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Would this be a good idea?

Jean in Newcastle

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(Birthday gift idea for dd who is turning 12 - she reads my titles so I have to put the real title here!).


I'm thinking of letting her get her ears pierced (a long time wish of hers).  So I'm thinking of taking her down to Claire's to have it done and to pick out a pair of earrings after her birthday dinner.  Is that a good idea?  I never had my ears done professionally (mine was done with a sharp safety pin in the dorm!) so this is all new to me.  

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I think it's a great idea, but do call first to make sure a piercer is there.  They always have earrings on sale, so you might let her pick out a few pair to have on hand once she can take the piercing studs out.


I was 12 when I got my ears pierced. I remember my mom taking me and it was a big deal to me.  My first pair of earrings had the fake rubies in them b/c that's my birthstone.

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Just did this with dd 13, although it wasn't her birthday.


I made her wait; according to her, most of her friends have pierced ears.


I think it's nice. 


We got hers done at a place similar to Claire's. Some say to go to a place that does it with a needle instead of a gun, but it worked fine for us. 

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DD got her ears pierced at a piercing studio. It was a very cool experience! I think you're in Seattle? There are probably lots of piercing studios. Only a couple here deal with kids under 18 (none that also do tattoos), and the owner asked that we come on a weekday when it's less busy so she could take lots of time with DD if necessary. We don't have any tattoos or funky piercings, but it was an incredibly professional, sterile, gentle environment. Painted all in black with heavy metal music. ;) Just in case you wanted something different from Claire's. :)

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I think it is a great right of passage idea. I have tried to have something like that for each age from 12- 16. One year they could wear chunk heels, one year any heels,mascara and lip gloss another year, then full makeup. It gave them something to look forward to and helped them grow up a little at a time

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I think it's a great idea to get her ears done, but I would try to find a piercing place that will use a needle instead of the gun they use at Claire's. The hollow needle removes the tissue without much trama when it makes the hole, but the gun makes the hole by pushing a solid post through. I think the needle piercings often heal muh more easily. Plus, you can pick whatever earring you want when you use a needle instead of having to live with those sharp (ouch!), cheaply made, and overpriced piercing earrings from Claire's.

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