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Need stocking stuffer suggestions


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I have a mix of boys and girls ages 2-11. I like to do some nice stocking stuffers because we do not do other individual gifts (our main gifts are for the whole family). In the past we have done Schleich figures, Only Hearts Club dolls, Matchbox/Hotwheels cars, ummm, I can't remember what else. 


Any ideas are welcome :)

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Ugh, Easter baskets and stocking stuffers drive me crazy every year. I saved a couple of links with good ideas; I'll try and track them down. In the past, I've done good lip balms (Burt's Bees or something from Etsy), cute socks, funny t-shirts (like from Cafepress or BustedTees), a scratch-off lottery ticket or two (not for everyone, I know), Lindt chocolate balls or some dye-free candies that they don't usually get, Smencils, Aaron's Thinking Putty, Toobz based on current interests (Egypt was a big hit here), a magazine that they like to read, a book (if you can find something small enough that it will fit into the stocking), hot cocoa mixes...


Let me find those links.

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Trying to think of the kinds of things we've done or considered over the years (have a 14 yo girl, so these may be slanted toward items that tend to appeal to girls :) )--we tend to do one larger present on Winter Solstice, then stockings for Christmas:


Art supplies, itunes gift cards, gift cards to other places (toy store, local teen consignment store, bookstore, movie theater, game store, etc), playing cards, Japanese or other specialty candy, favorite candy, nuts, dried fruit, nail polish, makeup, small playmobil or lego sets, doll house miniatures, socks (my daughter likes the fandom socks from somewhere like Hot Topic--we've done Doctor Who, this year doing Supernatural and Marvel superheroes, but there are all kinds of special or cute socks available in various places--I did owls, sushi, and pandas from Forever 21 for about $1.50 each), new earbuds, magic tricks, hot chocolate or tea in favorite flavors, individual packs of favorite snacks, jewelry, small stuffed animal, funky key chain (she likes to attach them to her purse for decoration), manga, paperback, note with a promise for a special activity, the little Dover art/activity books, cd, small mp3 player, temporary tattoo pack, small sketchbook, hair accessories, manicure set, nail art stickers or pen, fancy soap or bath product, little individual box of junky cereal we don't usually buy, fun patches for her Girl Scout vest (not badges, the stuff that can go on the back to show special interests), rolled up issue of a magazine (with or without a subscription---my daughter really liked Kiki magazine at one point), USB drive, nice winter gloves (did fingerless gloves one year, and even the cheaper knit gloves now often come with tech fingertips for using with phones, etc--this year I picked up a pair with LED fingertips at the after Halloween clearance at a craft store--just for fun), glow sticks/bracelets, comic books (there was a period where she loved the Archie digests you find in the check out aisle at the grocery store), puzzle books, etc.


This won't help for this year, but I often shop the clearance sales after Halloween (my daughter has a rather dark sense of humor, so a lot of that sort of thing goes over really well--nail polish in a tombstone shaped container, that sort of thing) or the dollar bins at Target when they change seasons to pick up cute things very cheaply, then keep them up on a shelf in my closet.


ETA: rechargeable batteries if they have any gifts that require them

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Ugh, Easter baskets and stocking stuffers drive me crazy every year. I saved a couple of links with good ideas; I'll try and track them down. In the past, I've done good lip balms (Burt's Bees or something from Etsy), cute socks, funny t-shirts (like from Cafepress or BustedTees), a scratch-off lottery ticket or two (not for everyone, I know), Lindt chocolate balls or some dye-free candies that they don't usually get, Smencils, Aaron's Thinking Putty, Toobz based on current interests (Egypt was a big hit here), a magazine that they like to read, a book (if you can find something small enough that it will fit into the stocking), hot cocoa mixes...


Let me find those links.


