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If your SIL asked you to bring Applesauce for Thanksgiving dinner...


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I don't have a nutmeg mill.


I feel like such a loser.


I'm starting to think I need one.



I had never seen or heard of a coconut scraper till today at the indian grocery . . . and as my eyes first gazed on the box, I knew I must have that object in my kitchen.  Never even dreamt of such a thing and now I need it . . . silly, silly, me.

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Buy the little filled individual snack cups.  Plop those bad boys on the table.


Oh, yes, yes! Or maybe those little squeezy-tubes of applesauce they make for toddlers. Hand one out to everyone then make a big, ostentatious show of tearing off the top, tilting your head back, and extruding the applesauce into your open mouth while making ahg-ahg-ahg noises.

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Oh, yes, yes! Or maybe those little squeezy-tubes of applesauce they make for toddlers. Hand one out to everyone then make a big, ostentatious show of tearing off the top, tilting your head back, and extruding the applesauce into your open mouth while making ahg-ahg-ahg noises.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Not only would it be fun, it would also ensure that Quill would never again have to endure a family Thanksgiving.

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Me too. They sell them at Costco.


I wouldn't buy one like that. Making them is my speciality.



Mind you Dh jokingly/seriously says, "My wife does cook, she prepares".


I can happily cut up fruit and vegetables. Maybe, just maybe put out some salad dressing as a dipping sauce and call dinner made. 

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I do understand this sentiment.


I'm feeling sympathetic to SIL, though, because poor MIL doesn't know which end is up anymore. It's hard enough convincing MIL that she can't make Thanksgiving dinner anymore. So, SIL does get props for stepping in and putting some order to things. And I have to say, I'm happy to be making the pie, because my pie rocks the house. Not to brag. But it's way better than a different SIL's pumpkin pie. So I'm glad I'm making it! 


Thems recipe post'n words missy----


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It's possible to make applesauce? That thought would have never crossed my mind!


Says the mom who doesn't cook or even grocery shop.... (am I going to get banned from WTM????????)

I was amazed when I learned you could make mashed potatoes using actual potatoes. I was in 10th grade. My mom is definitely not a cook. I am better than her, but my DH does a lot of the shopping and cooking. His mom really cooks.

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It would never even occur to me to think to make homemade applesauce, even though I know how easy it's supposed to be.


I think the only one that would request applesauce at Thanksgiving in my family would be DS19 and he's perfectly content with store-bought. There's even half a case of jarred organic sauce from Costco in my kitchen right now, so I'd probably just grab one of those jars on my way to the car and call it done.

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I was amazed when I learned you could make mashed potatoes using actual potatoes. I was in 10th grade. My mom is definitely not a cook. I am better than her, but my DH does a lot of the shopping and cooking. His mom really cooks.


what else would you use? did you grow up eating mashed sweet potatoes? Fake potatoes? Did you grow up in an Atkins home where you ate mashed cauliflower and called it mashed 'potatoes'? 


What did you think were used to make them?

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what else would you use? did you grow up eating mashed sweet potatoes? Fake potatoes? Did you grow up in an Atkins home where you ate mashed cauliflower and called it mashed 'potatoes'?


What did you think were used to make them?

I'll bet they were Potato Buds from a box.


Hey, maybe Quill could bring those to her SIL's for Thanksgiving.


"I don't have time to bake the pies, but I'll bring the mashed potatoes!"


And then next year, she can start a thread wondering why her family didn't invite her for Thanksgiving.

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I'll bet they were Potato Buds from a box.


Hey, maybe Quill could bring those to her SIL's for Thanksgiving.


"I don't have time to bake the pies, but I'll bring the mashed potatoes!"


And then next year, she can start a thread wondering why her family didn't invite her for Thanksgiving.


Well for a moment I thought it said 'potato bugs.' But, no, you wrote 'Potato Buds'.  So, I google'd and now I think I preferred Potato bugs. I had no idea there were powdered potatoes. I always thought potatoes couldn't get any easier on their own.

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Well for a moment I thought it said 'potato bugs.' But, no, you wrote 'Potato Buds'. So, I google'd and now I think I preferred Potato bugs. I had no idea there were powdered potatoes. I always thought potatoes couldn't get any easier on their own.


That's because you've never had them from a cardboard box. :D


Potato Buds Rule #1: Forget all about what real potatoes taste like.


Potato Buds Rule #2: Prepare Potato Buds as directed on box and enjoy!


Potato Buds Rule #3: While eating Potato Buds, keep referring back to Rule #1.

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It's threads like this that make me realize I'm the SIL everyone talks about.


I would be so sad that you brought canned applesauce to my party.  It's a special meal for the whole family and everyone needs to spend weeks preparing and organizing.  Buy the best ingredients and make the most time consuming labor intensive recipes possible.  (Good suggestions on faking it - that's acceptable if it looks nicely prepared and thought was put into it.  :))


I'm kidding ... well, kind of.  At least I know everyone is not like me so I put the non-cookers in charge of bringing wine and I'll do everything else. 


I'm also adding applesauce to my Thanksgiving day menu!

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Apple sauce is easy so I would just make it.




If they asked me to bring something complicated I would probably be cranky but you can just toss apples in the crockpot (or a pot) with some spices and just immersion blender it. Also, it is a special occasion. I am more willing to get fancy for special occasions. The only not-homemade thing we eat during Thanksgiving is the cranberry sauce. I am the only one in my house who eats it so I just get the jar at Trader Joes (I eat the WHOLE JAR!!!) But that is my thing. Dh prob wouldn't care about some of the dishes I make but I am a bit particular about my potatoes and dressing. :) 


I just use a microplane for nutmeg. I don't like extra gadgetry that only does one thing. Too much stuff makes me feel crazy.

