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Another 'get to know you' thread of sorts....

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Well, I have 4 kids!

My main e-mail address is TooOfEach. I have 2 boys, 2 girls, 2 dogs, 2 cats... I like things in pairs :). The form of 'too' is in reference to feeling overwhelmed quite often!

I used to use an email account with a syllable from each of my children's names, but once #4 came around, it got to be a bit long and silly.

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Mine is really hard to figure out...haha. My name is Melinda and that is all.


Yep, I was trying to be terribly sneaky too.


I actually did a google search on my full name.


I could put my full name out there and the chances that anyone would actually "discover" me are pretty darn slim. (And that person would seriously need to go "buy a life".)

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Mine is a name I was showed in a dream. In the dream it was a boutique, but I claimed it for my own. The only lion-like quality I have is my hair and I don't claim to be elegant, either.


I like it better than my real name, which has no nickname, so I will answer to Paula or EL.

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This is a neat thread.


My name comes from the Aesop's Fable Country Mouse, City Mouse.


I live in the country and enjoy the fresh air and slow-pace. I also enjoy visiting big cities - my bf lives in LA. I love the hustle and bustle, the food, the culture, but I am always so happy to return to my quiet life in the country.

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Mine is from a pirate name generator. I was originally Ellen in IL on the old boards. After a thread I had posted to got deleted, I realized that something I posted could have been taken in a complete different (as in Adult) way than I had intended. I was so embarrassed that it might have been my fault that I changed it to Ellen S. Well then several more Ellens started showing up at the board, so I felt that I needed. "Talk Like A Pirate Day" was the impetus to change my name.


BTW, I was really jealous when LN started posting. I wanted to use that as my name because of a funny story in college. I had an 8 AM calculus class. The TA was Asian and I had a hard time understanding her. She kept saying "Ellen" and I kept saying "What?" until someone poked me to tell me that she was talking about the natural logarithm. I was quite embarrassed.

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About 7years ago I was looking for a new screen name and wanted it to be totally original...My sister suggested putting peach in it, her favorite flavor...I was eating skittles at the time (yes how creative) and peachskittles was born...


I just go by Peach anymore...I rarely use my real name online and even in r/l, I'm still called Peach by some people...

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My dh's great, great grandmother was Choctaw. In 2000 we traveled to MO to find her grave (that was an adventure of a life time complete with hot humid weather, ticks, hound dogs, farmers with shotguns and me pregnant with twins). Anyway, my oldest dd developed a real interest and pride in her Native American heritage and wanted to learn the Choctaw language. There was only one program I could find; unfortunately, there are very few native speakers. Anyway, Ishki is mother. That's what she calls me. Her dad is Inki. And everyday she says chi hula li - I love you.



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My screen name comes from a nickname I had in high school. My parents never gave me a middle name, which my friends (and I, at the time) considered a terrible act of neglect, so we were always coming up with possible middle names for me. Kimberleigh is one that stuck for quite awhile.


I originally posted as JennK on the old boards, but when several other Jenn's showed up, I switched. So when I signed onto the new boards, I figured I'd just go with Kimberleigh here.




PS -- One of the side benefits of getting married was that my maiden name became my middle name. My life is now complete. :D

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When I first started coming here, it was very irregularly. I often forgot what I had used for a previous post it was so infrequent!:blushing:


I started with my name only on the old boards. I later found out there were others with the same name (I was so rarely on that I just didn't know). Then, I used a shortened version of my name and was "scolded" for "taking" someone else's name! Okay, sorry -- really didn't know. Then, I used my name and state -- boring.


I decided that I needed something to stick once and for all. I did a thing asking for suggestions. One of them was what I am using now. It fit very well.

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My ds10 was 4 and would watch ds12 (6 at the time) play a Harry Potter video game. At one point in the game, you gather a bunch of beans. It said something like, "You're rich with beans!" Well, I was a single mom at the time and we spent a lot of time with my mom. They also spent time with my ex's wife's mom. One day Aaron says, "We're rich with grandmas!"


