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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection? If I didn't know the difference, I'd think it was she who is running for President, based solely on the frequency with which she's been mentioned. Is it her femaleness? Her motherhood? Is it because she's a relative unknown?


I just did a quick search for posts with Palin's name in the title and came up with a full page of hits -- 16 total. Biden? -- 1



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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection?


Perhaps because she caught everyone off-guard? No one was looking her direction and suddenly she's all over the radar. Maybe?


Perhaps, also, because more of those people prone to talk politics on this board have an affinity for her?

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I don't get it, personally. I don't agree with her politically and have next to no common ground with her in terms of "personal" issues, either. I don't even think she's that attractive. To me, she looks as artificial as the beauty queen she once was.


But it's not just here. I noticed an article on Yahoo News this morning about the media's love affair with her.


I'm really hoping the fad passes quickly.

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I would guess that there are far more threads on Obama than there are on McCain, too. Obama and Palin are the "not the run of the mill" candidates and will generate more conversation. McCain and Biden are relatively cut and dry, nothing out of the ordinary candidates. Add to that the fact that Palin seems to live a life not unlike the rest of citizens of this country, and that makes her even more unusual in this arena.

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I don't get it, personally. I don't agree with her politically and have next to no common ground with her in terms of "personal" issues, either. I don't even think she's that attractive. To me, she looks as artificial as the beauty queen she once was.


But it's not just here. I noticed an article on Yahoo News this morning about the media's love affair with her.


I'm really hoping the fad passes quickly.


:iagree: From what I've seen online & IRL, they're spending more time on her now than Obama, quite a switch from just 2 weeks ago.

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I think it is because many of us would like to see the ticket flipped.:) She is more charismatic than McCain or Biden, just like Obama. Just like Obama, she will inspire stronger feelings in people, whether positive or negative. And just like Obama, many people who don't like her will say, "I've got to hand it to her. She knows how to make a speech and work the crowd." The race just got a lot more interesting. I though Obama was going to walk away with it, but now I think there is a fight to be had.

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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection? If I didn't know the difference, I'd think it was she who is running for President, based solely on the frequency with which she's been mentioned. Is it her femaleness? Her motherhood? Is it because she's a relative unknown?


I just did a quick search for posts with Palin's name in the title and came up with a full page of hits -- 16 total. Biden? -- 1




Because she is pretty. I honestly feel if she was not as "attractive" she would not be getting the tabloid/star treatment. But then again, we like pretty politicians. McCain is an anomaly.

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Most of us on this site are women, and I think most of us can relate to her easier than we could to a male candidate or to Hillary, who, IMO, seems very unapproachable.


Sarah Palin lives a life like most of the women in this country. Hilary was part of the political machine for a long time before she ran, there by appearing more like "one of the guys." The Palin household is one many in this country can relate to, thus making her a very unusual candidate.

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Personally, I think the liberals don't like her, but the conservatives do--except where personal gender biases interfere. Like jealousy from women who don't think she's earned it or men who don't think she belongs there. And then there is the mom factor where some women and men applaud her for attempting to do or have it all. And others, men and women, think she's too selfish and is compromising her family by trying to work and be a mom.


Palin's very presence evokes a gut reaction from people regarding personal opinions such as family and gender. And that's before she opens her mouth.


Finally, she's being critiqued for her executive role in Alaska rather than the actions of the people in her family.


I like Palin, but it's not because of her that I'm voting for McCain, and I don't think that she's going to really sway that many people. But her conservative stance will make McCain supporters feel good about voting for him, rather than doing it reluctantly.


And the media is a just a mess, I find the way they've covered her to be childish and immature, except for George Stepha????


And I also think that Obama's people are probably pretty worried about her being there. She really challenges Obama's superstar appeal with men and women. McCain couldn't do that, but she sure can. Because of her, McCain may actually win this election.

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I think it's because she was unexpected, and because she's a younger, unknown woman. I also go to a general message board that tends to lean left, and it's full of Palin threads too, only they all hate her. The news is full of Palin stories. Political columnists are all talking about her. Let's face it, we're a Palin-obsessed nation right now. :willy_nilly:

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I am a conservatives and I had no intention of voting for McCain, however I am now and solely because of Sarah Palin. She has a similar charisma that Obama has. I like the fact that she is an outsider and I like her politics BUT most of all I like the fact that she walks the walk when it comes to pro-life issues. I know a lot of folks who were not voting for McCain or only grudgingly who are now voting for McCain because of her.


