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Valentine's plans?


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I enjoy Valentines.  Dh and I get each other cards but that is about it.  I don't want to eat out with the crowds or pay too much $$ for flowers and candy.  We usually get flowers and/or candy the following day when things are 1/2 off. 


The girls and I usually have tea with Valentine's treats.  This year I'm planning to make chocolate covered strawberries, PW dark chocolate brownies, and chocolate raspberry bark.  I made the bark a couple years ago and youngest dd has requested ever since.  We also do something special for breakfast but this year I'm not sure what to make.  Last year we did heart shaped pancakes.  Year before was scones. 


So....what is everybody planning for Valentines???

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dh and I generally don't do anything much. we may or may not make each other a card. sometimes he will run to the store for flowers for all 3 of us (grocery store flowers, lol, not florist flowers) or maybe to the donut shop - he goes to work insanely early, so sometimes he can pull it off and sometimes he can't. we're both fine with nothing much, and you couldn't pay us to go eat out! 


for the kids, I always have the table decorated for when they wake up in the morning. 'decorated' might be overstating it: we have a vinyl Valentine's tablecloth, I usually have some red or decorated napkins, and gift bags with a few simple treats. I usually make chocolate chip pancakes. 

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Dh's birthday is 2 days after Valentine's Day, we wait until then to go out to dinner.  Usually he gets flowers and I buy him Hershey's kisses and we exchange cards and I make a nice dinner.  This year we are both seriously trying to loose weight and get healthy so I bought him a piece of workout equipment that he wanted (not real expensive.)  He is actually not working on Friday so we are going to clean up the boat shed and take the boat out and maybe do some fishing too.  The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow.  I am going to help dd make him a card for both Valentine's Day and his Birthday today.

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DH and I exchange cards and we do a nice family dinner with the girls. This year we are doing cheese and chocolate fondue. Dh also makes us a special breakfast and he gives the girls a small box of candy and me a little gift. We go around the table and take turns telling each other different things we love about each other......yeah we are big dorks:)

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We never do much of anything.  I don't like jewelry, flowers, or chocolate.  When I went grocery shopping last Friday I grabbed a bunch of those $1 hearts with chocolates in them for the kids and the boy we drive to the high school every morning.  I got a nicer box (of my husband's favorite) for my husband.  For lunch I'm making the little two mini pizzas with pepperoni snipped into heart shapes.  Ani is doing a baby-sitting fundraiser at church and we'll drop the little guys off there with her.  We're taking Cameron to the place where we do taekwondo and he'll do parents' night out (pizza, movie, taekwondo drills... basically heaven for a kid who would practically live at the TKD school if we let him).  Jamie wants to go out to dinner which is fine with me since it means I don't have to cook.  The problem is where... I really want to go to Whataburger, but he seems to think we should go somewhere a bit nicer lol

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I think you should go to Whataburger.  Is that really the name of the place?  LOL


I see nothing wrong with that.  I find it a treat to go to burger joints because I don't go often.


:)  Yes, yes, it is.  http://www.whataburger.com/  They have a burger with jalapenos on it that is SO good.  We don't go to burger places often either and I love Whataburger!

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I will be decorating a venue for a wedding that I am coordinating for this weekend, and then of course doing my part on Saturday. DH was going to attend rehearsal dinner with me. But, it turns out that it is Pasta, Breadsticks, and salad. I have a gluten allergy and will be sick, sick, sick if I eat that. I can't even have the salad. It's pre-dressed with a dressing that has wheat gluten in it.


So, I told the family they would have to pay for he and I to eat somewhere else. They bought a gift card to Applebee's. We'll share a steak, baked potato, seasonal veggies, and the salad that comes with it. It's more than enough food for us. This is nice because we'll get one more meal out on the gift card sometime in the future.


Then it's back to the venue to finish up so nothing particularly romantic. Normally, Valentine's is my big holiday. I like it better than Christmas and decorate the house, make a big meal with lots of red or reddish and white foods, make homemade gifts for them, make a special chocolate dessert to go with ice cream, and break out a favorite family movie.

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Last year I got up early and made chocolate waffles with real whipped cream and fresh strawberries on the side. Oh, I also made bacon fried into a heart shape.


I had some Valentines Day cards and candies as well.


My kids really liked it. So did Dh. I'm planning something similar for tomorrow. No strawberries , though, unless the roads clear this afternoon.

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DD cut out six hearts and wrote each person in our family's name on them.  Now, everybody is writing one nice thing about that person on their heart.


I'll probably make pancakes with heart sprinkles in them.  A few years ago, I bought a heart shaped mold, but it drove me crazy.  Much easier to just add sprinkles. 

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We went out to dinner at The Melting Pot last weekend. I wanted to avoid the crowds. We tend to go out to dinner early. So, it was pretty quiet until right before we left.


For the kids, I buy some treats and a little gift or two. We have a treasure hunt with clues to find the loot.


I'm loving some of these ideas above. We are snowed in right now, so it would be fun to do a little more with Valentine's Day.

