generally don't have a problem with someone choosing to not eat something I have cooked. Nor do I get worked up when they ask for salt or sriracha or something to doctor it up, as I tend to go mild with most of my seasonings. 


Note: the one exception was the time a young man asked for ketchup to put on my amazing chicken salad on a croissant I had served him. Ketchup!??! He hadn't even tasted it yet. His parents were of the "you will eat everything you are served" philosophy, and he smothered pretty much everything in ketchup. Hence, my first statement above. I would actually rather you not eat something that you don't care for, than watch you choke it down by drowning it in ketchup. 

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People clipping their toenails or fingernails. I've never gotten why it's "sooo" gross. I mean, not at the dinner table, I guess. And tidy up your clippings the best you can please. But I don't have to leave the room when people do it. It's not like they're defecating, which, I have come to learn, is how we're all supposed to be treating it.


Also, people with shoes off. I don't get why that's yucky. Someone I know posted a photo of a woman in flip flops at a coffeehouse that she had surreptitiously taken a photo of (just her feet, basically). One flip flop was right below the woman's crossed foot like she had let it slide off. This person was like, this is the most disgusting thing ever and I might need to leave this coffeehouse. All her other friends chimed in with agreement and stories of how totally gross people are. I was like, um... why? I guess if she was walking around barefooted in the place - there's a reason we have rules and laws about that. But your already minimal shoe sitting below your foot, which is hanging in the air? I mean, the other foot was also basically out, the thong of the flip flop was just still on the toes. I so don't get it.

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I don't mind Barney.  I so completely don't mind Barney that I don't even understand how anyone can hate him.  Actually, I don't understand how anyone can be passionate about him at all.


I don't feel all that strongly about Hilary Clinton one way or another.  She has good and bad points like everyone else, but for some reason she seems to inspire hatred or reverence from most people.  I find that more or less incomprehensible.


I don't feel strongly about celebrity stuff.  I can't get riled up about the Kardashians--I am so completely uninterested in that kind of thing that I barely know who they are.  I think celebrity culture is largely a waste of brain space and emotional energy but it doesn't bother me that others are interested in it.  I feel somewhat the same about major league sports, but to a lesser extent.


I don't mind multi level marketers.  I minded them a lot when I was younger and had a hard time saying 'no' nicely but clearly.  But I'm not like that anymore, so if they want to pitch me, it doesn't make me feel bad.  I don't even mind parties that are sales meetings, unless that is not disclosed up front in advance.


I don't mind people who won't eat the food I cook unless they also talk about it a lot and/or withdraw from the gathering because of that.  I go out of my way to serve a variety on those rare occasions when I host, so usually everyone can find something to eat.  I don't comment on what they are not trying either.  That's just rude.



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I am very hard to offend. Most things that are offensive to some people, I have to try really hard to understand. Even when I do understand them, I still am not usually offended.

I'm dyslexic so writing and spelling are a lot harder for me that a lot of people. I do not care if people think I'm an idiot due to my writing, but it gets annoying when I see people try to correct someone on the forum, when the person's meaning was perfectly clear. I don't really care how someone writes on the forum, it is a casual hang out place.

The only time I do care, is when professionals use poor grammar and spelling in professional communication. If it isn't your forte, then have someone edit it before you print a newsletter or a poster!

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I don't care if the toilet paper or paper towels are on over or under. I don't care if men leave up the toilet seat. (I do care if people pee on the floor. Or in my shoes. A boy once missed the toilet and my shoes were sitting too close to the toilet. I was not happy about that at all.)


I don't mind getting invitations by email or fb. I don't mind if it says no gifts or if it has information about where to get gifts or if they say, "Please send money. How about 10s and 20s," on it.


I don't care if we're all expected to bring food to a party. I don't care about anything at all at weddings. Whatever happens at the wedding is fine with me. I would prefer to throw away all etiquette rules about weddings and parties.


I absolutely don't care if your house is messy when I visit and I'm getting a lot better about not caring if my house is messy when you visit. (I'm working on that one.)


I don't care if you take a bad pictures of me and post it online. Just don't care anymore. Doesn't bother me.


Now, if only you could like the great outdoors, we could be super good friends.  Our personalities are very, very closely matched!


I don't have strong feelings about toilet paper direction, parents "bragging" about their kids on Facebook, 


I like seeing people brag about their kids both online and IRL.  I like knowing what kids are doing and sharing their parent's enthusiasm.  It not only keeps me up with their lives, it gives me hope for this world since few parents brag about the jail sentence their kid got.  (I'm also ok hearing about that and offering  :grouphug: though.  We're human.  We need to vent and share lives many times.)

