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My idiot BIL....


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.... believes the world is going to end -or- at the very least, that the "end times" will begin this September :-/


*********PLEASE do not quote!*********


He has taken off of work from September 24-28 because of it.


He has written a book about it that is now for sale on Amazon prime.


He is trying to get my husband to "see the truth" because my husband works for the Intelligence Community and he "fears for his soul."


He is a middle school teacher, and sports coach for said children.


He's a narcissist, has anger management issues, has been arrested several times, been in a mental hospital twice, had police remove all guns from his home, and he tried to commit suicide after my sil left him. Yes. The man is still a teacher and in charge of middle school kids.


She has since forgiven him, and moved back in, with the kids. She believes the crap he is spewing, (or at least is not letting on if she doesn't) and even shared and promoted his book on Facebook. She is "so proud of him".


I'm scared that come Oct. 1st, when nothing went the way he said it would- he's going to go off the deep end and make them all drink poisoned kool-aid or something.


I just needed to vent about this, but can't do it on Facebook, or in person, or anything- lest I create strife within' the family and all that crap, and hurt sil's feelings.....


Please tell me you knew/know an idiot like this, and they *didn't* go on to murder their family and/or go postal somewhere.

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I've never known anyone to have thoughts like that, or express them if they did, but I couldn't read that without offering some sympathy to you for dealing with that. Is his school aware of his book, etc? That's really concerning that the police saw fit to remove the guns from his home, but nothing was followed up with the school that he might be dangerous. I hope your sil is able to see how dangerous this is for her children and get out safely.

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My aunt's husband (I decline to call him my uncle).  His name is synonymous with "crazy f__" in our family.  He was also guilty of domestic abuse when he had his episodes or whatever they were/are.  My aunt died and some people think it's because of how rotten he was to her (I know he "accidentally" broke her arm not long before that).  I can only say at least she's free of his crazy.  He even said weird stuff at her funeral.  He asked his son's bride-to-be if she was a virgin.  If he would ever shut his mouth for 10 minutes, he would make the world a better place.  The only good thing about it is that he's so obvious, everyone feels the same way about him.  Only his oldest daughter will give him the time of day, because she feels sorry for him.


My uncle's wife is a close second.  She says the meanest things when she goes off her medication, which is too often.  She said my mother deserves to die (this was when my mom was fighting colon cancer).  We haven't spoken to her in at least a decade.  She no longer gets invited to any family stuff.


My sister's mother-in-law.  She takes medication that is supposedly the reason for her meanness.  In decades since she's known my sister, she has never said anything nice, only foul nasty comments.  She criminally abused her oldest son for years.  Once she chased her DIL (not my sister) around the yard with a stick.  She also hates her granddaughters while adoring her grandsons.


Yeah.  Family.  Gotta love 'em.

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We know someone who seems to have bought into the blood moon prophecy idiocy. It's scary that an otherwise rational person can fall for stuff like that. Although it sounds as if your BIL probably doesn't qualify as rational at all.

Yep. That's the one.... and the Pope speaking to Congress and that guy who said we'll have a climate crisis in 500 days or something....


Oh, and the moon landing was fake.... because freemasons.

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I had a BIL like this.

I hated him and made no effort to hide that even though it made me the black sheep.


Fortunately he is now an ex-BIL and hates me as much as I hate him, so we're all good. (I helped my sister leave, let her and their kids live with me, and chased him off my property at gunpoint after he tried to assault me as well as her)

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I have a uncle that is similar level of crazy. Happily he is single.


Our family tries to keep track of him online so we know what city he is in, and if he is alive. He use to be much better and I we all have fond memories of him from 20+ years ago.


I wish it was easier to get people committed and forced to take there medication.

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I had a BIL like this.

I hated him and made no effort to hide that even though it made me the black sheep.


Fortunately he is now an ex-BIL and hates me as much as I hate him, so we're all good. (I helped my sister leave, let her and their kids live with me, and chased him off my property at gunpoint after he tried to assault me as well as her)


:coolgleamA: You're kind of a bad a$$.


That's awesome!

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Thankfully, I have no experience with a person like your BIL, but I am so sorry you have to deal with him. It must be so frightening for you every day to wonder if your sister and her kids are safe from his insanity.


I wonder how he manages to keep his job -- maybe he puts on a good show at work and everyone thinks he is a nice, normal guy. If abusers and molesters are able to maintain an outward show of normalcy, I guess your BIL might be able to manage it as well.


Is there any way for someone in your family to get your sister and the kids away from him for a while, like maybe by inviting them to go on vacation with them or something? Maybe some time away from him would help her realize what a nut he is.