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Valentine's Day is our wedding anniversary, so, 16 years for us tomorrow!  We agreed a long time back not to give each other gifts.  We usually just exchange cards and have a small getaway.  Today we are leaving for a couple of days to go to a science center a few hours away from us.  It will be a nice romantic getaway with just the three of us - DH, DS, and myself.  :rolleyes: :)   I do like the adventure of going somewhere.

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I would love a good dessert idea. I've got nothing yet.




I made this one last year and it was very good.


My daughter loves chocolate cake with strawberry filling and chocolate icing


This year I'm making:



Don't forget King Arthur Flour recipes:



My gf makes a New York style cheese cake with cherry topping for Valentines

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Tomorrow's my birthday! I'm making the kids heart shaped pancakes in the morning, and I'll hang construction paper hearts from the chandelier (lazy decorating, but the kids love it). I'll do that tonight so the kids see them when they wake up in the AM.


During the day, we'll make M&M cookies on a stick using the Valentines M&Ms.


For dinner we're having good steaks with salad and roast asparagus. YUMMMMMM. Then the cookies for dessert. No birthday cake since I'm on a diet. There'd better be gifts, though!


After the kids go to bed, DH and I will have a couple of glasses of wine.



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It’s SIL’s birthday so we always celebrate with her. (She’s single and a great aunt to the kids and it’s really important to her to have us all at her birthday celebration). It’s fine, neither dh and I are really into Valentine’s Day even when we were dating. 


That’s about it. :) 

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The kids have co op classes and will give and get cards and treats then      I know I am dh Valentine, I don't need the "holiday to prove it.  However, I will enjoy gettig 1/2 off flowers February 15 just like many don't celebrate Halloween or Easter but like the day after candy  sales.  

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Our co-op has a party, but DH and I are doing nothing. Valentine's Day has never really been my favorite holiday, but it was really ruined for me a couple years ago when we went on a triple date with some friends, and then found out later that one of the men was cheating on his wife at that time (he subsequently left his wife for this woman), though that whole evening he was acting like he was all in love with his wife. I know I need to let that go, but..... Ugh!

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I would love a good dessert idea. I've got nothing yet.

Chocolate fondue is always the answer :-) We like to dip strawberries, bananas, and pound or angel food cake.


This thread woke me up to the fact that TOMORROW is Valentine's Day. I was more focused on the snow, but with all the extra snowbound cooking, the results will be the same. I plan to make fettuccine Alfredo with smoked salmon for dinner. I'll make fresh bread and bag-o-salad. Dessert is apple crisp with snow ice cream :-) I'm not sure we have enough wine to last until tomorrow night, but there is cream and Godiva chocolate liquor in the house.


I have waffle stuff for breakfast. I haven't turned on the waffle iron in almost a month, so they'll be impressed :-)

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DH and I are going to dinner with two of our friends who are also a couple.


Other than that, I have an Accounting exam tomorrow.


I don't want to exchange gifts this year, but will probably get a card for my husband. Or make one tonight.

Well, nothing says Valentine's Day better than an accounting exam. ;)


You are such a crazy romantic! :D

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We have a foot of snow and are getting another couple inches tonight plus another couple friday night. Our homeschool valentines party was supposed to be tomorrow but was postponed. We'll probably make chocolate covered strawberries and do some cute crafts. dh and I will have a special late dinner after the kids are in bed. Not necessarily because it's valentines day, but we need a date night! We don't give gifts or anything on v-day.

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My parents live in a retirement community that has a valentines dinner dance to honor all the couples who wil have a 50th wedding anniversary that calendar year. DH and I are attending that to honor my parents, who will be married 50 years in Sept. (DH and I will be married 22 years on that same day.) But usually, we ignore the holiday.


Funny thing...The shindig starts at 4:30. It's like a Seinfeld episode. It's also why we left ATL Tuesday. If we had waited, we would be iced in.

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Not to be a party pooper (now I always think of that youtube video lol...) but I figured I'd chime in.

I'm anti-Valentine's Day, so we don't do anything.  I just think a day dedicated to love and PDA and sappy, pink and red hearts and 'romance' is gag-worthy.  

DH bought me roses the first year we were dating (2001).  My roommate woke me up and was like, 'Look!'  I mumbled something intelligible and got back in bed, leaving them in the hallway.  My roommate may have brought them in... I don't really remember.  He hasn't made the mistake of buying me anything since - and I don't get anything for him, either.  I just think it's stupid, and a waste.


No offense to those who do celebrate it... it's just not my style, and I really loathe the 'hallmark holiday' of it.  And I really do want to gag when I see all these people 'proclaiming their love on social media' for their significant other... yeah... they are your spouse/partner.  I already figured out you liked them.  I really don't care to hear about it.  :ack2:  (Granted, that goes for every day, not just VD...)

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I like the holiday.


I always call it St. Valentine's.


We are having chocolate fondue and champagne after the teen is in bed.


I have a card for dh and he has one for me. I'm not big on flowers, but he usually gets me something like roses or whatever from the grocer's.


It's a good time for us.

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I like the holiday.


I always call it St. Valentine's.


We are having chocolate fondue and champagne after the teen is in bed.


I have a card for dh and he has one for me. I'm not big on flowers, but he usually gets me something like roses or whatever from the grocer's.


It's a good time for us.

I like this. I think we will do this after my parents' thing. (After all, it's over at 9.)

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