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What's your favorite curriculum so far this year?? Least favorite?

Stacey in MA

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Here's mine:




As always, I am thoroughly enjoying doing SOTW (vol. 2 and vol 4, presently). I love it all - the chapters, the review questions, the projects, all the litature and other book reccommenadations, etc. It's such a great program.


I am enjoying learning Latin (Latina Christiana I) w/ my DS9. Latina Christiana was a little annoying at first, but now I love the format. I'm very glad we have the DVD's and CD's that go with it though. Not sure I would like this program without them, yet I LOVE it with them.


DD6 is enjoying MCP's Comprehension Plus, though I'm finding it just so-so. Very workbook-ish.





So far, I am intimidated and confused by SWR (for DS9 and DD6). I haven't really introduced it to the kids, other than to give the spelling test. There seems to be so much to set up and organize first that I haven't got it together yet. Soon, hopefully it will come together. We have used portions of the Writing Road to Reading and really "bought into" those concepts (phonograms and such), so I have hope (SWR was based on WRW)!


I have never really liked Saxon Math (DD6 is doing Saxon 2), but my DD does better w/ this program than with the others we've tried, and she seems to like math because of it, and so I stick it out. Although sometimes I like scripting, I find Saxon's too tedious and simplistic.




OK, so what are your likes and dislikes so far this year?


- Stacey in MA

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BY the way,

THese are MY Loves and dislikes: (my dc would say they dont like any of it, especially if it involves writing)LOL!




writing Tales

HOD's BEyond

TT cd's


CLE math






I HATE doing RS math.....Just because I am not fond of "teacher/intensive directed teaching" But, I swear by it, and will use nothing else for the first 3 years of math instruction! It gives an amazing foundation.


I am not fond of Megawords, but dd likes it and it seems to be working. I just think its boring.

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My son loves HWOT and hates Right Start Math.


He actually cries when I say math time and then tells me he hates math. I'll tell you, I never saw this coming! I thought he would love it. :confused:


OPGtTR is going slow, he can't seem to stop saying sounds like puh and tuh for p /t so if he reads the word "put" it is always puh uh tuh.


Haven't started ETC yet because phonics is giving him trouble.

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I am loving Rod & Staff Grammar. My boys are loving diagramming :001_huh:.


Handwriting without Tears is doing amazing things for ds7's handwriting.


I also just received Greek Alphabet Code Cracker and that looks like a lot of fun.


I don't know that I have any dislikes yet. I'm sick of Phonics Pathways, and I'm sick of teaching boys to read (really, why do they have to wiggle so?), but it must be done. And it's not that I dislike Phonics Pathways, it's just that I've been using it for the last 5 years almost constantly.

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We have three new programs this year that I am pleasantly surprised are working so well. I purchased all three as supplements and didn't expect any of them to be working as well as they are. All three have become primary programs, bumping other programs to supplementary status. :)


Sequential Spelling

Lingua Latina

Writing with Ease

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I'm enjoying BSG4AA (the kids love it!) and SOTW2. Saxon is fine--we're where I want us to be (other than the occasional meltdown). I'm a huge fan of Discover 4 Yourself for inductive Bible study, spelling has been somewhat of an afterthought and Writing Strands isn't doing much for me (but I'm not willing to give up on it yet).

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We really like everything we are using right now. Probably because anytime we don't like something, we dump it. :D


I think my favorites (besides history just because it is our favorite subject regardless), are Spelling Plus Dictation for my youngest, and Life of Fred Math and Jensen's Vocabulary for my oldest. I love the way Jensen's is spiral, and that she has to keep working with the roots over an over in context.

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My son loves HWOT and hates Right Start Math.


He actually cries when I say math time and then tells me he hates math. I'll tell you, I never saw this coming! I thought he would love it. :confused:


OPGtTR is going slow, he can't seem to stop saying sounds like puh and tuh for p /t so if he reads the word "put" it is always puh uh tuh.


Haven't started ETC yet because phonics is giving him trouble.


