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I have a bad feeling tonight

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My mom was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago and had been through several rounds of chemo. Her cancer is still growing and now she is on some kind of hormone treatment. She had been in a lot of pain this week. She went to the doctor today and the doctor was very concerned. They did a CT and we should get the results tomorrow. I've been prone to panic attacks lately due to this and a lot of other stressors. Tonight I have a very bad feeling. The kind where I'm afraid I'm going to get a call tonight with bad news. She is at home and not at the hospital but I have this horrible feeling that something is going to happen tonight. I'm sure it's just because I'm very worried. My husband and kids are sleeping so I have no one to talk to. I would really appreciate prayers for my mom. I know she probably doesn't have long but I was hoping for at least 6 months. No one never knows but this feeling I have tonight is awful.

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Praying now that you are asleep. Psalm 4 ihas wonderful verses to memorize so you can focus on them on those sleepless nights. It helps divert the mind from worry.


Prayers for your mom. Things will be better in the morning, because you will know then exactly what you're facing.

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So many others have said beautifully what I, too, wish for you.  She is so blessed to have you in her corner.  Please keep us posted, it really does help--at least it did for me.  :-)  


If there is a bad news call in the future, and if you haven't already, you and she may wish to consider hospice sooner, rather than later.  In my MIL's case, I'm sure that having access to the meds provided through hospice would have had kept her much more comfortable sooner (easing her labored breathing) and would have allowed her to live a better life in months we had with her.


Wishing you comfort and strength today, and sending a gentle hug for you.

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Well she had a rough night pain wise and of course was also dreading the call from the doctor.  I'm wondering if I was sensing some of her anxiety as well.  It seems like often when she has a bad night I have a bad night.  We already knew her cancer was metastatic and throughout her abdomen and liver.  I guess the doctor was worried about a clot, which she doesn't have so that is one good thing.  Unfortunately the cancer has spread further in the liver.  She is seeing a radialogist on Monday to talk about radiation directly to the tumor in the liver.  She had endometrial cancer to begin with and had radiation then but the original chemo didn't help and it came back again.  I don't think they will try anymore chemo as they have pretty much tried everything.  I am thankful that at least they haven't given up since they are trying the radiation.  I think they are doing it more for her comfort as they know they can't cure it at this point.  She is not completely bedridden but has to rest often but I just have a bad feeling that it will the kind of thing where she will go downhill quickly.  I appreciate all of your prayers and good thoughts.  May I also ask for prayers for my dad as he is having a rough time with this also. 

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My Dad's been in and out of the hospital with leukemia, other bone marrow issues, and related infections.  Pretty much every time I had a feeling like you, he was having a rough time.  I'm kind of far away, so what I would do is picture him surrounded, enveloped by God's love.  God's love all around him, flowing through him, comforting him.  I kind of figured if he was going to pass that night, that was the best I could do.


I'm sorry about what your family is going through.  I will keep you, your Mom and your Dad in my prayers.


I agree with asking the oncologist about hospice.  People often last longer in hospice than continuing to fight.



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So sorry you are going through this. It is so hard! I second what others have said about getting hospice involved. Hospice was wonderful with my Mom and Dad when my Dad was at the end of his life last year.  They also payed a lot of attention to Mom and her needs even after Dad was gone.  Hospice can also get the meds at the dosages needed for comfort which a regular doctor won't do.  My Dad was very comfortable with their help. 

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