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PSA: cell phone carrier


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Well, somebody has to say it so I will. We love Verizon. We've been traveling all week and have never once been without a strong signal. In fact, this post is brought to you via Verizon. We don't love what it costs, but we love that it works reliably. Have had zero issues with customer service. They've always been very helpful.

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I've had Verizon (through StraightTalk), Virgin and T-Mobile.  Verizon was far and above the best cell service--although because I had it through StraightTalk, I didn't have to deal with Verizon customer service.  Actually, it still surprises me that I greatly preferred StraightTalk.  I can't wait to dump T-Mobile, but that means I have to buy a Verizon-compatible phone again . .  .

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Yeah I will never go anywhere other then Verizon. HATE the cost, but if DH ever gets a job where he has to go overseas, at least I know the phone will work. I have been cross country by train and there are only a few spots where I did NOT have a signal. Since we drive from NJ to FL at least once a year, that is important!


I also have FIOS for internet, TV, and land line and WAY better then Comcast. Again, cost isn't my favorite but I feel we have no choice really. 


The only complaint I have is when I need customer service but lucky that is few and far between because the reliability is there. :)

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We need Verizon.  With our travels, we go many places where other service providers just don't work.


We have had two technical issues within the past couple of months, the most "interesting" was when they forwarded hubby's cell phone to one of his work contacts.   :confused1:   We have NO idea how it happened.  Hubby literally NEVER forwards his cell phone.  He had forwarded our land line TO his cell phone as he always does when out in the field working.  Fortunately, his work contact was mainly amused and played along answering hubby's calls for the day and sending him e-mail messages regarding who called.  Small town/rural life is terrific!


Oh, and Verizon's customer service was great - apologetic and gave him a financial credit on our bill.  They have no idea how it happened either.


The other issue just happened yesterday.  Someone called looking for Sam.  It was a wrong number, and our number isn't even close to the number he tried (based upon what he said).  The caller id was another work contact, but that's not who it was.  Call ended.  One minute later the same number called back.  Hubby answered it with "still looking for Sam?" except it WAS the person it was supposed to be, not the first caller.   :lol:   That person had reached someone he didn't recognize and just hung up.  We assume it was Sam.


Strange...  We assume Harriet back at the phone company just plugged the lines in twisted... ;)


But we can never leave Verizon as we NEED the coverage they offer.  That's literally second to none IME.

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We are also in the "need to use Verizon" camp. Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile - don't work at our house and have the worst coverage areas in VT. Used Straight Talk for years with phones running off of Verizon towers, and they were fine, until you had a problem. Their customer service was mind blowingly horrible. Verizon is more expensive, but their customer service is great and it's worth it to us to have phones that work and customer service reps that can actually help.


Sorry you had a bad experience!

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When you guys say more expensive, what do you mean?


T-mobile and deeper discount providers could be under $100/mo.  The new Google service is just a fraction of *that.  Right now, our Verizon bill is about $240 for 3 phones.  I went to reduce our data plan only to discover the next step down had changed to the same price as our bigger one. @@


(Though we do have to call them today and make them switch us to the current promotion, which is $80/10 gigs plus $15/line.)


Nothing else is reliable in our area.

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T-mobile and deeper discount providers could be under $100/mo.  The new Google service is just a fraction of *that.  Right now, our Verizon bill is about $240 for 3 phones.  I went to reduce our data plan only to discover the next step down had changed to the same price as our bigger one. @@


(Though we do have to call them today and make them switch us to the current promotion, which is $80/10 gigs plus $15/line.)


Nothing else is reliable in our area.



What new Google service?


And wow, your phone bill is really high.  We have ATT and with DH's work discount, their payment of part of his bill, and the new Family Share Plan, we pay right around $100 out of pocket for 4 phones and a tablet and 15gb data.  That includes taxes.  The total bill is $142.73 including the 25% discount, but Dh's work pays $40 or so.

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What new Google service?


And wow, your phone bill is really high.  We have ATT and with DH's work discount, their payment of part of his bill, and the new Family Share Plan, we pay right around $100 out of pocket for 4 phones and a tablet and 15gb data.  That includes taxes.  The total bill is $142.73 including the 25% discount, but Dh's work pays $40 or so.


