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Too old for pigtails?

Desert Strawberry

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I have very thick, full, coarse, waist-length hair. My usual style is two braids. It's easy, practical and IMO flattering. D likes it. You can see what I look like in my avatar.


I'm creeping up on 40. I have always looked young for my age. I'm noticing that certain styles-short skirts, wild hair colors, heavy makeup- are no longer appropriate for ladies my age-IHMO, and in the ways that I'm seeing them. Clearly, there are exceptions, but in general, it seems it's time to do some growing up, style-wise. 


Are pigtails a timeless style? Are they a young style? What is the age at which one should stop wearing them, or is there no age limit?


And yes, I know I can wear anything I like and all that. I'm just wondering at what age this might start to look a little silly. 

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Good question. I've been wondering the same thing about my pony tail. I'm 46 and I don't wear my hair any other way because it's long and I don't like it hanging in my face. My mom said it's fine for now but as I get older, she thinks I should cut it off as it's better for older people to have short hair. She's never come up with a particular age for that though. I guess I can figure out how to wear a bun. Don't little old ladies wear buns? :)

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I wear my hair in braids when I'm wearing a winter hat. It keeps it from getting tangled in my coat when I'm skiing, and DH thinks it looks cute. He calls it my Olympic style :). I'm 42.


I know what you mean about evolving style as we get older. It's nice to think that it shouldn't matter, but dressing too "young" really can have unfortunate consequences. I have a friend whose style hasn't changed much in a decade or two, and I hate to say but it's really trashy on her 40+ body and face. She looks 10 years older as a result.


I say go with what you like, but make sure it works for you. :)

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Good question. I've been wondering the same thing about my pony tail. I'm 46 and I don't wear my hair any other way because it's long and I don't like it hanging in my face. My mom said it's fine for now but as I get older, she thinks I should cut it off as it's better for older people to have short hair. She's never come up with a particular age for that though. I guess I can figure out how to wear a bun. Don't little old ladies wear buns? :)

I don't understand the short hair for old ladies. I have seen and heard that all my life, but no one has ever been able to explain it to me. I have had long, long hair for most of my life. (and shaved it all off a few times) I have NO intention of ever wearing it short again. 


I have worn my hair in a bun since I was 12. It's so practical. Easy and keeps everything up out of the way. There are so many fancy updos that take seconds. It's really underrated. 


Definitely learn to put your hair up. I just recently put mine up and got a zillion compliments. I literally twisted my hair and stuck 4 pins in it. I didn't even brush it first. 


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I also think they're a younger style, but if you're wearing them low and down your back, I don't think that's bad.  I think when you say 'pigtails' the first thing I envision are two braids sticking out over your ears.  I'm thinking that's not how you're wearing it.

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I wear my hair in braids when I'm wearing a winter hat. It keeps it from getting tangled in my coat when I'm skiing, and DH thinks it looks cute. He calls it my Olympic style :). I'm 42.


I know what you mean about evolving style as we get older. It's nice to think that it shouldn't matter, but dressing too "young" really can have unfortunate consequences. I have a friend whose style hasn't changed much in a decade or two, and I hate to say but it's really trashy on her 40+ body and face. She looks 10 years older as a result.


I say go with what you like, but make sure it works for you. :)



My parents were hippies. Old ladies in pigtails remind me of the old hippie ladies. They were adorable. With my long hair, long skirts, and baby face, I think aging hippie is a good look for me  :lol:


My fear, especially because I do look a bit childish, is that I will look like I'm chasing my youth instead of aging gracefully. I'm really not ok with that. 

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I also think they're a younger style, but if you're wearing them low and down your back, I don't think that's bad.  I think when you say 'pigtails' the first thing I envision are two braids sticking out over your ears.  I'm thinking that's not how you're wearing it.



No, and I'm not sure how else to describe them. "Plaits" is more accurate, I suppose, but not a common American term.  


I wear them twisted down the sides-like a two stranded french braid- then braided down my back. Sometimes with a head scarf, usually not. 

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My fear, especially because I do look a bit childish, is that I will look like I'm chasing my youth instead of aging gracefully. I'm really not ok with that.


If you were wearing teenage style clothing, maybe. But braids? You'd have to be chasing down a much younger vision of youth than makes sense.


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Keep your braids if you love them. If they are too much work then consider a change, but realize your little ones will be in shock if you change your signature style! Kids often hate it when their moms get haircuts. Mine are still complaining that I started coloring my hair 5 or so years ago and want me to go gray again.

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In my opinion, this is something that works if it is your style and it's been maintained. It does NOT work if you suddenly take it up as a trend or something. I know a couple of ladies, far over 40, who do pigtails. But they've always done pigtails and they just look like hippies.


But I feel I would look silly because it's just not my look. As a matter of fact, pigtails would look silly / a little kinky on ome 21-year-olds as well. But not on a 21-year-old who wore flowy skirts all the time and worked at the farmer's market. They would look fine on her.