I met my DH soon after and gained 2 bonus daughters. Aaron said to me, "Wow, mom. You're rich with kids!" :D

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Mine's pretty simple to many of my dh's fellow sailors, but to most it seems weird.


I'm Nukeswife, because my dh is a Naval Nuclear Propulsion engineer, so most call them "nuke" for short. I'm his wife thus I'm a Nuke's Wife, I just took out the hyphen.


When we were first married I had a license plate that said Nukswif which most thought was cool except after I got pregnant my dh had to drive that car (a very small compact car) to since I wouldn't fit behind the steering wheel. We then ditched it after someone stole one of the license plates off my car when we stopped overnight in Wyoming on a cross country move.

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Yes, indeedy, it did.


Don't click on this link unless you can handle some serious cheese ;):Daydream Believer


Geez, how goofy were The Monkees?! I'm really embarrassed now. :tongue_smilie:

My name is Chelle, and I love the Monkeys.


Don't you DARE say the Monkeys were goofy!! They were the epitome of AWESOME, man!! I watched them every day after school, and my mom even let me order their album from a t.v. ad!!


I could totally handle that (not cheesy) video of Daydream Believer!! My kids thought I was nuts singing to it!!


Just teasin', ya know? A girl's gotta defend her childhood, no matter how long ago it was!



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My name is Chelle, and I love the Monkeys.


Don't you DARE say the Monkeys were goofy!! They were the epitome of AWESOME, man!! I watched them every day after school, and my mom even let me order their album from a t.v. ad!!


I could totally handle that (not cheesy) video of Daydream Believer!! My kids thought I was nuts singing to it!!


Just teasin', ya know? A girl's gotta defend her childhood, no matter how long ago it was!




Oh, I understand. :001_smile:

I used to have a terrible crush on Davy Jones (when I was about 5~ish). But, now, watching that video... sick007.gif

I can only wonder what my parents were putting in my Kool-aid. :lol:

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My name is associated with where I went to college..University of Michigan-Dearborn campus. I didn't go to the wonderful Ann Arbor campus except for the football games and after parties (and the libraries occasionally). I'm still a Michigan football fan...and love everything Michigan. I was a commuter student and didn't end up with thousands in students loans though!

Paula (transplanted to Indiana (yeuch) 3 yrs ago).

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DH's name is Carl, with a C. When he was in high school, everyone called him Crazy Carl, but when he went to get an email address, that was already taken. So, what he and his friends came up with was KrazzyC. (Partly to be original, partly because they couldn't spell.) It just stuck and when we got married, we became the krazzyfamily. When we had kids, I became the krazzymommy. Some things just never die.

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Dh and I lived for a while where our address was Happy. Yep, the town without a frown in the Texas panhandle.


Since then, I've used various incarnations of Happy as my board name. On Gateworld.net, for example, I'm SG1Happy.


It's cute and fun and reminds me to be HAPPY.

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Dh and I lived for a while where our address was Happy. Yep, the town without a frown in the Texas panhandle.


Since then, I've used various incarnations of Happy as my board name. On Gateworld.net, for example, I'm SG1Happy.


It's cute and fun and reminds me to be HAPPY.


I had no idea there was a Happy, Texas! :001_smile:

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Yes, indeedy, it did.


Don't click on this link unless you can handle some serious cheese ;):Daydream Believer


Geez, how goofy were The Monkees?! I'm really embarrassed now. :tongue_smilie:


Wanna know how I knew? My name is Jeanne also, and I had a serious Davy Jones crush as well! One of my childhood dreams was to hear him sing "Daydream Believer" to me in person. And it came true when they got back together for that reunion tour when I was in high school (well, he was also singing to about 20,000 other people, but how many of them could have been named Jeanne also????)


I still like the Monkees, and so do my dc!

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I love this thread. Lots of creative people here I see.


I posted as "Once and only Once" on the old boards once. I just had something quick that I wanted to say to help someone avoid a problem I had with my cat. Almost the very next day when I came back the new boards arrived and were wonderfully accessible. So I stuck with Once. These boards are so...addictive.