All of these prices sound really high.  I pay around Ă‚Â£52 per month (USD around 77) for five phones, of which three are smart phones with big data packages.  No special discounts.

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15 years ago, as I was finally getting a cell plan - I came across a guy who was on his all the time.  he had been with each carrier at one point - and he said for phone service, it was Verizon all the way. 


yeah, they cost more. we haven't had any problems.  so, after doing some research we looked at T-Mobile a few years ago 'cause they were cheaper.   that lasted all of ONE WEEKEND and we cancelled everything very first thing Monday morning and went back to Verizon.  dh works from home - and his home office was in a dead space?  come on!  it made me question their coverage for other places when dh lives on his phone - to not have access means his clients don't have access to him.


we have kids who use ting (no contract, runs on sprint)  - but they don't rely on their phones to work no matter where they are.


eta: about T-Mobile - we're in an area where they have a VERY LARGE presence, and we still had spotty coverage.

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Where we live, Verizon isn't a good choice for reception. 


I've recently switched to Republic Wireless. I love paying ~$30/month for unlimited calls, text, and data.  Not that I use a lot of data since I'm home most of time!

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We have had Verzon for over 10 years, it's the only reliable service in our area. My aunt Kate and dear inlaws also have had Verizon for just as long if not longer. Though I do agree about not liking the price.

I pay $129 for one smart phone with 10 GB of data (before it was closer to $200 with dh's phone but his employer now has his line)

I could drop my data some since I now also pay for unlimited data through my school but we use my phone as a GPS and whatnot on our travels.

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  Right now, our Verizon bill is about $240 for 3 phones.  I went to reduce our data plan only to discover the next step down had changed to the same price as our bigger one. @@


(Though we do have to call them today and make them switch us to the current promotion, which is $80/10 gigs plus $15/line.)


Nothing else is reliable in our area.


did this promo just start?  'cause it's a lot less than it was last week when I went into upgrade dh to a smart phone.  (and the plans had changed so much just from when I got a new phone last fall.) I didn't end up doing it yet.


our kids are all laughing because he has been so resistant to a smart phone and they've been telling him for a few years he needs one.  he's coming over to the dark side.

and Samsung lollipop (?) has a 'big icon'/simplified home pages smart phone feature that works well for older/new users.

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We have been with Verizon for years, except the time went with a different company b/c the deal was so much better, but we then had no coverage at our home.  Our experience is that they are fine unless you really have a problem.  There have been times over the years that they have had no clue about problems we were having and there were too many hoops to jump through, too many hours on the phone with customer service, and a generally unwillingness to go beyond their scripted solutions. It has been very frustrating.  But....who else has such good coverage?

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What new Google service?


And wow, your phone bill is really high.  We have ATT and with DH's work discount, their payment of part of his bill, and the new Family Share Plan, we pay right around $100 out of pocket for 4 phones and a tablet and 15gb data.  That includes taxes.  The total bill is $142.73 including the 25% discount, but Dh's work pays $40 or so.


Dh used to get a phone discount, but no more. :-(


did this promo just start?  'cause it's a lot less than it was last week when I went into upgrade dh to a smart phone.  (and the plans had changed so much just from when I got a new phone last fall.) I didn't end up doing it yet.


our kids are all laughing because he has been so resistant to a smart phone and they've been telling him for a few years he needs one.  he's coming over to the dark side.

and Samsung lollipop (?) has a 'big icon'/simplified home pages smart phone feature that works well for older/new users.

I'm not sure when it started, but I've seen it advertised on Hulu for the past week or two.

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We have Verizon.

DH used to have T-mobile from his employer, and it didn't have coverage at our (urban, Silicon Valley) home.  Ridiculous!

When I switched from a Tracfone, I emailed my neighborhood to ask which other companies covered our area well, and Verizon kept sounding like it had the best reception.  A few years later when we shopped for a cabin in the mountains, Verizon was literally the ONLY service that worked up there at all--our realtor was borrowing our cell phones to check on her kids from there, LOL!  So we don't have any other option, really.  I hate the price but I need cell phone coverage up there for safety and for my job.  So there you have it.