For Easter baskets, I've done an Annie's-themed basket the last several years, going for as many bunny-shaped options as possible (though the peace-sign shaped pasta was a big hit the years she was into peace signs). Aside from the bunny as a logo, they have bunny mac and cheese, cheddar bunnies, pretzel bunnies, whole wheat bunnies, sour cream and onion bunnies, graham cracker bunnies, bunnies in several cookie flavors, several flavors of bunny fruit snacks, bunny snack mix in different flavors, etc. They have numerous organic options and at least a couple gluten free cookie options. Pick several of your kid's favorite options, throw in a little favorite chocolate or other candy (pocky or cookies and cream bars are favorites here) if you like, maybe a small stuffed animal or other small gift-type thing, and you're good to go.


I don't know if there's a good equivalent for Christmas, where the brand lends itself to a particular holiday.

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Our stocking tradition is a candy cane, an orange or clementine, some chocolate (often the coins), and a toothbrush.


Other things I add often are a new hat or mittens, a CD (or you could use an iTunes card) or DVD... Come to think of it, more candy seems to be DS's favorite thing to find.


For small toys, how about a Slinky or a Rubik's cube?

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Sugar cereal (this is on my kids' lists. So deprived. Last year, a 20 year old asked for Pop Tarts. ;)) 

Local café GC (one near an activity they attend)

Book or magazine

Bargain Bin DVD

Pack of new crayons, markers

Watercolors. watercolor paper

Oil pastels

Hole punch

Garlic press for play dough, new play dough

Colorful masking tape

Small scrapbook



Bath toy



Uno Card Game

Deck of cards

Playmobil figure/small add on










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Over the years we have done for my 3 boys and dd, wallet, watch, fun gloves, earbuds, perfume/cologne/bodysprays, art supplies, webkins, books (American Girls has a lot of fun girl books),, tamagotchi's, favorite food items (nutella, pistachios, swedish fish, sunflower seeds, beef jerky)

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I am always glad to see threads like this...I have problems too.  I hate spending more money on their stocking than I do for some of their main gifts. 


I have a little bit older kids...10, 12 (both boys) and 14 (girls)...so I will watch for ideas that others might have for them.


this is what is in my kid's stocking so far:


 hair towel, hair things, nail polish, lego people, pringles, card games, chap stick, BB's, value oil (for trumpet and french horn), hot wheels...not sure what else.



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let's keep this thread going....


what items do your kids hope they find every year??  I did the pringles thing last year hoping to fill some space in their LARGE stocking...and they all hope find those again....it's amazing how children who usually eat TONS of chips at one sitting, savor each and every chip when it's their own....

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I always do a small game for each. Spot It, Moose in the House, Slamwich, Five Crowns, Swish, Set have all been ones they've gotten so far. They also usually get one of the random Lego minifigs (the surprise packs they do every year). Usually some kind of special candy. 


I think my daughter will get some "fancy" lip balm and I'm totally stealing the duct tape idea for my boys. They would love that. 

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let's keep this thread going....


what items do your kids hope they find every year?? I did the pringles thing last year hoping to fill some space in their LARGE stocking...and they all hope find those again....it's amazing how children who usually eat TONS of chips at one sitting, savor each and every chip when it's their own....

Last year the kids each received Pop Tarts. They are hoping for them again this year!

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One year I did book bags instead of stockings. You can pick up LLBean school bags for cheap this time of year. I stuffed them with books, art supplies, gloves, lunch bags, socks, etc. We use these bags for going on field trips. It was my best idea. I haven't topped it yet. I just hate to buy junk just for the sake of tradition. I am a minimalist most days and every purchase has to be well thought out. It has to be an item that one be tossed after a few uses.


I haven't a clue this year. Everyone is getting an ipad mini thanks to pulling funds between grandparents and us. All I have to add are headphones, iTunes gc, and a griffin case. I think I am going to put the griffin cases on ahead of time. I just really don't know what to add to their stockings. Maybe a stylus and Bluetooth keyboard especially since I found an okay learn-to-type ipad game.


I am avoiding toys. I am just over toys. I just cleaned out six bags of toys. The thought of bringing in another toy makes me want to cry.


Great ideas so far. I will definitely keep following.