McCain picking her is something I have been hoping for since march and I know quite a few people who were hoping the same. So much for all the savy reporters knowing which way the wind was blowing :rolleyes: One things Noonan got right in her column yesterday was about the media being bubbleheads and not really knowing what is going on outside their bubbles. There has been quite a few folks in the pro-life and conservative movements who have been quietly rooting for her as VP for several months. The amount of funding that she has brought in for the McCain campaign since her announcement is due to that, $4,000,000 on day one and climbing. She is not as unknown as some seem to think she is.

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Honestly, as a Conservative, card-carrying Republican, I was inspired and energized by Governor Palin's speech. The Republican Party has needed a jolt like this from someone, and it turns out to be a woman who appears to be a natural at public speaking. To me, this was the first woman in a very long time (in political power) that appears to have confidence and authority. I would almost compare her to Margaret Thatcher (in speech delivery and confidence), a heroine of mine.


I think the whole GOP is in shock. They have been hoping for a sensation like this to hit, yet it just wasn't happening for so many years. It almost seems like a dream.


That's just my opinion.


You are right, it has caused a stir here, too. This is likely that there are many Conservative Republicans that partake here.


This election process just got a lot more exciting for many Repubs. We are up against Obama, a talented and gifted speaker/orator as well as Biden, an experienced U.S. Senator. I was so disappointed at McCain's VP pick initially, but after hearing her speak, I have been encouraged that this will be more of a race to the finish for both sides.





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. But then again, we like pretty politicians. McCain is an anomaly.


I'm assuming you don't consider McCain "pretty", but I wonder if you've ever seen a photo of him from his Navy days? Not bad, IMO, but like they say, "Time marches on...all over your face!"


Anyway, I think there are plenty of politicians who would not be considered the belle/beau of the ball! Sarah Palin is getting attention because she's a new face unless you live in Alaska. She hasn't been in the spotlight long enough to be considered old news.

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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection? If I didn't know the difference, I'd think it was she who is running for President, based solely on the frequency with which she's been mentioned. Is it her femaleness? Her motherhood? Is it because she's a relative unknown?


I just did a quick search for posts with Palin's name in the title and came up with a full page of hits -- 16 total. Biden? -- 1




For me, it's because she's a woman, and a woman I can relate to, in some way. It's because she's a mom, and young, and unknown, and interesting.

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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection? If I didn't know the difference, I'd think it was she who is running for President, based solely on the frequency with which she's been mentioned. Is it her femaleness? Her motherhood? Is it because she's a relative unknown?


I just did a quick search for posts with Palin's name in the title and came up with a full page of hits -- 16 total. Biden? -- 1




I think she is amazing! :001_smile: A strong, confident woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and run with the big dogs, so to speak.


She is not going away anytime soon and I don't think that she is a star that will burn out. She has something to say and people want to hear what she has to say. Look how many of us want her for president already! That says something.


Did you notice the "Palin Power" signs last night? They were homemade signs, not your standard issue "Vote for Palin" signs. For people to go through the trouble of making a sign, schlepping it out with them and waving it? That to me says the Republican base is excited. I know that I am.


She's got myMSN-Emoticon-vote-208.gif

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Oh, you're serious! lol I thought you were being tongue-in-cheek or just flat out joking. It's being referred to as a mania already?


Well, I think her speeches have been good enough to warrant some attention. It was just yesterday after all, so there will be buzz today and for the next few days. :)


But more than that, I feel like Obama (or his campaign, advisors, ads) is doing himself a disservice by comparing *himself* and his supposed experience to the VP running mate of his actual opponent. He set that a bit straight today in a short news conference thing, but the attention of comparing one party's VP experience to that of the PRES. candidate of the opposing party is extremely interesting.


And come on, I like John McCain but his pick of her was FOR attention in some part! People are getting sucked into the strategy of the pick and, since she happens to be an intelligent and well-spoken woman, she's of course taking advantage of it for her party. Hence, the talk.


I'd count the posts about Obama here vs. those on Palin but don't have the time for a comparison and think it's a moot point anyhow.

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:iagree: It makes watching anything terribly unpleasant.


I know, me too.


But have you seen this? She is not the one running for president, but clearly the media sees her as Obama's competition, not McCain. I take the very fact that the news media is hell-bent of destroying her as a sign that she is a threat and her presense will likely propel the McCain/Palin victory.

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I think it's because she is soooooo right-wing conservative. It was hard for conservatives to get behind McCain and Democrats were too bored with him to get too excited. She evokes very strong dislike from Democrats and she appeals considerably to the conservative Republican base. I don't think it's possible to remain neutral about her. Did I give away which reaction she evokes from me?? ;)

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Because she is pretty. I honestly feel if she was not as "attractive" she would not be getting the tabloid/star treatment. But then again, we like pretty politicians. McCain is an anomaly.


