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Vulgar, sexist "prank" and the reporter who wouldn't take it anymore...


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OK, this is going to be a tricky to explain without being vulgar myself. But it has been a thing for men to yell "F--- her right in the p----" at mostly female reporters, mostly at sporting events for many months now.


One reporter finally had enough and confronted the men...who doubled down and acted like it was no big deal.


Good for her! And gag, Blech, vomit...that this has ever become a "thing."




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This was a "thing?"


What the heck is wrong with people?

I had no idea this was a "thing", either, but I live under a rock. Good for her!

I know it is hard to believe it is a thing, hopefully now it'll stop.


But did you hear the reporter say it happens to her every day?



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Gahh. Meanwhile, in just as sexist but less vulgar news, in response to the Austin City council now being majority female, they hired a "woman expert" (yes, a man, and a raging sexist at that), to tell them how to deal with women.


Highlights? We "ask too many questions", partly because we don't prepare ahead of time and we don't like numbers. And, yeah, he learned how to deal with women by being patient with his 11-yo dd's incessant questions. Oh, and we "don't process things at the same way [sic]" But I think we have better grammar!



http://news.yahoo.com/video/training-seminar-women-leaders-austin-124835239-cbs.html (this one has clips of the guy addressing the council if you don't want to watch the whole thing, you can scroll ahead...)


But yeah, feminism is dead 'cause we're all equal now and sexism is no longer a problem 'cause everyone's so enlightened. :glare:

Actually, I'd thought we'd come further than these two stories... I'm rather appalled (understatement).

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I would love to see what those guys' wives / girlfriends did in the way of re-training those a$$holes.


Good thing she got it on tape and started an important dialogue.


But I was uncomfortable with the way at least one of the reporters stumbled and said this was about men as a group - before she corrected herself.  While less offensive than what the SOBs said, it was unhelpful.  I'm glad she fixed it but why does that seem to be the automatic reaction?  I know a lot of men and very few of them would talk like that to a woman, no matter how drunk they were or how many other drunk men were around.

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Gahh. Meanwhile, in just as sexist but less vulgar news, in response to the Austin City council now being majority female, they hired a "woman expert" (yes, a man, and a raging sexist at that), to tell them how to deal with women.


Highlights? We "ask too many questions", partly because we don't prepare ahead of time and we don't like numbers. And, yeah, he learned how to deal with women by being patient with his 11-yo dd's incessant questions. Oh, and "we don't process things at the same way [sic]" But I think we have better grammar!



http://news.yahoo.com/video/training-seminar-women-leaders-austin-124835239-cbs.html (thisone has clips of the guy addressing the council if you don't want to watch the whole thing, you can scroll ahead...)


But yeah, feminism is dead 'cause we're all equal now and sexism is no longer a problem 'cause everyone's so enlightened. :glare:

Actually, I'd thought we'd come further than these two stories... I'm rather appalled (understatement).


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I am gobsmacked that something so offensive and stupid became a thing.


If I'm understanding correctly, this started out as a fake viral video. As a fake viral video it's offensive and stupid. Enough people thought it was "funny" enough to repeat?!??



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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.


I swear but I'm not a misogynist pig. Two different things. It's not really the vulgarity of this that offends me - it's that it's an attack meant to demean women, to shame them, to silence them and chase them from the public sphere.

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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.


I have no problem with swearing. I have a problem with oppression, and I have a problem with the gleeful celebration of violence against women for fun and profit. I think the two are related and both are glorified in this. My opinion would not change if every word in their chant were elementary school appropriate. 

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I think casual, cheap sexual culture leads to casual, cheap treatment of the opposite sex. These men aren't the only guilty ones on this count.


Gross and unsurprising,

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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.


I don't think the two have anything to do with each other.


It's harassment. Even if there was not swearing involved it would still be horrible and stupid.

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A cousin just posted on fb that she was harassed by some guys as she walked by. They were telling her what she could do for them. She was rightfully appalled.


I think it's disgusting. Do you think, on some level, that these men think women are flattered by this talk? Or are they just sickos?


I recently quit listening to my usual country stations because I felt like so many of the lyrics objectify women or talk of 1 night stands. I can't have my kids listening to that. But I wonder, are there really women who are flattered by talk like that? Because I find it disgusting that a man would dismiss who I am as a person and obsess only over my @$$.

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OK, I am a complete sports and popular media moron, so help me out.  Idiots start screaming obscenities and everyone else nearby just pretends this is normal behavior?  


I'm guessing people don't want to get involved with otherwise asocial, rowdy men. I would assume alcohol and/or drugs involved, in which case, a rational, civil discourse may be immediately replaced with a punch in the face. I wouldn't want to take any chances, is what I'm saying. 


Do you think, on some level, that these men think women are flattered by this talk? Or are they just sickos?


