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This is so hard. Is it time to put our dog down? Update


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We have a beautiful 15 1/2 year old pit bill mix. I found her on the side of the road when she was only a few weeks old and we've loved her ever since. She began having joint trouble when she was only a few years old. She has arthritis and hip dysplasia. She is approximately 60 pounds but was around 80 at her heaviest (she was a little chunky).

A few years ago she started taking Previcox for the inflammation and we also give her a prescription dog food specifically for joint issues. She has always been a happy and incredibly sweet dog. But lately she doesn't seem herself. She is obviously having problems walking. She can walk but she starts limping pretty quickly. She has started pooping in the house quite a bit. But she still enjoys her "breakfast" and she loves getting her medicine in her cheese at night. She sleeps most of the time and she seems to try to retreat to remote areas of the house. She pants a lot but it is summertime so part of it could be heat although she's almost exclusively inside.

She just doesn't come over and nudge us for attention anymore. She is having trouble getting up and down but she still manages to get up and down the stairs. But she still looks at us with love in her eyes. She's still in there. My fear is that her spirit is still strong but her body is just done.

I want to do what is best for her. I don't want lose her but I don't want her to suffer. We've never had to do this before. I thought it would be more clear. I think I'll make an appointment with the vet for Monday.

What would you do? Any vets or vet techs with advice?

Elise in NC




We took our beautiful girl into the vet and she believed the time had come to put her down.  Our hearts are broken but thankfully it was peaceful. Thanks for all the advice and hugs. I knew it would be hard but I'm still surprised with how broken my heart feels.



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I am not a vet or in animal medicine, but I wanted to send you a hug and say I'm sorry. It is hard when our pets decline. She may be going blind as well, which would be one reason she doesn't seek you out.


When I had my 16yo sheltie mix put down she was blind, deaf and seemed mentally gone. She had no bladder control left. In reality, she probably should have been put down a half-year sooner. I made the decision because flies would land on her and she had no energy to attempt to remove them. I was fearful that they would begin depositing eggs in her fur, something I witnessed with dh's childhood dog. It was sad, of course, and I felt crass making the appointment, but it was time for her to go.


Edited typo

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I am so sorry! We had to put our almost 17 year old dachshund down in May. He was in a wheelchair, blind, and incontinent. He slept most of the time. He'd had 2 back surgeries. He wore diapers. Finally, he had seizures and must have had a stroke or something, wouldn't pick up his head, even when I put ham under his nose he didn't move. It was time, it was horrible, but it was the right thing to do. Probably many people would have done it long before I did. But then he was less than 20 lbs and I carried him around, and he didn't need to go upstairs. I don't know how much that helps, just sharing my experience.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


I am so sorry! I had my wonderful 16 year old lab (my avatar photo) put down last year. It is so hard to lose an animal that has loved you so well and who has enriched your own life so much. No answers for your questions specifically, but grieving with and for you.

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A few months ago we euthanized our old dog and it was such a difficult decision. Many of the symptoms were just as you described, painful arthritis no longer responding to treatment, decreased searching for attention and contact, as well as hind end weakness. Our vet said that dogs suffer when they potty in the house and they also hide pain very well. If you are seeing some evidence of pain you can bet there is a lot more that's not showing.


Only you and your family can make the decision but it's a difficult and painful process. Some people say, "You just know" but we never really felt like that. It was agonizing. We were second guessing all the way to the vet's office. By the time we got there, he was in so much pain and he couldn't stand. They had to carry him in. I guess that's when we "knew" but by then we'd already made the decision. :crying:



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I'm so sorry, Elise! I know what she's meant to your family. We had to have three cats put to sleep over the course of two years (we'd had them 12, 15, and 16 years) and it's an agonizing decision. Sometimes it's the only way we can continue to show love for them. Talk with the vet. IME, they are not quick to suggest this, so it gave me more confidence in the decision and some level of comfort when the vet agreed that there was nothing more to be realistically done. Erik made little Christmas ornaments for each one that we hang on the tree each year in remembrance.

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A few months ago we euthanized our old dog and it was such a difficult decision. Many of the symptoms were just as you described, painful arthritis no longer responding to treatment, decreased searching for attention and contact, as well as hind end weakness. Our vet said that dogs suffer when they potty in the house and they also hide pain very well. If you are seeing some evidence of pain you can bet there is a lot more that's not showing.


Only you and your family can make the decision but it's a difficult and painful process. Some people say, "You just know" but we never really felt like that. It was agonizing. We were second guessing all the way to the vet's office. By the time we got there, he was in so much pain and he couldn't stand. They had to carry him in. I guess that's when we "knew" but by then we'd already made the decision. :crying:




This is exactly what happened to our dog. She seemed ok when we got to the vet but then just couldn't walk any farther. A vet tech had to carry her in.


Elise in NC

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We took our beautiful girl into the vet and she believed the time had come to put her down.  Our hearts are broken but thankfully it was peaceful. Thanks for all the advice and hugs. I knew it would be hard but I'm still surprised with how broken my heart feels.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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We have a beautiful 15 1/2 year old pit bill mix. I found her on the side of the road when she was only a few weeks old and we've loved her ever since. She began having joint trouble when she was only a few years old. She has arthritis and hip dysplasia. She is approximately 60 pounds but was around 80 at her heaviest (she was a little chunky).


A few years ago she started taking Previcox for the inflammation and we also give her a prescription dog food specifically for joint issues. She has always been a happy and incredibly sweet dog. But lately she doesn't seem herself. She is obviously having problems walking. She can walk but she starts limping pretty quickly. She has started pooping in the house quite a bit. But she still enjoys her "breakfast" and she loves getting her medicine in her cheese at night. She sleeps most of the time and she seems to try to retreat to remote areas of the house. She pants a lot but it is summertime so part of it could be heat although she's almost exclusively inside.


She just doesn't come over and nudge us for attention anymore. She is having trouble getting up and down but she still manages to get up and down the stairs. But she still looks at us with love in her eyes. She's still in there. My fear is that her spirit is still strong but her body is just done.


I want to do what is best for her. I don't want lose her but I don't want her to suffer. We've never had to do this before. I thought it would be more clear. I think I'll make an appointment with the vet for Monday.


What would you do? Any vets or vet techs with advice?


Elise in NC




We took our beautiful girl into the vet and she believed the time had come to put her down.  Our hearts are broken but thankfully it was peaceful. Thanks for all the advice and hugs. I knew it would be hard but I'm still surprised with how broken my heart feels.

So sorry.  Huge, huge hugs.  

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I am so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your beloved dog. We had t put down our 15 yr old boy in April. It was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do. I felt quite lonely for a while, it slowly got easier. Hugs to your family.

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