She really does well in front of the camera though as well. Cindy McCain is pretty as well but it is like watching a cardboard cut-out in my opinion. Palin is poised and people talk about her hair, cute family and personality far more than her voting record or views on issues.

She is like the ultra-cool new girl that just enrolled mid-year.

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Most of us on this site are women, and I think most of us can relate to her easier than we could to a male candidate or to Hillary, who, IMO, seems very unapproachable.


Yes, "unapproachable" would be the nice way of putting how I feel about Mrs. Clinton. I don't know why exactly, but I've always disliked her very strongly even when I've only been mildly against her political ideas.


Biden is boring. McCain is slightly more interesting, and I think his veteran status and personal story are responsible for most of that. Obama is interesting and charasmatic and I've enjoyed watching/listening to him.


The choice of Palin for McCain's running mate insures that this election will make history no matter who wins. She's also a much more likeable character than Hillary from what I've seen. Again, I'm not sure why I feel that way. Hillary just completely rubs me the wrong way and I think I'd have a hard time voting for her if I agreed more with her on politics. Sarah Palin adds a lot excitement to the campaign for many reasons, and I think that goes for people who like her as well as those who don't.

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I ask without agenda: Why do you think we've have so many posts about Sarah Palin since her selection? If I didn't know the difference, I'd think it was she who is running for President, based solely on the frequency with which she's been mentioned. Is it her femaleness? Her motherhood? Is it because she's a relative unknown?


I just did a quick search for posts with Palin's name in the title and came up with a full page of hits -- 16 total. Biden? -- 1



The answer is because, unlike Biden, she was virtually unknown by the nation until her nomination. People want to find out about her. That's not only human nature but very important in the election process.

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The choice of Palin for McCain's running mate insures that this election will make history no matter who wins. She's also a much more likeable character than Hillary from what I've seen.

I totally disagree. Hillary Clinton is not only likeable, but she is also brilliant. I think that is important for president or VP, and, sadly, Palin appears to be neither intelligent nor professional.


When just a month a half ago, I saw Palin speaking and admitting that she doesn't even know what the VP does, that concerned me greatly. I was also concerned when I heard the radio clip of her laughing as her colleague (a cancer survivor) was called both a "cancer" and a "*****."

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I totally disagree. Hillary Clinton is not only likeable, but she is also brilliant. I think that is important for president or VP . . .


Well, I'll admit I've never found Hillary Clinton particularly "likeable," but I do agree she is brilliant. And, personally, for such an important job, I'll take a smart person over a "nice" one any day.

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Well, I'll admit I've never found Hillary Clinton particularly "likeable," but I do agree she is brilliant. And, personally, for such an important job, I'll take a smart person over a "nice" one any day.


I can't stand Hillary, but not because of her frosty personality. However, that's the problem... most people want to like the person. I remember when Bill Clinton was running. Women reported voting for him because he was handsome or they liked how charming he was. What? That's why so many women voted for him?


I listened to interviews on NPR today, more of the same. Nothing about policy or what the person's record was/is... just more of the same. I like candidate a or b because they seem nice or friendly. :001_huh:

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I found out today that a good friend of mine has a sister who lives in Wasilla! So my friend got the scoop on the Palin family from her sister and she said that she is just as real and down to earth as she comes across.


I think that is the biggest draw for me. She gets us. She won't forget how many houses she owns. She gets everyday people and I just think Mr. McCain is out of touch with the plight of the average family.


If the ticket were reversed my indecision would be over.

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I totally disagree. Hillary Clinton is not only likeable, but she is also brilliant. I think that is important for president or VP, and, sadly, Palin appears to be neither intelligent nor professional.


When just a month a half ago, I saw Palin speaking and admitting that she doesn't even know what the VP does, that concerned me greatly. I was also concerned when I heard the radio clip of her laughing as her colleague (a cancer survivor) was called both a "cancer" and a "*****."



Alright, let's get this straight.....I saw the clip with her asking, "what does a vp do?" She wasn't like a lost little girl...please help me, I don't know what I'm being asked to do. It was kind of a tongue-in-cheek answer. What does the VP do? Besides wait around in case the Pres dies? Doesn't that answer vary widely?


From wikipedia:

As designated by the Constitution of the United States, the vice president also serves as the President of the Senate, and may break tie votes in that chamber.[2] He or she may be assigned additional duties by the president but, as the Constitution assigns no executive powers to the vice president, in performing such duties he or she acts only as an agent of the president.


