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If money weren't an issue, what curriculm/ school supplies would you purchase?

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A big organization makeover! New cabinets, baskets, files, bins, and even a new table for the center of our schoolroom.


As far as curriculum, I would buy all of the required literature that goes along with TOG, SOTW, etc. I HATE having to search for books elsewhere. So time-consuming!

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A set of big wall maps that you pull down and release back up like a projector screen, different maps with the world at different times in history - am i describing this at all clearly? LOL


Yes! :iagree: I would too!


A few Teaching Company DVDs for myself, an ugly French speaking tutor/housekeeper, a very large magnetic dry erase board, a wonderful camera that allows me to take pictures like Ree (Pioneer Woman or Miz Booshay), a video camera, museum passes for the year, the best quality microscope and telescope and brand-new, high quality musical instruments for my kids (piano and violins at least).


I can go on if you'd like...:001_huh:

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I'm finally able to get some of those "wouldn't that be great to have" items.


Rosetta Stone, season tickets to the local theatre, and a piano would be at the top of my list, maybe an iPod for each kid, but the number one item would be a cleaning service.


We have a telescope and a copier, and I consider both essential. Next year I'm pretty sure I'll be yearning for a microscope.

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A GREAT microscope, and lots of other 'real' science equipment--test tubes, bunsen burners, round bottomed flacks, a clamp rack, etc. Probably an oscilloscope.


Tapestry of Grace, but for ME.


A really good piano.


A printed encyclopedia. I think that it helps with research skills. I'm thinking about investing in one of these anyway.

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Well you didn't put any info about the ages/grades, etc... For elementary, I'd say an office size laminator that takes the heat pouches, a paper cutter (about $50 at Staples for the midgrade one), a good 3- hole punch, and a really good pencil sharpener. Buying books really depends on your library. If we assume you have access to an ok library, then I would instead use that money to buy some especially good series of books. I've gotten my dd over the years the YWAM series (missionaries and History's Heroes), the Sam Campbell books, the Little Maid series (not all, but several), etc. The nice thing about investing in books like those is, if your dc really enjoys them, they get read again and again. Kind of a bummer to spend money on an expensive book and have it read only once!


Other nice splurges for elementary: an ipod or shuffle to use for memory work, music curriculum and a set of percussion instruments (nothing fancy) to use with it. Nature guides specific to your state/region. Anything from the timberdoodle catalog.

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Since dh is a chemist it would have to be all the science equipment we would need. I am sure he would have fun buying all of that. Besides that I would buy all of the Sonlight cores so I would have them on my shelf ready to use. Museum passes to ones in Indy and Chicago since we are close to each of those big cities. Money set aside for gas so we can go to those places. All the teaching textbook grade levels, Rosetta Stone Spanish and Chinese languages, Henty book series in hardback of course, American Girl Series, Harry Potter series, and others I can't think of right now.

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Memberships--zoo, local children's museum, science museum in next town


All 4 years of TOG, the rest of Singapore Math, Rosetta Stone Spanish & another language, the murderous math books, some more horrible history books, volume 4 of Story of the World and a few single topic instruction books for art.


Basically, I would buy ahead and add in some fun stuff. We are fairly happy here with what we are using.



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*IEW TWSS and SWI videos, all of them

*Atelier Art--all modules for all levels, plus TM and art prints (art supplies, too)

*Tell Me More Foreign Language Programs--French, Spanish, and one other of the dc's choosing.


I would also purchase two new computers, plus a laptop for myself. And I would finally get off of dial-up and have high-speed internet! :)

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Oooohh...I was just thinking of this the other day:


Passes to the local science center, theatre, pottery classes, music lessons


Awesome science equipment: telescope, microscope, a space in my living/learning room with a sink and plenty of counter space for labs, displaying our various critters/bugs we're observing etc.


A room the size of a kindergarten class so I could create some centers, like a toddler/preschool area for my younger ones, a comfy reading couch or reading area (when I was in 1st grade we had an old bathtub with pillows!), a small kids size table for playdough, art etc. a really large table for seatwork. tons of bookshelves, cabinets, counterspace and still lots of windows and wall space for posters, chalkboard etc.


