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Confession: I *hate* my iPhone passionately.


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True story.  Be gentle.


Teach me to love it.  I was *flabbergasted* to see how many people listed their iPhones as something they loved... I'm an Android (Galaxy S4) convert and I despise it. 

Truthfully, when DH is home, I use his S5 because I hate it SO much.  Sigh.  I want to love it. 

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Well, I only have a prepaid dumb phone.  So I have no advice regarding phones.  But I am a creature of habit.  If I get used to certain things I am very distraught when they change.  I find if I throw myself into using the new thing it gets better and I learn to get used to it.  It takes awhile though.  For example, I drove the same car for 15 years.  And it's basically the only car I ever drove.  I got a new one recently and my word I even had bad dreams about the damn car.  And I felt kind of bad because how can I complain about having a new car?!  So I just keep trying to get used to it.  It's getting better.  There are moments I like the car.



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This last Spring, a friend of ours knew we needed to get dh a new phone, but also knew he put it off because of the cost.  Her and her dh upgraded their phones, so they offered me her husband's old iPhone 4S to have dh use.  I had a used S3 that dh said he would prefer to use because of the bigger screen.  (Read, guy getting older that WILL NOT get his eyes checked.)  So I took my SIM and put it in the iPhone and he uses my S3.  At first it was a huge difference.  I tried to get as many of the familiar apps onto my iPhone, so that it wasn't quite a jump.  Then I just looked into all the different things it could do, and just let it be my sidekick for a few days. I think the one thing that bothered me most was not being able to customize it as easily.  Now that I have had it and gotten used to, I am ok with it.  It just took some getting used to.

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True story. Be gentle.


Teach me to love it. I was *flabbergasted* to see how many people listed their iPhones as something they loved... I'm an Android (Galaxy S4) convert and I despise it.

Truthfully, when DH is home, I use his S5 because I hate it SO much. Sigh. I want to love it.

What specifically do you hate about it? What features does the Galaxy have that your iPhone doesn't?

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Honestly, an iPhone would drive me nuts.  I have a Galaxy S3, my dh has an S5, my girls have iPhones.  I have never been a fan of iTunes.  I think it makes it much harder to work/organize/transfer stuff.  That could be because we don't own Macs, just PCs.  Maybe if we owned a Mac it would all work nicely.  


But I do think that part of it is getting use to one OS.  My girls would not switch to an Android, and my dh and I do not see ourselves switching to iPhones. For what I use it for, the Adroid phone is much easier for me to deal with.  My parents also have iPhones, which is hard on me, because whenever they can't figure something out, they ask me, and then I have to find my kids (who all own iPods too).    

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I have an iPhone 4s & am due for an upgrade. I'm debating whether or not to switch to a Galaxy something or other. I don't love my iPhone, but I don't hate it either. I'm pretty ambivalent about it...it does what I need but I do get annoyed by it on occasion.


ETA: I will say that I absolutely hate iTunes on my PC. HATE. IT.

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We are PC users but have iPhones. I know some people insist there's a huge difference between PCs and Macs, but I've never noticed (we've had both over the years). The phones are fine, not exactly intuitive, but fine. I've never used anything else so I wonder what the OP's particular issues are and how they vary.


I can be a creature of habit, too, and "upgrades" drive me crazy. I've wasted more hours than I care to admit trying to get rid of features I don't want, but I guess it would be that way with any device. "More" is definitely a negative for me.

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I didn't hate my iPhone, but I didn't love it either. Well, not at the end. It was my first smart phone, and I did love it at first. I think what I loved then was just the whole idea of a smart phone.  I switched to a Galaxy over a year ago, and the android love still hasn't worn off. I love it in a way I never really loved my iPhone.

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Love my Samsung Galaxy 4 but then they sold it to me very well.  Samsung does a great job of advertising in South Korean dramas.  So I knew exactly what I was getting when I bought it because I watched all my favorite actors/ess use it and its features.  Plus I was able to find a really cute case for it. 


I really like the fact that it isn't really picky about music and pictures and stuff.  So I personalized my background and I can use obscure songs that I've found for my ringtone if I want even picking out which bits of the song to use.  It also has little stickers for the calendar in addition to the alarms that I can put on it.  And it's usually really easy to look stuff up on the internet.

