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i just walked 10 feet and back(with a walker)....


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The goal was 6 feet, but you guys know I am a over achiever! ;)


It was painful and I am tired.


I never thought i'd be in a life position to be happy about walking 10 feet.


Discharge to not expected until Monday or Tuesday (assuming no surgery). Will ned PT after that as well.

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:hurray: Recovering from a pelvic fracture is one of the most painful experiences.  I remember having to tell my mom with tears in her eyes that she had to get up and walk if she didn't want to labeled as a non-compliant patient and lose Medicare payments for her recovery.  Will you have help at home and will the PT come to you or do you have to go to it? 

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That's fantastic! It takes such courage to get up and walk around when your body is in so much pain.


Just from recent life events, I want to encourage you to keep up with the physical therapy, no matter how much life takes over. I saw first hand how quickly the muscles atrophy and how difficult it is to get that strength back.

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