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Oh, I'm also not bothered by crying babies or toddlers in a place where families, including babies and toddlers, might be expected. Grocery store, Walmart, Target, family restaurant, even airplanes, etc. are all places where families are welcome and expected. Babies cry because that's their voice. Toddlers (and even preschoolers) cry because they are still trying to find their voice and are learning about disappointment. It is a normal thing for young humans to cry. It doesn't annoy me. 

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Oh, thought of another one.  I think I must be the only mom of twins who doesn't care when people say, "You have your hands full!"  


When people say that to my niece or dh's nephew, both of whom have twins, they each (or their spouses) usually answer something like, "Yes, we sure do!" in a non-insulted tone of voice.

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Now, if only you could like the great outdoors, we could be super good friends. Our personalities are very, very closely matched!


I agree. One day we need to meet for coffee (except I don't drink coffee...I can get something else.) Maybe in New Oxford. I like to wander around antique stores. Do you like to do that?

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I also come from a medical family and can talk about very disgusting things under most circumstances.


Stuff that a lot of others seem to interpret as anti-woman often doesn't bother me.  It doesn't happen much now, but when I was younger and especially in the army, it never bothered me when older men called me dear, or on the other hand when people told me incredibly dirty jokes.  I don't mind particularly when people use female anatomy words as swear words.  It didn't really even bother me when I fellow I knew tried to peek at me in the shower 9though I thought it was a pretty stupid thing to do.) 


I have a number of family members with mental health or addiction issues, who sometimes do things that really annoy everyone else - particularly with not being totally above board, or manipulative, or unreliable.  Those things don't bother me and I've always been able to maintain pretty good relationships with those people.



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A few years ago I would have answered, "nothing," because in my real life I FEEL like I am annoyed at basically all the things.


But a few years on the forum and I'm convinced I am  downright laid-back :laugh:


I don't get annoyed when people think I am a bad cook and don't eat my food. Or when the neighbors blast music/teevee/video games in the daytime.I don't care when people create new words or re purpose old ones. I don't care if people use 'lol' in place punctuation. Not bothered by revealing clothing. Not annoyed by even gratuitous cussing. I loved when people wanted to touch my pregnant belly. It doesn't annoy me when ppl assume I am a Christian. I don't hear "bless your heart" as the beginning of a feud to the death.... (4 period ellipses and double dashes don't bother me either :lol: --)

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I am not annoyed by drivers that cut me off or speed past me. I'm not annoyed by slow service, crying babies, teenagers being teenagers or the person in the express Lane with a few too many items. I am not annoyed that I have to adjust the seats in our cars everytime I drive them.


I don't take any of these actions personally; I don't assume that people are being rude to me on purpose. I am very laid-back. If I am getting jerked around on purpose, well all bets are off!

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Wow! All you uber level-headed folks are just amazing me!


I feel like many things bother me. I guess there are some things that do bother some people, but not me...it doesn't bother me when a traffic light turns green but the person in front of me doesn't immediately punch the gas. It doesn't bother me if someone's baby is fussy nearby.


But there are a lot of things that do annoy me. DH brings the car home with a teaspoon of gas. Family members look through the mail and spread it in twelve directions. Used tissue left on the table. Companies that ring my phone but never leave a message. Companies that ring my phone and leave a message saying they are the IRS and I have to call back immediately. When the grocery clerk ignores my reusable bags until I mention it. When people vulture over my parking space, waiting for me to exit, yet there are twelve thousand other places to park. When my mail carrier gives me the neighbor's mail or vice-versa. When the dog barks at nothing at all. When the credit card company charges a late fee based on when they say they received payment...how the hell do I know when they received it? When I have to call Verizon customer "service."


Not an exhaustive list, though.

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I agree. One day we need to meet for coffee (except I don't drink coffee...I can get something else.) Maybe in New Oxford. I like to wander around antique stores. Do you like to do that?


Eh, I don't drink coffee either, so scratch that plan!  I'm not sure I've ever been in an antique store.  I guess we used to wander around Black Rose when it was in the Hanover Mall, so perhaps that counts?


We could always meet at the Amish Market in Hanover, but it will probably need to be in Jan 'cause this full time job bit is keeping me busy right now.  Weekends are filled pretending to get things done around the farm/house - and school stuff.  I'm taking a break from grading at the moment and spent most of the morning doing garden things.

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Wow! All you uber level-headed folks are just amazing me!


I feel like many things bother me. I guess there are some things that do bother some people, but not me...it doesn't bother me when a traffic light turns green but the person in front of me doesn't immediately punch the gas. It doesn't bother me if someone's baby is fussy nearby.