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I'm sorry.  My Dh and I have S3 and S4 respectively.  Last year I researched what type of OS I would like.  I didn't fancy windows or apple.  That left Android which my eyes understand!  Thanks to a lot of posters here on my thread and on others' threads about what type of smartphone to buy; I gained a lot of knowledge before making my purchase.  I do not like Apple but a lot of people do. My sister and her dh, dd and my own dd prefer iPhones.  Why is beyond me. 


Can you trade yours in? 


Or, will you try to make the best of it?

I understand the camera is better on an iPhone than an Android.



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I'm a Samsung Galaxy person as well. I love it!


I knew I didn't want an iPhone because I have an iPod Touch (basically an iPhone without the phone part) and it is SO not intuitive for me how it is set up and where things are located.


My Galaxy on the other hand is awesome, customizable, intuitive, great pictures. Plus, I have largish hands for a woman, and the bigger size of the phone helps me feel like I'm not going to drop it all the time!

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Thank you so much for this thread!  I just switched plans and needed a new phone. I have an S3, which I'm quite happy with, and dh was pressuring me to replace it. Ds suggested an iPhone (no idea which one, but almost the screen size of my S3). I debated and then ds suggested MotoX.  I was (pathetically) in the frozen indecision mode, and dh found a used S3, so I went with it.  But I've still been having second thoughts.  My S3 will be here tomorrow, and you're making me feel better about my (non)decision.  ;)

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You know, I came in ready to say what I like about mine, since, after all, the OP is presumably stuck with hers for a little while longer, but it really boils down to just two things, one of which you could have on any decent smart phone: the apps. I mean, all the things I really like on my iPhone like the map apps and the photo apps and distracting games for waiting in line and Cozi to share schedules with dh and so forth are things that you can get or get near equivalents of on Android or Windows phones. A couple of years ago, the apps on the iOS platforms were better, I think, but I don't think that's true anymore. So I guess for me if I had a different phone I can't imagine what I could hate about it as long as it has the same basic capabilities and apps, which they mostly all do now.


I will add that the second thing is sort of unique to the iOS devices, which is that I like how it communicates with my iPad and I like how intuitive it is for me personally. I have used some other phones and not been able to make heads or tails of them whereas the iPhone was intuitive to me from the first go. On the other hand, I think if I had some quick lessons, it would probably only take me a few weeks to find another system relatively easy.

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ETA: I will say that I absolutely hate iTunes on my PC. HATE. IT.

Have you updated your iTunes?  I've hated iTunes for years and years, and I'm on mac with iphones, ipads, the whole nine yards.  I use the amazon music player to avoid iTunes.  Anyways, the newest version of iTunes has made things easier to find for me. 


For the op, for me the beauty of the iphone is that all my stuff syncs.  I say go with the one you like.  My mother and father are both using Samsung and for them it works.  

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I don't have a huge preference between android and apple, but I NEED all my devices to sync. This October my cell phone contract was up, and I was stretched out a bit with an odd assortment of tech, that all had their pros and cons. I was frozen and in tears making my choice, as I knew neither would be perfect, but no choice was worse than a bad choice. I was failing to make appointments and missing paying bills.


My memory loss issues go through periods that wax and wane in severity, and right now isn't such a good period. Functioning tech is like a wheelchair for me. It increases my quality of life and makes me more productive.


I came so close to converting to all android, when Sprint offered me an unexpected deal. I went with the iPhone 6 plus and did the free updates to my older iPad and Mac. I am shocked and relieved and grateful, for the amount of increased productivity for the total amount of money I needed to shell out. I'm in tears as I write this, because I'm so grateful.


I still have glitches on my iPad not showing apps that I bought and not being able to download them, but all my productivity stuff syncs and works consistently. And the devices themselves are lightweight and do an excellent job of displaying pdf and ebooks. The ipad mini has a fantastic lightweight keyboard that serves as a screen protector when I throw it in my backpack.


The HARDWARE works and everything SYNCS.


I am very very very grateful. Maybe there is something better out there, but this is WORKING for the productivity and eBooks at least, everything is lightweight and safe in my backpack, and I went from messing up, to getting stuff done again. I haven't had my productivity stuff work so well since I had a Palm phone and XP netbook years ago.