I love your story about the Blue Lobsters. Very sweet.

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Another boring board name...


My first name is Jann (notice the double n) and I live in Texas.


The name I use on my neglected blog and for my tutoring website is much better---IzaTeecher. It was my online gaming name back 4+ years ago when I was addicted to playing 'Age of Empires' online...I was pretty good too... I had to give it up when it started to consume me.

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Mine is a play on the meanings of my legal name. I do like the Tolkien quote in my siggy, though, and Tolkien on drags on general. I kind of think of homeschooling as my Caudimordax, our shallow American culture as Chrysophylax, and the success of my children in creating a new world, treasure.


Oh, wow, how is it that I never noticed that quote? I love it!:001_smile:

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From my blog's "About Obi-Mom Kenobi" page:


My son is a fan of all things George Lucas, with the Star Wars series being his favorite. He’s been watching the films, reading the books and learning about the “history†of the characters and a certain galaxy from long ago and far, far away since he was just a little guy. For the record, if you haven’t seen R2-D2: Beneath the Dome, than you just don’t know Star Wars. Who knew that such a strong, brave droid could experience so much angst….


Because of his obsession interest, there are many little quotes from the movies that frequently get bandied about in our house. Many. Frequently. One of the most common is after someone makes a demand for assistance (and forgetting to use the more polite, requesting, method) says, “Help me …†someone else will inevitably cut the request off with “Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.†Giggles will ensue and the request is repeated more appropriately. This eventually turned into Obi-Mom Kenobi being used instead when I was the recipient of the request and the expression stuck.

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That's really nice, Emily! My story isn't so touching.


Here goes, stay with me all- I'm Jane. There. Whew. Did I lose anyone?:lol: The plain part, well that's me too. I've always felt my name was really boring. I'd much rather have been a Janel or Janet or something. But I'm just plain 'ole Jane. I'm also the type who tries blend in and I'm not big on controversy so 'plain jane' suits me just fine. I wouldn't describe myself as boring so I had to find an avatar that was more suited to my personality.;) :D


I usually glare at her. :glare: I think Jane is a pretty name, and she's a pretty spectacular mom.


So I think the same thing about you every time I see your screen name. "Ah! Plain Jane. She's probably very pretty, and a spectacular mom!"

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Now from wake up at 5:30am till lights out at 10:30pm I am going from one job to the next. My six year old is able to help in many ways but life is busier now than it ever has been before and I am clinging to the assurances that three is the hardest number as I really don't know how I could squeeze any more time out of the day (or energy out of me) for #4 if it isn't a bit easier!


Take heart, #4 didn't add an immense amount of work. Until he started moving. By 5 1/2 mo. he was able to move around and life has gotten progressively more difficult since then. But immensely more fun as well! I don't think I've ever laughed as much as I do now!


Mine's pretty self-explanatory also - Texas mom of 4. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!

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From my blog's "About Obi-Mom Kenobi" page:


My son is a fan of all things George Lucas, with the Star Wars series being his favorite. He’s been watching the films, reading the books and learning about the “history†of the characters and a certain galaxy from long ago and far, far away since he was just a little guy. For the record, if you haven’t seen R2-D2: Beneath the Dome, than you just don’t know Star Wars. Who knew that such a strong, brave droid could experience so much angst….


Because of his obsession interest, there are many little quotes from the movies that frequently get bandied about in our house. Many. Frequently. One of the most common is after someone makes a demand for assistance (and forgetting to use the more polite, requesting, method) says, “Help me …†someone else will inevitably cut the request off with “Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.†Giggles will ensue and the request is repeated more appropriately. This eventually turned into Obi-Mom Kenobi being used instead when I was the recipient of the request and the expression stuck.


DH is a Star Wars junkie also. It's very common for our kids to be called nerf-herders. And we tell them all the time "Get in there. I don't care what you smell!" Unfortunately, that's not just a funny quote - it's often too true! :glare:

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