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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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May 29, 2015


Still critical and unstable - HOWEVER - today was a day of good reports!  Thank You, Jesus!


The DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) remained basically unchanged from yesterday, which is good.  Lower would be better but status quo is GOOD news.


There were NO blasts - Hallelujah!  Thank You, Jesus!  


There were several other pieces of good news and/or progress concerning things I haven't posted about.


All the major stuff is still ongoing including the bilirubin continuing to climb.  We had one time today when a doctor told us that a test had revealed yet ANOTHER serious problem - then came back less than ten minutes after she left to tell us that the latest test results showed a decline in those particular enzymes and that was GOOD!  So a potential negative was foiled - Thank You, Jesus!


PLEASE keep praying!  As I've been saying, massive prayer needed head to toe.


Thank you.


"It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Thy name, O most High:

To shew forth Thy lovingkindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every night." (Psalm 92:1-2)


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Continued prayers for the good news days to keep coming and coming and coming and for your son's and family's strength to remain strong through this trial. Praying that your unshakable faith is showing through to those surrounding you.

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May 30, 2015


A mostly same-same day.  Still critical.  Still unstable.


No negative news today, other than continued concern over BP (started on medication again at a higher dose than before), bilirubin higher, and one other issue that I haven't posted about.


On Monday they will be testing to determine whether and if the bone marrow transplant appears to be working.  From surface factors, such as certain CBC's, it appears to be working.  In fact, his white blood count was the best today that it's been since the transplant.


Massive prayer still needed from head to toe.  God knows exactly what needs to happen in each of the conditions and how precisely to bring it about.  (The doctors admittedly don't since so much is wrong and since standard procedures for one thing can be fatal regarding another).


Please keep praying.  Your prayers are very needed and very appreciated.


"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)


 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together." (Psalm 34:3)


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May 31, 2015


Today's update is almost identical to yesterday's; received no negative news; additional includes:

--white blood count down a bit, but expected due to bone marrow transplant;

--bilirubin down by 4  1/5; still too high;

--BP continuing to drop at times, requiring boost in medication; needs to have another arterial line inserted which is difficult due to various other issues.


Critical/unstable and need for massive prayer remains.  


Thank You!


"Sing unto the Lord, bless His name; shew forth His salvation from day to day.

For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised." (Psalm 96:2, 4a)

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