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Because many of us think the worst of Woody Allen...


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It will never be enough information. None of us was there, and the people who were involved have their own opposing agendas.


I have my own strong opinion on the matter, but it's not worth posting because I don't have enough solid evidence to back up my feelings about it, and I'm not interested enough to try to find facts and figures.


I will add to this - and as a teen my movie-fanatic mother dragged me to several woody allen movies.  I finally simply refused to go to any of his movies.  all I will say he - he squicked me out even when I was a teen, and before any of this stuff ever happened.

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What a ridiculously biased article.  Contrast these two statements from the article- first minimizing the disgusting behavior of Woody Allen: "If anyone is creeped out by the notion of a 55-year old man becoming involved with his girlfriendĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s 19-year old adopted daughter, I understand."


But when we're talking about Mia, an adult, having a possible affair with her ex-husband "Mia was apparently diddling her ex, five years earlier."


Woody becomes involved, Mia diddles.  And it got worse from there.


But the most offensive part of that article was the horrific victim blaming and complete dismissal of Dylan.


Well actually, there was also the horrible news that Woody Allen and Soon Yi were allowed to adopt two girls.  But good news folks, the Allen ass-kissing author of this article doesn't think there's anything inappropriate going on between Woody Allen and his adopted daughters.  So we can all rest easy there.

I agree 100%.



The article certainly didn't change the way I think about Woody Allen.  I actually had not thought much about him for years but now he's back at the front of my mind and I'm absolutely disgusted by him/his behavior.

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I will add to this - and as a teen my movie-fanatic mother dragged me to several woody allen movies.  I finally simply refused to go to any of his movies.  all I will say he - he squicked me out even when I was a teen, and before any of this stuff ever happened.


I haven't read the article because my squickiness at Allen does not come from his relationship with Soon-Yi or any possible abuse of his daughter, but rather from a feeling of ickyness the first time I saw an interview with him. That good old gut feeling.

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As far as the molestation battle drama, I know personally what can happen and emerge in such a setting in terms of accusations, fear, and manipulation. I am inclined to consider the fact that pedophiles are less able to curb and control themselves than Allen's known history suggests. And I know the power of anger and fear generated by custody battles.


Yes.  My mother, during her divorce from my father (when he had left her for a much younger woman) started wrongly to believe my father guilty of incestuous paedophilic actions.  She was very distressed at the time and not thinking normally.  I can imagine a mother believing such a thing so strongly that she, perhaps unknowingly, manipulated her child into producing evidence.


I don't know if that is what happened in this case, and it doesn't mean that either mother or daughter was lying, but it is at least possible.



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Your girlfriend's kids should be off limits, I agree.


But I have to admit, it changes things for me that they are still together. It gives the relationship some real credibility to me and makes me think, well, maybe it's true that sometimes two people are simply meant to be together even if it has questionable beginnings?


does it change things for you that mary kay letourneau is still married to her 12 year old victim?

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At best he was sleeping with and taking nude photos of the daughter of a woman he had been dating for *years*.


'I didn't feel that just because she was Mia's daughter, there was any great moral dilemma,' the 56-year-old film-maker told Time magazine. 'It was a fact, but not one of any great import. It wasn't like she was my daughter.'

Would you feel that there was no moral dilemma, if you found nude photos of your teen/young adult daughter (her exact age is unknown) which had been taken by your long-time (they had been dating over ten years at that point) boyfriend?


What bothers me is the fact that he doesn't believe there was any kind of moral dilemma.


So, this article definitely does not change my mind. It is his own words that bother me.

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I agree completely with Mrs. Mungo. That fact the he could not imagine it to be any kind of moral dilemma makes him Mr. Creepy by my standards, and the fact that the relationship has remained, does not change my opinion. I have not enough details to have any opinion as to whether or not it is a healthy relationship at the present time. BUT, it most certainly did not start out that way - "hmmm...I'll sleep with your mother, have a child with your mother, and I'll woo you and take nude photos of you while I do it" is not healthy; I actually consider it abusive. I would think of it this way, for 12 years he is supposed to be engaging in a romantic relationship with Mia, and this girl is the step-sister of his son which makes for a very creepy family dynamic.


I don't care a hoot about the article. The man's actions and his own words stand for himself.


As for MK Latourneau, all I can say is that many people "fall in love" with their abusers...there is a syndrome name for this, but I can't remember it. The fact that the 12 year old boy grew up and married her does not speak well to me about the mental well being of EITHER of them. Yes, I am disturbed by that. I worry about the cyclical nature of abuse. They have reproduced together so I worry about the well being of the children. I would absolutely characterize MKL as a pedophile.


