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What impractical thing do you want (for Christmas or whatever) but will probably never get?


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To be a chill, fun, engaged, patient mom. To be content with life as it is right now.


However, since we are dreaming...


To have enough money to-

Adopt a baby. Or five.

To buy property (pay it off), between 20-30 acres, and build our dream home on it. We'd also build an eight stall barn, a guest house, and a workshop (not a typical workshop, this would be like a gym, with padded flooring, rigs for stunts, zip lines, gym equipment, ect) building. Property would include pasture, wooded area, stream, and hills. The entire thing would be fenced. Property would be in an area where there are other families who are wanting to be self sufficient, have kids, and homeschool. We'd have some aspects of communal living, like bartering and trading goods. My mom would live in her own house on our property.

Two horses to start us off, and to be able to pay dd's riding teacher a years salary to teach us everyday about horse ownership and how to ride really well.

Chickens, a milk cow, and a beef cow. A garden that is self sustaining since I kill everything.

A housekeeper/cook/kid helper that comes everyday for 3 hours.

I'd love to start a small business. Go back to school. Have time for myself.

A dh who is home everyday and on weekends. No more traveling for work.

A huge RV so we could travel.

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A cat. My kitty passed at the end of 2012 and I miss the love and affection that can only come from a cat.



DH is allergic however.

We have avoided cats for years because of one ds's allergies. I did some research and read that female cats have less allergic proteins in their saliva than males and light colored cats less than darker ones. We found a white female cat at a shelter and fostered her. Ds is okay as long as he doesn't sit with her in his lap and pet her for a long time or let her lick him. I never thought we would be able to have a cat, but we do! My other son wanted one desperately for a long time so this has been wonderful. Maybe there is a cat your dh can tolerate.
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My SIL got me a Keurig last Christmas and everything it made tasted the same:  burnt.

I much prefer my lil' 4-cup coffee maker! 

(Does that help any? :))


Yes it does. :) I'm going to Target to see if they have the 4-cup model I want. Walmart is out of stock. Otherwise, I'll order it from Amazon and get it in two days. So I'm excited. Right now I'm using one I had to buy at the grocery store on the morning of Thanksgiving when mine broke. This one doesn't have a shut-off feature and it's driving me batty!

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OMG!! A Christmas miracle. (jumps for joy - waves hi) And it would be years before my jazz would be considered sweet. You could come over and jam with me, in your TARDIS. My neighbor has drums, it would be block jam. 


So if you get the TARDIS, can I get a replicator?


I know... it's been a while since I showed my ugly mug around here, eh? 


I'd love to jam!


I'll see what I can do about getting you a replicator, m'dear!

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I could definitely use a housekeeper/chef combo, but since that is not going to happen....I want new wood flooring for the entire house, and siding...but that's not going to happen either.


I think I'm getting a silicon oven mitt though and I'm pretty excited about that :)

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A goat- Never happen, the chickens almost threw DH over the edge.


A working oven- It broke three years ago and we haven't replaced it yet.


Rehome my mother-in-law. She moved here almost 2 yrs ago after being dumped in assisted living by BIL. I now see why.



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This is what I am getting this yearĂ¢â‚¬Â¦Ă¢â‚¬Â¦.yeah me.


Unfortunately, it is indeed practical though.  



Tires. My car needs four new ones. There is almost no tread on the back two. If I am really frugal this month I can get them at the end of the month.  I hope the bad weather holds. I would love for someone to surprise me with them. Totally not going to happen. But I can always dream right? That's what this thread is about right?


Just got to thinking tires are very practical so not sure if this counts. 


btw I hope this does not sound complainy or like I am feeling sorry for myself. I don't feel either. This thread just got me to thinking how wonderful it would be to get 4 new tires for Christmas.


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I want a pony and it can sleep in my room and I promise I'll take care of it every day!

And a cute puppy and maybe even a cat plus a full time housekeeper/cook who will take care of them.

A new refrigerator that works properly. ETA oops, that's practical.


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a tiara to wear while I eat bon bons


close, but no


a beautiful garden


kind of, but no


a goat


oh interesting, but no



to be taller and skinny


yes, but


world peace


okay that, but no, go back to taller and skinny.  definitely.  final answer.   yes. 