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Yeah, the crazy relatives I mentioned above manage to remain employed too.  (They work in family businesses, but at jobs that supposedly require people skills - realtor, nurse, and retail clerk.)  It kind of baffles me that anyone can do business with them.  But I'm glad they aren't destitute, because at least with an income they can get some professional help.  Theoretically.

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I don't have experience with anyone quite so extreme... my FIL thinks the end is coming any day now, but he always thinks that.  One year he went so far as to try to pinpoint a date (it was in September, too - the 26th-ish I think?  A few years back) but he wasn't upset about it or anything.  He just has what he believes and he's pretty hardcore about it.


In our situation though, it's much easier to deal with because it's nothing crazy.  He's not anything like what you are describing... sorry that you have to put up with it!  :/

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I can offer hugs, but not much in advice.  I suspect his mind is totally closed.


How close are you to your SIL?  She might be open to a Plan B when Sept ends.  I doubt she will do anything before then, but if there's a plan in place, it's easier to move on afterward.


How old are the kids?


I know people who are "prepared" for the world going haywire, but they aren't set on dates or anything like that.  They just think it's coming.

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my dh and I have an old friend we lost contact with.  He was on this level of crazy... thought Nixon was the Anti-Christ and the "end times" was coming soon.   He had several 3-ring binders with lots of "proof", etc.   His whole Christian identity was wrapped up in this personal revelation from God. It was weird.   We used to worry that he'd go postal when Nixon died.... but- - he didn't.  Thank God! 


We got back in contact with him at a mutual friend's funeral about 3yrs ago.... he was dx bi-polar and was on meds... which probably saved him.  


I hope your sister and her family will be okay.  Those kind of people are scary. 

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I would be worried for the safety of the wife/children over the period of time he's taken off.

Yes. This. My DH thinks that I'm over exaggerating- sorta- I think he's coming around....


I told him I want him to call his parents to talk to them about maybe going up there (we live 5 hours away, and refuse to go to his house) during that time.... I already told him that if he wont call, I will.

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I figure if the world is gonna end, or if anything is going to happen to me, so be it, but why fuss about it?  What good does it do to obsess about it, even if you think it is really true?


But I think I might be too rational for that particular discussion.


But yeah, I hope the dude isn't thinking murder-suicide thoughts.

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I would be tempted to call the police to let them know that the guy they took guns from (I didn't know that was a thing??) might do something crazy that week.

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Why September?


Crazy beliefs fascinate me.

Did you read the link that Dawn put upthread?


Several reasons- the blood moons, 500 days until climate chaos, that Jade Helm military exercise ending, the day the Pope addresses Congress... all of those events will happen at the end of September- oh, and an asteroid too...

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I would quietly invite your sister to hide out at your house if he gets crazier.  It sort of scares me that he has taken time off to spend it with the family.  I'm worried he might do something to them.  


My BIL is all conspiracy nut at times, I usually shut him down and I won't let him teach my kids Karate.

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And of course the pope is the anti-Christ. It sounds more like a Dan Brown novel.


If the Pope is directing the asteroid, there goes my idea of being at ground zero.  He's going to be close to us, so I'm guessing he'll want it to hit elsewhere. :glare:


On a more serious note - sorry to hear your SIL is also close minded on the issue OP.  I really don't know that there is more you can do at that point - other than vent on here, and this is definitely vent-worthy!  :grouphug:

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Anyone else finding it a little bit weird that so many boardies know someone who thinks the end is near? (Even if they are different stories...)

I don't know anyone personally, but these predictions have always been around, I assume the internet just makes it easier to find the crazy. My (Catholic) liberal arts college had a senior colloquium class about end of the world prophesies. There was a Frontline (I think, some PBS show) series that the professor used as the base of the class. It was interesting.


Edited to add: the class was interesting as an abstract study of what people believed at different times. It much less interesting and more concerning when it actually affects people you care about. I'm sorry your sil isn't willing to listen to reason.

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tangent: A local man here thought the world was ending with y2k. He stockpiled food and water. At midnight the night of his.... Nephews?... Drove out to his place in the country and cut off the power at the REA pole. They waited a long while thinking he would drove the mile down his driveway to check the pole. He never did. A week later someone had to go out to the farm to let him know that the world didn't actually end.


OP-you are dealing with some serious crazy. Do you have anyone irl that you can talk to?

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tangent: A local man here thought the world was ending with y2k. He stockpiled food and water. At midnight the night of his.... Nephews?... Drove out to his place in the country and cut off the power at the REA pole. They waited a long while thinking he would drove the mile down his driveway to check the pole. He never did. A week later someone had to go out to the farm to let him know that the world didn't actually end.