My kids detest math manipulatives if it is something they understand. If it is a concept that is giving them trouble, they are inquisitive and will use the manipulatives until they understand and then they don't want to see them again. (I don't really know anything about Right Start other than it uses manipulatives. ;) )


For reading, again, I know nothing about OPGtTR. But one way to help kids get beyond sounding out every sound is to teach "ladders." Go through and teach ba, be, bi, bo, bu, etc. After they master saying them as a single sound, add final sounds.....bag, beg, big, bog, bug. Practicing this way really helps the learning to read as a word vs. sounding out each letter. Then when you get to more complicated phonograms, the connections to reading a word like "through" becomes "thr" and "ough."


Anyway, thought I would share b/c maybe you simply need to do some tweaking of the programs you have vs using them exactly as written (but since I don't know them exactly....maybe or maybe not possible??)

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The big hits so far this year...


8th grader:

Traditional Logic

Wheelock's ("Finally! I get to actually translate stuff!" lol)

Teaching Company's "Masterpiece's of the Imaginative Mind: Literature's Most Fantastic Works" course


5th grader:

Suzanne Strauss Art's Story of Ancient Egypt


2nd grader:

Child's History of the World

D'aulaire's Book of Norse Myths

Song School Latin


We haven't really had any outright flops, but my 5th grader is generally unhappy with everything else I have for her. So we'll see...

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So far we don't have any dislikes. Bella says her favorites (in this order) are:




Poetry for Young People - Robert Louis Stevenson

BJU Reading


CLE Math



Oh and our morning story from the Jesus Storybook Bible. Really, she loves it all. We haven't added Latin yet, but she has asked when we're going to start working that in. I realize we've only just completed 4 weeks of work, but so far this journey has gone far better than I even imagined. We are enjoying our time together and she is having a great experience. (I am too!)

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I Like:




Classical Writing Aesop. (And I only started liking it this week--we're on week 7.)


Our historical approach to Picture Study. (Art) However, we have just started this and it's quite intensive for me to prepare, so the jury is still out!


I don't like:

FLL: we're on Lesson 167. Only 8 more weeks to go. And then I will throw it against the wall. Permanently.


Lively Latin. Too jumpy with all the History breaks. We forget everything constantly. Re-discovering what to do is frustrating.


SM: Ok, for the older, it's fine. For the younger, it's been tough.


Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. Boring.


SWR--it is so repetitious! Same thing, over and over and over and over and.....



R&S 4.


However, I picked all of this because they were 1) good fits for my children and their learning styles and/or excellent programs.


I just asked the kids--

My daughter said her favourite subjects are: SoTW, Science, Art.


My son, surprisingly, said he loves "Assigned Reading" Math, and SoTW.


Thanks. I wouldn't have thought to ask them!

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We started our new materials in June.


We love:


Serl's PLL

Sonlight PreK


We like:

MFW Adventures, but we'll be going back to SL after this year. MFW is an excellent program though, SL just suits out family better right now.


I guess the verdict is still out in the rest of it, for my younger three. I didn't include highschool son's curriculum here.

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Singapore Math





Spell to Write and Read working through the lists. The phonograms and rules are great but she just can't make it through the lists. We are looking at Spelling Power since I picked up an old copy for free.




Ruth Heller Grammar books because we just started them.:001_smile:

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Everyone seems to love...

Sonlight Core 1 the whole thing. They are having a blast

Addition Songs CD

Hymns for a Childs Heart

Exploring Creation with Astronomy



ETC..I think I'll always use ETC for phonics

Horizons math now that we tweaked it a bit.

Spelling Work Out.. cute, easy, incorporates writing and proof reading.. Works for us.


Not digging...

PLL.. We dont hate it, its doing the job, its just not interesting. But we're not changing this year. It will stay.

A reason for handwriting... WE are changing to Dnellian. Im so confused. I grew up with Dnellian and I just cant teach ball and stick well.

