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How do you like your popcorn?

How do you like your popcorn prepared?  

  1. 1. How do you like your popcorn prepared?

    • Plain, just salt
    • With butter and salt
    • With olive oil and salt
    • Popped with coconut oil, topped with butter and salt
    • Sprinkled with lime juice, hot pepper, parmesan cheese, etc.
    • Air popped
    • Microwaved
    • Store bought
    • Other

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Seriously. What is it with you people and food?!? Maybe I am just starving right now. I'm not even going to answer that right now.


Well, if you insist. My favorite popcorn is home popped in the crank pot thing (? we got one for Christmas one year) in oil. Then lightly salted. The pot got real gross though b/c of all the oil and we had to toss it. It was a nice treat, though.

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I do light buttered popcorn in the microwave. Then I add my own fat free butter, lots of it. I can't eat it while on the computer it makes the keys greasy.

That's why I sit with a kitchen towel underneath the bowl, and then I type with the non-eating hand. :lol:

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I'm not a big fan of popcorn, but I don't mind it totally plain. Putting anything on it ~ even salt or butter ~ grosses me out. Ya know that movie-theater smell ~ that greasy popcorn smell?:ack2:



Ewww. Blech. In addition to all the fake stuff they put on it, I'm not sure that's even real popcorn. :001_huh:

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For us, we always get some of the popcorn salt at the theater, ya know the orange stuff? Anyway, we always get a cup of it and bring the leftovers home. When we make popcorn at home, I use some of that salt and oil and pop in on the stove top.


Yum! It's really not greasy in our opinion and we don't even add butter at home.


Love our popcorn!



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How do you like your popcorn? With butter? Without? Popped with a certain type of oil? Do you like some unusual thing sprinkled on it?




Can you tell I'm PMSing???


Oh, man, this TOTALLY just made me want popcorn. DH says he's PMSing too, so I don't think it will be hard to convince him :D

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Oh, man, this TOTALLY just made me want popcorn. DH says he's PMSing too, so I don't think it will be hard to convince him :D


Oh, I know! I so need to go to bed right now, but on the other hand I would love some popcorn.

I think I'd better opt for bed.

Or popcorn.

Or bed...... :001_huh:

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I limited myself to my three favorite choices, but I really like it all the ways you mentioned!


One way you didn't mention that is great is to pop it in coconut oil mixed with real maple syrup in a whirly pop. It ends up like kettle corn, only more acceptable to those who have to avoid cane sugar. Top with salt, if desired. Yum!


You do have to keep the popcorn moving a bit more than usual, to keep the popcorn coated and to keep the syrup from burning to the pan, but it cleans up pretty quickly if it does. Just use a brillo pad or scrape it with a cooking spatula.

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Oooooh, I'll be there in 5 minutes!! :lurk5::auto:


Woman, drive on over! I'm up late tonight either way. Could you imagine explaining that to your DH? "Oh, honey, I'm going to run out to a fellow WTMers house at midnight for some popcorn. I'll be back in an hour or so!"



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Woman, drive on over! I'm up late tonight either way. Could you imagine explaining that to your DH? "Oh, honey, I'm going to run out to a fellow WTMers house at midnight for some popcorn. I'll be back in an hour or so!"




:lol::lol::lol:The funny thing is that he wouldn't even be all that shocked. I think he's used to me meeting up with WTMers now! Oh, I'm going to crawl up to bed now. I'm exhausted. You enjoy on my behalf!:D

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Since I voted other, I must explain. And I've been fighting popcorn cravings all evening, darn it! Anyway, I like mine with quite a bit of butter, old bay, dill, Italian seasoning, little bit of salt and pepper because they are in the other things. My pizza seasoning grinder inspired me to put Parmesan cheese in it, which is also good.:001_smile:

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I voted other - I like the over salty, chewy, cold stuff that is already made and in bags. I've been known to make popcorn at home (in a pan on the stove) and then dump it in a bowl and let it cool and so stale before I eat it. But it just isn't as good as the overly-yellow (dye?), salty, chewy stale popcorn in the big bags.

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I chose other, because I do not like popcorn anyway that it is fixed. I think it smells wonderful, and often this makes me try it again. But, obviously, my taste never changes. I can tolerate Kettle corn, but not enough to ever "want" to eat it! :lurk5:

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I like the taste of butter on my popcorn, but after a few minutes, the popcorn just gets soggy :-/


So I just pop it in my StirCrazy, using olive oil. There's just a teeny-tiny bit of flavor.


I use popcorn salt, which is much finer than regular table salt. I have also used Spike, which is yummy.


I don't like air-popped corn; since I don't put butter on my popcorn, there's nothing to keep the salt sticking the to popcorn, KWIM?

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I pop in coconut oil

then top with a combination of coconut oil and butter before adding sea salt.


that reminds me...


I want to calculate the costs to see which is more expensive, the organic butter or the coconut oil.

I wish I lived closer to the menonite farm. :(


The butter that we get from our farm is $8/lb. I get my CO from Tropical Traditions, but I cannot even say how much it costs because I buy it so seldom. I generally only buy it maybe twice a year. I buy in bulk when it's on sale and I also get free jars for giving referrals, so I really don't know how much I pay. I wish you lived closer to me because we've got a great source for farm fresh food. ;)

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