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Charleigh. How's your son's hip? Hope it's ok to ask.


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The thread was deleted before I got a chance to get back to check it again.  I have heard that this is a blessing in disquise?  


I am just not an over-reactor.  If he had been bleeding, running a high fever, in pain without movement, etc then I definitely would have called an Ambulance right away.  I am not afraid to call an ambulance, I just think that some things need time.  A pulled muscle can be very painful.  My older son had a hip infection when he was three.  He started by limping and then after 24 hours he wouldn't put any weight on that leg.  I took him to the children's hospital's urgent care.  I am not a negligent mom.  I am assuming this is where the old thread went?


After about an hour on Advil ds was able to straighten the leg some and I was able to carefully move him to the couch.  It was too late to see someone for Friday so we were stuck with ER or Urgent Care anyway so we didn't see the harm in waiting.  By evening he didn't seem to have very much pain at all but he wouldn't put weight on it.  DH and I had decided that if he wouldn't put weight on it this a.m. then we would take him to the orthopedic urgent care today.  He woke up walking this morning and he has no pain.  In fact he is in the playroom running around and jumping.  He is slightly stiff legged and I am keeping an eye on that.  If he isn't walking 100% normal by Monday morning then I will make an appointment to have his leg looked at just as a precaution.  All I know is that the way he is moving right now I can guarantee he is 100% pain free and he hasn't had Advil since about 7:00 last night.


Just because I don't rush to the ER or call an ambulance doesn't mean that I am neglectful or uncaring. $500-$1,000 bill for a pulled muscle is something that some families can rebound from quickly and we are not in the position to rebound from that quickly.  If I had thought for sure that it was broken, infected, etc then I would have taken him even if the bill would have been $5,000.  If he had fallen or had an accident, I would have assumed a break.  


Thanks for asking. Holding my breath that this thread doesn't go crazy.

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Oh, I'm so glad to hear this. Honestly, I would probably have done the same thing you did (and I have in a couple of similar situations, both of which turned out completely fine). Kids' injuries/illnesses are weird things, and their reactions can be so out of proportion (in either direction) that it's hard to know what to do. 


I can't believe that thread got worse than it was! I thought it was on an upswing last night.

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Sounds like you opted for a sensible course of action. We wouldn't have faced any significant costs for choosing doctor / hospital / ambulance and I still would have taken a wait and see approach. The human body is a quirky machine!


I'm glad your son is better.

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I'm so glad he's doing better!  That must be a huge relief for you.  Hope it's all resolves and he's back to 100% by the end of the weekend.


You're the only one in the situation real life and you know your kids.  The rest of us can just guess (and second guess) based one a few pieces of information!  I think you handled the situation very wisely.


Have a great weekend!

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Hi, charleigh.......I am so glad you are seeing improvement. Your family has been in my prayers.


Years ago the wonderful, wise pediatrician to whom I took my older daughters (now in their mid 30s) told me "trust your instincts. NO ONE KNOWS YOUR CHILD THE WAY YOU DO." (Not shouting.........emphasis mine)


You did just that, and if your instincts told you otherwise, you would have taken a different course of action.


Kudos to you!


I hope your little one continues to improve.



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Hi, charleigh.......I am so glad you are seeing improvement. Your family has been in my prayers.


Years ago the wonderful, wise pediatrician to whom I took my older daughters (now in their mid 30s) told me "trust your instincts. NO ONE KNOWS YOUR CHILD THE WAY YOU DO." (Not shouting.........emphasis mine)


You did just that, and if your instincts told you otherwise, you would have taken a different course of action.


Kudos to you!


I hope your little one continues to improve.



Mariann! It's been forever since I've seen you around here!


Charleigh, I would have done just what you did. I'm glad he bounced back today.

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glad he's doing better!  When my son was a toddler, he had several instances where he seemed to pop his wrist out of joint.  The first time it happened, I didn't take him to the E.R. because as a homeschool mom with kids I wasn't vaccinating, I really feared what would happen when I came in with a toddler who just "woke up" with a broken arm (he was spending the night at his grandparents and woke up crying and screaming).  I dithered about what to do, and ended up taking him to my pediatrician who has 8 kids, is a mom and is pretty understanding of "stuff" happening.  She examined him, said the joint was warm and probably indicated a break, called ahead to the xray place for me to take him to...and then, as I was signing out in the lobby, it must have popped back into place.  He took his arm out of the sling, used sign language to say "all done" and then started walking on his hands in the lobby.  The receptionisist called the Dr. out to see it. 


same type of thing happened with him two other times, one of the times I was manipulating the arm to try to figure out if it was broken, with a nurse on the phone when I felt it pop back into place.  freaky. 


some things are a mystery and yes, I get not wanting to do the ER thing.  Even with insurance, when my kids were having croup/and asthma I always debated going in, it was not a fun place to be, the wait was usually hours and it was expensive. 


thanks for checking back and letting us know how he is!

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