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My 4th grader is loving:



Calvert Grammar and Usage

Science (Calvert stuff)




Composition (Calvert)


He has a love/hate realationship with Spelling Power. He cries when he misses words, but when he takes the review tests, he is astonished and proud of how much he has learned and how well he is doing.


My K'er loves his Calvert curriculum. He is really enjoying the ETC online that I supplement with as well. He does not, however, love doing ETC in the book, but he is starting to get over that. He has little choice.


Me, I have decided that, while I do LIKE Calvert, it is a bit boxed. Some of the stuff, I would totally NOT do and see little need to do so I often omit it. 4th grade Science bores the crap out of me, but my son likes it. The experiments do not have enough detail and the material seems a bit hard for a 9 year old...even a pretty smart one. There is a lot of vocabulary and the tests crack me up. They are way over the top, IMO for this age. Thank God we are not doing ATS.

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We are having a blast so far this year.


Our preschool stuff:


SWR - Wow, I never expected ds to want to do or pick up phonics this quickly. We have a long way to go with the program, but so far I am impressed.


Saxon K - Perfect for us. I am really, really scared to continue using it b/c of some of the negative reviews that are out there, but so far it's perfect.


My First Bible Verses - We are actually memorizing and remembering Bible verses. Great!


My only iffy thing, which could change over the year is the R&S Readiness Books. We're only on the first book, but the first book had too much coloring in it. DS loves the pages where we get to cut and paste. I would have liked a workbook that had more of that. We'll continue going through the books, though, I still like them for Readiness Skills. Someone recommended a website with pages for cutting up and I think I'll print some of those out to satisfy my scissor-happy little guy.


Overall, very satisfied so far!

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We love Ambleside. Those books are hits, especially Burgess Animal Book and Tree in the Trail.


Other hits according to him:

Word Roots cd game

Singapore (as always)



Hits according to me

Wordsmith Apprentice -perfect for my hates to pick up pencil kid. The assignments are so short that he doesn't stress so bad. Plus it helps that the book gives him an assignment instead of "me" lol.


DITHOR -love the flexibility

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History Odyssey...this is ds's favorite subject second to math. My only complaint is that I can't find a lot of the supplemental reading books in our library system.


Right Start math...we love this. I love it. Ds loves it. He wants to do math all the time.


Head Sprout...this has been such a huge help with ds and reading. Love the program.


FLL...I use it and I'll continue to use it. Ds struggles with parts of it but that's the process of learning. Darned if I can't get it in his head to use *complete sentences* when answering the questions.


ETC...this is also working well with improving ds's reading.




We did not like Singapore. So we have dropped it. However, I do like the Early Bird Math for my preschooler.




NOEO Science...we just started so I don't have an opinion yet. The books look great.


WWE...haven't received the workbook yet so don't know how we will like it.

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Our Progymnasmata gleaned from this page. I have Classical Writing: Aesop but just seem to be reffering more and more to that link. I didn't buy the workbooks for CW:A so maybe that's why.


The Elements: Ingredients of the Universe by Ellen McHenry. Fun and awesome.


Not so much:


Nothing really. Maybe the tonka Phonics thingee my mom picked up for my son. He loves the books but I can't make any real use of them in terms of a phonics program.

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High School Hits:


Teaching Co.'s The American Identity lecture series

Economics, Practices and Principles from Glencoe

Didache Church History Text (reads like a novel!)


Jury is out:

Memoria Press's Classical Rhetoric - it's hard! But my 16 year old is gamely working through it.


8th grade Hits:


He's enrolled in Kolbe and he likes everything except can't say we are getting much out of Voyages in English. But he is enjoying and doing well with: Saxon Algebra I, Christ and the Americas, Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary and Composition and the Kolbe Jr. High Lit Short Story course.


Classical Academic Press's Art of Argument (actually the whole family is loving this; my 17 year olds steals it to read on her own.)