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My family room completely cleared of boxes (remnants from a move), an interior designer to help me choose the best furniture and accessories, and the money to buy the furniture and accessories.


In the absence of all that, I'll take the boxes cleared and and a small, leather couch or love seat.

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An AKC male, black and tan German Shepherd named "BlitzKrieg".



There is so much awesome in that name.


A new car with a big fat red bow parked in my living room (with Michael Bolton singing of course). 


But how would it get in the house, and how would it get out?  And I hear Michael Bolton overstays his welcome.  ;)


Ooooh, wait. There was one thing I told DH about months ago ("This is the only thing I want for Christmas... "), and he's driving himself crazy trying to remember: a 3D printed Sad Keanu, larger size.




That is the best thing I've seen all day.



I'd like to add to my list:


Captain Hook (the one from OUAT, not the cartoon one!)


These shoes


And these


And these


And these (look they're even on sale!)


And these (I love Via Spiga!  They are so comfortable)


And these


And these


And these


And so much these


Okay, I'd better stop before my head explodes

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It's crazy weird, but a great church I know of had their property sold out from under them and it was demolished last year.  My favorite most impractical Christmas dream would be for them to be able to rebuild.  Where they could get enough money, God only knows. 


In the personal category, I would never buy this dress because it is waaaaay too expensive, but I really like it and it would suit me extremely well:  http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/komarov-chiffon-trim-charmeuse-dress-jacket-plus-size/3599162?origin=category-personalizedsort&contextualcategoryid=0&fashionColor=&resultback=3376&cm_sp=personalizedsort-_-browseresults-_-1_10_B

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A set of mason-jar-glued-to-candlestick wine glasses. And soon, as one of my occasional guests breaks a wine glass seemingly every time she is over (and I can't give everybody wine but her).

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A weekend off.  48 hours of being totally, 100%, completely un-responsible for anyone or anything other than my own needs and wants. I mean I don't even want someone to ask me to hand them a tissue, find the remote, or pass the salt.  :001_tt2:


The only way I would get that is for me to go to a hotel, which is completely not practical nor probable. 

I got an early gift over Thanksgiving. DH took the kids to his mother's and I had the house to myself for 6 days. It was wonderful. I never thought it would happen.



I would like a maid and a cook for Christmas.

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The cost of the machine is nothingĂ¢â‚¬Â¦..all those pods are terribly expensive.  And they aren't that great.  And if you are going to get that little adaptor to put your own coffee in there, then you may as well have purchased a regular coffee machine, IMO.


Get a $20 (or less) french press.  You will love it.



A Keurig. I'm actually in need of a new coffee maker. I need a small one, maybe 4-cup, with an auto shutoff feature. I love the idea of a single cup machine but DH thinks a price of over $20 for a coffee maker is ridiculous, so I most certainly don't expect him to research and find me one. I'm the only coffee drinker in the house which is why it's not a priority.


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Weekly or biweekly maid service. I often mention it, DH says Fine, get one, but then I start thinking of the annual cost and wonder why I can't just do it myself. So it will only happen if he arranges it as a gift.


I did this once. I had a cleaning lady come once every other week. I wound up busting my butt cleaning up the night before because I didn't want her to think we were slobs.


She didn't last long.

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Wowzers!  That is a gorgeous and wildly expensive dress.

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To be a chill, fun, engaged, patient mom. To be content with life as it is right now.


However, since we are dreaming...


To have enough money to-

Adopt a baby. Or five.

To buy property (pay it off), between 20-30 acres, and build our dream home on it. We'd also build an eight stall barn, a guest house, and a workshop (not a typical workshop, this would be like a gym, with padded flooring, rigs for stunts, zip lines, gym equipment, ect) building. Property would include pasture, wooded area, stream, and hills. The entire thing would be fenced. Property would be in an area where there are other families who are wanting to be self sufficient, have kids, and homeschool. We'd have some aspects of communal living, like bartering and trading goods. My mom would live in her own house on our property.

Two horses to start us off, and to be able to pay dd's riding teacher a years salary to teach us everyday about horse ownership and how to ride really well.

Chickens, a milk cow, and a beef cow. A garden that is self sustaining since I kill everything.

A housekeeper/cook/kid helper that comes everyday for 3 hours.