We have a female pedophile in our area...a former middle school teacher. She did some time, got out, and promptly found an 11 year old to "engage in a romantic relationship". It didn't make the national news, but the case was similar. My opinion of this woman is lower than my opinion of snakes and well, you all know how I feel about snakes!


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I have spent 20 years thinking the worst of him. Here's a great article that's also a good correction for me.

It contains a lot of information most of us are missing and most importantly, makes it clear why 1) the personal lives of stars are not or entertainment and 2) neutrality, rather then hobbling together some opinion, is the correct position to take.


I think a lot of people who think that the personal lives of Woody and co. are none of our business would feel very differently if the same drama played out inside their own home - especially if a creepy old guy was taking naked pictures and having sex with his child's adopted and mentally disabled sister. That is all I have to say on this topic. And I too have spent more than 20 years thinking the worst of him. Sometimes, I get creeped out, sad and worried when I read that he and Soon-Yi have adopted kids of their own - that is when I tell myself that I need to do something better with what little spare time I have.

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Don't you think this is kind of weird?


I was never in a private room with Dylan. I slept downstairs that night in the guest bedroom. The next morning when I was about to leave, the kids ran downstairs and were jumping all over me and playing with me. And Dylan gave me some brochure from a toy store and she had checked off some toys she wanted me to get for her. Everything was wonderful.

So...he never, ever spent the night in Mia's home until after they broke up and he was dating Soon-Yi?

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I think a lot of people who think that the personal lives of Woody and co. are none of our business would feel very differently if the same drama played out inside their own home - especially if a creepy old guy was taking naked pictures and having sex with his child's adopted and mentally disabled sister. That is all I have to say on this topic. And I too have spent more than 20 years thinking the worst of him. Sometimes, I get creeped out, sad and worried when I read that he and Soon-Yi have adopted kids of their own - that is when I tell myself that I need to do something better with what little spare time I have.



I'm confused? Who is mentally "disabled" in this situation? Did you read the article? If you are refering to Soon-Yi, research shows she has a MASTERS degree from Columbia.

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I don't believe him, IMO he was powerful enough at that point that people would be intimidated by him.


 I believe Dylan Farrow. 


I have never seen an Allen film, my mom wouldn't allow them in the house.


IMO Ronan Farrow looks like his mom but even if he was Sinatra's son that wouldn't change my opinion of Allen's behavior. 

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I'm confused? Who is mentally "disabled" in this situation? Did you read the article? If you are refering to Soon-Yi, research shows she has a MASTERS degree from Columbia.



I am too busy to google this - but, if you google it, there are a ton of statements from Mia and her family that says that Soon-yi suffered early childhood abuse and repeated head trauma from her biological mother that resulted in mental disabilty and that she has a low IQ. And it is they who claimed that Soon yi is mentally disabled - not me - both Woody and Soon-yi deny it. And as I said, I get worried and stressed when I read about this topic.


PS: I don't have time to search in detail, but here is a quick link - not sure what kind of magazine is nypost, but that is what popped up first: 


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I also can not believe that he was allowed to adopt and he apparently does not believe that "adopted" children are the same as "real"  (I hate that term)  children.   I also hate that every time his wife is mentioned she is described as adopted daughter of Mia Farrow,  why not just daughter of Mia Farrow.  I do not, nor does anyone in my extended family (to my knowledge } refer to my children as adopted, except maybe in threads such as this.

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From your link:


This was heady stuff, no doubt, for a girl who had been rescued by Farrow from the slums of Seoul, Korea. Her mother was a prostitute whose primary form of discipline was to slam a door against Soon-YiĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s head; eventually, she abandoned Soon-Yi on the street.

Farrow spent a year waiting to adopt Soon-Yi, who had lived through such neglect and abuse that she was nearly feral, unable to speak or recognize herself in the mirror. No one even knew how old she was, but when Farrow got her back to the States, a bone scan determined she was somewhere between 5 and 7 years old.

Farrow put her in private school, and though Soon-Yi made great strides, she struggled: The early trauma sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d suffered resulted in learning disabilities, difficulty socializing and showing affection. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s been reported that she has an IQ of less than 100.



I am too busy to google this - but, if you google it, there are a ton of statements from Mia and her family that says that Soon-yi suffered early childhood abuse and repeated head trauma from her biological mother that resulted in mental disabilty and that she has a low IQ. And it is they who claimed that Soon yi is mentally disabled - not me - both Woody and Soon-yi deny it. And as I said, I get worried and stressed when I read about this topic.