4th grade Hits:


Writing Tales I

Memoria Press's Copybook Cursive

Latin for Children

Hey Andrew, Teach me Some Greek


Jury is out on Shiller Math - we just can't seem to get really started with it. I think we just need to be patient.


2nd Grade Hits:


Prima Latina

Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek

Writing Can Help Cursive from Catholic Heritage Curriculum

Catholic speller - just the right pace for my dd

Shiller Math - dd took to it like a duck to water


No real losers for 2nd grade.

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Here, all my dc (except the toddler) really like Time4Learning. The Bible, history, and science programs I pulled together for this year are also really going well - I think we're all enjoying that.


The one dislike has been the Queen's Copywork books. Two of my 3 older ones dislike them; only my 7 yo likes it.





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Hits: LOVE, LOVE, Alphabet Island Phonics (I think I found "the one")

Right Start Math

Sonlight K books


Misses: MFW 1st - nothing wrong with it, I just couldn't get my brain around it


WP Adv K Lang Arts - again, just not for us


Still adding other stuff, not into the full swing yet, hopefully more hits as we go.

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Apologia General Science

BF History (both levels)

LAtins Not So Tough

DITHOR (again)



Winston Advanced

GWG 4 (loved it last year - so far too much review this year)

TT 5 and TT Pre-Algebra

Word Roots


Jury still out:

Jump In Writing

LL 7


Couldnt stand and ditched quick:

BJU Science 7 (thats why the love Apologia General)

CW HOmer B

Vocab from Classical Roots

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These are the things that I am liking:


WWE--it is so easy to implement and we don't have to spend all day on it.


RS math--my oldest is on Level D and I think this is my favorite level. My dd is finally getting math now.


SOTW--we are just about finished Vol. 4. We will be starting the cycle all over again and my oldest will have to use something else. I am sad about this cause SOTW made it all so easy.


Oak Meadow K--I wish I had known about this program for my other two. OM makes K fun


I don't have any dislikes but the jury is still out on CKEP. We are only on Lesson 4 but things need to pick up fast or it just might slide to the dislike category.

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My keepers: SOTW, R&S Grammar, Saxon math (I'm shocked I like it.) Winter Promise (History) Apologia Zoology


I'd like to toss:

Spelling Power (It cost me way too much for me to ditch now)




I cant toss it but I'd love to done with skip counting, and flashcards. UGH

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Latin for Children A - big hit for both of us

Classical Writing Aesop B - my ds is writing!

Singapore Math - oldie but goodie

Lit - we are reading Bulfinch's Mythology and it was created some great discussion.

Alfred's Music Theory - We are doing book 1 this year and ds is learning the keyboard at the same time.



God's design for chemistry - it's okay but not meaty enough for my science guy. There are experiments with every lesson which keeps me hopping for supplies.

Trail Guide to World Geography - we didn't buy all the recommended books and the questions are a sometimes a challenge to answer. We are tweaking as we go. I also have the Evan-Moor individual continent books, I think they will fare better for us. Geography is my favorite subject, so I may be subject to tweak any resource.

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Teaching Company's Middle Ages lectures.I love them.We have lots of good discussions and even my 7 year old picks up a little bit here and there.

Writing With Ease and FLL.So easy to use.

First Start French.Fun for all of us.

Books.Always books.



What I don't like:Rod and Staff.I know it's supposed to be good but it's so very dull.It is tolerable (just) for math.We are forcing ourselves to go through the grammar because I hate the thought of wasting the money I spent on it.I just dread that part of our day.


I'm finding that there are things I used in the past that I didn't use in the past year or 2 that I am missing.Some of them really worked for us and I'm thinking strongly that we need to go back to some of them.

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We are doing Christian Cottage Vol. 2 - For God So Loved The World - a geographical/cultural study of the eastern hemisphere, along with A Child's Geography of the World: Explore the Holy Land by Ann Voskamp. Enjoying both a lot so far.


Not liking:


I will never enjoy teaching math. Also trying to teach my K'er to read is very slow going.

