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You actually like and gladly take your children to Chuck E. Cheese.


I think I would rather take my kids the ER, than that horrible place. And if I see one more freaking commercial that sends my kids into a Chuck E Cheese freanzy, I might run away! Lol! They are convinced that place is heaven on earth and I am the "worst, most horriblest momma ever" because I haven't taken them there.


Honestly, though, how have this country's mother not boycotted this place yet?? Or am I the only one that feels this way....


P.S. Just a major vent!

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LOL!  I hated that place the first time I went there (for a friend's kid's birthday) and vowed I'd never take my kids there!  Greasy, noisy, full of obnoxious inconsiderate kids pushing each other for a chance at the video games!  Kids peeing their pants in the tot area!  Help!


My kids' classmates have had a couple of parties there in the past couple of years.  I have to say it seems to have gotten a lot better.  It was cleaner and the video games were not right across from the tables.  But I will still never take my kids there just for the "fun" of it.  Blah.

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We actually do quite a few family parties there.  We did our "Christmas" there when my sister was here from out of state.  It has something to keep everyone from the 4 year old to the 26 year old grandkids involved, the kids love the games and play together, Grandma who is in a power wheelchair can easily get around and see the kids, the food at ours isn't bad at all.


We do though go at off hours and quite often we are the only ones there---our 4 families.  Occ. a few more people are there but it is never mass chaos or crowded, etc. when we go.

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I swear there's at least a story a month online about moms at CEC getting into fights!  At a kids' place!  For that reason alone I won't take my kids.  I've been there a few times and vowed my kids would never go.  I did get suckered into taking my DD when she was a toddler, but never again.  I honestly feared for her life while we were there.

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I don't mind it, actually :).  Sometimes I will take them on a weekday morning.  We buy tokens when they have a coupon for 100 for $20.  I give each boy 20 tokens and let them go.  There is no one there so I can sip my diet coke while they play, my two year old just likes to play in the play place and watch the animals sing with an occasional ride on the train or fire truck.  Honestly, it's pretty cheap entertainment about once a month :).  

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The ERs here are way more crowded than the Chuck E Cheese places nearby. One of the Chuck E Cheese is two storeys, very spacious and quiet enough to catch a nap.  Weekends, both Chuck E Cheese and ERs are overcrowded, and I am thankful for the urgent care being open seven days a week.

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I don't mind it, actually :).  Sometimes I will take them on a weekday morning.  We buy tokens when they have a coupon for 100 for $20.  I give each boy 20 tokens and let them go.  There is no one there so I can sip my diet coke while they play, my two year old just likes to play in the play place and watch the animals sing with an occasional ride on the train or fire truck.  Honestly, it's pretty cheap entertainment about once a month :).  


My kids are past the CEC age, but when they were younger, the above applied.  On a weekday morning or right after lunch, we had the place to ourselves. 


But on a weekend or a school holiday--never in a million years.


We had a CEC knock-off nearby that was actually quite nice in non-peak hours.  Sadly, it has closed down now.  It was a great place for kids to meet up in late summer after school had started, because August, September and October are still blazing hot here (too hot for mid-day park activities).

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We never planned to go but then were invited to a party...we liked it a lot! When the kids were little we'd go once or twice a year. Many happy memories!



This was years ago.

Our cec was clean and well-managed.

we went there at off-peak times.

My kids didn't ask about it frequently.

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Well, I have to say, a lot of your responses may persuade me to give it a try. I have always felt like CEC is busy, noisy, dirty and a waste of money. But I may have to give it a try on a Tuesday morning some time. I guess I won't know if my particular CEC is yucky unless we try. The only problem would be if the kids love it and I hate it, they will definitely want to go back.

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All my memories of it from when I was a kid were sort of gross.  Dumb video games, swarms of kids, inedible food, dirty rug, darkened and weird dining area with the animatronic characters.  We went for the first time for a party last week actually and it was fine.  Almost empty except for the party, well lit, clean.  The food was not good, but there was a big fresh veggie tray for the kids and the pizza and cake weren't anywhere near as gross as I was expecting - definitely edible, if nothing to write home about.  There were a number of good two people little video games and the games were sort of fun - skee ball and other interactive type stuff, so better than all the old fashioned arcade games from when I was a kid.  And the tokens weren't as much as I expected.  Overall, it was fine.

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We went twice when Punk was under 3.


Both times he came down with a stomach bug within 48 hours.


I have avoided the place like the plague ever since.


(Although my mom has taken the kids a few times without me.I view it as a win.)

We call it Chuck Your Cheese. :lol:  My dd barfed all over the back of my dh's car seat on the way home from there. :ack2:  The pizza is so disgusting it would make anyone barf. I can not believe how much they charge for that cardboard.

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Well, I have to say, a lot of your responses may persuade me to give it a try. I have always felt like CEC is busy, noisy, dirty and a waste of money. But I may have to give it a try on a Tuesday morning some time. I guess I won't know if my particular CEC is yucky unless we try. The only problem would be if the kids love it and I hate it, they will definitely want to go back.

If you go do not buy the food, just play games. The food is so not worth the price.

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Shhh ... my kids have never been there! :D So glad - those places freak me out.


Neither have mine.  Since they don't have cars or licenses they are still dependent upon me for transportation and I have zero interest in going to one of those places.    

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When the kids were little, I loved taking them to Chuck E Cheese. We rarely ate the food there though because nothing was good. We'd just have drinks and maybe split a fries which tasted like frozen which I'm sure they were. We loved playing all of the games. My favorite was skee ball. The only other place with games was the bowling alley and it just wasn't near as much fun as CEC.

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We never planned to go but then were invited to a party...we liked it a lot! When the kids were little we'd go once or twice a year. Many happy memories!



This was years ago.

Our cec was clean and well-managed.

we went there at off-peak times.

My kids didn't ask about it frequently.

This was our experience almost exactly. It's been years since our last visit but we always had a good time. Actually enjoyed some of the games with the kids. We always went at off peak lunch times and only a few times a year.


I will never forget when dd had her potty party (we celebrated potty training success) She chose CEC. Grandma and Grandpa bought her fancy big girl pants as a treat. She was so excited she ran through the place waving glitzy girly panties above her head. It's wonderful memory she will never live down. :)

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I've never seen a CEC commercial, and I used to watch quite a lot of kids tv when my kids were little.



I don't know if it's true anymore, but when my kids were little, it felt like they sponsored EVERYTHING on PBS Kids.  So before and after every single PBS show, there was a CEC promo.  Ugh.

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We went to a birthday party during peak, weekend hours. Just what you might expect.


My dc loved "shopping" with the tickets you win from the games. We spent the ride home explaining the actual cost of the items, quarters to tokens to tickets to Smarties (one roll) and compared that to how many Smarties they could buy if I just have then the quarters and they went to a regular store. Took off a lot of the shine.


I like the daytime meet-up space idea, though. Especially with the coupon.

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I went there as a child and loved it.


But then I went back as an adult WITHOUT kids and it was the 9th level of you know where.


DH and I were childless and happy about it. We didn't want kids and didn't know anything about kids.  Somehow or other we were roped into attending our nephew's Chuck E Cheese birthday party.  DH left the place with a killer headache and I left with a twitch that didn't go away for a month.  We vowed that if we ever had children their birthday parties would be held in the library with the strictest librarian we could find. 



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