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We have have Verizon and ATT.  I prefer Verizon. I have had no problems with getting service aside from getting routed to a 'read the script only call center' when I wanted to ask a pricing question.  I hung up and went to a store and got the answer I needed.



One thing about Verizon call centers.  There is the Verizon call center and there is the overflow call center.  If you call and get someone who clearly is just reading the script off of the computer.....they are the overflow center (or a very new employee).  When Verizon gets too many calls at once during peek hours or in the late night hours and the few reps they do have on staff are busy, you can get an overflow, horrible rep who doesn't have any clue what they are doing.  The overflow reps, work for multiple companies at a time and just take random calls as they come in. If you get one of these, hang up and call another time.  Even if you just wait 15 minutes a try again, you may get a real rep who can answer your questions.  


Aside from one very odd conversation with an overflow rep,  I have had excellent customer service and coverage with Verizon.  ATT was great too, but they don't have as good of coverage in our area, especially in the mountains.  Verizon and ATT are the same price (or ATT costs more) around here.  


We do pay A LOT for our phones though.  We have 3 Galaxy S6 and one S5.  We pay $270 per month for 4 smart phones/15g of data.  We cut our land line years ago. We do use some data around the house, to cut down on everybody using the Wifi at the same time.

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Where we live, Verizon isn't a good choice for reception. 




Yes, we're in one of the odd locations where Verizon reception is awful. We don't have a land line, so having good service at home is necessary. The rest of our county seems to have good service from them though. A friend who lives 30 miles south of us and thinks Verizon is the be all and end all has trouble getting reception when they visit with us.


As far as travelling, most of ours is from Florida to Tennessee and back or around Florida, and we've never had an issue with AT&T even through the North Carolina mountains along our route. Some years back when we went to Washington D.C. everyone we ran into there asked if we have Verizon. Apparently that's the best provider in that area. We did lose service at times when riding the Metro, while people with Verizon didn't. If we lived there that's probably who we'd have, but we don't nor do we visit areas like that often.


The price is right with AT&T and dh's work discount makes it even better. I say go with the provider that gives you a combination of the best service for where you live and travel AND the best price.

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A few years later when we shopped for a cabin in the mountains, Verizon was literally the ONLY service that worked up there at all--our realtor was borrowing our cell phones to check on her kids from there, LOL!

Our family has a cabin in a remote location (near Yellowstone) where only T-mobile works, so we all have T-mobile. I'm surprised to see so many complaints about them!

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I had Verizon for years with great reception until we could no longer afford the bill. I'm now on my parents' Consumer Cellular plan, which runs on the AT&T network and it's AWFUL.


DH was on AT&T for awhile because he had gotten an iPhone through an old employer (this was back when AT&T was the exclusive carrier for iPhones) and hated the service. As soon as Verizon started offering the iPhone, he switched back.


DH needs reliable cell service a lot more than I do so that's why he's got the expensive Verizon plan while I'm just piggybacking off my folks' cheapie Consumer Cellular plan. I hate all the dropped calls and dead zones of the AT&T network, but not enough to pay $$$ for Verizon.

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For me, Verizon is double what I pay now with T-Mobile.  I would love to have Verizon's coverage, but I just can't pay that much.  I have to say that T-Mobile's coverage is getting better.  Last year, I could not use my phone at Lawrence University at all.  Now, I have at least 2 bars on campus ... enough to log into their WiFi.  


ETA:  The coverage is perfectly adequate for most of our needs, living in suburbia.  I know that if I am traveling in rural areas outside of their coverage area, I have to plan ahead (like have the map already up before we leave a coverage area.)  So far, it hasn't been a problem.  We did have to go with Virgin Mobile pay as you go plan for K because T-Mobile was not reliable on campus.  But, there is this corner near my house that does not have coverage.  It drops calls and can't send a text until I move a block.  

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Verizon is by far the best service in my area, but their prices are absurd. I use Page Plus instead, same towers, cheap price.