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Well, they're not really part of any curriculum, but we've all LOVED our first two read-alouds for this year. We did The Witch of Blackbird Pond and now we're working our way through Johnny Tremain. Both fabulous reads and a great way to jump into our American history studies this year.


It's a little soon to say, but I think we're also going to really enjoy Hakim's "History of US" series for history, and PH Science Explorer for science.


No dislikes, really - virtually all of our other materials are just the next level of things I've used before. The one exception is BJU math, which we recently switched to after many years of RightStart. I don't dislike BJU, but I don't love it like I did those early years of RS. I miss my RS teacher's manual, for one thing; the BJU manual seems much harder to follow and more confusing (but that might just be because I'm a math dunce).



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Calvert 6 - this is mostly a hit. She likes doing it for the most part, she likes the checklist in the manual, she is vey interested in the science and geopgraphy.


Lightning Lit Early American Literature


The Roadmap to The Last great Hope American History


Honors Psychology at CC




K12 Spanish 2 - we dropped this within the week. Dd was very frustrated with how to figure out how to use the program. It was unclear. We switched to BJU Spanish 2 on DVD and while she had a question about the students calling in, e liked that she received the Spanish 1 vocabulary list so she could see what she was supposed to know.

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Here are our winners:



Learning Language Arts Through Literature (14yo, 8yo)

Natural Speller (14yo, 8yo)

Pathway Readers and Workbooks (6yo)



Teaching Textbooks (8yo)

Christian Light Education (14yo)

Life of Fred (17yo)

Lial's College Algebra (17yo)

Abeka (6yo)



Trail Guide to US Geography (14yo, 8yo)

Sonlight (6yo, 8yo, 14yo)



Sonlight (8yo, 14yo)

BJU (6yo)



How Great Thou Art (8yo)

Visual Manna (17yo, 14yo)

Abeka (6yo)


Here's our "we dumped it" list:


Rod & Staff English

Story of the World

Apologia Science


May I add that another winner is having my 17yo take classes at the community college? :D :lol:

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For the 7th grader:


I am loving Conceptual Physical Science - Explorations (by the same guy that did Conceptual Physics). I am also very happy with LLLOTR, Daily Grams, and Spielvogel's Human Odyssey. Oh, and Latin Prep is great too!


For the 1st grader:


I love SOTW 1 with the activity guide! And K12 science is great!. And Growing With Grammar rocks! He loves Saxon Math 3, though it makes me a bit nuts.


So far I don't have anything that I really dislike.

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I love how TOG seems to bring everything together - history, church history, lit, geography, vocabulary, art, and music. We have also really enjoyed all the projects and crafts.


My son told me this week that history is his favorite subject this year, which was quite a surprise to me since my boys are all about science.


I edited this to add that both of my boys love the SOTW CDs. I use them to supplement our TOG study (they listen to them while coloring a picture relating to the topic of the week). My Pre-K/K son also loves his Queen Language Lesson book.


Both boys are really into having poetry reading and picture study during "tea time."



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So far, I really like...


Winston Grammar

Megawords 2

IEW (love it!)


Disappointing so far...


Discovering the World of Geography workbook - I can't seem to find an atlas that has all the info ds needs to complete the assignments, so we end up googling for maps and wasting time. If we continue to have this problem, we'll probably need to find something else.



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This has just been a fun year so far!!



Ambleside Online readalouds-my ds LOVES these, even the ones I think "should" be over his head.


Rightstart Math B - Last week when I said 'time for math', he zoomed around the room like an airplane saying "I LOOOOOOVE math, Mommy!" Nuf said. ;)


AAS 1-not too far into this, but I like that it's the Orton-Gillian (spelling?) approach and very easy to use. So far, so good.


Not working:

"I can do all things" art program-nothing wrong with the program, however I realized that my ds "can NOT do all things"! LOL! The program starts with drawing right off the bat, and he struggles with making legible letters, so his drawing skills leave alot to be desired. I'm saving this for mid to late elementary.

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