PS: I don't have time to search in detail, but here is a quick link - not sure what kind of magazine is nypost, but that is what popped up first: 




I'm not sure how someone with a low average IQ can earn a Masters at Columbia. It sounds like RAD.


But I agree, it adds to the inappropriateness of a middle aged celebrity acting on his feelings for her at the same. "The heart wants what it wants". Ew.


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How could anyone not know all the details ? Weren't they splashed around for years ? I knew the details mentioned - not married blah blah - just from looking at the magazines at the checkout!


As a pp said - love (some) of the movies, find the man odd and not a little creepy, would never think to have a discussion about it IRL.


Now, if we had a discussion going about Polanski, that would be another matter.



In what way? I think it's creepy fascinating that Mia defended and still defends him.

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I read the article. The vast majority of facts in it were known to me already, and it doesn't improve my opinion of Woody Allen. 


It's ridiculous beyond belief to defend his actions with the idea that Soon-Yi did not see him as a father figure, because he didn't live with her and because Andre Previn was her actual adoptive father. He was the father of her siblings! At least one of the other Previn offspring has publicly stated, as an adult, that he certainly did consider Allen a father figure, as did all of the kids. So, yeah - he met her when she was a child and he was old enough to be her grandfather, he was in a long-term relationship with her mom, he saw all of the children on a regular basis, he was the father of her siblings, but he was in no way a father figure to her.  Ridiculous. 


He would annoy me a bit less if he quit trying to pretend it was normal. Own your creepiness, dude.  

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Oh, yes, I forgot to include this lovely tidbit. Allen's first wife, whom he married when he was 19 and she was 16, was sexually assaulted by a stranger (after they were divorced). The newspapers used the delicate wording that she had been 'violated.' Allen joked in an interview that he bet it wasn't a moving violation. 


Hilarious, no? A woman, whom he once loved and whose identity is publicly known, is sexually assaulted, and his reaction is to make a public joke about her being bad in bed. 

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I don't believe him, IMO he was powerful enough at that point that people would be intimidated by him.


 I believe Dylan Farrow. 


I have never seen an Allen film, my mom wouldn't allow them in the house.


IMO Ronan Farrow looks like his mom but even if he was Sinatra's son that wouldn't change my opinion of Allen's behavior. 


That's a shame. He made some groundbreaking, really good films.  I was just delighted by Purple Rose of Cairo. I saw it in a theater when I was a kid.


This is probably a different topic, but I don't have a moral litmus test for art.  Many great writers, musicians and filmmakers are awful people. If you only limit yourself to nice people, you will have a very incomplete education. Classical music will be half muted to you, to start.

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I don't believe him, IMO he was powerful enough at that point that people would be intimidated by him.


 I believe Dylan Farrow. 


I have never seen an Allen film, my mom wouldn't allow them in the house.


IMO Ronan Farrow looks like his mom but even if he was Sinatra's son that wouldn't change my opinion of Allen's behavior. 


I had actively avoided the news the first time around, but I read her recent interview.  I found it very believable. 


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As for MK Latourneau, all I can say is that many people "fall in love" with their abusers...there is a syndrome name for this, but I can't remember it. The fact that the 12 year old boy grew up and married her does not speak well to me about the mental well being of EITHER of them. Yes, I am disturbed by that.

. I would absolutely characterize MKL as a pedophile.


Stockholm syndrome.


I agree she's a pedophile  (since this is local case for me, I saw quite a bit.  the boy also came from a very messed up family who didn't see anything wrong with this.  her ex-husband took their four children, including HER OWN 12 yr old son, and left the state) 

- as is very likely woody allen.  in the 90's the case was not seen as without merit, but that Dylan was only seven and the thought was to protect her by not putting her on the stand.


I'm disturbed by the number of people who do NOT have a problem with it - and think it's romantic.  Hollywood even made a movie romantisizing it.  no, it's not. and to those that do - would you feel that way if it was your child? 

and now it seems we're reading reports of female teachers having "affairs" with their students on an ever increasing basis.

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I read the article. I'm sure Woody Allen is in the stratosphere of talent artistically. He is also morally corrupt. Those two states are not mutually exclusive. He has a relationship that lasts years with a woman. He is a father figure to her children (this is true even though he did not live with them). He has children with the woman. Then he decides to have a sexual relationship with and take nude photos of one of those children. It doesn't matter if he decided just after her 18th birthday. He was already in a position of authority and had not ended his relationship with the girl's mother. It's all just ewww,


I know about the allegations with Dylan, but I don't need those to think there is something wrong with how Allen pursued Soon Yi.