OP-you are dealing with some serious crazy. Do you have anyone irl that you can talk to?

Lol at your story!


I do- my Dh, but he's out playing softball.... and my friends, whom I will see tomorrow :)

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Did you read the link that Dawn put upthread?


Several reasons- the blood moons, 500 days until climate chaos, that Jade Helm military exercise ending, the day the Pope addresses Congress... all of those events will happen at the end of September- oh, and an asteroid too...


No, I missed the link.  Thanks.

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There have been religious sects that picked a day for the end of the world and when it didn't come they just were like... Oh well, we saved the world with our prayer and fasting and everyone's existence is owed to us.


I mean, Ninevah, after all. 


As far as when someone tell you that you are a bad Christian if you don't forgive them... DID BIL apologize to YOU? He put you through worry too. Did he care? Or did he just apologize to SIL and leave it to HER, the wronged party, to apologize to everyone else for him. That would not be scriptural. Anytime someone says that you have to forgive them to be right with God they are just manipulating, because that attitude proves they have not repented. You are supposed to forgive those who REPENT, not those who manipulate and further abuse, which is what he is doing.


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*lifeoftheparty*, I'm so sorry you're going through this.


Could you contact your sil's relatives (her parents or siblings) and let them know your fears? She might listen to them or they might be able to visit at the critical time. If they blow you off, you've done all you can. Your conscience is clear (seriously, there's nothing else you can do, so don't beat yourself up about it).

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Yes. This. My DH thinks that I'm over exaggerating- sorta- I think he's coming around....


I told him I want him to call his parents to talk to them about maybe going up there (we live 5 hours away, and refuse to go to his house) during that time.... I already told him that if he wont call, I will.

The thing is, if your BIL is truly crazy, you might be putting your dh's parents in danger if they are visiting during that time. Let's face it, if your BIL has managed to get another gun, it's not like your in-laws are going to be able to stop him from using it.


Sorry to sound so morbid, but unless the family can manage to get SIL and the kids (or even just the kids) away from your BIL, I don't think it would do much good to simply be there in the house with them. If BIL is going to do something awful, two more people in the house probably wouldn't prevent it.

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There have been religious sects that picked a day for the end of the world and when it didn't come they just were like... Oh well, we saved the world with our prayer and fasting and everyone's existence is owed to us.


I mean, Ninevah, after all.


As far as when someone tell you that you are a bad Christian if you don't forgive them... DID BIL apologize to YOU? He put you through worry too. Did he care? Or did he just apologize to SIL and leave it to HER, the wronged party, to apologize to everyone else for him. That would not be scriptural. Anytime someone says that you have to forgive them to be right with God they are just manipulating, because that attitude proves they have not repented. You are supposed to forgive those who REPENT, not those who manipulate and further abuse, which is what he is doing.

He apologized to everyone, the first timtge aplogy was amid all the excuses for his behavior- medication, parents, upbringing, etc. and when we didn't buy it, he apologized again without the excuses.


There is a lot more backstory here that I won't go into- but he's full of crap. Complete manipulator, and I'm the only one who doesn't buy what he's selling. I see straight through him, but everyone else is hearing what they want to hear- and believing every word of it. They are the ones telling me that I should "forgive him as Christ forgave us," and implying that a good Christian would believe/forgive him, and be more supportive.



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The thing is, if your BIL is truly crazy, you might be putting your dh's parents in danger if they are visiting during that time. Let's face it, if your BIL has managed to get another gun, it's not like your in-laws are going to be able to stop him from using it.


Sorry to sound so morbid, but unless the family can manage to get SIL and the kids (or even just the kids) away from your BIL, I don't think it would do much good to simply be there in the house with them. If BIL is going to do something awful, two more people in the house probably wouldn't prevent it.

Yeah- I did think about that... so, like I said, nothing to do but wait, and hope and pray...

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I've known people who are odd, and people who were actually diagnosed with schizophrenia. I haven't known someone like your BIL though, who appears to lead a normal life but is so out there underneath it all. I won't quote because you asked us not to. However, I'm shocked he still holds the positions he does, especially because they involve working with children. 

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I've known people who are odd, and people who were actually diagnosed with schizophrenia. I haven't known someone like your BIL though, who appears to lead a normal life but is so out there underneath it all. I won't quote because you asked us not to. However, I'm shocked he still holds the positions he does, especially because they involve working with children.


You and me both- and thank you for not quoting :)

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