+1 for Page Plus.  Our family pays less than $70 per month for 3 phones.  As you mentioned, Page Plus uses the Verizon network.  Selectel Wireless is another inexpensive service that uses the Verizon network, though I don't have personal experience with them. 


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+1 for Page Plus.  Our family pays less than $70 per month for 3 phones.  As you mentioned, Page Plus uses the Verizon network.  Selectel Wireless is another inexpensive service that uses the Verizon network, though I don't have personal experience with them. 



Yeah, if you don't have heavy useage, you have a lot more options.


Me?  I talk a lot.  :laugh:   and I use a lot of data while out.

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I've heard nothing but good things about Verizon and am getting ready to switch over to them.  I've been with Sprint for quite awhile now and the coverage is terrible in my area.  I've had ATT in the past and their customer service was less than stellar. DH has Verizon through work and rarely has any issues.  He even has decent cell service when we go on vacation (I have almost nothing there with Sprint!). Oh, and the cost of each of the big three is comparable here too.

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We love Verizon. Service is dependable. Prices are in line with other major carriers. No problems in the 11 years we've been with them. We switched one phone to save money (Virgin Mobile) but even though they said they used the Sprint network, they didn't use the whole Spring network, and the phone didn't work at our house. We'll stay with Verizon.

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My husband has Verizon for work.  He's not a fan, but he's also not paying for it.


We have T*Mobile personally.  We used to have AT&T.  Coverage was great in MD, but iffy where we live in San Antonio.  T*Mobile is great here.

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My husband has Verizon for work.  He's not a fan, but he's also not paying for it.


We have T*Mobile personally.  We used to have AT&T.  Coverage was great in MD, but iffy where we live in San Antonio.  T*Mobile is great here.

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I did say "if possible" because I KNOW Verizon has the best coverage and many need to use it. I have been a long time Verizon customer. LONG time. A little over a month ago, DH made a change to our data plan from 4gb to 6gb online. This, in turn, changed our talk plan because apparently you can't have 6gb of data + IN Canada minutes only TO Canada. I was IN CANADA when this happened. DH did not realize he would be changing the talk plan. It still said 1000 Canada minutes.


Until we got the bill.


So we call Verizon to see WTF.


Sorry, it's been too long since your plan changed, there's nothing we can do. You can only call Canada from the U.S. when you have 6gb.


So you're supposed to magically know that something had gone awry because your first evidence of such (the bill) is "too late".


$480+ cell phone bill, and their refusal to help a long time customer = fraidycat warning people about crappy customer service. That is all.

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I did say "if possible" because I KNOW Verizon has the best coverage and many need to use it. I have been a long time Verizon customer. LONG time. A little over a month ago, DH made a change to our data plan from 4gb to 6gb online. This, in turn, changed our talk plan because apparently you can't have 6gb of data + IN Canada minutes only TO Canada. I was IN CANADA when this happened. DH did not realize he would be changing the talk plan. It still said 1000 Canada minutes.


Until we got the bill.


So we call Verizon to see WTF.


Sorry, it's been too long since your plan changed, there's nothing we can do. You can only call Canada from the U.S. when you have 6gb.


So you're supposed to magically know that something had gone awry because your first evidence of such (the bill) is "too late".


$480+ cell phone bill, and their refusal to help a long time customer = fraidycat warning people about crappy customer service. That is all.

Yeah, that's a VERY BAD experience, I don't blame you for being upset!


I think I would still try to fight it, take it higher up the chain.

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I did say "if possible" because I KNOW Verizon has the best coverage and many need to use it. I have been a long time Verizon customer. LONG time. A little over a month ago, DH made a change to our data plan from 4gb to 6gb online. This, in turn, changed our talk plan because apparently you can't have 6gb of data + IN Canada minutes only TO Canada. I was IN CANADA when this happened. DH did not realize he would be changing the talk plan. It still said 1000 Canada minutes.


Until we got the bill.


So we call Verizon to see WTF.


Sorry, it's been too long since your plan changed, there's nothing we can do. You can only call Canada from the U.S. when you have 6gb.