In my mind Roman Polanski and Allen are in the same category. Except I might give Polanski some grace since having Charles Manson murder your 8 month pregnant wife would probably seriously mess you up. I have made a point not to watch the movies of either of these men. And I really do find Allen to be at least as repulsive.

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That's a shame. He made some groundbreaking, really good films.  I was just delighted by Purple Rose of Cairo. I saw it in a theater when I was a kid.


This is probably a different topic, but I don't have a moral litmus test for art.  Many great writers, musicians and filmmakers are awful people. If you only limit yourself to nice people, you will have a very incomplete education. Classical music will be half muted to you, to start.


I agree with this to some extent, but I think it's easier for many of us to appreciate good art from bad people when those people are, y'know, dead. It's a little harder when you know that buying that movie ticket (or book, etc) is putting money directly into the hands of someone you consider a creep. 

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I read the article. I'm sure Woody Allen is in the stratosphere of talent artistically. He is also morally corrupt. Those two states are not mutually exclusive. He has a relationship that lasts years with a woman. He is a father figure to her children (this is true even though he did not live with them). He has children with the woman. Then he decides to have a sexual relationship with and take nude photos of one of those children. It doesn't matter if he decided just after her 18th birthday. He was already in a position of authority and had not ended his relationship with the girl's mother. It's all just ewww,


I know about the allegations with Dylan, but I don't need those to think there is something wrong with how Allen pursued Soon Yi.


In my mind Roman Polanski and Allen are in the same category. Except I might give Polanski some grace since having Charles Manson murder your 8 month pregnant wife would probably seriously mess you up. I have made a point not to watch the movies of either of these men. And I really do find Allen to be at least as repulsive.


Polanski is also a Holocaust survivor. The horror stories from his youth are chilling.  That doesn't excuse any crime, of course. But I can't imagine living the life he's led.

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I have very low patience tolerance for "artists" who victimize others. While distance and time may allow me to be more objective about the work of art itself, it kind of stops there. I can like the work and still acknowledge and be disgusted by the behavior of the artist.


Polanski makes my skin crawl!

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I never read tabloids and I rarely read articles about celebrities because I worked in television, radio and print media once upon a time and I KNOW how biased, inaccurate, and/or out and out wrong stories can and usually are.  I also have a family member that is well-known and I know how many inaccurate or completely incorrect stories have been published about them.  While I loved working in that industry, I learned early on that anyone can twist anything to sound bad or good about ANYBODY.


Because of that mindset, I did not keep up with the gossip news, and I did not have a clue what was happening between Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, nor did I care.  But I did see her in an interview and she mentioned her autistic son.  I was interested but busy and did not pursue it further.  Then she came out with her autobiography and I bought it.  And found so many things in her life that were interesting, and some things that I found useful to pass on to a family that was dealing with an autistic child.  I also enjoyed the history of Hollywood that she experienced as a child.


I really do recommend reading Mia Farrow's autobiography, the one published in 1997 (has she published one recently?).  It is very interesting.  She is a bit odd, but aren't we all?  She worked very hard to help her children, many of whom had unique and special needs.  How she was able to help her autistic son is really fascinating to me.  And while her relationship with Woody Allen was unconventional, they did seem to have love and respect for each other in their own way (until things went really, really south).  




Woody Allen is a very talented man.  I do not deny him that.  But having read many of his quotes and read transcripts from the trial, it is obvious to me that he genuinely does not understand parent child relationships, or how children view adult authority figures and has an incredibly skewed sense of what responsible behavior is with a child.  Even the judge in the trial was concerned about the statements that Allen was making regarding the children and their relationship with their mother and with him.  This new post does not change my opinion of either of them in the least.  But it does make me sad again.  How things were handled and all the collateral damage that was caused, are truly saddening.

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But I agree, it adds to the inappropriateness of a middle aged celebrity acting on his feelings for her at the same. "The heart wants what it wants". Ew.


People use that line to cover a lot of bad behavior.  That is one of the problems with US culture today: I want what I want, and who cares how it affects anyone else.  It is particularly awful when it's done by a person with fame and influence.  Funny how people will excuse the artistic genius because, you know, he's an artistic genius.  


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I have very low patience tolerance for "artists" who victimize others. While distance and time may allow me to be more objective about the work of art itself, it kind of stops there. I can like the work and still acknowledge and be disgusted by the behavior of the artist.


Polanski makes my skin crawl!


I don't see what being an artist has to do with it. Even just by reading posts in this forum you see there are many abusive, mentally ill, or otherwise miserable human beings out there. I don't have special disdain based on profession.

