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going from baths to showers


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My eldest started around seven, but he was having accidents…so a bath didn't really work.


DS2 and DD1 will both now take showers (8 and 7), but they like to still take a bubble bath and play.


I will always allow the kids to have a bath if they want and we have time.  Heck, even at 45, I still like a good bubble bath from time to time. :)



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We currently rent and don't pay for water (it is included in the rent). We are buying a house and will have to start paying for water. My kids are 5 and 7 and still take baths. Once we move into the new house, they will be taking quick showers. I like them taking baths because I feel they need to soak for a while to get all the dirt and grim off every evening.

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6 or 7.  DD had extremely thick hair and curly hair though, and it took her about a year of practice before she could actually get it cleaned and conditioned on her own.  It was a long year of icky hair.


ETA, one time she actually wore a bathing suit (very body-shy girl at that age) so I could see what she was doing and give her advice...

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My almost 5-year-old showers when he's filthy and I want him to hurry and bathes when I want 30 min. of peace :) I help him wash his hair either way.


I took him in the shower with me from the time he was an infant and somewhere around 3 he started enjoying the shower alone (with me nearby).

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Are they supposed to graduate LOL. I guess its the European in me but I've always preferred baths. I take one myself every night. My kids can shower but they waste too much water staying in too long cause they like to play. Baths use much less water. I'm not sure why a bath can't be quick.... when I tell my kids to be quick they get in, wash themselves and get out.


I still wash all my kids hair. The boys wouldnt do it if I didn't however I have been trying to teach DS1 to wash it on his own as he has always been private and I know he doesn't like me to help with washing.


My DD could care less about privacy. I wash her hair as it is fine and fragile. It needs better care then she can give or it tangles and breaks.


DS2 always needs a good soak and scrubbing...him and dirt are best friends...showering doesnt get him clean without me getting soaked in the process.

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Oldest started at 6 because she was going to overnight camp and they only had showers.  She was independent by 7.

Youngest takes them now (6) but I wash and rinse her hair from around the side of the curtain.  Then she soaps up and rinses.  She prefers a bath still, though.  We choose baths if she has the time to sit in there and play.  My goal is to get youngest independent in showering this year to be ready for camp in the summer.

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