Lots of really good artist quality art supplies with required cabinetry/portfolio's to keep it all contained.


A piano


a lunch lady (seriously, I would pay good money for someone to be our lunch lady...that meal is the bane of our homeschool day!)


a computer center with wireless and laptops.


i love the idea of the retractable maps, but i have memories of several teacher's looking rather inept when trying to get them to do what they wanted them too. don't know if i want to add any more opportunities for looking like a goof to my school day! LOL


ipods with all the old time radio shows, books on cd downloaded on them. can i get a tech guy to do all of it for me? maybe 3 different ipods, one with early years read alouds, then one with the middler years, then one with high school readings, info.


now...if i would just win the lottery!

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... to the excellent ideas here, I'd buy some lovely Easton Press books. I drool over their catalogs in the mail! I recently ordered the Andrew Lang Fairy books from them, but I'd also order the Anne of Green Gables series, the "Girl's Own Library", the.... Oh my! I guess it would be easier to list what I WOULDN'T order from them! ;)


I'd also look into Sonlight (I keep pondering this for next year...).

Retractable maps (Long on our wish list)

Globe-Wernicke bookshelves

Lots and lots of children's books (classics)

Norwegian children's books (my husband is from Norway; ordering the books from overseas is quite costly)

Homeschooling books in general

Fun math manipulatives

Educational boardgames

Large slate board or dry-erase board and felt board with fun felt cut-outs

Lots of Dover (and other) coloring books


Hmm.. Can you tell I'm a bibliophile?

Congratulations, and good luck!:001_smile:

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Teaching Company courses...lots of 'em, in almost every subject area


Nice sized history wall maps.


Internet access from home - Macbook (is that the laptop? that's what I want) - All-In-One print center


Oh, and enough room to stow all this stuff, in addition to all the books, etc I already own.

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Money has never been a concern - we've been blessed with enough to have all that we need or want (within reason). I've tried all the curricula I've wanted to try over the years (Calvert, Sonlight, VP & others) and bought & used many extras.


Now I have to STOP buying! I have too much stuff.

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Well this year Im doing just that...we have the money and I want to order what I WANT....


So far Ive ordered Teaching Textbooks for both kids Pre Alg and Math 5, Teaching the Classics, and Im looking at microscopes too...


We also want a telescope.


I agree with teh organization stuff, like cabinets...


Good Desks...Laptops for each child...etc. LOL!



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This is a fun thread! I would definitely have a school room built on to my house so I could put all my new buys in it! I would get a microscope, a telescope and Rosetta Stone Spanish. Also family passes to the zoo, museums, and the Biltmore House. And I would buy several new bookshelves to put tons and tons and tons of books on! I would just get out all my catalogs and book lists and go to town ordering. I love having books right at my fingertips and not having to go looking for them at the library (our library leaves a lot to be desired!).


ETA:I would also hire a housekeeper!! And a teenager to come to my house one afternoon a week so I could go out for a couple of hours for some mommy time.

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Lots and lots of books, and shelving to put them on.


Quality art supplies, science equipment, computer/printer/etc....if your dc has a special interest or talent I'd spend extra $ there.


I'll take an ugly French housekeeper too! :lol:

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Private one-on-one art i& music instruction


Latin tutor, Math tutor, Computer Science tutor




Babysitter to watch the kids after school while I go out by myself for a bit


And a chauffeur!:001_smile: Oh, and a cook who makes yummy vegan, GFCF, allergy-safe foods and stocks my fridge every week. Alli have to do is microwave. I think that would be my biggest help and dream.

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If it was possible to buy more time so the kids could do all their schoolwork and all the free activities they want to do then I would spend all the money doing that.


A personal trainer to get me off my big fat butt. Oh, the PT could work with the kids, too.


Laptops for myself and each kiddo.


We are blessed to be able to buy pretty much all the curricula I choose and pay for private music lessons. Two of the boys also have football right now and basketball in the winter. If money were an issue then unexpected windfalls would probably go to those extracurriculars.