So you're supposed to magically know that something had gone awry because your first evidence of such (the bill) is "too late".


$480+ cell phone bill, and their refusal to help a long time customer = fraidycat warning people about crappy customer service. That is all.


I really hope you can get this resolved.  I am sorry.

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Well, somebody has to say it so I will. We love Verizon. We've been traveling all week and have never once been without a strong signal. In fact, this post is brought to you via Verizon. We don't love what it costs, but we love that it works reliably. Have had zero issues with customer service. They've always been very helpful.


I agree. Verizon is the only cell phone company we have ever used. We have always been pleased with the service of the calls as well as customer service. I hear horror stories from others, but that has not been our experience at all. 

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Sorry, it's been too long since your plan changed, there's nothing we can do. 


I'd call and talk to someone else.


Several years ago, middle ds and his gf managed to rack up $700 worth of overages on texts on one bill. They thought that because her carrier got bought out by Verizon, texts were now free. Well, they were on her end, but not ours. 


When I called to ask how we got such a huge bill, they immediately forgave half of it when they figured out how it had happened, and then changed our plan retroactively so that another big chunk was erased as well. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chiming in to agree. We have loved Verizon for over 15 years now. Have a business contract with them. It is a huge bill that has been paid in a timely manner for over 15 years. We have had no issues up to this point. I guess Verizon is great as long as there are no issues... After 15 years, one of our payments either got lost in the mail or at Verizon. The check was mailed is all we know. As soon as we discovered that they had not received payment, we checked our bank, found it had not cleared, and had it repaid within 12 hours of discovering the problem. Dh went in with a second check and paid it in person. He received a confirmation number for the payment. 4 days later, we were contacted with notification that the bill had not been paid. I contacted our service representative who was there when Dh paid the bill. She gave me a number to call to resolve the issue. She also made notes on our account stating that she was there when the bill was paid. (This was a Friday afternoon. We were out of town on vacation.)


The person on the other end of that conversation was exceptionally rude. Knowing that we had a confirmation number for payment earlier that week, she threatened us with service termination at any point in the weekend and turning us in to a collection agency if that bill plus the one that was not due for over a week was not paid immediately over the phone with a credit card. I refused, told her that we would be checking with our bank, and would handle the issue on Monday during business hours. Not good enough for her, but I just hung up. This morning, Monday, I went in to speak with our representative (one of the nice things about being a business account is you have your own person you form a relationship with). We figured out what most likely happened (Verizon's fault/not ours). She got ahold of some "higher up" for me to talk to to discuss the poorly handled situation on Friday evening. This person was just as bad as the one Friday night. After explaining the situation, she just informed me that our bill has not been paid...Everything I said, she just repeated that the bill had not been paid. I asked if she actually spoke English because she did not appear to understand what I was saying. I asked if she could hear me. She said she did and she could.


At this point she informed me that Verizon has a very strict policy about dealing with people who do not make their payments on time. Quite exasperated, I re-informed her that we HAD paid the bill and had a confirmation number to prove it. Due to taking some time off at the end of last week, dh is not able to go to the bank today to see if the amount was deducted from out account of not. Just because one of their employees makes an error, we should not be expected to drop absolutely everything to straighten out the mess that THEY made. We have no problem writing yet another check to cover the amount after we have an opportunity to investigave the issue ourselves, since we have confirmation of our payment!!!! None of that mattered. Their system shows it as not paid, therefore we should be threatened and pony up the money immediately along with the money for the next bill which is already in the mail to them and not yet due!!! Our store rep could hear both sides of the conversation and had her hand holding her head shaking it at this point.


Finally, the person on the phone agreed to give us to the end of the week to resolve the situation. Of course, we will have to pay an additional late fee because of this.... I told her I thought maybe I should hang up. We will have the issue resolved by Friday at close of business.


So, Verizon's policy is that they should threaten their customers with termination of service that we will still have to be paying for and sending to collection agencies if THEY make a mistake. If they are so gratious :glare:  as to grant you a few days to look into and resolve the issue, you will be charged additional fees. Such a lovely company. It is the customer's fault if Verizon makes an error. (Our rep will be refunding all late fees. She was mortified at how we are being treated.)