That said, yes, wear whatever you want. :)


I have very thick, full, coarse, waist-length hair. My usual style is two braids. It's easy, practical and IMO flattering. D likes it. You can see what I look like in my avatar.


I'm creeping up on 40. I have always looked young for my age. I'm noticing that certain styles-short skirts, wild hair colors, heavy makeup- are no longer appropriate for ladies my age-IHMO, and in the ways that I'm seeing them. Clearly, there are exceptions, but in general, it seems it's time to do some growing up, style-wise. 


Are pigtails a timeless style? Are they a young style? What is the age at which one should stop wearing them, or is there no age limit?


And yes, I know I can wear anything I like and all that. I'm just wondering at what age this might start to look a little silly. 


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One is never too old to wear braided hair. You can do braids in a juvenile way or braids in an adult way - your way doesn't sound juvenile.


I agree with this


 . . . but . . .


I finally gave up braids. I loved wearing two braids and looked good with them, but I have a very young face so the braids just made me look so so young. It doesn't matter how I wear them, I just have that kind of face. After being mistaken for a teen mom on several occasions, I finally gave them up around the age of 30. I still wear them around the house sometimes, but not out in public unless it's a sporting situation (hiking, swimming, etc). It wasn't so annoying being asked for my WIC card at the grocery store (cause the clerk was just sure I was only 16), so much as it created some serious situations for me in hospital situations (where I was questioned aggressively about my age and then treated very poorly). I figured that for every person who was rude enough to say something, there must be a dozen more who were thinking, "How old is she? She must have gotten pregnant in middle school!" It was just time for a change, and I do look closer to my age without the braids. Although, someone just accused me of being 25 the other day. Um, seriously, do you see the tween daughter standing next to me?! You don't seriously think I got pregnant at 13, do you?!


This may not be applicable to you, though, if you are aggressive about asserting your age or if your clothes clearly scream "hippy, crunchy mom". It may be a more regional issue also. I had a lot of issues when we lived in the deep South where perfectly coiffed hair was the norm, but have generally had fewer issue living in a more liberal, hippy area.


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I love the hippy look myself. I saw an older lady with two long grey braids in town one day. She had on a long skirt and a cute hat, and when I saw her, my thought was, "I want to look cool like that when I get older." She didn't look at all like she was trying to be young, but more like it was just her signature style. 

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When I hear 'pigtails' I think 2 unbraided groups of hair fastened at the scalp at the sides of your head. I think what you're asking about is 2 simple braids, right? 


I think if you continue to look yourself in the mirror, evaluate your look, and like it...it works for you. Don't listen to anything that begins with everyone or always when it comes to personal style. I think braids are very attractive on mature women. Even 'pigtails' can be cute on some women, but generally they are very casual and sporty and most people don't leave home with them because they create a very specific juvenile idea in most Americans. Not that it matters, but most 40 year old women want to be taken seriously when they leave the house so they don't bother to rock the style boat. 


Sometimes I like to do 2 pigtails done far back on my head and then fold it a few times and tuck the ends under (or leave them out and messy) and then fasten it there with a rubber band. It ends up like 2 poofy bun/bulbs on the back of your head. It looks great done with braids too (although you coil and pin rather than ruin the beautiful texture). 



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I like the look you're describing, and from what I can see of your avatar - it looks great on you.  Keep it.  :)  It's your style.


I'm all for aging hippies.  And I like long hair on older women.  I've always had short hair, but would totally go long if I could pull it off.

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Too young, IMO. I don't think I've seen anyone over the age of 8 wearing pigtails. A low ponytail, updo, or a bun are fine. Even a braid is fine if it's low. But pigtails, a high pony, or higher braids are odd on a grown woman.


I'm now at the age when I'm having to pause and think about how something will look on me to the outside world, lol. I can fit into a lot of cute, hip clothes, and I like fashion so there's the draw. However, I'm in my forties and some things just don't look right anymore. Not because I can't put them together well or rock a certain look, but because it just comes off like I'm trying waaaay too hard to stay youthful. I think when we choose chic, age-appropriate hairstyles and clothes, it makes us look better than if we wear too young looks. But now I'm waxing philosophical when I really should be administering spelling tests... :lol:

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Definitely learn to put your hair up. I just recently put mine up and got a zillion compliments. I literally twisted my hair and stuck 4 pins in it. I didn't even brush it first. 



Is your hair textured? I often wear my hair up but it is thick and very straight. Even spin pins will not hold my hair up unless it's wet; the hair just falls right out otherwise. Getting a simple bun to look tidy can be a challenge on non-hair-washing days. Same with french braids; unless my hair is already wet it just falls apart.


I think braids are generally fine. I prefer one braid (vs two) for women.

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If you were wearing teenage style clothing, maybe. But braids? You'd have to be chasing down a much younger vision of youth than makes sense.