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I don't see what being an artist has to do with it. Even just by reading posts in this forum you see there are many abusive, mentally ill, or otherwise miserable human beings out there. I don't have special disdain based on profession.

You should read the context. I was responding to a theme from other threads about our culture being more forgiving of abusive behavior from "artists". Since I'm a professional, classical pianist, it is something that I have unfortunately witnessed. The U.S. culture does tend to gloss over this kind of thing more from "artists" than from others.


The response was to an idea up thread.

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You should read the context. I was responding to a theme from other threads about our culture being more forgiving of abusive behavior from "artists". Since I'm a professional, classical pianist, it is something that I have unfortunately witnessed. The U.S. culture does tend to gloss over this kind of thing more from "artists" than from others.


The response was to an idea up thread.


and football (basketball, baseball, etc) players (high school and pro) as well as coaches.

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I am too busy to google this - but, if you google it, there are a ton of statements from Mia and her family that says that Soon-yi suffered early childhood abuse and repeated head trauma from her biological mother that resulted in mental disabilty and that she has a low IQ. And it is they who claimed that Soon yi is mentally disabled - not me - both Woody and Soon-yi deny it. And as I said, I get worried and stressed when I read about this topic.


PS: I don't have time to search in detail, but here is a quick link - not sure what kind of magazine is nypost, but that is what popped up first: 



This actually is very telling.

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and football (basketball, baseball, etc) players (high school and pro) as well as coaches.

I agree. I just have personal knowledge from the fine arts perspective as I've witnessed the pass the perpetrator gets time and time again...in college, in the career, etc. That's why I addressed that and really, I can see that I should have not done so because I was answering from a personal place, a background that I've never elucidated.

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I am glad she had the courage to make a statement of her own, but I feel so sad that something so private and traumatizing has to be brought up in the public eye over and over and over...and it will never really end with public figures involved.

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From your link:


This was heady stuff, no doubt, for a girl who had been rescued by Farrow from the slums of Seoul, Korea. Her mother was a prostitute whose primary form of discipline was to slam a door against Soon-YiĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s head; eventually, she abandoned Soon-Yi on the street.

Farrow spent a year waiting to adopt Soon-Yi, who had lived through such neglect and abuse that she was nearly feral, unable to speak or recognize herself in the mirror. No one even knew how old she was, but when Farrow got her back to the States, a bone scan determined she was somewhere between 5 and 7 years old.

Farrow put her in private school, and though Soon-Yi made great strides, she struggled: The early trauma sheĂ¢â‚¬â„¢d suffered resulted in learning disabilities, difficulty socializing and showing affection. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s been reported that she has an IQ of less than 100.





I'm not sure how someone with a low average IQ can earn a Masters at Columbia. It sounds like RAD.


But I agree, it adds to the inappropriateness of a middle aged celebrity acting on his feelings for her at the same. "The heart wants what it wants". Ew.


Not replying to Joanne, but just commenting on the IQ bit. 100 is an average IQ. Even if her IQ were below 100, what does that mean? An IQ of 91 is still average. A below average IQ is like a high average IQ on the normal curve somewhat lower/higher than average... You have to get down towards the tail of the normal curve to mean that you have a "low IQ" as most of us would understand the term.



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I just read the article by Dylan. I don't understand how we as a society bemoan the past and what was allowed while just standing by and saying such things are none of our business and going on about his talent, that behavior only serves the perps and shame the victims into keeping silence. 

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This article talks about the negative impact this may have on the actors of Allen's recent movie who are up for awards.  To which I say - awesome.


I hope it does impact their awards, and I hope that it impacts his future projects where others who don't have the moral guide that says "don't work with child predators because it's wrong" might at least think "don't work with known child predators because it hurts your chances at awards."  A person can hope.



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He has come out swinging after her letter. I was sort of hoping we'd get a "She is a very troubled girl and I wish her the best." or something like that.  Now, I am just hoping he doesn't sue her.


She must have really hit hit home with that letter.


Good for her.


well that's interesting considering the original article posted here talks about him never paying attention to stuff like that.  The author seemed to want to paint him as a noble creature and all because he was only interested in his "craft" and didn't even know what a blog was.  as if:  "didn't know anything about the internet = completely innocent of the charges".

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Dylan, at this point in life, has little to no reason to continue to lie. None that I can think of. I read the letter, and have no doubt she is telling the truth. As a sexual assault victim myself, at close to the same age, I can hear myself writing the same words. Obviously, we will never know for sure...but I don't see what benefit she has to lie.


I know that people DO lie about sexual assault. But generally, they don't and often downplays the assault, if anything.

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