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 . I guess Verizon is great as long as there are no issues... After 15 years, one of our payments either got lost in the mail or at Verizon. The check was mailed is all we know. As soon as we discovered that they had not received payment, we checked our bank, found it had not cleared, and had it repaid within 12 hours of discovering the problem. Dh went in with a second check and paid it in person. He received a confirmation number for the payment. 4 days later, we were contacted with notification that the bill had not been paid. I contacted our service representative who was there when Dh paid the bill. She gave me a number to call to resolve the issue. She also made notes on our account stating that she was there when the bill was paid. (This was a Friday afternoon. We were out of town on vacation.)


The person on the other end of that conversation was exceptionally rude. Knowing that we had a confirmation number for payment earlier that week, she threatened us with service termination at any point in the weekend and turning us in to a collection agency if that bill plus the one that was not due for over a week was not paid immediately over the phone with a credit card.


did you get her name?  did you talk to her supervisor?  even if things were resolved - I'd be on the phone with her supervisor asap.

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I have to say, I have never been able to get a grievance resolved with Verizon. never, ever, ever. They don't give a flying flip. They have worn me down with the run-around until I quit trying, paid the stinkin bill and told everyone in earshot how much I hate the company.


This is very pertinent to me right now because I am about to get a new phone. I am with Verizon for this one remaining phone (plus my home wi-fi, which is the suckiest thing on earth). I am paralyzed with indecision because I don't know if I will hate t-mobile (or something else) and then will be sorry I gave up a Verizon phone. I'm like the donkey that stood between a pail of oats and a bale of hay and died because he couldn't choose.

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Verizon had reliable coverage, but another vote for insanely expensive.  We were locked in a plan for 1 smart phone with data and 2 dumb phones with no data for $160 per month.  Switched to TMobile, no contracts, 3 smart phones with data for $100.  Also, Verizon customer service was horrible for us.  Can't stand Verizon, in spite of the good coverage areas.

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did you get her name?  did you talk to her supervisor?  even if things were resolved - I'd be on the phone with her supervisor asap.


I am told the call will be reviewed according to the person I spoke with today was supposedly a supervisor's supervisor. They will probably reward her because according to the "high up" person I spoke with today, this is their policy. It is the way they choose to do business. The supervisor made me even more angry than the first one. Honestly, my service representitive, whom I love, was shocked and a bit dismayed at the conversation this afternoon. That is my conversation with the supervisorish person who is supposedly "high up" the Verizon chain.

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 I am paralyzed with indecision because I don't know if I will hate t-mobile (or something else) and then will be sorry I gave up a Verizon phone.


we switched to T-Mobile for all of a weekend, then switched back.  we are close to their US headquarters.  let's just say, T-Mobile is big here.  dh didn't have service in his office.  (we've never had a problem with Verizon service in his office.  that's the biggest reason we're still with Verizon.)


I am told the call will be reviewed according to the person I spoke with today was supposedly a supervisor's supervisor. They will probably reward her because according to the "high up" person I spoke with today, this is their policy. It is the way they choose to do business. The supervisor made me even more angry than the first one. Honestly, my service representitive, whom I love, was shocked and a bit dismayed at the conversation this afternoon. That is my conversation with the supervisorish person who is supposedly "high up" the Verizon chain.


I would also include the BBB and if they are trying to charge you - your local tv station people helper.  they love salacious stories like this.

years ago, I had a problem with a company people loved to hate (but only as tech changed did people curtail their patronage).  I contacted their corporate offices with my complaint.  while the local manager called me to "express his indignation" I had the gall to contact corporate (iow: he got chewed out) - corporate IMMEDIATELY resolved the problem, offered me a gift certificate and anything else they could do to make me happy.

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The unfortunate truth is Verizon is just too big for their britches. They've got us over a barrel when it comes to towers/coverage so they CAN be jerks.


I stayed with Verizon when my hubby went to T-Mobile. He came back to Verizon even though it's more expensive.

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