But there are a lot of things that do annoy me. DH brings the car home with a teaspoon of gas. Family members look through the mail and spread it in twelve directions. Used tissue left on the table. Companies that ring my phone but never leave a message. Companies that ring my phone and leave a message saying they are the IRS and I have to call back immediately. When the grocery clerk ignores my reusable bags until I mention it. When people vulture over my parking space, waiting for me to exit, yet there are twelve thousand other places to park. When my mail carrier gives me the neighbor's mail or vice-versa. When the dog barks at nothing at all. When the credit card company charges a late fee based on when they say they received payment...how the hell do I know when they received it? When I have to call Verizon customer "service."


Not an exhaustive list, though.

I stack my bags on top of the first few food items so they have to move them to ring up the food.

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I used to get far more upset at things when I was younger.


As I made laps around the sun I figured out that whoever said "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" was spot on.  With more laps I've also figured out that almost everything is small stuff.


Each year I put more and more into that small stuff category.  

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Wow! All you uber level-headed folks are just amazing me!


I feel like many things bother me. I guess there are some things that do bother some people, but not me...it doesn't bother me when a traffic light turns green but the person in front of me doesn't immediately punch the gas. It doesn't bother me if someone's baby is fussy nearby.


But there are a lot of things that do annoy me. DH brings the car home with a teaspoon of gas. Family members look through the mail and spread it in twelve directions. Used tissue left on the table. Companies that ring my phone but never leave a message. Companies that ring my phone and leave a message saying they are the IRS and I have to call back immediately. When the grocery clerk ignores my reusable bags until I mention it. When people vulture over my parking space, waiting for me to exit, yet there are twelve thousand other places to park. When my mail carrier gives me the neighbor's mail or vice-versa. When the dog barks at nothing at all. When the credit card company charges a late fee based on when they say they received payment...how the hell do I know when they received it? When I have to call Verizon customer "service."


Not an exhaustive list, though.



The bolded is the reason I started this thread.  Things bother me, and honestly, they are little things in the grand scheme of things.


My BFF's husband was just diagnosed with cancer this past week.  Details are coming after more testing.  It makes all these stupid little things I complain about seem trivial.  I need to find a way NOT to be so irritated at small things. 

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I have plenty of weird things that bother me...however,


Loud laughing doesn't.  (drives dh bonkers)

Bugs and rodents don't bother me (unless it is a roach, everyone has their limits!)

Gray hair doesn't bother me.

Loud music doesn't phase me.

Weird people don't bother me.  (good thing, because I am one!)

I wasn't even aware that toilet paper HAD a direction until FB.  


But for the love of Pete, would you people STOP creasing paper!! And using your fingernails to do it makes me want to cause you bodily harm.  


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The bolded is the reason I started this thread.  Things bother me, and honestly, they are little things in the grand scheme of things.


My BFF's husband was just diagnosed with cancer this past week.  Details are coming after more testing.  It makes all these stupid little things I complain about seem trivial.  I need to find a way NOT to be so irritated at small things. 


Maybe it is a good idea to think about why these things bother you as a first step?


There area few reasons I find things bother me.


One is that loud noises bother me, especially when they are chaotic or disorganized.  I've decided this is physiological.  I just have to avoid those situations and keep in mind that the noise is not being made in order to bother me.


In the case of interpersonal things, the same is often true.  It's annoying when I personalize comments or behavior that having nothing to do with me.  i tend to be sensitive to subtext, even when it is not there, and I think that is fairly common with women particularly.  People who are late, or take too many items into a line, or make a comment about whatever, are probably not thinking of me at all.  Depersonalizing people's intent - even when it is directed to me -  makes many things less annoying.  Often, people's issues are really about themselves.


The more difficult ones are for me the ones that impact my ego.  In that case, the issue is really me, but it is my issue.  It's lack of comfort with myself.  I might doubt my competence, say, so I resent far too much anyone else doing so, or my ego is invested with a a particular vision of myself.  These things get projected onto others because it helps maintain an illusion about myself.  Most people have a strong tendency to project both our needs, and our hatreds of discomforts, onto others.  Things that really bother us in others are oftn things we dislike about ourself - they can be about kinship more than difference.


Introspection and honesty, daily, is what seems to help here, and when I react, stepping back to look as if I am looking at someone other person's interior landscape.  Detachment.

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I have plenty of weird things that bother me...however,


Loud laughing doesn't.  (drives dh bonkers)

Bugs and rodents don't bother me (unless it is a roach, everyone has their limits!)

Gray hair doesn't bother me.

Loud music doesn't phase me.

Weird people don't bother me.  (good thing, because I am one!)

I wasn't even aware that toilet paper HAD a direction until FB.  


But for the love of Pete, would you people STOP creasing paper!! And using your fingernails to do it makes me want to cause you bodily harm.  



Wow!  I wouldn't even THINK of that bothering anyone.  I do it all the time.

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