My hair gets caught in the iPhone, though. Sigh! I know people laugh at me when that happens, thinking I deserve it for being one of those people that had to have the NEW thing, but that is NOT how I ended out with the iPhone 6 plus. I never buy anything that is that big of an update, when it first comes out. I tend to want to hide my phone.


I love my phone, though. And I have literally cried tears of gratefulness on several occasions, when it saved me from messing up big time.





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I have never owned a smartphone besides the iphone I have right now. I love certain smartphone features but I don't have anything to compare the iphone to. I think it's good that there's a security measure in place, but I do get annoyed with the password protection all.day.long. sometimes.


It's easy to turn off if you want.

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 I think it's good that there's a security measure in place, but I do get annoyed with the password protection all.day.long. sometimes.


I haven't decided whether or not to turn that off. If you turn it off, then other things stop working without putting in passwords individually.

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I haven't decided whether or not to turn that off. If you turn it off, then other things stop working without putting in passwords individually.


I have an iphone 4s and don't have password protection set up, but other stuff logs in automatically anyway. Is this something new with the 6 plus?

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I haven't decided whether or not to turn that off. If you turn it off, then other things stop working without putting in passwords individually.



I have an iphone 4s and don't have password protection set up, but other stuff logs in automatically anyway. Is this something new with the 6 plus?


I've had a 5 and now have a 5s.  I didn't have passwords (codes) set on either of them and have never had a problem at all.  Everything works fine, no putting in passwords individually.

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I have an iphone 4s and don't have password protection set up, but other stuff logs in automatically anyway. Is this something new with the 6 plus?


I don't know. This is my first iPhone, even though I had an iPod years ago, and have an iPad.


I just know that I turned off the main password, and ended out having to continually type in specific passwords that I hadn't had to to type in before. But my memory loss is just so severe right now, that I don't remember the specifics. 


I need to redo the fingerprint thing. It doesn't work at all.


For ME the thing that made me love the iPhone so much was that at the same time apple released FREE software that updated my older tech to perfectly sync with my new phone. I think my total upfront costs were 30 dollars and my monthly payments DROPPED, even though I bought the phone instead of leasing it. I'm still a little in shock, but two months later, if there are no nasty surprises yet, I don't think any are coming.


Releasing Yosemite for free and making it usable on such old computers is unprecedented.

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True story.  Be gentle.


Teach me to love it.  I was *flabbergasted* to see how many people listed their iPhones as something they loved... I'm an Android (Galaxy S4) convert and I despise it. 

Truthfully, when DH is home, I use his S5 because I hate it SO much.  Sigh.  I want to love it. 


I don't blame you, Android is my baby and I still have and love my S3

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Its a personal preference thing just like handbags or wallets.  Smartphones to me are just a replacement for carrying a normal cellphone and a PDA (personal digital assistant) and the only one I can't stand is the windows phone. My kids did manage to crash the OS of the Samsung smartphones at Best Buy but I have a kid that crash plenty of OS including the Nooks and chromebooks.

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Okay.... What do I hate about it?


Mainly it is because it's not intuitive for me. Heaven help me find a darn thing. I can't even find Mozilla.... Er, Safari. Get the idea?


I think it would be different if I owned other Apple products.


I'm a dropper. I know this about myself so it was immediately stuck into the Otterbox Defender. I think I'm a fairly loud person but I have problems with people hearing me and I absolutely can't use my speakerphone. Maybe it's an Otterbox problem



But you know what the worst part is? I can't get internet wifi in my home. It isn't supported in our area. So I am internet-less except for my mobile hotspot. And it refuses to stay connected with my computer. I've done some reading and it's been an issue with the 5 and 5s. This is horrible for me. It connects and a minute later in disconnected. Try bill paying or checking the bank account or Christmas shopping in sixty second increments.


I love the size for talking. Unfortunately I don't use my phone for talking a lot.


I finally found the settings so my password protected screen doesn't come on after one minute today.


I hate it.


I got it because I thought I'd be able to play with Susan Barton's tile app before making a hefty investment to buy an Apple iPad. But, alas, no. That app is only available for iPad, my mistake.


I'm sure much of this is simply my lack of familiarity with Apple vs other products. But I am just shocked to find some people LOVE their iPhone.... It leaves me wondering if they've tried Android. Eleven months, just eleven months.

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