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remember the $5 paper at Staples deal?


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I stopped buying at Staples because I tried to claim rebates and they were incorrectly denied. It's been several years, but at the time I think I was reading that the entire chain was having a reputation problem because rebates were hard, if not impossible, to claim. My memory's fuzzy though.

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I haven't done rebates there in a while, but i seem to recall that if you used a previous rebate to pay for an item with a rebate on it, you wouldn't get the second rebate. I also think that if you used the credits from recycling ink cartridges, you wouldn't get the rebate. Not sure how coupons affected the rebate.....

Not sure if that is the case for any of you that got denied?

Now i'm glad i missed it by a day!

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I checked my rebate; it says it has been validated.  I bought the paper on July 17, so according to the rebate information, I should have it sometime between August 13 and 27 (4-6 weeks).    Since the promotion started just a few days before I bought (I think?) I wouldn't expect anyone to have actually received their rebates yet.



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I sent an email to their customer service # about a week ago and just got a response last night saying they've corrected it and I will receive my Visa card in a couple of weeks.  In my email, I added the correct rebate offer number to make it easy for someone to match them up.  

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I've done lots of these, and it usually takes about 6 weeks for me to get the card, and I've never not gotten it.  The one time I had an issue with getting the rebate to come up in the system, I went to the store and they simply price matched and sold me the case for $5.

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Good to know about the rebate timing.


I'll try to be patient a little longer.  :001_cool:


I bought my paper online, picked it up in store, and entered my rebate online in case that helps anyone who doesn't have their rebate validated yet.

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did they offer to correct it? I would ask them to file on my behalf via phone (they will see the error message for themselves). Is that possible???


Any chance it asked for a different number than the one you copied? I think there are various numbers like order number, rebate number, something else? I don't know, just trying to think of any other possible things! On my follow up email there is a tracking number, order number and rebate number.

Yes. But they used the EXACT same numbers I gave.


I feel like it's a ploy to keep the money. Maybe it isn't. BUT I still feel cheated.



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So you have proof of purchase and they are saying that you don't qualify for the rebate?




Also, I'm doubting that everyone on this form also typed in their numbers incorrectly. That seems like a stretch


Hopeful that the rebate will come through


Sent from my LG-AS990 using Tapatalk

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I entered my data online from an in store purchase and my status says the rebate has been validated.  Sorry that yours isn't working.  I would ask if I could forward them the proof of purchase (if you have an e-mail of it) and go from there. 


I would let the initial CS rep know that you have already tried entering the numbers and a CSR has as well, but there is a bigger problem and ask if there is someone else you need to speak with about it.  I would assume the first line CSRs don't have the authority to issue a rebate if the numbers don't work, and based on the posts here would suspect that there was a glitch involving some of the initial rebate numbers. 

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So I called today, and they have the audacity to tell me I typed in the wrong code! Except I didn't type. I copied and pasted from their email.


I am angry at this company :-\


Did you happen to copy a space at the end when copying and pasting?  I did that before with another rebate program.  The numbers appear 100% correct, but the computer deems the space as a character and it no longer matches up to its authorized rebate code.    

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Did you happen to copy a space at the end when copying and pasting? I did that before with another rebate program. The numbers appear 100% correct, but the computer deems the space as a character and it no longer matches up to its authorized rebate code.

While it's possible, I am very good at checking that-as it is the same with passwords and other case sensitive material. Maybe I did it once, but twice? Unlikely. And everyone else here?


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Sheesh. I hope everyone gets their rebates. I stopped doing rebates because of issues like this. It drove me nuts. I used to hunt for deals with rebates and never had a problem until one day I did.


What made me swear off rebates is my most recent eight-month-long-$10 rebate from Kohl's. Ugh! Every time I called, I would be told it was "on the way", yet the rebate process was restarted every time, as shown by checking online. 


If I was a betting woman, I would say that someone rewrote the rebate procedure and is hoping the majority of people just give up because "it's only $5".


If something doesn't have an instant rebate or an instant gift card, I pass it by now. There is no reason for all of these rebates to take so long and for all of us to have to fight so hard to get them! 

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I did the online order & rebate w/in-store pickup.  Got a postcard on Saturday that "all required products were not submitted".  Called this morning and got a guy who said that their rebate offer was in transition at the time I filed it, and he refiled it.  It now shows in their online tracking system that the rebate was filed today - but no verification.  If it doesn't give a verification very soon I'm going to take the unopened box back to the local Staples store and demand my money back.

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I checked online a day or two ago and it said "Validation Complete," and today it says, "Your reward has been sent."  So, I'm not sure what was up with the postcard I got earlier this week saying there was a problem with it.  Whatever, just happy it's on its way.


I hope it really is on its way. The Kohl's rebate I mentioned upthread that took eight months to receive was "on the way" three different times, with the third time being the charm. I had to wait a full NINE weeks after logging in and seeing the 'it's on the way' confirmation before calling back to ask for a replacement. And, of course, I would get a non-English speaking person who could do nothing more than read from a script, which made the entire thing sting even more. My last Staples rebate (about three years ago) was as annoying as what those of you have posted here.


I am so over rebates!


Keep good records of everything and mark a date to check and see if you received your rebate. If it hasn't shown up, call again.


This isn't even happening to me, but I can feel my blood pressure going up on everyone's behalf! :glare:

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I remember Clark Howard once talking on his radio show about all the companies denying valid rebates. He said to keep copies of everything you send in.


I didn't try to get this paper deal and now I am glad. Apparently he was right and some companies are trying to outright scam their customers. Shame on Staples. For those of you who got scammed, be sure to spread the word that they are conning their customers.

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No e-mail update.  I had check when others posted and saw a validated update but didn't bother to check again, then the card arrived in the mail.  Sorry everyone is having so much trouble.  I wonder if the company will try to do some global fix.


Ok, here is the 7/18 status update from the site:

Your rebate is valid. Please allow up to 30 days to receive your rebate.



So almost 30 days for delivery.


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I received my rebate debit card today.  I submitted my rebate on July 14, and received an email stating that my rebate "Is being processed" on July 16.  There weren't any problems with the claim, and I'm very sorry to hear that so many of you are having problems and concerns.  This was the first time that I have participated in a rebate purchase like this, and your reports on this thread will make me very hesitant to do so again in the future!


Also, on the advice of someone in either this thread or the original rebate thread, I immediately purchased an Amazon gift card with my rebate, so as to avoid fees or difficulties spending down the balance.  Thank you for that tip  :thumbup:


Good luck, everyone!

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