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worst mother of the year right here


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Worst mother of the year here. SO I drove to town to pick up my teens. Daughter was at her ham radio course, son was at theatre rehearsal, both ended at 930. SO I wait for daughter first, didn't look like her class was ending on time so I zoom over to rehearsal and pick up my son. And then it happened, I was so busy listening to son talk about his evening that my brain went into automatic and I left town to go home. As I got back on the highway I remembered I had not yet picked up my daughter. So then I am hyperventilating "oh my g-d, oh my g-d" my son is cracking up hysterically & teasing me.


Fortunately there is a back country dirt road into town so I went down the highway to there and turned back into town. Only 20 minutes late picking her up. One of the guys from our little village apparently had teased her saying I had forgotten her and she told him "nah, mom never forgets us she is just getting my brother first" well she got it 1/2 right. She thinks it is hilarious. I still feel horrible. I have never forgotten to pick up my kids before, we have lived here coming up on 5 years and my brain does go on autopilot for that drive home but this was a first and I am going to assume a last.

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That is so far away from being the worst mother of the year that they are not even in the same universe. :) I can't tell you how many times I was forgotten and left behind as a child, and I still think my parents were pretty awesome. It's just one of those things that happens sometimes.

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When I was about 9, I waited more than 2 hours for my mom to come get me. This was before cell phones and the closest phone was about 500 yards back from the parking lot. I was afraid if I went in to call, she would come and I would miss her. I ended up calling and of course she wasn't home, so my dad left his office to come get me. The only lasting effect from that is I am absolutely a nut about being on time for things. But I never thought any less of my mom - she has always been wonderful, and I'm sure your kids feel that you are wonderful, too!

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I remember being on the toy aisle at the pharmacy while my mom picked up a prescription.  As I'm looking at the toys, all of a sudden my mom comes racing up to me crying and hugging me.  I thought she was crazy.


Turned out she had picked up her prescription and left the store to go home. She realized she forgot me and came back hysterical.  I never even knew she left the store!  

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My favorite "left behind" story is friends who left one of the kids at the library.  He ended up walking home, which took 3 or 4 hours.  The parents had no clue where he was, and didn't even notice he was missing for quite some time.  When he showed up they were upset and asked why he hadn't called them.  His reply was simply, "You never answer the phone, so I didn't bother." 


And dh was left at a ballpark for a couple of hours once.


Yep, plenty of people leaving kids all over the place.  I'm with Diana in saying good for you for going 16 years without it happening.

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My in-laws had six kids...once, an a cross-country road trip in the old station wagon, they did not do a head count when leaving a rest stop, and half an hour later realized they were short one kid, and had to make a quick return.  The 12-year-old was sitting with his nose in a book, calmly waiting.  It is still a classic family tale, even thought that boy is turning 60 this year.

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Once when I was on my way to an important meeting at work, I called my mom on my cell phone (I know, bla bla bla but this was in 1994 so cut me some slack).  We were having a great conversation and I thought it had gone on a long time (about 30-40 minutes) and I ought to be at work pretty soon.  Except that I had mindlessly taken the wrong fork in the road and started driving toward my parents' house, which is in the opposite direction.  At this point there was no point turning around.  I called off work and continued on to have coffee with my mom.  :p  In my defense, I had just worked all day and all night preparing reports for that meeting, and drove home only to shower and change for the new day.  So I'm not a slacker, only a doof.  :p

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Oh man, I drive to the wrong place at least once a month.  The only reason I haven't forgotten anyone yet is because they are always with me.  :lol:  (Well, my twins got to preschool, but both DH and I are home, so between the 2 of us, we haven't forgotten.  We live 5 minutes away and we've definitely been late to get them!)

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Once in Nashville when we were visiting my SIL  Mary (better known now as Sr. Thomas More)  we decided to go to tour the Hermitage.  Needed two cars to get there, so I took the four kids in one car, following hubby and his sister in another car she borrowed from the Mother House.  We reached the left turn, prominently marked, to turn to get to the former President's home...and while I got into the turn lane with the kids, we watched hubby and his sister the Sister keep going straight.


