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Anyone else love a good thunderstorm?


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All day long we've been waiting for this mega thunderstorm that was supposed to hit us.  It was originally predicted around 1:00, but really we have just had some intermittent sprinkles and brief heavy rain, nothing major.  I'd been anticipating an awesome thunderstorm all afternoon and am finding myself quite let down by the piddly rain we are having!  Anyone else love to snuggle up on the couch and enjoy a good thunderstorm? :D

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I love them. Living in Arizona, we don't get thunderstorms, or any real storms, that much. So when we do it's always nice to sit around and enjoy them. Plus, it's really entertaining, for me anyways, all the drivers that try and drive in the flooded streets then get slapped with the stupid motorcist law. I'm evil lol

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Me, me, me!!!  I think they're fantastic.  You know, as long as lightening doesn't strike me or my house and start a fire.



This! But adding: and if all my loved ones are home and not on the road. Then I can enjoy it. 


I call lightning a free light show!

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Before living in Alaska we lived in Hawaii. Neither place is a power house of extreme thunderstorms. Just the other day, my 16 year old commented that she missed sitting in the family room of our Pennsylvania house and watching the lightning strikes outside. It's been about 10 years since I've seen a really good one and I miss it.

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We love them, too, although they have taken a scary turn lately. We have close family friends who lost loved ones in a tornado and their kids used to get terrified of them when a storm started while we were on walks together. It was upsetting to all of us and our kids still get worried in any thunderstorm (we were there for that tornado and saw the devastation it caused just down the road from us). So as long as there aren't any tornadoes in the forecast we love them.

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I love them.  My older son tolerates them.  My DH, younger son, and dog are afraid of them (in DHs defense, he saw someone get struck by lightning when he as 7 or 8 and so storms freak him out).  The kids and I did see a tornado form and drop from the sky last summer and head toward us while we were at baseball practice (luckily DH was out of town).  That scared the *you know what* out of me.

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People in AZ love precipitation of any kind.  We get so little of it.


My brother remembers training some Irish Intel employees here in AZ and the shock on their faces when someone came into the middle of work, announced it was raining and everyone from AZ immediately stood up, walked outside and watched it rain.  We'd been in the middle of a drought then, so it was understandable but the Irish employees thought it was very strange.

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Oh yes!  We have big west facing windows, and we pop popcorn and all stay up late (if they come at night) and watch the lightning show, waiting for it to get closer to us and hear these huge claps of thunder  We live in an area that can have some huge thunderstorms.  It is awesome to watch the power of nature.


We would also be disappointed if it didn't come.



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Thunderstorms are one of the "happy things" in my life. I grew up watching storms over Lake Erie with my family. We would turn out the lights and just listen to the thunder and watch the lightning strike over the water.


I don't live on the lake anymore, but we still have great storms and lots of thunder.

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I enjoy a thunderstorm on occasion.  not the frequent house-shaking 'keep you up all night' kind.  (I've been in a number of mid-western/northeastern "good thunderstorms".) here we rarely have even paltry thunderstorms that only produce one or two good rumbles.

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We love them here. Rather, we love the rain they bring. We don't love the dangers that can cone with them (tornados, hail, lightning, wind). We really love watching them to the east of us. If we are talking HUGE storms we can easily see them when they are 4 hours away. Those are great to watch, as from our vantage we can see the lightning all the way up and through the clouds.

This spring had been a let down. We are in DESPERATE need of rain. (crop report is in and more than 85% of our leading crops are in poor- fair condition. Where is the rain? ! )

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Some of my favorite childhood memories are hot summer nights sitting on the covered back porch watching storm clouds roll in bringing thunder storms with their cooling breeze, thunder, and lightning. I love a good thunder storm. My dog, eh, not so much!

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I love, love, love the sound of rolling thunder...especially in the evening and at night. It is just so cozy. But where is all our rain this year??? We had 3 years of drought, then last summer was okay (not great, but better). Spring is looking pretty dry here. All the big storms keep missing us. I would welcome the sound of thunder right now!

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