People seek pleasure and avoid pain. Behaviors like this are complex, but I imagine the pleasure gained comes from a series of cause and effect scenarios that span a life time. 

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A cousin just posted on fb that she was harassed by some guys as she walked by. They were telling her what she could do for them. She was rightfully appalled.


I think it's disgusting. Do you think, on some level, that these men think women are flattered by this talk? Or are they just sickos?


I recently quit listening to my usual country stations because I felt like so many of the lyrics objectify women or talk of 1 night stands. I can't have my kids listening to that. But I wonder, are there really women who are flattered by talk like that? Because I find it disgusting that a man would dismiss who I am as a person and obsess only over my @$$.

I don't think they think the women are flattered. I think they don't think enough about their feelings and opinions to care. Again, larger problems at play here.

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OK, I am a complete sports and popular media moron, so help me out.  Idiots start screaming obscenities and everyone else nearby just pretends this is normal behavior?  


Our CFL team -  BC Lions  - have taken up a cause called Be More Than a Bystander, encouraging people to speak up & shut down this kind of bhvr.



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I don't think they think the women are flattered. I think they don't think enough about their feelings and opinions to care. Again, larger problems at play here.



Agreed.  This behavior objectifies women -- there is no thought about their feelings or opinions involved.

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A cousin just posted on fb that she was harassed by some guys as she walked by. They were telling her what she could do for them. She was rightfully appalled.


I think it's disgusting. Do you think, on some level, that these men think women are flattered by this talk? Or are they just sickos?


I recently quit listening to my usual country stations because I felt like so many of the lyrics objectify women or talk of 1 night stands. I can't have my kids listening to that. But I wonder, are there really women who are flattered by talk like that? Because I find it disgusting that a man would dismiss who I am as a person and obsess only over my @$$.


I don't think they do expect them to be flattered. I think they expect them to be shocked.


This seems like the same sort of behavioral expectations as flashing people their bits. Oh, but flashing one's bits can get one arrested so they just yell nasty things instead.

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I agree that it is getting worse. :(

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks this. I'm certainly not glad that it's true! Just glad to know I'm not crazy for thinking it. I often hear people brushing it off by saying, "oh, we're just more aware of it now, it gets more attention", etc. I'm pretty sure that the reason I wasn't aware of men doing things like this when I was a kid is because they weren't doing it!


Another example: violent crimes against women are on the rise where I live. Some people want to dismiss that as simply being reported more, not actually happening more. I don't buy it.

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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.


This is not about swearing.


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I don't think they do expect them to be flattered. I think they expect them to be shocked.

Absolutely. This is a form of sexual agression, and the harassers want the woman to be shocked, embarrassed, and scared when they do it. This is the reaction that they are hoping for, not that she'll be flattered, though they may use that as an excuse for their inexcusable behavior. When women stand up for themselves, when the harassers don't get the reaction they were looking for, they will escalate things to try to put her in her place. In this video, one said she was "lucky" that she wasn't being physically harassed. I've seen similar things in videos of street harassment. When a woman doesn't respond with the fear and timidity they are hoping for, when she doesn't bow before the awesomeness of their masculinity, they take it up a notch and get more aggressive. It's disgusting.

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I'm guessing people don't want to get involved with otherwise asocial, rowdy men. I would assume alcohol and/or drugs involved, in which case, a rational, civil discourse may be immediately replaced with a punch in the face. I wouldn't want to take any chances, is what I'm saying. 


There are times when I wish that a well-muscled person (or an assertive grandmother) would tell idiots to put a sock in it.  In fact, I hope that the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives or girlfriends of the guys in the article give them "a skillet upside the head" (says the non-violent Jane).

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I agree that it reveals a deep and ingrained disrespect for women.  No decent man could say those things out of his mouth, even if he pretended it was just a joke - I don't buy it.


Someone I worked with once told me about being out with a "friend" of his (and these were late 20's men in a professional field).  They were outside of a bar and and the friend was hitting drunkenly obnoxiously on a woman, she was trying to ignore him and walk away.  As she was walking away he yelled at her, "fine I'll just f*** you up the a88 then..."  I just stared at this person telling the story, like he thought it was funny?  What is wrong with the world?  


A Bible verse applies here... "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks..."

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I think it goes back to the fact that women sports reporters just broke into the industry not that long ago.  It was not an easy transition.  Some stupid neanderthal men seemed to think men's sports were supposed to be beyond the understanding of a woman.  (Sorry to offend the actual neanderthals.)

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What I wonder is if there is an intersection with the people who find this vulgar and all the posters saying that don't have much, if any, problem with swearing in recent threads.

I think the idea that the guys think it is funny and not a big deal might be partly because swearing, and public swearing, is much more accepted by people than it used to be.

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