We parked, hung around the gift shop, waited and waited...FINALLY they showed up.  They had gotten so busy talking that they missed the turn and kept driving a good 45 minutes or so before realizing their mistake.


We still joke about the time we got stood up by a nun!*


* actually they get cranky when you call them nuns - they are Sisters!  Nuns are cloistered, apparently.  Never argue with a Dominican. ;-)



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I dropped my oldest off for the last day of kindergarten, and when I went to pick him up at the appointed time found him playing outside in front of the school. I was a rookie at public school, and missed the fine print indicating that kindergarten didn't meet that last day. 


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Wow, a whole day late probably wins the prize.  :)


Decades ago, my friend's mom mistakenly thought KG was full-day.  The 4yo spent hours on her first day of school, crying alone on the steps wondering if her mom was ever coming back.


I think my worst so far was mistaking the end time of a day camp by a half hour.  The camp folks were not pleased.  :P

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The wife of our pastor was very involved in youth activities over the years, with 6 kids of her own spanning about 25 years. When her youngest was 12 she drove the youth to an outing in the big church van. On the way back they stopped at a gas station to use the restroom and get snacks. Somehow they got all the way home, an hour away, before realizing the daughter was left behind! She was sitting there calmly waiting for her mom to remember her and return. As that girl aged, she became the most outgoing, life-of-the-party kind of girl. We used to joke it was a defense mechanism. By age 14/15 there was no way anyone could not notice the sudden lack of her presence!

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I mom used to be a couple of hours late picking me up-- but she knew it and was just busy-- she would show up late with a DQ shake and not even be apologetic to the teacher that had to wait-- she didn't bring ME anything from DQ either!!!


Then there was the time she went to Mexico with my step father-- no note, no call-- nothing-- we called every hospital and sheriff's office for three counties-- they finally called the next day-- they had decided to go on a mini- holiday at the spur of the moment -- didn't even pack stuff- just bought it there.

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I mom used to be a couple of hours late picking me up-- but she knew it and was just busy-- she would show up late with a DQ shake and not even be apologetic to the teacher that had to wait-- she didn't bring ME anything from DQ either!!!


Then there was the time she went to Mexico with my step father-- no note, no call-- nothing-- we called every hospital and sheriff's office for three counties-- they finally called the next day-- they had decided to go on a mini- holiday at the spur of the moment -- didn't even pack stuff- just bought it there.


You win.  SO sorry.

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Once, my Dad's cousin who has six kids was taking a family road trip before the advent of cell phones.  They stopped at a rest stop, and then "everyone" got back in the car.  But, they accidentally left the quiet kid at the rest stop.  


They didn't realize until an hour later when the highway patrol pulled them over and told them. 

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Once in Nashville when we were visiting my SIL  Mary (better known now as Sr. Thomas More)  we decided to go to tour the Hermitage.  Needed two cars to get there, so I took the four kids in one car, following hubby and his sister in another car she borrowed from the Mother House.  We reached the left turn, prominently marked, to turn to get to the former President's home...and while I got into the turn lane with the kids, we watched hubby and his sister the Sister keep going straight.


We parked, hung around the gift shop, waited and waited...FINALLY they showed up.  They had gotten so busy talking that they missed the turn and kept driving a good 45 minutes or so before realizing their mistake.


We still joke about the time we got stood up by a nun!*


* actually they get cranky when you call them nuns - they are Sisters!  Nuns are cloistered, apparently.  Never argue with a Dominican. ;-)


Reminds me of the time going round-and-round a cemetery.  DD was a baby.  My best friend's father died.  He needed someone there with him.  So DD and I went.  My parents are friends of his too, and they are getting old enough that they wanted to check out the cemetery.  I drove my friend and my parents met us there.  Afterward, friend got in dad's car and mom got in with me.  Dad was in the lead, and talking and talking and talking.  They drove by the exit at least 5 times!   Probably more because mom and I were talking too.  When I finally got their attention, they hadn't realized that they'd passed it once.  

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