So, her job would be defined *mostly* by what McCain wants her to do, right?


As far as her intelligence goes, how do you know? She seems to present a pretty smart image. She has managed to become the VP nominee. Doesn't sound like too much of a slouch to me. Is it because she didn't go to a super prestigious university? Well, I'm even more impressed that she's where she's at now, in that case!


As far as being professional, I'm *SICK* of professional politicians. I'm *SICK* of business as usual in Washington. I am so excited about Palin because she is not those things.

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I found out today that a good friend of mine has a sister who lives in Wasilla! So my friend got the scoop on the Palin family from her sister and she said that she is just as real and down to earth as she comes across.


I think that is the biggest draw for me. She gets us. She won't forget how many houses she owns. She gets everyday people and I just think Mr. McCain is out of touch with the plight of the average family.





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I totally disagree. Hillary Clinton is not only likeable, but she is also brilliant. I think that is important for president or VP, and, sadly, Palin appears to be neither intelligent nor professional.


When just a month a half ago, I saw Palin speaking and admitting that she doesn't even know what the VP does, that concerned me greatly. I was also concerned when I heard the radio clip of her laughing as her colleague (a cancer survivor) was called both a "cancer" and a "*****."



I totally agree!!!! :iagree:

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Because she is pretty. I honestly feel if she was not as "attractive" she would not be getting the tabloid/star treatment. But then again, we like pretty politicians. McCain is an anomaly.


That is not accurate at all. It's because she's a real person with character and an incredible record to boot. Most people that talk about her attractiveness do it because they are scared that Palin could threaten the Dems. chance of winning.

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As far as being professional, I'm *SICK* of professional politicians. I'm *SICK* of business as usual in Washington. I am so excited about Palin because she is not those things.

Wow, are you serious?! You prefer a candidate who publicly laughs as her colleague, a cancer survivor, is called a "cancer" and a "b****"?

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That is not accurate at all. It's because she's a real person with character and an incredible record to boot. Most people that talk about her attractiveness do it because they are scared that Palin could threaten the Dems. chance of winning.


Really? Even the ones who were talking about trying out her hairstyle?


Truthfully, as one who is on the other side of the aisle, I can say that the selection of Palin may be about as energizing to the Democrats as it is to the Replublicans. Even those of us who were lukewarm about the Obama/Biden ticket are having such a negative reaction against Ms. Palin that we're throwing ourselves into campaigning more enthusiastically. I was with some folks on Sunday who were passing out Obama/Biden bumper stickers and having trouble keeping up with the demand.


And, for me, it has nothing to do with feeling threatened and everything to do with Ms. Palin and her positions. While I would never have voted for McCain, I wasn't worried that the country would be in imminent danger with him as president. I believe he is a thoughtful, intelligent, honorable man with whom I simply disagree about many issues. Ms. Palin, though, appalls me, and her political positions are about as far opposite from my own views as it is possible to be.


While I would have halfheartedly voted for Obama/Biden, I now feel it my duty to emphatically vote against McCain/Palin.

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Really? Even the ones who were talking about trying out her hairstyle?


Truthfully, as one who is on the other side of the aisle, I can say that the selection of Palin may be about as energizing to the Democrats as it is to the Replublicans. Even those of us who were lukewarm about the Obama/Biden ticket are having such a negative reaction against Ms. Palin that we're throwing ourselves into campaigning more enthusiastically. I was with some folks on Sunday who were passing out Obama/Biden bumper stickers and having trouble keeping up with the demand.


And, for me, it has nothing to do with feeling threatened and everything to do with Ms. Palin and her positions. While I would never have voted for McCain, I wasn't worried that the country would be in imminent danger with him as president. I believe he is a thoughtful, intelligent, honorable man with whom I simply disagree about many issues. Ms. Palin, though, appalls me, and her political positions are about as far opposite from my own views as it is possible to be.


While I would have halfheartedly voted for Obama/Biden, I now feel it my duty to emphatically vote against McCain/Palin.


I agree that both sides are having a love fest. That's why everyone is so overly sensitive.


I was offended when yahoo did an article on the way Palin eats and exercises. Palin has good hair and is attractive but that is not the sum of who she is. People who like her hair aren't saying that is why they are voting for her.


The more negatives I read and hear about Palin the more sure I am that I'll probably vote McCain/Palin. So much of the rumors and accusations ring false and hollow.


We actually see things similarly but from a different view. I can in no way vote for Obama. I cannot because I believe my very constitutional rights are in danger and that makes him very dangerous to me.

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