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Pay for one of you super organized homeschooling moms to come to my house, show me how to get organized and leave me detailed instructions on how to keep it organized.


Then, high quality microscope, science experiments, art supplies, fun books, games, etc.


But then I'd have to start over with the organizing again.



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Aaaaah, the possibilities..


-Travel around the world

-Attend numerous symphonies, operas, ballets, world music concerts

-Membership to children's museum, Wannado City

-Markable maps, one for each child

-A bigger house so I can have a huge two-story library ;)

-Attractive real wood shelves for our book collection

-Subscription to Discovery Streaming

-National Geographic Magazine subscription

-More books of course!


I love what Trivium Academy said. Yes, ugly, and in our case, Spanish-speaking lady who deep-cleans our home every week :tongue_smilie:

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OK, you did say "Money's not an issue, right?" Well, I believe the BEST curriculum would be to actually live what you're studying. I would love to have the money to leave tomorrow (gotta pack), and head to the East Coast - Jamestown, Yorktown, Washington DC and New York. See the things we've been studying about.


Then off to Europe, get a Eurail Pass and experience the culture, museums, people, history and food - not to mention the wonderful adventures you have whenever you travel. Hey, if money isn't a problem - why not make it a trip around the world???


(OK, this probably wasn't what you were asking about, but I just had an insanely large cup of coffee and am a little wired. Also, I was a flight attendant in my prekids years and I'm missing the travel.)

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Well since you said money is not an object ;) ...


An indoor two-story play structure. With shredded rubber instead of pea gravel or sand. Yes, this is a homeschool help!!


A homeschooling room that encompasses the whole 3rd story. It would be brightly lit with natural light and have several dormer windows with window seats. There would be an art area with a tiled floor & a drain, and a small kitchen for washing up, which includes an oven for projects and most importantly a COFFEE MAKER. It would have built-in shelves and computer desks and a corner with a half-wall surrounding it. I'd fill that area with beanbags for reading and it would be a great place to corral toddlers too! When we're not homeschooling (and after the children have graduated) it would be a wonderful guest suite. Our house would be located on at least 40 acres with a stream and lake. That's not too much, is it?


We could afford to fund certain friends to spend time teaching our children about their areas of expertise. For example, we have a very close friend who is a Prof of Christian History for a major university and writes for backpacking magazines. We'd love for him to be able to take our son on adventures and teach him about Christian history.


We would rent or buy a huge sailboat and travel all over the world to visit our friends.


And lastly:


Chefs to cook ethnic specialties for us a few times a week: Indian, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Greek, Ethiopian etc. :)


I'd never do laundry or mop floors again, which would make me a much better homeschooler. :D


And a trusted nanny on call for date night, appointments, and to travel with us on vacations. Preferably a college-age daughter of one of our homeschooling friends.

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Rosetta stone, full sonlight cores as opposed to picking and chosing specific titles otherwise I buy everything I want even if money is uber tight.


For other "stuff" a better telescope than the one I plan to buy, passes for the art gallery, theatre, symphony etc, a bigger/better designed house so I have a place to put all these things I would be buying, and heck an RV to travel around and get hands on learning happening. Yup, if money was no object it would go less to curric and more to hands on

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OK, you did say "Money's not an issue, right?" Well, I believe the BEST curriculum would be to actually live what you're studying. I would love to have the money to leave tomorrow (gotta pack), and head to the East Coast - Jamestown, Yorktown, Washington DC and New York. See the things we've been studying about.


Then off to Europe, get a Eurail Pass and experience the culture, museums, people, history and food - not to mention the wonderful adventures you have whenever you travel. Hey, if money isn't a problem - why not make it a trip around the world???quote]



:iagree:Whoa, I'm with you girlfriend! But then I'd add a laptop and perhaps TOG (it does look awesome).

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1. Music lessons and instruments

2. Telescope

3. More bookshelves, cabinets with counters, and tall cabinets with doors

4. A computer for each kid

5. Grass (all we have is sand) and indoor playground for P.E.

6. Tell Me More language software for German, Russian, and French

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