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Which chocolate is the best?  

  1. 1. Which chocolate is the best?

    • Hershey
    • Nestle
    • Dove
    • Godiva
    • Ghiardelli
    • Other

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Hershey's and Nestle's would fall at the bottom of the list, but in a time of desperation I wouldn't turn them down.






Of the listed, I chose Dove, I love the milk chocolate promises, they really do melt in my mouth. I love See's truffles, though. Don't care for Godiva - at all - I'm wondering if the 2 times I've tried it if they were bad, though. It was really not good.

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Hershey's is ok. there's an awful lot of stuff that isn't really candy in there, hence the kind of artifical taste.


But the best chocolates I've had have been in a Belgian chocolate shoppe on a vacation. DH and I joke about going back there just long enough to restock and then come home.


Godiva used to be a great way to spoil myself but I think their truffles have started tasting different. They might be playing with the recipe to help cut costs.



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I have never gotten use to American chocolate. I only eat Cadbury's Dairy Milk or Galaxy or Aero. I use to get these online from a British store but we just buy ( a lot) them now when we go on vacation, or I ask a relative coming over here to bring some for me. I try to get a big box of Quality Streets sent over every Christmas though.


My kids unfortuately have also developed this trait even though they will eat Hershey's once in a while.

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Well, I don't DIE for chocolate, so I'm not a chocolatier. However, I LOVE the Hershey's Peanutbutter Cups, and the Hershey's Hot Fudge topping (for ice cream) in a jar, so I had to go with Hershey's, since that's all I ever eat. Don't strike me from the board here, but I don't like M&M's either, or most chocolate candies. I was in college before I learned to like dessert of any kind. Yeah, I know, I'm strange.....my brother and sister told me I was an adopted alien, cuz nobody from "the real world" could NOT like desserts! ;) So there you have it---my life history. Guess it's not good enough to write a book....unless sthat's what I just did! :D

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I voted Other. European chocolate like Belgian or Swiss is the most delicious. Hershey's is just at the bottom of my list. It's too waxy and leaves a bad aftertaste in the back of my throat. I'd rather eat any of the UK brands of cheap chocolate than Hershey's.

Dh eats far more chocolate than I do... lets just say it's a daily thing for him ;p and we can't afford European, sadly, so he goes with Dove or Ghiradelli unless gifted with something better.

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I don't like American chocolate, especially milk chocolate. I eat European chocolates, but not very often. I've never turned down a box of Godiva, either.


My mom is German, we lived in Germany for 5 years when I was growing up, and my taste in chocolates was molded by her. Except she cannot resist *any* chocolate, and in great quantities, too. She and DH are the only chocoholics in the family.


I stick with bittersweet, and my favorite is chocolate-covered marzipan.


The kids & DH like American chocolate only. I guess the European kind isn't sweet enough for them, which is a shame because I buy those cutely wrapped German Christmas chocolates for their stockings, and then I have to eat them all by myself. :D


Oh, wait -- I do like Hershey's chocolate syrup on ice-cream sometimes, but the syrup must be the canned kind. To me, the syrup in the plastic bottles tastes different and I don't like it.



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Swiss chocolate - Lindt (they make a lot more than Lindor balls, and lots of the best stuff isn't even imported here, like the liqueur filled ones), and lately I've been addicted to Villar's 72% dark (thank you TJ's!)


American chocolate and Nestlé (technicallly Swiss, but yuk) are not worthy of the calories, imho. :D

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I chose Dove, but the truth is I will eat just about any chocolate as long as it is not white chocolate. I also have to say I love Ghiardelli's hot fudge at their ice cream stores. There is also the Target Choxie brand that is pretty good. Then there is Russell Stover's and Fannie Mae. All good. Now I want some chocolate!

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Sorry, but no. Hershey's chocolate is not the best. And I speak with authority on this -- I used to live (somewhat) near Hershey, PA, and worked for a company that used Hershey candy bars, and even have a Hershey t-shirt (from Hershey, PA.) ;)


I like Dove, and unfortunately, I'm out. My husband is going to thank you for this poll when I call him in about five minutes and ask him to pick up a bag of Dove dark chocolate for me on his way home from work tonight. :D

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I like Cadbury (sp?) especially the one with the raisins and nuts. It is quite sweet and rich though. If we were talking about mainstream I think I like nestle more than hershey, for example: I think Nestle's Crunch tastes much better than Hershey's Krackle.



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