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I would make homemade, but I make almost everything from scratch. If I was making all that other stuff, I'd probably make the applesauce in advance and freeze it till I needed it. Only works if you have the freezer space, but then it's still homemade, and you can make it anytime between now and Thanksgiving.

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One year, my mil let me bring a jar of pickles.  But it had to be the "right" brand.  :lol:


One year, my mil let me peel the potatoes.  I did not get to purchase them or cook them, just peel them.  That was about 18 years ago.  The last time she asked me to dinner she was having a total of 14 people.  I asked if I could bring something, she said "lasagna".  So I provided the main course for her dinner party.  I guess she figured out I can do more than peel potatoes.  The funny thing is I *never* make mashed potatoes at home, I will make any other potato side dish or even potato soup, but if we're having mashed, my husband is in charge of that dish, and he peels them himself too.


She has never asked me to bring applesauce, but I think I would make it homemade if I was asked to bring it to a family dinner.  I have never made it before, but that Pioneer Woman recipe linked above looks so good I'm going to make it this weekend -- my mil is coming over for an early Thanksgiving dinner.  :)


OP, if you don't want or have time to make the applesauce, I suggest being honest with your SIL.  You're already making quite a few things so I think it's fine to say you don't have time to make another dish but you'd be happy to pick up jarred applesauce if she is ok with that.

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what else would you use? did you grow up eating mashed sweet potatoes? Fake potatoes? Did you grow up in an Atkins home where you ate mashed cauliflower and called it mashed 'potatoes'? 


What did you think were used to make them?



Mashed potatoes from a box, the potato flakes.  Which I guess is real potatoes highly processed, but I meant like buying a bag of potatoes from the store, boiling them and then mashing them.   It had just never occurred to me it could be done that way

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Oh, yes, yes! Or maybe those little squeezy-tubes of applesauce they make for toddlers. Hand one out to everyone then make a big, ostentatious show of tearing off the top, tilting your head back, and extruding the applesauce into your open mouth while making ahg-ahg-ahg noises.


All the while discussing the maggots found lately in those squeeze packaged foods?



what else would you use? did you grow up eating mashed sweet potatoes? Fake potatoes? Did you grow up in an Atkins home where you ate mashed cauliflower and called it mashed 'potatoes'? 


What did you think were used to make them?



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Actually, I think applesauce is pretty easy to make. Peel and core your apples - good task for an older dc who wants to help. Put them in a pan on low with just a little bit of water to keep them from scorching. Allow them to steam with the lid on until the apples are soft, and then mash them with a wooden spoon, potato masher, or if they are really soft, a fork. You can add sugar and/or cinnamon, nutmeg to taste, and there you go! It can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer until you need it. It tastes lovely served warm with a dollop of whipped cream and a bit of freshly grated cinnamon or NUTMEG DIRECTLY FROM THE PROPER GRINDER. You can also drizzle just a bit of carmel ice cream topping to make it incredibly indulgent and suitably beautiful.Yummmm!


Or you could also pop over to your local farmer's market and buy some jars of applesauce that someone there had canned. Then you could yammer on about being a localvore and talk about all the great things at the market and how it supports local, sustainable agriculture to purchase there.


I hate commercially canned applesauce, to the point of not being able to eat it. I love home canned applesauce. For my taste buds, the difference is well worth the little bit of extra work it takes.

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Roasted apples also make lovely applesauce. Roast some peeled and cored apple slices for 25 minutes or so at 400 degrees; fire in a little (or a lot, if you're so inclined) butter and some sweetener and any spices you like. When they've cooled a bit, mash them until you like the consistency. 

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Roasted apples also make lovely applesauce. Roast some peeled and cored apple slices for 25 minutes or so at 400 degrees; fire in a little (or a lot, if you're so inclined) butter and some sweetener and any spices you like. When they've cooled a bit, mash them until you like the consistency.

Ooh, I bet that is delicious! Perfect for Thanksgiving. :)

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Since you want to be nice to your SIL and MIL and go the extra mile for them, make the applesauce. First google to see which type of apple is best suited for it - I made applesauce once in my life in a crockpot and it came out OK. The level of pectin or something else in a type of apple either qualifies it or disqualifies it as a candidate for applesauce. Buy organic apples so that you don't need to peel them (get it from a farm stand or farmer's market so that they don't put wax on them). Put them in your crockpot and make the applesauce a few days before Thanksgiving so that it does not interfere with your other cooking tasks and you get a chance to execute plan B if the sauce does not work out.

If you decide against cooking the applesauce, buy the organic applesauce from costco, transfer into a serving bowl at home and take it to SIL's house and do not mention anything about it.

Good luck :)

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We were gifted a laundry basket full of Granny Smith apples...(They are not pretty, but they are homegrown and organic.)  I'm planning to make a few pies for Thanksgiving, but this thread prompted me to peel a bunch and try my hand at homemade applesauce.



OP...My sil would expect me to make applesauce from scratch.  However, she would pop it out of the can :laugh: .  Oh, and I've never had or heard of applesauce on Thanksgiving.  Are there going to be a lot of little kids there?

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If I assigned applesauce to a relative as a holiday side dish, I would expect homemade. After all, if I wanted to serve storebought applesauce with my holiday meal, I'd do it myself. The idea behind assigning specific dishes is to spread the work around so that the hostess doesn't have to make everything herself.


If you don't want to cook, then bring something like a shrimp platter or drinks or something along those lines.

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