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One year I did book bags instead of stockings. You can pick up LLBean school bags for cheap this time of year. I stuffed them with books, art supplies, gloves, lunch bags, socks, etc. We use these bags for going on field trips. It was my best idea. I haven't topped it yet. I just hate to buy junk just for the sake of tradition. I am a minimalist most days and every purchase has to be well thought out. It has to be an item that one be tossed after a few uses.


I haven't a clue this year. Everyone is getting an ipad mini thanks to pulling funds between grandparents and us. All I have to add are headphones, iTunes gc, and a griffin case. I think I am going to put the griffin cases on ahead of time. I just really don't know what to add to their stockings. Maybe a stylus and Bluetooth keyboard especially since I found an okay learn-to-type ipad game.


I am avoiding toys. I am just over toys. I just cleaned out six bags of toys. The thought of bringing in another toy makes me want to cry.


Great ideas so far. I will definitely keep following.


Hey, I just posted in the adult stocking stuffer idea thread - I scored a really cool little iPad Mini charger.  $6.  It fits in the credit card slot of a wallet!  It was on Tanga.com, I don't have a link, but if it sounds good - you might check for it.  I think it was on their daily deals today.  :)

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let's keep this thread going....


what items do your kids hope they find every year??  I did the pringles thing last year hoping to fill some space in their LARGE stocking...and they all hope find those again....it's amazing how children who usually eat TONS of chips at one sitting, savor each and every chip when it's their own....


Chocolate oranges.  Everyone gets one.  The boys also get chocolate coins.


Other items for this year's boy stockings are

Mouth guards  (for karate)

Music CD

Single serving peppermint hot chocolate packet

Peppermint bark candy bar

Card game


Invisible ink pen


When we get the stockings out I will test fill one.  If more stuffing is needed, I'll add more snacks. 

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OK, so I'm liking the idea of mostly consumables--food, but also things like lip balm, colored pencils, etc.; I'm a on a major decluttering binge so I really don't want to bring a bunch of new "stuff" into the house. 


This is my dilemma every year. I don't want to load up on candy and junk food, because we're trying to get away from that in general. But I also don't want to fill up with junk just to get the job done. Easter baskets are even worse!


OK, I finally managed to get the link:




In that blog entry, she also links to a few other posts of hers where she has even more ideas. I need to get on it myself!

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I've always tried to keep away from much candy in the past because, well, I don't want to give them a bunch of candy. But now I've reached that "done" point others have mentioned with toys and clutter. I am dreading bringing new things into the house. So I already have a lot more candy for their stockings this year than usual to fill space. They always get a new loofah and a toothbrush. I usually do a box of band-aids, too, because they both just love character band-aids.  I don't know what else I will do.


My 6 year old has come to expect the toothbrush. She talks about it frequently. She loves that santa always brings her a new toothbrush.

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A couple I haven't seen listed, though they might not be to every kid's liking...


herbal tea

unusual fruit like starfruit, pomegranate (Ds' favorite)

Paperback books

ice cream toppings in a jar

fabric for sewing projects

tiny notebooks 


This year I am probably putting a jar of pickles in Dd's stocking.


Magazines rolled up.  We have no money for Christmas this year and had very little last year and one of my big discoveries was old magazines at the thrift shop.  I was able to get each Dc a couple of dog magazines with great articles and posters inside for .25 each.  That sure beats $5-7 for a new one!  If you can afford it brand new mags in a favorite subject area make a nice stocking stuffer.


ETA: Forgot favorite jars of jam.  I did that one year and it was a big hit.



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We so 3 gifts for each kid, but tend to make stockings pretty good-- this year stocking stuffers include:


Tervis tumblers (Star Wars for my ds)

At supplies-- good drawing pencils and coloring pencils



Fruit snacks


Tic tacs

Wii game

Gymnastics shorts and t-shirts

Star Wars t shirts

Legos (small set)

Nfl drawstring backpack

Frozen coloring book and stickers


We have also done in the past-- DVDs, jewelry, hair stuff, games, gift cards,

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