I'd love to start a small business. Go back to school. Have time for myself.

A dh who is home everyday and on weekends. No more traveling for work.

A huge RV so we could travel.

I'll take one of these,too, please.


And the skinny thing. I'd like that.

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I have a few things I'd LOVE right now but are totally impractical because we live in military housing:

  1. 2-3 chickens for eggs and 6 quail (w/ at least one male) for ongoing meat
  2. a beehive
  3. a vegetable garden that actually grows something
  4. some fruit trees
  5. 10 acres somewhere that I could have all of that and the time/proximity to homestead it :)


This year we've gotten rid of most of the extraneous stuff in the house and I'm really moving our whole family to a more simplified life.  The only area of the house that still looks like a bomb went off and left a ton of junk everywhere is the garage which my husband just refuses to part with.  The last phase of "my simplified life" plan is to move to the middle of nowhere and live simply.  It will never happen though because my husband wants to be in the middle of the city so he can get his extrovert fill of people and has no interest in simplifying.  So it's my totally impractical Christmas gift :)

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Maid service. Weekly, biweekly, monthly--heck, I'd be ecstatic about someone else showing up just once and totally deep-cleaning, de cluttering, and organizing my house for me, so at least I can start at the top and just work on maintaining from that point.


Regular maid service is totally out of the question, but I did actually try asking for a one-time deep clean one day, along with dh taking all the kids somewhere so I could spend that day decluttering and organizing without little people messing more up faster than I can work. Unfortunately, he looked into it, and there is no maid service of any kind available in our little town.


Or one of these bikes: http://www.wintherbikes.com/en/product/kangaroo-luxe-4-seats (it has to be the 4-seater, which they market to daycares and their U.S. distributor doesn't carry) with the infant seat insert, and bike lanes added to all the streets in my town.


Poor dh is pretty frustrated; I can't think of anything to tell him I want that is actually possible.

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I have a few things I'd LOVE right now but are totally impractical because we live in military housing:

  1. 2-3 chickens for eggs and 6 quail (w/ at least one male) for ongoing meat
  2. a beehive
  3. a vegetable garden that actually grows something
  4. some fruit trees
  5. 10 acres somewhere that I could have all of that and the time/proximity to homestead it :)


This year we've gotten rid of most of the extraneous stuff in the house and I'm really moving our whole family to a more simplified life.  The only area of the house that still looks like a bomb went off and left a ton of junk everywhere is the garage which my husband just refuses to part with.  The last phase of "my simplified life" plan is to move to the middle of nowhere and live simply.  It will never happen though because my husband wants to be in the middle of the city so he can get his extrovert fill of people and has no interest in simplifying.  So it's my totally impractical Christmas gift :)


I think we married the wrong men.  James Bond would love to live out in the middle of nowhere, while *I* would love to live in a city (preferably Chicago, or maybe Seattle, as I quite like this area).

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Tickets for two to see the Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert in Vegas, along with the necessary plane tickets and hotel room. I don't need to eat/drink much. I would handle that cost myself. Oh well, won't ever happen, but I can dream!


Maid service - just to clean the bathrooms, floors and dust. Could even be just twice a month. Maybe clean windows once a year. 





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a wardrobe- as in clothing, not a cabinet that holds the clothing.  I desperately need new clothing, but I never make the time to actually get it done.  And I have trouble finding things that are comfortable, look good, and fit well.  So, stylish clothing that fits and meets my sensory needs.   :)


a family vacation to somewhere warm- probably Disney since the kids have never been there.


a sewing maching and classes


a Spanish tutor for the kids and myself



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A Tesela X! It is a very impractical car for the average middle class Anerican family like ours, but those falcon wing doors are cool! I also love the idea of not exposing my kids to gasoline anymore. My dd will start driving next year, and I am concerned about the gas fumes while pumping gas. I will never get one, but it would be the coolest gift ever!

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We have friends who got one last summer.


It is really cool.


A Tesela X! It is a very impractical car for the average middle class Anerican family like ours, but those falcon wing doors are cool! I also love the idea of not exposing my kids to gasoline anymore. My dd will start driving next year, and I am concerned about the gas fumes while pumping gas. I will never get one, but it would be the coolest gift ever!


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