I see this line of thinking often.  What is "teenage style" clothing?  I see a lot of people trying to bring back the 80s which some of us do inadvertently as our wardrobe is still somehow not in tatters from ages past.  I wear a lot of shirts from Hot Topic but not because I'm trying to dress like a teen.  I'm kinda irritated the whippersnappers are trying to claim things I like as theirs. :p  A few months ago I caught myself like "Do you even KNOW who the Sex Pistols are????" when I saw a kid buying a Sex Pistols shirt at Hot Topic.   :lol: I've become that woman. 

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One is never too old to wear braided hair. You can do braids in a juvenile way or braids in an adult way - your way doesn't sound juvenile.

Agreed! It's all in how you wear them.


Personally, I think maturing hairstyle well has more to do with good color transition than whether it is worn long or short, braided or not. It's fine to cover gray, if you choose, but keeping color complementary to skin tone looks much nicer, especially as one ages. My mom has done a great job of this, but I've seen others who haven't. I suppose that good color is important at any age, it just seems more noticeable when senior women have bad color jobs. I guess this is for a different thread, though, since it's about color rather than style. (FWIW I'm not talking about fun funky color streaks. Some of the 70s ladies in a bible study I know apparently did some colorful streaks for solidarity about something, and they rocked it! I'm talking about very unnatural combinations of natural colors.)

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My hair is waist length and I have no intentions of shortening it due to age. I think double braids are an attractive look and I often choose it while camping or for long car rides. In my opinion, "pigtails" are something my two year old wears--stumpy wisps sticking out over each ear. Two totally different looks and styles.



As for women needing to cut their hair as they age, I think that is an entirely personal decision. However, I do not believe that shorter hair makes a woman look "younger." In fact, a clean around the ear pixie seems to be the standard mature haircut for the senior ladies around Chicagoland.

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IMO, they are fine for whenever, whatever age. It's really up to you.


I think they look odder on someone who finds them uncomfortable or inappropriate for herself than on someone who isn't that way, if that makes sense. Usually how someone feels about it is obvious.

I do pigtails - well, pigtail-buns, high on my head. Not all the time, but I like them and I think they suit me and my hair. I'm 32.

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I don't understand the short hair for old ladies. I have seen and heard that all my life, but no one has ever been able to explain it to me. I have had long, long hair for most of my life. (and shaved it all off a few times) I have NO intention of ever wearing it short again.


I have worn my hair in a bun since I was 12. It's so practical. Easy and keeps everything up out of the way. There are so many fancy updos that take seconds. It's really underrated.


Definitely learn to put your hair up. I just recently put mine up and got a zillion compliments. I literally twisted my hair and stuck 4 pins in it. I didn't even brush it first.


I cut my hair...because wearing it up and back put too much stress on my hair, and gave me bald spots. I had chucked it up to hormones at first, but wouldn't you know? My hair grew back when I cut it...no more bald spots at my temples.


As for only needing 4 pins to keep your hair in an up-do, consider yourself fortunate. The fewest pins I ever used was 8 or 10 (had to be braided first). I needed over 50 for a basic bun, if it was going to stay. I even tried hair sticks. They didn't work for me, either. When I had a French twist for my wedding, we pulled out over 100 pins...


Love my short hair. :)

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I agree with many that two braids is either a young style or an "aging hippie" style. It's particularly young if there is an elastic at the top of the braid, then braid, then the finishing elastic. Braiding straight from the head, low down behind the ears is not quite as young. Colourful elastics are young. It also matters how sophisticated it looks at the front/top. A part straight down the middle might not be the most flattering.


If you want an easy change-up, do the two braids, but join them into one elastic at ends. A more significant change could be to do one braid, over one shoulder -- twist the hair around the back from the other side. (It's comfy and practical like pigtails, but there's just one of them. I do it for camping, because I find braided pigtails the most practical, but, as you say, pretty young looking.)

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Is your hair textured? I often wear my hair up but it is thick and very straight. Even spin pins will not hold my hair up unless it's wet; the hair just falls right out otherwise. Getting a simple bun to look tidy can be a challenge on non-hair-washing days. Same with french braids; unless my hair is already wet it just falls apart.


I think braids are generally fine. I prefer one braid (vs two) for women.

Yes, very wavy and poofy. You know how in the beauty magazines, they start with clean, wet hair, then blow dry it, add "texturizer", do something with a curling iron, and then start the style? That's what my hair like when I wake up in the morning. 

I hadn't thought about straight hair not taking pins. I suppose rubbing a bit of Shea butter into it wouldn't work, would it?

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  • 7 years later...
On 12/2/2014 at 7:39 AM, Night Elf said:

Good question. I've been wondering the same thing about my pony tail. I'm 46 and I don't wear my hair any other way because it's long and I don't like it hanging in my face. My mom said it's fine for now but as I get older, she thinks I should cut it off as it's better for older people to have short hair. She's never come up with a particular age for that though. I guess I can figure out how to wear a bun. Don't little old ladies wear buns? 🙂

Wear your hair any way you like it.  It really has nothing to do with age.  For people who think it matters they can wear their hair any way they like.

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