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If you were my driver's license, where would you be hiding?


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It has been missing for about 5 days???????  I noticed it 5 days ago anyway.


I am sure I took it out for some reason and just stuffed it somewhere, but I have looked for a long time now and I leave for a cruise Friday and NEED it to board the ship.


I have looked through my purse, 2 other bags, the car, my teaching cart, pockets, and my bedroom.


This is going be take up all my time between now and Friday I am afraid.



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Sometimes I put mine in my visor of my car, if I've had to use it while driving (bank, getting into a gated community, etc.)  Could it be there?


Don't forget to take out all receipts, and unfold them.  Money, credit cards, and driver's licenses all seem to like to hide within a folded receipt. :)

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Check all jean pockets. I have one pair with pockets that go really deep in towards the zipper if that makes sense. Always get my debit card stuck in there.

In between car seats maybe? Under car seats?

Call the last place you recall using it?

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Do you have a front load dryer?


I found mine six months later in my dryer. Pull the lint catcher up and then look down in the crevice. (After seeing it in there along with all of the lint collected, I now clean that crevice out every couple of months.)

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"Safe" places I sometimes put mine: between my phone and it's skin; inside a book I have with me; in a blouse pocket. Between the mail I grabbed on the way in the door. Way under or in the chair I hung my jeans on overnight. In the laundry hamper.

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Mine would be hiding in the Rx bag I picked up through the drive-thru pharmacy window. Or in hubby's wallet because he needed it to pick up an Rx for me. Or folded into the cash-back and receipt from the grocery store. Or in the passenger seat/passenger seat area of the van because I neglected to put it away after errands. Or in the seldom-used checkbook because it wouldn't occur to me to check there:)

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It is somewhere you wouldn't think to look.  Like between the fridge/cabinet wall.  Somewhere obscure.  



In college I got my license renewed, but lost it that same day.  I couldn't figure out where it was!  I ended up having to get another license(even went to another location so they didn't think me flighty lol).  Several months later my college books/notebooks fell off the table.  Dang if that license hadn't fallen into the pocket of one of my notebooks.  It was in a middle pocket.  I never would have felt it/found it without those books falling over.  


I am currently looking to find my knife.  I took it out of my purse to pack for camping.  When we didn't go camping we put up everything.  But the knife isn't anywhere to be found!!!!  Drives me crazy...I look every week for an hour...no luck yet.  



It may be easier to just go get a new license and not worry about finding it this week. 

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Never mind then! lol Yeah!  Any sweater, vest, or jacket pocket you might have worn briefly to run an errand. Cup holder in the car. Under the front seat or passenger seat in the car. When was the last time you got carded buying wine at the market or restaurant. What were you wearing? 

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I would be in your wallet when I belong.............The better question would be, "Where is your wallet hiding?"    :confused1:


No, I had to take it out and couldn't carry my wallet on my run.  That is what happened.  I had to have my ID to sign in to the race.

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In your shoe.


After a morning swim at the local rec center, I got dressed and went home.  Went to do something and noticed my driver's liscne was gone. Looked everywhere - finally had to get a replacement card from DMV.


That evening getting ready for bed I found it when I took my shoes off.  I had been walking on it all day!

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